Обведи вспомогательный глагол и начни с него вопрос. — КиберПедия 

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Обведи вспомогательный глагол и начни с него вопрос.

2017-09-28 479
Обведи вспомогательный глагол и начни с него вопрос. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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a) The days are sunny. __________________________ sunny?

b) The weather is warm. _________________________ warm?

c) His brother can swim. _______________________________

d) We have got a new ball. ___________________ a new ball?



307. Начни вопрос с Do или Does.

a) Boys play football. _________________________ football?

b) Betty plays tennis. __________________________ tennis?

c) Children swim in summer. _________________________________ in summer?

d) Nancy goes for a walk in winter. _________________________________ for a walk in winter?




1) Какая погода?


2) Холодно и облачно сегодня.


3) Я хожу на прогулку.



[i:] t ea cher, ea t, t ea, s ea son (сезон, время года), a season – four season s, a warm season, a cold season, a nice season. How many seasons have we got? We have got four seasons.


[ɔ:] au tum n (осень) a cold autumn, a warm autumn, a nice autumn. In autumn trees are yellow, red and brown. What’s the weather like in autumn? In autumn it’s cloudy and foggy. My mother doesn’t like autumn.

[i] winter (зима), a cold winter. In winter it’s cold and windy. What’s the weather like today? Today is a sunny winter day. Children can go for a walk.

[ŋ] spri ng (весна) What’s the weather like in spring? In spring it’s warm and sunny. Spring is a nice season.

[Λ] s u nny, s u mmer (лето) It’s hot and sunny in summer. In summer parks are green. Do you like summer? Oh, yes, I do! Summer is a good season, we don’t go to school.


[ei] rain (дождь), Do you like rain? No, I don’t. It’s rainy. This little girl can’t go for a walk – it’s rainy. It’s rainy in autumn in Belarus. In Britain it’s rainy in winter. In hot Africa it’s rainy in summer.

[əu] sn ow (снег), white snow. Do you like snow? Yes, I do. It’s nice. It’s snowy. In Belarus it’s snowy in winter.



310. Кратко ответь на вопросы. (Yes / No)

1) Do you like winter? ______________________

2) Do you like summer? ______________________

3) Does your mother like autumn? ______________________

4) Does your granny like spring? ______________________

5) Is spring a nice season? ______________________

6) Is it snowy in summer? ______________________

Составь предложения и напиши их в тетради.

The weather is hot and sunny warm and cloudy windy and rainy cold and snowy in winter. in spring. in summer. in autumn.

Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание.

a) His son can swim.

His son _______________ swim.

b) Sam has got two rulers.

Sam ________________________ two rulers.

c) Spring is windy.

Spring ___________________ windy.

d) The trees are brown.

The trees ________________ brown.

313. Напиши отрицание (don’t или doesn’t).

a). My brother go es for a walk when it’s rainy.

My brother __________________ for a walk when it’s rainy.

b) His sons go to school in summer.

His sons ________________________ to school in summer.

c) Her friend swims when it’s snowy.

Her friend __________________________ when it’s snowy.

d) Ted and Bobplay computer games at school.

Ted and Bob _________________ computer games at school.

Разгадай кроссворд (слова о погоде).



a + l = [ɔ:] b al l (мяч), foot (ступня), football, basket (корзина), basketball, volleyball I like to play football. My friend likes to play football, too. We can play football very well (очень хорошо). Boys play football in summer. Can his brother play basketball? Yes, he can. He can play basketball very well. Can his sisters play volleyball? No, they can’t.

b al l (мяч), snow (снег), snowballs (снежки) The pupils play snowballs near the school. When can you play snowballs? In winter!

ck = [k] bla ck, Ni ck, ho ck ey, ice (лёд), ice-hockey (хоккей) My friends and I like to play ice-hockey. We play ice-hockey in winter.

[e] p e t, r e d, t e n, tennis, table tennis Does your friend like to play tennis? Yes, she does. She likes to play tennis in spring and in summer.Boys and girls like to play table tennis.

[æ] r a t, c a t, badminton His sisters can’t play volleyball, but they can play badminton. They play badminton very well.

[ei] sn a ke, c a ke, table, sk a te (кататься на коньках)

[i] milk, little [i:] ski (кататься на лыжах)

My father likes to ski. He can ski very well. Does your mother like to ski? No, she doesn’t. But she likes to skate. I like to skate, too. We can skate well. In winter children can ski and skate.

316. Дай краткие ответы.

a) Do you like summer? _________________________

b) Can you play tennis? _________________________

c) Does your mother skate? _________________________

d) Is autumn a nice season? ________________________

e) Are the trees green in winter? ________________________

f) Have your friends got two pens? ______________________

g) Does your teacher swim well? ______________________

h) Do you play ice-hockey well? ________________________

Составь 5 предложений и напиши их в тетради.

My friends and I Liz The children His sister Boys skates play snowballs plays table tennis swim play football in summer. in autumn. in spring. in winter.


Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Начни с него вопрос.

a) The parks are green. ___________________________ green?

b) His father can run very well.

______________________________________ very well?

c) She has got a nice mirror.

_____________________________ a nice mirror?

d) I am from Minsk. ________________________ from Minsk?

Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание.

a) The trees are yellow.


b) His father can ski well.


c) Sam has got two balls.


d) Winter is rainy.



Впиши недостающие части названий игр с мячом.


Соедини по смыслу.

It’s hot and sunny. I can’t see the house.

It’s foggy. We want to swim.

It’s windy. Little Anny doesn’t go for a walk.

It’s cold. Let’s play badminton.

It’s warm and cloudy. They want to skate or ski.


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