Прочитай тексты. Напиши о себе по этому образцу. — КиберПедия 

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Прочитай тексты. Напиши о себе по этому образцу.

2017-09-28 933
Прочитай тексты. Напиши о себе по этому образцу. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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English 3.




Form 3 “ ______ ”.

School № 30.



Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww

Xx Yy Zz

Особые значки транскрипции.


Гласные. Двугласные.

i: долгое И ei ЭЙ
i краткое И ou ОУ
e Е (как шЕрсть) ai АЙ
æ Э открытое au АУ
α: долгое А ɔ i ОЙ
Λ краткое А И(а)
ɔ краткое О εə Э(а)
ɔ: долгое О У(а)
u краткое У    
u: долгое У    
ə неясный безударный гласный    
ə: долгое Ё (как свЁкла)    



w краткое У
θ межзубное С
ð межзубное З
мягкое Ш
ʒ мягкое Ж
t∫ Ч
слитное мягкое ДЖ
j слабое Й
ŋ n с призвуком g

UNIT 1. Hello!



[ou] [o] [^]

no dog son (сын)

go frog London

doll love (любить)



[ai] [i]

Hi! pink

I six (6)

fine is (вспомогательный глагол)

nine (9) his

five (5) pig

nice (красивый) big

lion lit-tle

like, kit-ten

Прочитай тексты. Напиши о себе по этому образцу.

Hi! I’m Bill. I’m nine. I’m from Britain, from London. I’m fine.

Hi! I’m Nina. I’m six. I’m from Minsk. I’m fine.


Числовой диктант.


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Цветовой диктант.


____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____


a dog – dogs a pig – pigs

a lion – lions a kitten – kittens

a frog – frogs a son – sons

a doll – dolls a robot – robots

Прочитай. Спиши один из текстов.

Hi! I’m Liz. I’m six. I’m from Britain. I’m fine.

I like little kittens. I like little pink dolls.

Hi! I’m Tim. I’m five. I’m from Minsk. I’m O.K.

I like big dogs, big lions, big robots.



[ei] [æ]

name (имя) cat am (вспомогательный глагол)

snake and (и) have (иметь)

Kate dad have n’t

Jane grandad has (имеет кто-то один, но не я)

Jake rat has n’t

Dave parrot

rabbit orange

Прочитай слова с буквосочетанием.

ck [k] bla ck Ni ck

Прочитай быстро.

Kate has Nick and Mike have

Kate has got Nick and Mike have got

Kate has got a doll Nick and Mike have got a dog

Kate has got a nice doll Nick and Mike have got a black dog


Прослушай и раскрась.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Прочитай. Спиши последний текст.

a) His name is Dave. Dave has got six dogs, five cats and nine parrots. Dave hasn’t got a rabbit. Dave hasn’t got a fox.


b) I am Sam. I’m fine. I am from Africa. I have got a dad. His name is Bob. I have got a grandad. His name is Tom. I haven’t got a son.


c) His name is Mike. Mike has got a pig. It is big. It is pink. Mike like s his pig. Mike hasn’t got a rat. Mike hasn’t got a snake.





[ai] [i] [j]

my family boy

fly granny play (играть)

Bye! happy (счастливый)



Прочитай диалоги.

- Hi! My name is Billy. – Hi! My name is Jane.

- Hi! My name is Kitty. – Hi! My name is Willy.

- I’m fine. – I have got a kitten. My kitten is nice.

- And I’m fine. – I have got a dog. My dog is big.

- Bye, Kitty! - Bye, Willy!

- Bye, Billy! - Bye, Jane!

Раскрась кружок нужным цветом.

pink O black O orange O

Прочитай слова с буквосочетанием.

sh [ ∫ ] fi sh (рыба), Ma sh a, Da sh a, Sa sh a, Mi sh a




[i:] [e]

he (он) red seven (7) yes

we (мы) America ten (10) yellow

sh e (она) friend (друг, Ted grey

подруга) Peg


Ted is my friend. Kitty is his friend.

And Liz is my friend. And Mike is his friend.


17. Замени данные слова на he, she, it или we.

a) Kitty- she _ e) my dad and I- ______ i) Masha- ______

b) Tom - ____ f) his granny- ____ j) my friend and I- ____

c) a doll- _____ g) his son- ______ k) a robot- ________

d) a boy- ____ h) a dog - ______ l) his dad -________

m) my friend __________________


18. Прочитай письмо Полли. Спиши подчёркнутые предложения.

Hi! My name is Polly. I am seven. I am fine. I am from Britain, from London. I have got a family. My family is happy. I love my family.

I have got a friend. His name is Nick. He has got a nice black dog and five little grey kittens. We like to play. Bye!


Напиши цифру.

five _____, six _____, seven ______, nine _____, ten ______.

Раскрась кружок нужным цветом.

pink O orange O grey O yellow O black O red O

Прочитай слова с буквосочетанием.

er [ə:] or [ɔ:] Ee [e]

h er (её) h or se (лошадь) pet

er [ə] t or toise (черепаха) (любимое

sist er домашнее hamst er (хомяк) животное)


Обведи красным карандашом членов семьи,

А синим – животных.

snake, dad, cat, rat, family, parrot, rabbit, granny, fish, sister, hamster, horse, grandad, tortoise, dog, kitten, son, lion, fox, pig, frog

Прочитай. Спиши подчёркнутые предложения.

Hi! My name is Kitty. I am ten. I am from Britain, from London. I have got a family. My family is happy. I love my family.

I have got a sister. She is nice. My sister has got a parrot. It is black and orange. Her parrot likes to fly.

I have got a grandad. He is fine. My grandad has got a big horse. His horse is grey. His horse likes to swim.

I have got a granny. Her name is Ann. My granny has got

a little tortoise. It is yellow. Her tortoise like s to go.

We like pets. Bye!


Напиши и запомни.

1 one ______________________________________________

2 two ______________________________________________

25. Прочитай и напиши примеры цифрами.

two and five is seven _______ seven and two is nine _______

five and one is six _________ five and five is ten __________

nine and one is ten _________ one and six is seven _________

Глагол-связка to be

Полная форма. Сокращённая форма.
I am He is She is It is I’m He’s She’s It’s

Напиши полную форму.

a) He’s from Africa. - ____ He is from Africa. _______

b) I’m fine.- ______________ fine.

c) It’s a cat. - ______________ a cat.

d) She’s seven. - ____________ seven.



Напиши сокращённую форму.

a) She is my sister. - _____ She’s my sister. ___________

b) I am from America. -_______________ from America.

c) He is my friend. -__________________ my friend.

d) It is a dog. -_________________ a dog.




1) одна розовая свинка _______________________________

2) две серые собаки _________________________________

3) пять чёрных лошадей ______________________________

4) семь жёлтых попугаев ______________________________



[u] [Λ] ……you – ты, вы……....

blue mum ……you r – твой, ваш…..

[ju:] puppy

you uncle (дядя)

pupil (ученик, run (бегать)

ученица) jump (прыгать)

computer funny (смешной, забавный)


Напиши и запомни.

4 four _____________________________________________


33. Прочитай и напиши примеры цифрами.

two and four is six _________ four and six is ten __________

five and four is nine ______­­­__ four and one is five _________

Напиши полную форму.

a) It isn’t a puppy.- ______ It is not a puppy. _____________

b) I’m not six. - _________________ six.

c) He isn’t my uncle.- _______________ my uncle.

d) She isn’t fine.- ___________________ fine.


Напиши сокращённую форму.

a) He is not from Belarus. - ___ He isn’t from Belarus. ______

b) It is not a kitten.- ________________ a kitten.

c) She is not his friend.-________________ his friend.

d) I am not little.- _____________ little.

37. Прочитай. Устно ответь на вопросы по тексту.

Hello! My name is Sam. I am not from Belarus. I am from America. I am a big boy – I’m seven. I am a pupil. I like to play computer games. I have got a mum, a dad, a granny, a grandad and a little sister. My sister isn’t a pupil. She is one. She is funny. I love my family. We are happy.

And I have got an uncle. His name is Willy. He has got a puppy, Rex. Rex is black and grey. Rex can run and jump. Rex is nice and funny. I love my uncle and I like his puppy.


a) Is Sam from Belarus? e) Is his sister a pupil?

b) Is he seven? f) Has Sam got an uncle?

c) Is Sam a pupil? g) Has his uncle got a puppy?

d) Has Sam got a sister? h) Is his puppy red?



th [ ð ] th [ θ ]

th is (этот, эта) thr ee (3)

th ey (они) th anks (спасибо)

fa th er th ank you (спасибо тебе)

grandfa th er

mo th er

grandmo th er

bro th er

Скажи это по-другому.

mum -- ______________ granny -- _________________

dad -- _______________ grandad -- _________________

41. Замени данные слова на he, she, we или they.

a) her brother- _ he _ g) his uncle - __________

b) my grandmother and I- ______ h) her mother- _________

c) three sons - _________ i) this boy - _________

d) her grandfather and grandmother- __________

e) his sister- ____________ j) my father and I- ______

f) my mother and my father - _______ k) this pupil - ________


Напиши цифру словом.

1 _______ 7 _________ 2_________ 9 _________ 5 ________

3 ____________ 10_________ 6 __________ 4 ___________

Напиши полную форму.

a) We’re pupils. - _____ We are pupils. ___________________

b) You’re nice. -_________________ nice.

c) They’re from Britain.- _________________ from Britain.



Напиши сокращённую форму.

a) They are friends. - ______ They’re friends. _______________

b) We are from Belarus.- __________________ from Belarus.

c) You are fine.- _______________ fine.




- Have you got a mother?

- Yes, I have. Her name is Helen. She is nice.

- Have you got a father?

- Yes, I have. His name is Jack. He is fine.

- Have you got a sister?

- No, I haven’t. But (но) I have got a brother. His name is Nick.

- Is he a big boy?

- Yes, he is. He is ten. He is a pupil.

- Has Nick got many (много) friends?

- Yes, he has. They like to run, jump and play computer games.


Прочитай и спиши.

I have got a mother. She is nice. I have got a father. He is O.K.

I have got a grandmother and a grandfather. They are fine.

Соедини вопрос и ответ.

How are you? Yes, he has.

Has your uncle got a cow? I am fine, thank you.

How old are you? No, her cat is red.

Is her cat brown? I’m nine.


- Hello, Mike! How are you?

- Hi, Liz! I am fine. And how are you?

- I’m O.K. I have got a granny. Her name is Nina.

- How is your grandmother?

- She is fine, thank you. She has got a brown cow.

- I haven’t got a granny, but I have got a grandad. His name is Billy.

- How is your grandfather?

- He is fine, thanks. He has got a brown horse.


51. Ответь на вопросы.

How are you? ________________________________________

How old are you? _____________________________________

52. Раскрась кружок нужным цветом.

pink O black O orange O grey O

green O yellow O brown O red O blue O


Глагол-связка be (множественное число, отрицание).

Полная форма. Сокращённая форма.
We are not You are not They are not We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t


Напиши полную форму.

a) We aren’t from Britain.- ___ We are not from Britain. ____

b) You aren’t three.- ________________________ three.

c) They aren’t funny. -_______________________ funny.

Напиши сокращённую форму.

a) They are not happy.- ____ They aren’t happy. ________

b) We are not from America.- ______________ from America.

c) You are not friends.- ___________________ friends.


Напиши и запомни.

8 eight _____________________________________________

56. Реши примеры и напиши ответы словами.

five and three is __ eight ___ seven and one is ___________

eight and two is ___________ four and five is____________

seven and three is __________ two and six is ____________

two and four is ____________ one and nine is ____________



[w] [h]

wh at (Что? Какой?) wh o (Кто?)

wh ere (Где? Куда? Откуда?)

wh ite


a) What is your name? -- My name is Mike.

How old are you? -- I’m seven.

Where are you from? -- I am from Britain.

How are you? -- I’m fine, thanks.


b) Who is he? -- He is my father.

What is his name? -- His name is Nick.

Where is he from? -- He is from Minsk.

How is your father? – He is fine, thank you.


c) Who is she? – She is my sister.

What is her name? – Her name is Kate.

Where is she from? – She is from London.

How is your sister? – She is fine, thank you.


Соедини вопрос и ответ.

What is your name? I’ m nine.

How old are you? My name is Tim.

Where are you from? I am fine, thanks.

How are you? I am from London.


- Look! Who is she? - Look! Who is he?

- She is my mother. – He is my friend.

- What is her name? - How old is he?

- Her name is Kate. – He is eight. He is a pupil.

- How is your mother? - Is he a good friend?

- She is fine, thanks. – Oh, yes! He is a good friend.



Прочитай и раскрась цифры.

One is yellow. Seven is blue. Two is green.

Five is black. Six is orange. Ten is red. Eight is white.

Nine is pink. Three is grey. Four is brown.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Напиши и запомни.

11 eleven ___________________________________________

12 twelve ___________________________________________


71. Реши примеры и напиши ответы словами.

eight and three is __________ one and three is ___________

four and six is ____________ five and seven is __________

eleven and one is ___________ nine and two is ___________


Напиши и запомни.

O p ur ple ____________________________________________


UNIT 2. My family.


doctor, a doctor – doctors. He is a doctor. His son is a doctor, too. Is she a doctor?- Yes, she is.

dentist, a dentist – dentists. My granny is a dentist. My grandad isn’t a dentist. I want to be a dentist.

vet, a vet – vets Sam is a vet, he likes dogs and cats.

driver, a driver – drivers. Her uncle is a driver. Is her father a driver? – No, he isn’t. She wants to be a driver.

cook, a cook – cooks. My mum is a cook. My granny is a cook, too. Are they good cooks? – Yes, they are.

teacher, a teacher – teachers. My teacher is nice. I like my teacher. I want to be a teacher. They aren’t his teachers.

w or ker, a worker – workers. His grandad is a worker. His dad isn’t a worker. He works in an office, so he is an office-worker.

pilot, a pilot – pilots My brother is a pilot. I am not a pilot, I’m a pupil. I want to be a pilot.

model, a model – models. My sister is nice, she is a model.



Напиши, что это не так.

Образец. It is a big dog.

It isn’t a big dog.

a) I am from London.

I _________________ from London.

b) This model is nice.

This model _______________ nice.

c) They are good pupils.

They _______________ good pupils.

d) His father is a worker.

His father ______________ a worker.



Поставь вопрос.

Образец. She is from America.

Is she from America?

a) This school is big.

_______________________________ big?

b) We are happy.

______________________________ happy?

c) I am a good friend.

________________________ a good friend?

d) Your mum is a dentist.

____________________________ a dentist?




Hi! My name is Molly. I’m eight. I am from Britain. I’m fine. I have got a family. My mother is a teacher. Her name is Anna. My father is a driver. His name is Antony. We are happy.

I like to play. I like to be a teacher. I have got many (много) pupils. My dolls and robots are my pupils. They read books and draw (рисуют). It’s fun! I want to be a teacher.

Ответь на вопросы.

1) What is her name? 7) Is her mother a teacher?

2) How old is Molly? 8) Has Molly got a father?

3) Where is she from? 9) What is his name?

4) How is Molly? 10) Is her father a dentist?

5) Has Molly got a mother? 11) Is Molly a teacher?

6) What is her name? 12) Are her toys (игрушки) pupils?



1) Мой папа рабочий. ________________________________

2) Твоя бабушка повар? _______________________________

3) Его дядя не пилот. _________________________________

4) Её друзья ветеринары. ______________________________


88. Вставь My / Your / His / Her.

Model. Liz has got a doll. Her__ doll is nice.

a) I have got a dog. ________ dog is big.

b) He has got an uncle. __________ uncle is from America.

c) She has got a brother. __________ brother is five.

d) You have got a friend. ___________ friend is good.

e) Mary has got a mother. __________ mother is a cook.

f) Mike has got a father. ___________ father is a worker.

Глагол have (иметь).

Полная форма Сокращённая форма
I have got You have got We have got They have got He has got She has got It has got = I’ve got = You’ve got = We’ve got = They’ve got = He’s got = She’s got = It’s got

Напиши полную форму.

a) They’ve got a funny kitten.

_______________________ a funny kitten.

b) He’s got a little brother.

_______________________ a little brother.

e) You’ve got a brown puppy.

________________________ a brown puppy.


Напиши сокращённую форму.

a) She has got a good friend.

____________________ a good friend.

b) I have got a nice sister.

____________________ a nice sister.

c) We have got a happy family.

___________________ a happy family.



91. Где спряталось is, а где – has?

a) She’s beautiful. d) He’s from America.

_ _____ ______ beautiful. __________ from America.

b) She’s got a black cat. e) He’s got a funny dog.

________ got a black cat. ___________ got a funny dog.

c) His name’s Tom. f) What’s this?

His name ______ Tom. What ______ this?

Глагол have. (иметь) have not = haven’t

has not = hasn’t

Утверждение. Вопрос. Отрицание.
I have got a dog. We have got a dog. You have got a dog. They have got a dog.   He has got a dog. She has got a dog. It has got a dog. Have I got a dog? Have we gota dog? Have you got a dog? Have they got a dog   Has he got a dog? Has she got a dog? Hasit gota dog? I haven’t got a dog. We haven’t gota dog. You haven’t got a dog. They haven’t got a dog.   He hasn’t got a dog. She hasn’t got a dog. It hasn’t got a dog.



92. Вставь have или has.

a) I _____________ got a mum.

b) He ___________ got a dog.

c) We ___________ got a family.

d) She ___________ got a doll.

e) Sam __________ got a sister.

f) Sam and Pam ___________ got a granny.

g) His sister __________ got a friend.

h) Her brothers ___________ got many friends.



Ann: Hi, Bob! How are you?

Bob: Hello, Ann! I’m fine, and you?

Ann: I’m O.K. Look! Who is he?

Bob: He is my brother.

Ann: Oh! You’ve got a big brother! Is he a pupil?

Bob: No, he isn’t. My brother isn’t a pupil.

Ann: Is he a pilot?

Bob: No, he isn’t.

Ann: Is he a driver?

Bob: No, he isn’t a driver. My brother is a vet. He likes cats and

dogs, horses and cows, frogs and snakes.


Hello! My name is Vova. I am eight. I’ve got a big family. We are from Russia, from Smolensk. It is nice and green.

I’ve got a father and a mother. My father works in an office. He is an office-worker. His name is Nick. My mother is a teacher. She works at school. Her name is Anna Ivanovna. She is a teacher of English. She likes her pupils and the pupils love her too.

My sister Lena isn’t a pupil – she is three. She has got twelve dolls. Lena likes to play.

My granny is a doctor. My grandad is a dentist. They work in a hospital.

My uncle is a pilot. He has got a son, Alex. We are friends. We like to run, jump and play computer games.

I love my family very much (очень).



Ответь на вопросы.

1) Where is Vova from? 6) Has Vova got a mother?

2) Where is Smolensk? 7) What is her name?

3) Has Vova got a father? 8) Is his mother a cook?

4) What is his name? 9)Has he got a granny and a grandad?

5) Is his father a worker? 10) Are they vets?



95. Вставь Have или Has.

a) ________ she got an uncle?

b) ________ you got a cat?

c) ________ Nick got a good friend?

d) ________ we got seven books?

e) ________ they got children?

f) ________ your sister got a doll?

g) ________ Sam and Tim got a grandad?

h) ________ your brothers got a computer?

Глагол have. (иметь) have not = haven’t

has not = hasn’t

Утверждение. Вопрос. Отрицание.
I have got a dog. We have got a dog. You have got a dog. They have got a dog.   He has got a dog. She has got a dog. It has got a dog. Have I got a dog? Have we gota dog? Have you got a dog? Have they got a dog?   Has he got a dog? Has she got a dog? Hasit gota dog? I haven’t got a dog. We haven’t gota dog. You haven’t got a dog. They haven’t got a dog.   He hasn’t got a dog. She hasn’t got a dog. It hasn’t got a dog.


96. Вставь haven’t или hasn’t.

a) They __ ______ __ got a happy family.

b) You ________­­___ got a big brother.

c) She ________ got a yellow doll.

d) I _____________ got a son.

e) We ________ got a nice school.

f) Her son ____________ got a robot.

g) His children _________ got a horse.

h) Nan and Pam __________ got an uncle.



97. Ответь на вопросы.

a) Have you got a mum? – Yes, I ____ have_ _____________.

b) Have you got a son? – No, __ I haven’t ____________.

c) Have they got a granny? – Yes, they ________________.

d) Have they got two dogs? – No, _____________________.
e) Has Nick got a puppy? – Yes, he ____________________.

f) Has your dad got a brother? – No, ___________________.

g) Has Nelly got a sister? – Yes, she ___________________.

h) Has your mum got four sons? – No, __________________.


98. Прочитай письмо. Выполни задания.

Hi, my friend! My name is Tom. I am twelve. I have got a big happy family. We are not from Britain. We are from Africa.

I have got a mother. Her name is Liz. She is nice. She is a cook. I have got a father. His name is Robin. He is a pilot.

I have got a grandmother and a grandfather. They are from America. They are very well. They are workers.

I haven’t got a brother, but I’ve got two sisters. My sister Polly isn’t a pupil. She is a model. Polly is very (очень) nice. My sister Dolly is eleven. She is a good pupil. She likes to read.

We haven’t got a cat, but we’ve got a dog. We like to play.

Bye. Tom.


Расскажи о своей семье.

Hi! My name is _________________. I am nine. I have got a happy family. We are from _______________________.

I have got a mother. Her name is __________________. She is ___________________________. I have got a father. His name is _______________. He is ________________________.

I have got a grandmother and a grandfather. They are from _________________. My granny is _____________________. My grandad is ____________________. They are fine.

I have got a _______________. _________ name is ________.




I love my family. Bye.



1. У меня есть котёнок. (Я имею котёнка.)


2. У моей бабушки двое детей.

(Моя бабушка имеет двоих детей.)


3. Есть у его сестры красивая кукла?

(Имеет его сестра красивую куклу?)


4. У её братьев нет компьютера.

(Её братья не имеют компьютера.)



105. Напиши ответы примеров словами.

nine and three is _________ one and three is _________

six and four is ___________ five and seven is __________

eight and three is __________ eight and two is ___________



Прочитай и раскрась цифры.

One is green. Seven is white. Two is yellow.

Five is brown. Six is orange. Eight is pink.

Nine is blue. Three is grey. Four is red.

Twelve is black. Ten is red. Eleven is purple.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Unit 3. People around me.


mother this

my mother this is

my mother and father This is my brother.

They are my mother and father. This is my baby brother.


1. Это моя мама. ___________________________________________________

2. Это мой брат. ___________________________________________________

3. Это моя семья. ___________________________________________________

4. У меня есть сестра. (Я имею сестру).


111. Вставь am, is или are.

We__________ fine. I _________ nine.

Her grandfather _______ happy. Sasha _______ eight.

Sam and Pam _______ cooks. Sasha and I ______ pupils.

His dad _______a worker. Pat ________ a vet.

You ________ nice. Your friends _______ good.

112. Вставьте have got или has got:

1. She _____________________ a computer.

2. They ____________________ a horse.

3. He ______________________ a father.

4. Mike and I ________________ an uncle.

5. Molly ____________________ a mother.

6. We ______________________ a family.

7. Liz ______________________ a grandmother.

8. His father _________________ a brother.

9. Sasha and Dasha ________________ a parrot.

10. I _______________________ a puppy.

113. Где спряталось is, а где – has?

She’s a model. He’s from Britain.

___________ a model. ____________ from Britain.

She’s got a good teacher. He’s got two sons.

___________ got a good teacher. ___________ got two sons.

Her name’s Polly. What’s your name?

Her name _________ Polly What ________ your name?

Напиши, что это не так.

Образец. It is a big dog.

It isn’t a big dog.

1) This snake is nice.

This snake ____________________ nice.

2) His brothers are dentists.

His brothers _________________ dentists.

3) This boy is a pupil.

This boy ____________________ a pupil.


Поставь вопрос.

Образец. She is from America.

Is she from America?

1) His sons are drivers.

__________________________ drivers?

2) I am from school №30.

__________________ from school №30?

3) Her mother is an office-worker.

__________________________ an office-worker?



121. Соедини вопрос и ответ.



How are you? He is fine, thanks.

How is his sister? I am fine, thanks.

How are her sons? She is fine, thanks.

How is your father? They are fine, thanks.

    122. Прочитай. hair (волосы, шерсть) my hair, his hair, her hair, your hair. My hair is good. Kitty has got brown hair. Her uncle has got black hair. His cat has got white hair. Frogs haven’t got hair.

eye (глаз), an eye – eyes, one eye – two eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes. His mum has got brown hair and grey eyes. Her cat has got green eyes. Look! My sister is nice. Her eyes are big and blue.

ear (ухо), an ear – ears, one ear – two ears, big ears, little ears.

A mouse has got little ears. Rabbits have got big ears. Snakes haven’t got ears. Look! His funny puppy has got one black ear and one white ear.

nose (нос), a nose – noses, my nose, his nose, her nose, your nose. My nose is little. Is your nose big? His pig has got a little pink nose.

mouth (рот), a red mouth, a big mouth. A frog has got a big mouth. Has your hamster got a little mouth?

Глагол have. (иметь) have not = haven’t

has not = hasn’t

Утверждение. Вопрос. Отрицание.
I have got a dog. We have got a dog. You have got a dog. They have got a dog.   He has got a dog. She has got a dog. It has got a dog. Have I got a dog? Have we gota dog? Have you got a dog? Have they got a dog   Has he got a dog? Has she got a dog? Hasit gota dog? I haven’t got a dog. We haven’t gota dog. You haven’t got a dog. They haven’t got a dog.   He hasn’t got a dog. She hasn’t got a dog. It hasn’t got a dog.



123. Вставь have или has.

a) I ____________ got brown eyes.

b) She __________ got a little mouth.

c) We ___________ got pink noses.

d) My mum _________ got nice hair.

e) My mum and I _____________ got nice hair.



124. Вставь Have или Has.

a) __________ it got little ears?

b) __________ you got brown hair?

c) __________ your sister got a red mouth?

d) __________ they got blue eyes?

e) __________ Mary got a little nose?



125. Вставь haven’t или hasn’t

a) You ________­­_____________ got a big nose.

b) Her son __________________ got red hair.

c) His children _______________ got green eyes.

d) I __________________ got a big mouth.

e) Ted and Fred ________________ got big ears.


long (длинный), long ears, long hair, a long nose, a long snake

Her grandmother has got long hair. Boys haven’t got long hair. Rabbits have got long ears.

short (короткий), short hair, short ears His father has got short brown hair. This dog has got short ears. This pig has got a short nose.

fair (светлые), fair hair Polly has got fair hair and blue eyes. My mother has got short fair hair. Her sister has got long fair hair.

dark (тёмные), dark hair, dark eyes. My sister has got dark hair and blue eyes. He has got dark eyes. Have you got dark hair or fair hair?

beautiful (красивая) my beautiful mother, his beautiful granny

Is your sister beautiful? Yes, she is. She has got long fair hair and green eyes. Her friend Liz is beautiful, too.


Прочитай и ответь.

[^] s o n, L o ndon, l o ve, c o lour (цвет)

What colour is your hair?

My hair is ________________________.

What colour are your eyes?

My eyes are _______________________.

What colour is your nose?

My nose is ________________________.

What colour is your mouth?

My mouth is _______________________.

129. Задай вопросы.

Образец. She has got a red cat.

Has she got a red cat?

1) Joe has got short hair.

__________________________ short hair?

2) Joe and Rob have got big ears.

_______________________________ big ears?

3) She has got a red mouth.

____________________________ a red mouth?

4) You have got fair hair.

________________________ fair hair?

5) Her sons have got blue eyes.

_______________________________ blue eyes?


130. Hапиши отрицания.

Образец. She has got a pink pig.

She hasn’t got a pink pig.

1) Sam and I have got long hair.

Sam and I ______________________ long hair.

2) Tom has got a beautiful sister.

Tom ______________________ a beautiful sister.

3) Nelly has got fair hair.

Nelly ______________________ fair hair.

4) His dogs have got short ears.

His dogs ______________________ short ears.

5) My sister has got brown eyes.

My sister _____________________ brown eyes.


Опиши свою внешность.



- Hi, Bob! How are you?

- Hello, Nick! I’m fine! Have you got a sister?

- Yes, I have.

- What is her name?

- Her name is Mary.

- Is she beautiful?

- Oh, yes, she is! She has got long fair hair, little ears, a nice nose and a pink mouth.

- What colour are her eyes?

- Her eyes are green. They are big and beautiful. I love my sister.




1. У меня розовый рот. (Я имею розовый рот.)


2. У её сестры длинные светлые волосы.

(Её сестра имеет длинные светлые волосы.)


3. У его собаки короткие уши? (Имеет его собака короткие уши?)


4. Моя мама красивая.


5. Мои глаза голубые.



137. Вставь My / Your / His / Her/ Its.

a) I have got a nose. ________ nose is little.

b) This cat is nice. ________ hair is white.

c) You have got a mouth. ___________ mouth is red.

d) My mother has got long hair. __________ hair is fair.

e) My father has got short hair. ___________ hair is black.


Напиши и запомни.

3 three _____________ 13 th ir teen ____________________

4 four ______________ 14 four teen ___________________

5 fi v e ______________ 15 fi f teen _____________________

6 six _______________ 16 six teen ____________________

7 seven _____________ 17 seven teen __________________

8 eight _____________ 18 eigh teen ____________________

9 nine ______________ 19 nine teen ___________________


139. Напиши примеры цифрами.

eleven and three is fourteen ______________________

thirteen and five is eighteen ______________________

fifteen and two is seventeen ______________________

six and thirteen is nineteen _______________________

UNIT 4. Our pets.


[Λ] r u n, j u mp, f u nny, p u ppy, b u dgie, a budgie – budgies, my blue budgie, his yellow budgie, her green budgie, your little budgie My friend has got a nice little budgie. What colour is his budgie? It is green and black. Have you got a budgie? No, I haven’t.

[∫] sh e, fi sh, goldfi sh, one goldfish – two goldfish_, twelve yellow goldfish_. Mary has got eleven goldfish. What colour are her goldfish? They are yellow and red. Has Bob got goldfish? Yes, he has. How many? (Сколько?) He has got fifteen goldfish.

a guinea-pig, one guinea-pig – three guinea-pigs, eleven guinea-pigs My granny has got a little guinea-pig. Her guinea-pig has got white and brown hair, black eyes and a pink nose. It is nice and funny. My granny likes her guinea-pig.


Напиши пары.

ед. число – мн. число: ед. число – мн. число:

Model: a frog – frog sa dog – dogs

a rat – _______________ ________________ – parrots

a hamster – _______________ _­________________ – pets

a budgie – ________________ ________________ – snakes

a kitten – _________________ ________________ – rabbits

a guinea-pig – ______________________________

145. Вставь have или has.

My cat _______ got green eyes. Sam ________ got a budgie.

Her puppy ______ got long hair. His dogs ______ got a puppy.

Hamsters _______ got little ears. I __________ got a goldfish.

They _______ got eleven rats. You ______ got a guinea-pig.


146. Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Задай вопросы.

1) This dog has got black hair.

________________________________ black hair?

2) Frogs have got big eyes.

________________________________ big eyes?

3) He has got a snake.

_________________________________ a snake?

4) You have got a budgie.

__________________________________ a budgie?



can (мочь, уметь)can’t (не мочь, не уметь)

I can walk I can’t walk

We can read We can’t fly

You can dance You can’t dance

They can sing They can’t sing

He can run He can’t run

She can jump She can’t jump

It can climb It can’t climb

can I can run and jump. A goldfish can swim. Parrots can fly.

can’t Hamsters can’t fly. Tortoises can’t run. Rats can’t swim. Can you swim? - No, I can’t. Can you run? - Yes, I can.

too (тоже) My dad can swim. I can swim too. My brother can jump. I can jump too. Her parrot can fly. His budgie can fly, too.

sing, can sing, can’t sing My friend can sing. Parrots can sing. Tortoises can’t sing. Can your sister sing? – Yes, she can.

hide, A rat can hide. My little brother can’t hide. Can your puppy hide? – Yes, it can.

climb, climb a tree, I clim b a tree My cat can climb a tree. Dogs can’t climb a tree. Can you climb a tree? – Yes, I can.

dance, can dance, She can dance. Fred can’t dance. Dogs can dance.

walk, you walk, he walks Cows can walk. Snakes can’t walk.

but (но) Rabbits can run, but they can’t walk. Budgies canfly, but they can’t swim. His puppy can run, but it can’t climb a tree.

152. Вставь I can или I can’t так, чтобы получились предложения о тебе.

_________________ run. _________________ hide.

_________________ fly. _________________ swim. _________________ jump. ____________ climb a tree.

_________________ read. _________________ dance.

_________________ walk. _________________ sing.

The verb can (глагол мочь, уметь) cannot = can’t

Утверждение. Вопрос. Отрицание.
I can play We can play You can play They can play He can play She can play It can play Can I play? Can we play? Can you play? Can they play? Can he play? Can she play? Can it play? I can’t play We can’t play You can’t play They can’t play He can’t play She can’t play It can’t play


153. Задай вопросы.

Образец. Sam can run well.

Can Sam run well?

1. She can dance. - _____________________ dance?

2. Frogs can swim. - ____________________ swim?

3. They can sing. - _____________________ sing?

4. Parrots can fly. - _____________________ fly?

5. His hamster can hide. ___________________________________________________

6. Her puppy can jump. ___________________________________________________


Напиши отрицания.

Образец. Cats can fly.

Cats can’t fly.

1. Liz can climb a tree. - Liz ______________ climb a tree.

2. Tortoises can run. - Tortoises ___________ run.

3. Guinea-pigs can swim. - Guinea-pigs __________ swim.

4. Snakes can walk. – Snakes _____________ walk.

5. My rabbit can dance.- My rabbit ______________ dance.

6. Her horse can sing.- Her horse ____________ sing.

Отгадай загадки.

1. It is green. It is little. It has got big eyes. It can jump and swim. It can’t run and walk. It is a ________________.

2. It is little. It has got short grey hair. It has got a little nose. It has got a little mouth. It can run and hide. It can’t swim and fly. It’s a _________.

3. It is little. It is orange. It has got big eyes. It hasn’t got ears. It hasn’t got hair. It can swim. It can’t run, walk and jump. It is a ________________.

4. It is little. It is blue, red and yellow. It can fly and sing. It can’t swim. It is a __________________.

5. It is big. It has got long hair. It has got green eyes. It can climb trees. It can’t swim and fly. It is a _______________.

156. Ответь на вопросы.

1) Can your mum swim? – Yes, she ____ can ___________.

2) Can Linda climb a tree? – No, ___ she can’t ___________.

3) Can you run? – Yes, I ______________________.

4) Can you fly? – No, ______________________.

5) Can your budgie fly? – Yes, it __________________.

6) Can his hamster swim? – No, ______________________.
7) Can Tom dance? – Yes, he _________________________.

8) Can your uncle sing? – No, _________________________.

9) Can guinea-pigs hide? – Yes, they ___________________.

10) Can tortoises jump? – No, ________________________.


Соедини вопрос и ответ.

Have you got a mum? He is eight.

How old is Nick? She is very well.

Where is Kate from? It is blue.

What colour is your fish? Yes, I have.

How is your granny? She is from Minsk.


a) Я умею танцевать. ________________________________

b) Попугаи могут летать. _____________________________

c) Хомяки могут прятаться.


d) Он не умеет плавать. ______________________________

e) Кролики не могут бегать.


f) Умеет его щенок прыгать?



161. Вставь местоимения My / Your / His / Her.

a) I have got a cat. ________ cat is little.

b) He has got a hamster. __________ hamster is brown.

c) She has got a puppy. __________ puppy is funny.

d) You have got a tortoise. ___________ tortoise can hide.

e) His sister has got a budgie. __________ budgie likes to fly.

f) Sam has got a guinea-pig. __________ guinea-pig can’t swim.

162. Прочитай письмо. Выполни задания.

Hi! My name is Kevin. I am thirteen. I have got a big happy family. We are from America.

I have got two pets: a puppy and a rabbit.

This is my puppy. Its name is Jimmy. It is little. It has got brown hair. Jimmy has got big white ears, little grey eyes and a black nose. It can run, jump and hide. It can’t fly and climb a tree.

This is my rabbit, Pit. It is a big grey rabbit. It has got long ears, red eyes and a pink nose. Pit can jump but it can’t run.

I love my pets. They are nice.



10 fourteen 11 twelve 12 ten 13 eleven 14 thirteen 15 seventeen 16 sixteen 17 nineteen 18 fifteen 19 eighteen


Santa Claus: What’s your name? Liz: My name is Liz. Santa Claus: How old are you? Liz: I am twelve. Santa Claus: Where are you from? Liz: I am from Britain. Santa Claus: Can you dance? Liz: Yes, I can. Santa Claus: Can you sing? Liz: No, I can’t. Santa Claus: Have you got a pet? Liz: No, I haven’t. Santa Claus: What pet do you want? Liz: I want a yellow ____________________________   Santa Claus: What’s your name? Mike: My name is Mike Santa Claus: How old are you? Mike: I am eleven. Santa Claus: Where are you from? Mike: I am from America. Santa Claus: Can you dance? Mike: No, I can’t. But I can sing. Santa Claus: Have you got a goldfish? Mike: No, I haven’t. I have got two _______________. They are little. They are brown and green. Santa Claus: Can snakes climb? Mike: Yes, they can.

169. Answer the questions (Ответь на вопросы):

1. Is Mike from America? _____________________________

2. Is he 12? ______________________________________

3. Can Mike sing? ____________________________________

4. Can he dance? _____________________________________

5. Has Mike got two snakes? ____________________________

6. Are the snakes little? ________________________________

7. Can they climb?____________________________________


1) У меня есть котёнок. _______________________________

2) Он маленький. ____________________________________

3) Мой котёнок умеет бегать.


4) У Лизы есть две крысы. ___________________________________________________

5) Её крысы серые. ___________________________________

6) Крысы умеют прятаться.____________________________


Прочитай и раскрась.

15 11 19 17 12

16 10 13 14 18

ten is red fifteen is purple

eleven is green sixteen is grey

twelve is blue seventeen is orange

thirteen is brown eighteen is black

fourteen is yellow nineteen is pink


UNIT 5. Food.

173. Read. (Прочитай).

[i:] gr ee n, thr ee, coff ee [u:] blue, juice

[i:] r ea d, t ea cher, ea t (есть), t ea [i] pink, milk, drink (пить)

! [e] bread! [æ] cat, jam, apple (яблоко)


[Λ] puppy, funny, hungry (голодный)

[j] yellow, yoghurt, yummy (вкусно), yuck (невкусно)

[ɔ] wh a t (что? какой?), w a nt (хотеть) w a ter (вода)


I like jam and white bread. It’s yummy! I am hungry.

My mother like s pizza. Pizza is yummy. My dog is hungry.


Children drink milk and tea. His kittens like milk.

This girl drink s juice. Her parrot like s water.


Sam eat s one apple. They want to eat.

We eat two apples. Nan want s to drink.


Закончи предложения.

I like to eat __________________________________________

My friend likes to eat __________________________________

I like to drink ________________________________________

My mother likes to drink _______________________________

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