Составь предложения со словом НО и напиши их в тетради. — КиберПедия 

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Составь предложения со словом НО и напиши их в тетради.

2017-09-28 608
Составь предложения со словом НО и напиши их в тетради. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Liz likes to read   2. My brother can run   3. The pupils open the books   4. I listen to my friend   5.My friend and I have got ten pencils   6. His little kitten drinks milk     but     he can’t jump.   she doesn’t like to write.   they close the exercise-books.   we haven’t got a rubber.   it doesn’t eat meat.   I don’t listen to my teacher.


(favouriteлюбимая, foodеда, goodхороший, badплохой, Let's!Давайте!)

Fred, Dan and Kitty are friends. They are five. The children don’t go to school, but they want to be pupils. Kitty says, “ Let’s play school!” The boys say, “O.K.”

Kitty: I want to be a teacher.

Fred: I want to be a good pupil.

Dan: I want to be a good pupil, too.

Kitty: Stand up! Good morning, children! Sit down, please.

Fred, go to the board and draw a cat. Oh, it’s very nice!

Dan, go to the board and draw a parrot.

Dan: I can’t draw a parrot!

Kitt y: Open your books, children. Fred, read! O.K. Dan, read!

Dan: I can’t read!

Kitty: Close your books and put your pencil-cases on the desk. Take your pens, please. Let’s write.

Dan: I haven’t got a pen, but I have got a sandwich. It is my favourite food.

Kitty: Dan! Don’t eat at the lesson!

Fred: Listen to the teacher, Dan!

Kitty: Fred, you are a good pupil, but don’t speak at the lesson! And you, Dan! You are not a good pupil, you are a bad pupil!


Напиши отрицание.

a) The pupil has got a red pen.

The pupil __________­______ got a red pen.

b) The rulers are short.

The rulers ________________ short.

c) Sam opens the book.

Sam _____________________ the book.

d) My friends draw on the board.

My friends ___________________ on the board.

Составь предложения и напиши их в тетради.

a) got, The children, haven’t, a desk

b) his, Sam, room, like, new, doesn’t

c) ball, under, isn’t, His, the table

d) book, your, can’t, I, see, the bookcase, in

e) hasn’t, five, She, pencils, got

f) near, My, aren’t, rulers, the pencil-case

g) sleep, We, at school, don’t



a) Я не кладу мои ручки в мой пенал. ___________________________________________________

b) Она не берёт свою (её) книгу в школу. (to school) ___________________________________________________

c) Его портфель не возле книжного шкафа. ___________________________________________________

d) Эти карандаши не красные. ___________________________________________________

e) Том не может видеть свою (его) линейку под стулом. ___________________________________________________

f) У нас нет новой тетради. (Мы не имеем …) ___________________________________________________

g) У этого ученика нет книги на парте. (Этот ученик не имеет …) ___________________________________________________

301. Вставь: My, His, Her, Its, Your.

a) I have got a pen. _________ pen is blue.

b) He has got a rubber. ________ rubber is on the desk.

c) She has got a ruler. _______ ruler is long.

d) You have got a desk. _________ desk is near the door.

e) Mike has got a pencil. ________ pencil is short.

f) My doll has got a bag. _________ bag is new.

g) Liz has got an exercise-book. __________ exercise-book is little.

302. Прочитай текст и выполни задания.

very much – очень after – после

every day – каждый день then – затем, потом

one day – однажды with – с, now - сейчас

What a pity! – Как жаль! sad – грустный

count – считать favourite – любимый

does her homework – делает домашнее задание

A. Read.

A Frog and a Mouse

Flop is a frog. He likes to sing and dance very much. He sings and dances every day. He swims every day, too. But he doesn`t go to school. He doesn`t read books. What a pity!

One day he sees a Mouse. The Mouse goes to school. She has got a blue bag. She has got five books, three exercise-books and a pencil-case in the bag. She has got twelve coloured pencils, eight pens, a long ruler and a white rubber in the pencil-case.

The Mouse is happy. She has got many friends at school. The Mouse and her friends read, write, count and draw at school. They sing and dance at school, too. After school the Mouse does her homework. Then she reads books. It’s interesting! Then the Mouse goes to the park and plays with her friends. It’s fun!

The Frog is sad. He wants to go to school and have friends, too. The Mouse says:” Flop, let’s go to school!” The Frog is very happy. He is a pupil now. His favourite lesson is Music. He likes to sing with his school friends.


B. Вставь пропущенные слова.

1) The Frog ________________ got friends.

2) After school the Mouse ___________________ books.

3) She _____________________ to the park.

4) The Frog ________________ to sing.

5) His favourite lesson ____________ Music.

C. True (+) or False (-)

1) The Frog likes to sing and dance. _________________

2) The Frog reads books every day. ________________

3) The Mouse hasn`t got many friends._______________

4) The Mouse goes to the park with her friends._____________

5) After school the Mouse plays computer games.___________

6) The Mouse doesn’t go to school.__________________



D. Ответь на вопросы.

1. Is Flop a frog or a dog? ___________________________________________________

2. How does he like to sing? ___________________________________________________


3. Does the Frog read books? ___________________________________________________

4. Where does the Mouse go? ___________________________________________________

5. What colour is her bag?


6. How many books has she got?



7. How many pencils has she got?



8. Is her ruler short?


9. What colour is her rubber?


10. Is the Mouse happy? ___________________________________________________

UNIT 8. Seasons.


[ð] mo th er, fa th er, bro th er, wea th er (погода) The weather is good. What’s the weather like? (Какая погода?)

[Λ] p u ppy, f u nny, sun (солнце), s u nny (солнечный) It’s sunny! (Солнечно!) I like it when it’s sunny. The children are happy when it’s sunny. They go for a walk (ходят на прогулку). Is it sunny today (сегодня)? What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny.

[ɔ] dog, frog, cold (холодный), hot (жаркий), hot-dog What’s the weather like today? It’s hot and sunny. What’s the weather like today? It’s cold but sunny. The white bears like it when it’s cold. My granny doesn’t go for a walk when it’s hot.

[au] m o use, cloud (облако), cl o udy (облачный), It’s cloudy. (Облачно.) What’s the weather like today? It isn’t sunny, it’s cloudy today.

[ i ] sunn y, cloud y, wind (ветер) wind y (ветреный), fog (туман) fogg y (туманный) What’s the weather like today? It’s windy. Little children don’t go for a walk when it’s windy. I can’t see my dog – it’s foggy today. This little tree doesn’t like it when it’s windy.

[ɔ:] w ar m (тёплый) It’s warm. (Тепло.) What’s the weather like today? It’s warm today but it isn’t hot. Boys like to play badminton when it’s warm. Mary doesn’t like warm milk.



Answer the questions.

What’s the weather like today? ___________________________________________________

What weather do you like? ___________________________________________________

305. Выбери и обведи правильный вариант.

They like / likes to go for a walk when it’s warm. Her brothers don’t /doesn’t play tennis when it’s foggy. Do / Does the white bears swim when it’s cold? The parrots is / are from hot Africa. The hare have / has got long ears. The little kitten drink / drinks warm milk. His uncle don’t / doesn’t run when it’s windy. Kate go /goes for a walk when it’s cold and sunny. We have / has got a nice school.

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