Vehicle Squares                Vehicle Размер — КиберПедия 

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Vehicle Squares                Vehicle Размер

2021-02-05 87
Vehicle Squares                Vehicle Размер 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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2–6 squares                        Крупный vehicle

7–12 squares                      Огромный vehicle

13–20 squares                    Гигантский vehicle

21+                                    Колоссальный vehicle



Vehicles do not move like creatures, even when they use creatures as propulsion. They tend to move in the direction of their forward facing, and do so quickly.

Facing: Unlike creatures, most vehicles have a forward facing. The facing of the vehicle determines its best path of propulsion. Vehicles are very good at moving in the direction of their forward facing, but it takes time and skill to move them in other directions. A horse-pulled wagon moves forward quickly and with ease, but turning a corner requires proper timing and a crack of the whip. A ship propelled by an air current can take a great deal of effort to stop, especially once it has reached top быстрое. Vehicle facing represents the effect oКрошечныйrtia on vehicles. When driven correctly, vehicles can move straight ahead, diagonally, or a mix of both within the same movement. Skilled drivers can make a vehicle zigzag in a forward direction with ease.

Movement: Vehicles have a maximum быстрое and an acceleration listing. The быстрое is the fastest rate the vehicle can travel. When a creature or creatures pull a vehicle, the vehicle’s maximum быстрое is equal to twice the быстрое of the creature providing the propulsion, and its acceleration is the creature’s быстрое. (Teams of mixed creature types use the замедлениеest creature’s быстрое.) A vehicle cannot start at its maximum быстрое, unless it has some form of high-level magic propulsion. Each round, the driver can attempt to accelerate the vehicle or decelerate it by a rate equal to its acceleration (see Driving Vehicles below). The rate at which a vehicle is currently moving is called its current быстрое.



The wagon in this diagram may move in the forward direction if it succeeds at or fails a driving check when the driver “accelerates,” “decelerates,” “keeps it going,” or “turns” the vehicle. It must move in this direction if it is “uncontrolled.” The wagon may move forward diagonally (either left or right) if the driver succeeds at an "accelerate" or “keep it going” driving check, or if the driver succeeds at or fails a "decelerate" or "turn" driving check. It cannot move forward diagonally if it fails an "accelerate" or “keep it going” driving check or if the vehicle is “uncontrolled.”

If a vehicle can move forward diagonally, it can move directly forward and any direction forward diagonally, and can even mix its diagonal movement in any direction, allowing it to swerve and even zigzag if the driver so desires.




Controlling a vehicle takes common sense, awareness, intuition, and often some amount of skill in its method of propulsion. In the case of muscle propulsion, it is about guiding the creatures to move the vehicle. In the case of current propulsion, it is about using the current and tools like sails, oars, or a rudder to move the vehicle. With magic, it is typically about understanding the magic device that powers the propulsion and using the device properly.

Driving Actions: A driver can, at the start of her turn, before taking any other action, take any of the following actions (except the “uncontrolled” action) to control a vehicle. If the driver does not take an action, takes another action, or delays or readies an action, she loses control of the vehicle and the vehicle takes the “uncontrolled” action. Accelerate (основное действие): With a successful driving check, the vehicle’s current быстрое increases up to its acceleration (in 5-foot increments; minimum 5 feet), but no higher than itsymaximum быстрое. The vehicle can move forward or forward diagonally. In other words, each time a vehicle enters a new 5-foot square, it can choose any of its forward-facing squares—the ones directly in front or either of the squares directly forward and diagonal. This allows the vehicle to swerve. A driver who fails her driving check can only move into squares directly in front of the vehicle’s forward facing. Decelerate (основное действие): With a successful driving check, the vehicle’s current быстрое decreases by a rate up to its acceleration (in 5-foot increments; minimum 5 feet). On a failed check, the vehicle does not decelerate. Either way, the vehicle can move forward diagonally. If deceleration reduces a vehicle’s быстрое to 0, some amount oКрошечныйrtia воля continue to move the vehicle forward. The vehicle moves forward (either directly forward or forward diagonally) 1d4 × 5 feet before coming to a complete stop. Having the Умелец Driver черта (see page 100) reduces this дальнобойное by 10 feet (minimum 0 feet).

Keep It Going (сопутствующее действие): With a successful driving check, the driver can move the vehicle forward on its current facing at its current быстрое, and it can move forward diagonally. Failing the check keeps the быстрое constant, but you cannot move the vehicle forward diagonally.



The rules for turning a vehicle are a simple way of getting vehicles to turn on a grid, but when a vehicle turns, it doesn’t do so sharply, even when powered by magic; vehicles rarely make turns evenly. If this simple system involves too much abstraction, you can have vehicles make wide turns.

Have the driver make a driving check as usual. If she succeeds at the check, she can turn the vehicle. When a vehicle makes a turn, it has a chance to make a vehicular вторжение or ramming maneuver on any creature within the turning area, which is a square with sides equal to the vehicle’s length, with one vertex touching the front facing of the vehicle on the side opposite to the direction of the turn. In other words, put the square with one side Running along the vehicle’s front, perpendicular to its forward facing, and another Running the direction of its current forward facing. Place the square so its far corner is within the desired destination of the vehicle. If the turn is successful, the vehicle ends this movement in that area, facing toward the direction of the turn.

The vehicle then makes either vehicular вторжениеs or vehicular таранes (if the driver makes the required быстрое действие) on all creatures and objects within the square that are Небольшойer than it, and makes ramming maneuvers on all creatures and objects that are Крупныйr than it, including solid objects. It takes a –10 penalty on the vehicular таран and vehicular вторжение maneuvers. The driver can choose to make these in any order she likes. She makes them one at a time (even after the vehicle is wrecked or comes to a sudden stop), and all effects are cumulative. If the vehicle is wrecked or comes to a sudden stop, the GM decides the final resting location within the turning area, picking the most plausible location given the effects.

For instance, if the square has two objects Крупныйr than the vehicle and three creatures Небольшойer than it, and the driver decides to make the ramming maneuver on the objects first, and then is wrecked during the ramming maneuver on the second object, the vehicle still makes the vehicular вторжениеs on the other two creatures. It ends in a location of the GM’s choosing.

Reverse (основное действие): A vehicle may only be moved in reverse if it is at a full stop (movement of 0 feet). On a successful driving check, a vehicle can move backward at half its acceleration, moving either directly backward (the reverse of its forward facing) or backward diagonally. On a failed check, it does not move backward.

Turn (основное действие): The driver takes this action to turn a vehicle’s forward facing 90 degrees. The vehicle moves its current быстрое. If a vehicle’s current быстрое is twice its acceleration, the driving check СЛ increases by 5. If a vehicle’s movement is three times its acceleration, the driving check СЛ increases by 10. If it is four or more times its acceleration, the СЛ increases by 20. With a successful driving check, the vehicle changes its facing either left or right by 90 degrees at any point during its movement. Do this by pivoting the vehicle so that the left rear or right rear side of the vehicle takes the place of the vehicle’s former forward facing side. On a failed check, the vehicle does not turn, but can be moved forward diagonally during its movement.

Uncontrolle d (no action): When the driver does nothing or there is no driver, the vehicle is uncontrolled. An uncontrolled vehicle moves forward only (it cannot move forward diagonally). If a vehicle has muscle propulsion, it decelerates at a rate equal to its acceleration. If a vehicle is powered by an air current, water current, or some form of жуть current, it замедлениеs by 10 feet. These decelerations are cumulative. If a vehicle does nothing, it cannot выступление vehicular таранes, but can still выступление a vehicular вторжение or a ramming maneuver (see Vehicle Боевые маневры on page 177).

Driving a Vehicle Outside of Combat: Since driving a vehicle outside of combat is easily accomplished by taking 10 on the проверка навыка, driving checks are not normally needed. Almost every character can do it with relative ease; the DCs are given only to adjudicate special situations that may come up in your game.

Driving a Vehicle with Magic Propulsion: Typically, a vehicle with magic propulsion requires actions but no driving checks in order to drive it. When driving a vehicle with magic propulsion, treat every action as though the driver succeeded at the driving check.

Driving a Vehicle without the Proper Skill: If a driver lacks the proper skill to drive a vehicle, the driver can always make a Мудрость ability check instead of the appropriate проверка навыка. The driver can even take 10 or gain the benefits of помощь another when using Мудрость instead of the vehicle’s normal driving skill.

Vehicle Crews: Some vehicles require a crew. A vehicle with a full crew complement is as easy to control as any other vehicle. A vehicle without a full crew complement, but with at least half its crew, increases all driving check DCs by 10. A vehicle needs at least half its crew complement in order to be driven at all. Crew members can take no action while the vehicle is in motion except to помощь in that vehicle’s movement. A crew member does not threaten an area.



The wagon in this diagram is исполнение a left turn after moving forward. When the vehicle makes the turn, pick up the vehicle and place it in the new space, making vehicular maneuvers only once, as if this repositioning was the vehicle’s only movement into its new space.

In order to accomplish this maneuver the driver must succeed at a driving check when making a “turn” action. If she does not succeed at the check, the vehicle can only move forward or forward diagonally.




A vehicle in combat can become a target for attacks and can affect combatants with special vehicular maneuvers. The following are the rules for how a vehicle acts in the combat round.

Initiative: A vehicle moves on its driver’s initiative. If a driver delays or readies an action, the vehicle goes out of control, and does nothing except take the uncontrolled action until it stops or someone becomes its new driver.

Movement: At the start of the driver’s turn, she makes a driving check to control the vehicle as detailed in the Driving Vehicles section. When doing so, she takes whatever action is required before doing anything else that turn.

Vehicles usually ignore difficult terrain due to rubble and foliage, but treat steep inclines as difficult terrain, and depending on the vehicle type and GM judgment, they may be affected by other difficult terrain types as well. Vehicles and creatures that occupy vehicles can enter the spaces of other vehicles and creatures, though doing so usually provokes a vehicular вторжение or ramming maneuver (see Vehicle Боевые маневры on page 177). A vehicle can even end its turn in the space of a creature or another vehicle.

Threatening: Vehicles cannot threaten areas, but their non-crew occupants can. A character driving a vehicle still threatens the squares around her, though she may have limited options for attack depending on the requirements of the device used to drive the vehicle. Creatures used as propulsion do not threaten areas, and are treated as part of the vehicle for purposes of vehicular боевые маневры.

Line of Sight an d Cover: Vehicles typically grant their occupants partial cover (+2 to КБ and +1 on Реакция испытания) against those outside the vehicle, and may grant partial cover against opponents within the vehicles as well. Vehicles with more protection or internal chambers can offer greater cover and can even block line of sight.

Прыжок ing On or Off a Vehicle: Прыжокing on a vehicle is a normal прыжок of its дальнобойное assuming the vehicle has a deck or handholds within the character’s height from the ground. Increase the СЛ of the Акробатика check by 5 for every 30 feet of the vehicle’s current быстрое. If the прыжокing creature is on a moving vehicle, calculate the increase in the Акробатика проверка навыка СЛ by calculating the difference between the current быстроеs of the two vehicles. For every difference of 30 feet (round up), the СЛ increases by 5.

For example, прыжокing onto a vehicle with a current быстрое of 90 feet increases the СЛ by 15 if the прыжокer is not also on a moving vehicle. If the прыжокer is on a moving vehicle, and that vehicle is moving at the same current быстрое as the vehicle the прыжокer wants to прыжок to, there is no increase to the СЛ. If the difference between their быстроеs is less than 30 feet, the СЛ of the Акробатика check increases by 5. If it’s between 30 and 60, it increases by 10, and so on.

Прыжокing off a vehicle onto the ground is considered a fall, and treated as if the fall were an additional 10 feet farther for every 30 feet of the vehicle’s movement for the purposes of determining damage. Акробатика can be used to soften this fall, and magic abilities such as плавное падение can be used to negate the effects of прыжокing off a vehicle.



Squares of propulsion devices have their own statistics, separate from the vehicle’s. Use the following rules to determine those statistics.

Alchemical Engine: Harvesting the power of steam or some other alchemical reaction, these engines are typically reinforced and difficult to destroy. They can be едва жив, and are considered either difficult or extreme devices (Core Rulebook 94) based on the complexity of the device.

Creature: A creature used as propulsion uses its own statistics. During movement and the effects of any боевой маневр, pulling creatures’ spaces are considered vehicle spaces to determine the effects of vehicle maneuvers. Creatures pulling a vehicle can be arranged in teams. This means two creatures of the same type and same размер can occupy the same space to pull a vehicle.

Dirigible: Lighter-than-air alchemical gases can be harnessed to give a vehicle flight. Dirigibles are often easier to destroy than the vehicle they convey. Dirigibles have 5 пункты здоровья per square and no hardness. They take double the normal damage from acid, electricity, and fire attacks (multiply the damage roll by 2).

Magic Item: Like a creature, a magic item uses its own item statistics.

Sails: Used on magically or alchemically powered airships and on any fast-moving water vehicle, sails are often weaker than the vessels they propel, though they are relatively easy to repair. Taking out the sails is a good way to capture a vessel. Sails have 5 пункты здоровья per square and no hardness. They take double the normal damage from acid and fire attacks (multiply the damage roll by 2). While the sails have rigging, such rigging manipulated by the crew, and as such are not considered driving devices.


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