Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. — КиберПедия 

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Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание.

2017-09-28 561
Обведи вспомогательный глагол и напиши отрицание. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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am am not has hasn’t
is isn’t have haven’t
are aren’t can can’t

a) The pupil has got five pencils.

The pupil ____________ got five pencils.

b) The rubbers are little.

The rubbers _____________ little.

c) I am a teacher.

I ______________ a teacher.

d) His brother can dance on the chair.

His brother ___________________ dance on the chair.



286. Напиши отрицание (Используй don’t или doesn’t).

a) My little brother sleeps on the sofa.

My little brother _____________________ on the sofa.

b) Liz speaks English at the lesson.

Liz _______________________ English at the lesson.

c) The pupils look at the board in the lesson.

The pupils __________________ at the board in the lesson.

d) The boy listens to his teacher in the lesson.

The boy ___________________ to his teacher in the lesson.


1) Мои ручки в пенале.


2) Его портфель на парте.


3) У Лиз есть две линейки. (Лиз имеет…)


4) Тим может видеть свою (его) стирку под стулом.



[u] Belar u s, ruler, p u t (класть, положить)

[ei] snake, cake, pencil-case,table, take (брать, взять)

I take a rubber. We put the pens.

She take__ a pencil. He put__ the ruler.

He ________ a bag. She ________ the book.


Put his ruler in the bag, please. Put his rubber in the bag, too. Thanks. My mum puts my dolls, cats, robots, bears in the box.


I haven’t got a pen. – Please, take my pen.

And I haven’t got a pencil. – Please, take my pencil.

And I haven’t got a rubber. – Please, take my rubber.

And I haven’t got a ruler. – Please, take my pencil-case.


[ɔ:] f our, b oar d (доска), near the board, under the board, on the board, one board – two boards What is under the board?—Look! It’s a rubber! My desk is near the board. Mary is at the board. She can w rite (писать) on the board very well. Can you write on the board well? My friend can draw (рисовать) on the board well.


Напиши отрицание.

a) I am in the lesson.

I ___________________ in the lesson.

b) They have got three exercise-books.

They _____________________ three exercise-books.

с) Mary can draw on the board.

Mary _____________ draw on the board.

d) His friends sleep in the lessons.

His friends _______________________ in the lessons.

e) The girl writes tests well.

The girl _________________________ tests well.


290. Read. (I’m sorry – извини, them – их, with – c,

toy – игрушка)

Mother: Jack! Look! Your big bear is on my table!

Jack: Oh! I’m sorry, Mum.

Mother: Take your bear and put it in your box.

Jack: And where is my box?

Mother: Oh, Jack! Your box is under the chair. And your robot is near the bag. Take your toys and put them in the box.

Jack: O.K.

Mother: And put the box with your toys under your little table.

Jack: O.K., Mum!



291. Посмотри на рисунок и ответь.

a) Where is the pencil-case? It’s on the desk. ___________

b) Where is the pen? _______________________________

c) Where is the bag? _______________________________

d) Where is the ruler? _______________________________

e) Where is the exercise-book? __________________________

f) Where is the chair? _______________________________

g) Where is the rubber? ______________________________

h) Where is the pencil? ______________________________

i) Where is the book? ______________________________


[ei] pl a y, d a y, s a y (говорить) They say, “Good bye”. She say s, “Hi!”. He say s,“O.K.”

[i:] ea t, m ea t, r ea d, sp ea k (разговаривать), speak English, Don’t speak! The teacher says, “ Don’t speak at the lesson!”

[əu] no, open (открыть) I open my pencil-case. We open the books. Do they open the exercise-books? – Yes, they do. She open s the window. He doesn’t open the box. The teacher says: “Open your books, pupils!”

[əu] nose, close (закрыть) We close the books. She close s her eyes. Does he close his bag?- No, he doesn’t. Please, close your exercise-books!

[i:] thr ee, gr ee n, sweet, sl ee p (спать) Don’t sleep!

Mum says, “Sleep, my little son! Close your eyes, please!”

[i] milk, drink, pink, lis t en (слушать), listen to the teacher

Listen! They speak English. Look! They are from Britain.

[ai] f i ve, n i ne, wh i te, w r i te (писать), I write a letter to my friend. She write s on the board. Her brother write s in his exercise-book. Sam likes to read, but (но) he doesn’t like to write.

draw (рисовать) I like to draw. They draw in pencil. She draws well. He doesn’t draw on the board. The pupils draw in the lesson.

[au] h ow, h ow old, h ow many, br ow n, sit d ow n The teacher says, “Sit down, please! Put your hands on the desks!”


293. Вставь артикль a, an или the, если нужно.

a) Let’s go to _____ school. c) It is ______ blue.

b) We have got _____ pen. d) It is ______ blue pen.

e) I can see ______ pencil. ______ pencil is in the bag.

f) Please, open _____ books!

g) She has got _____ rubber. ______ rubber is grey.

h) Nick has got ______ two rulers.

294. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.

1) My sister draw / draws very well. She open /opens her pencil-case and take / takes her coloured pencils. She have / has got ten pencils.

2) His aunt have / has got two little sons. They want / wants to sleep. Her sons go / goes to bed and close / closes their eyes.

3) Her sister Ann speak / speaks English well. She read / reads very well, too. Ann write / writes letters to her friends.

4) Do / Does you like black pens? No, I don’t / doesn’t.

Do / Does his sister like fish? No, she don’t / doesn’t. Do / Does her friends listen to the teacher in the lesson? Yes, they do / does.


295. Составьпредложения и напиши их в тетради.

1) books, Open, the, please

2) has, five, She, pencils, got

3) under, My, is, ruler, the chair

4) your, Take, pencils, draw, and

5) read, We, and, at school, write


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