Present the Structure and Functions of Urinary System with help of your chart. — КиберПедия 

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Present the Structure and Functions of Urinary System with help of your chart.

2020-04-01 174
Present the Structure and Functions of Urinary System with help of your chart. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Infinitive & its Syntactic Functions

Infinitive: to + V1 (Simple Active)

to + be + Past Participle (Simple Passive)

Infinitive Syntactic Function For example……
1. Subject To know Human Anatomy well is obligatory.
2. Part of Predicate The purpose of Anatomy course is to study all the systems of the human body. We can study human organs in the Anatomy tutorial.
3. Object We began to study Anatomy at the beginning of the first year.
4. Attribute As a rule the first body system to be studied in Anatomy course is a skeletal system.
5. Adverbial modifier (of purpose) To maintain the homeostasis in the human body all the systems interact with each other.


20. Define the Syntactic Function of Infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian:

1.The main functions of the urinary system and its components is to regulate blood pressure. 2. In addition, certain types of medications, such as diuretics that are sometimes used to treat high blood pressure, can also affect the amount of urine a person produces and eliminates. 3. To prevent leakage, circular muscles called sphincters close tightly around the opening of the bladder into the urethra, the tube to allow urine to pass outside the body. 4. Acute cases may be caused by trauma or other damage, and may improve over time with treatment. 5. The external urethral sphincter is made of skeletal muscle and may be opened to allow urine to pass through the urethra or may be held closed to delay urination. 6. When blood pressure becomes too low, the kidneys can produce the enzyme renin to constrict blood vessels and produce concentrated urine, which allows more water to remain in the blood. 7. The blood exiting in the capillaries reabsorbes all of the nutrients along with most of the water and ions that the body needs to function. 8. Erythropoietin, a hormone to stimulate the production of red blood cells, is produced by the kidneys.

21. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Основная роль мочеиспускательной системы – это удалять продукты жизнедеятельности из организма и регулировать циркулирующий объём крови 2. Для поддержания баланса химических веществ и воды в организме, мочеиспускательная система вовлечена в экскреторный процесс наравне с лёгкими, кожей и кишечником. 3. В отличие от эпителиальной выстилки большинства органов переходный эпителий может становиться плоским. 4. Камни в почках образуются, когда химические вещества в моче становятся достаточно плотными, чтобы сформировать твёрдую массу. 5. Клеткам организма необходим рост в изотонической среде для поддержания воднэлектролитного баланса. 6. Проводя клинические испытания, учёные ищут новые пути профилактики, диагностики и лечения заболеваний.


22. Do you remember:

Ø What color and shape do the kidneys have?

Ø What dimensions and weight does each kidney have?

Ø How does the kidney help in homeostasis?

Ø What is the location of both kidneys?

Ø What is a cortex?

Ø What is a medulla?

Ø What is a nephron?

Ø What is the function of a glomerulus?

Ø How many liters of blood do the kidneys process every day?

Ø How many liters of urine do the kidneys remove every day?


23. Check the meaning of the following words in the dictionary: to retain, convex, concave, striation, notch,


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