C. Составь 5 предложений, соответствующих тексту. — КиберПедия 

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C. Составь 5 предложений, соответствующих тексту.

2017-09-28 509
C. Составь 5 предложений, соответствующих тексту. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Напиши их в тетрадь.

Mike His sister Kate His father His mother His brother Bob   likes to can can’t play ski. skate. swim. jump. football. volleyball. tennis. ice-hockey. badminton.

334. Напиши отрицание.

a) Summer is cold.

_________________________ cold.

b) His sons go to school in summer.

_____________________________ to school in summer.

c) Mike plays basketball in winter.

_____________________________ basketball in winter.

d) His dog can run in the park.

___________________________________ in the park.

e) The boys are happy.

__________________________ happy.

f) Dave likes to swim in winter.

_________________________________________ in winter.

g) They have got a house near the park.

_________________________________ a house near the park.

h) The girls play ice-hockey.

__________________________________ ice-hockey.


Напиши цифры.



Sandy:Hello, Jim! Are you at home? (дома)

Jim: Hi! What’s the weather like today?

Sandy: Oh! It’s a nice summer day! It’s warm.

Jim: Is it cloudy? Is it windy?

Sandy: It’s cloudy but it isn’t windy. Let’s swim.

Jim: That’s a good idea. Oh, no! Look at the window!

It’s rainy!

Sandy: What a pity! (Как жаль!) We can’t go for a walk!

Jim: Let’s play table tennis at home.

Sandy: Sorry, I can’t. I can’t play table tennis.

Jim: Let me see. Let’s draw. I have got twelve

coloured pencils.

Sandy: O. K. I like to draw! That’s a good idea.


337. Выбери и обведи правильный вариант.

Girls like / likes to play badminton. Her sisters don’t /doesn’t play ice-hockey. Do / Does you go for a walk every day? The pencils is / are on the desk. The boy have / has got short hair. His pet eat / eats meat. Her son don’t / doesn’t ski when it’s cold. My granny go /goes to the park every day. We have / has got a nice teacher.



Составь предложения и напиши их в тетради.

a) can, His, ski, well, father

b) two, got, balls, Sam, has

c) weather, cloudy, the, Is?

d) plays, My, football, friend

e) are, in, The trees, yellow, autumn

f) haven’t, The boys, a sister, got

g) swim, don’t, We, winter, in

h) play, brother, ice-hockey, her. Can?


a) Мальчики любят играть в футбол.


b) Девочки не хотят играть в хоккей.


c) Они умеют бегать очень хорошо.


d) Деревья зелёные весной.


e) У Майка нет большого мяча.


f) Умеешь ты плавать?


g) Хочет Боб играть в теннис?




340. Вставь артикль a, an или the, если нужно.

a) Let’s play __ football. e) I can see __ box. ____ box is big.

b) We have got ___ ball. f) That’s _______ good idea!

c) It is ____ nice. g) We go for _____ walk in spring.

d) It is ____ nice ball. h) My favourite season is ___ summer.



Дай краткий ответ.

a) Have you got a family? _______________________

b) Is your family from Minsk? _______________________

c) Are you fine? ______________________

d) Do you go to school? ______________________

e) Does your mother read books? ______________________

f) Can your friend play badminton? ______________________

g) Has your granny got two children? ____________________

h) Are your friends teachers? ______________________

i) Does your father like to swim? _____________________

UNIT 9. I love animals.


[ə:] g ir l, c ir cus (цирк), go to the circus, We like to go to the circus. We can see dogs and bears, snakes and parrots at the circus. This little girl goes to the circus every day. It’s fun!

[ Λ ] s o n, m o ther, m o nkey (обезьяна), a brown monkey, a funny monkey We can see a funny monkey at the circus. This monkey can jump and dance. It dance s well. Can this monkey climb a tree? Yes, it can. The monkey can climb a tree very well.

[ai] nine, fine, l i on (лев), t i ger (тигр), h i de (прятаться), You can see two lions and four tigers at the circus. They can run, jump and hide in the big box. My dog hides under the bed. Where does your cat hide?

Закончи в рифму.

I’ve got a kitten. The tiger is in the box.

It’s in the box. The lion is on the chair.

She’s got a monkey. The monkey is near, too.

He’s got a ___________. But where’s the ___________?



344. Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Поставь вопрос и отрицание.

a). The tiger is hungry.



b). The monkey can climb a tree.



c). Mary has got a brown bear.




ck=[k] bla ck, Ni ck, tri ck (трюк), one trick – many tricks

animal (животное), one animal – many animal s


Maggie: Hello, Steve!

Steve: Hi, Maggie!

Maggie: Do you like to go to the circus?

Steve: Yes, I do. I like it very much (очень). I like big animals: white and black horses, yellow lions, red tigers and brown bears. They can jump and do tricks. It’s fun!

Maggie: I like little dogs. They can dance. And I want to see monkeys. They climb a tree. They do funny tricks. Let’s go to the circus today.

Steve: I’m sorry, but I can’t.

Maggie: Then let’s go to the circus on Sunday (в воскресенье).

Steve: That’s a good idea!

Maggie: OK. See you on Sunday!

Steve: Bye-bye!


Составь предложения и напиши их в тетради.

1) the circus, His, goes, to, sister

2) run, The lion, jump, and, can

3) hasn’t got, This, a ball, monkey

4) two, see, You, at, can, the circus, tigers

5) the circus, Let’s, to, go!



1. Дети любят ходить в цирк.

2. Может его лев спрятаться в этой коробке?

3. Этот тигр – белый и чёрный.


Допиши названия цветов и раскрась.

b   g  
b   g  
b   y  


[u] b oo k, sch oo l, g oo d, z oo (зоопарк), go to the zoo. I want to go to the zoo every day. You can see lions, tigers, tortoises, monkeys, bears and snakes at the zoo. My friends see monkeys at the zoo. They say: “The monkeys are funny!”

[ɔ] dog, frog, fox, crocodile, one crocodile – two crocodile s, a green crocodile We can see six green crocodiles at the zoo. They like to swim. Crocodiles can hide in the water.

[dʒ] orange, sausage, giraffe (жираф), one giraffe – three giraffe s, a yellow giraffe Do you like giraffes at the zoo? Yes, I do.

ph=[f] ele ph ant (слон), one elephant - three elephants, a big elephant, dol ph in (дельфин), one dolphin – four dolphin s, a grey dolphin Can you see dolphins at the zoo? Oh, yes! They swim and do tricks. An elephant has got a long nose. Elephants are from India.

[h] happy, hide, horse (лошадь) hippo (гиппопотам, бегемот), one hippo – five hippo s, a big hippo Hippos are very big animals. Does your friend like to draw hippos? No, she doesn’t.


350. Вставь артикли a или an.

____ potato _____ fox ____ hippo

____ apple _____ tiger ____ elephant

____ cucumber _____ giraffe ____ bear

____ orange _____ animal ____ monkey


351. Вставь артикли a,an или the, если нужно.

Mike likes to go to ____ zoo. At the zoo he can see ____ giraffe. _______ giraffe is yellow and brown. At the zoo Mike can see ____ elephant, too. ______ elephant is from ____ Africa. Mike likes ______ big animals.

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