Table 3–11: siege engine assembly — КиберПедия 

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Table 3–11: siege engine assembly

2021-02-05 86
Table 3–11: siege engine assembly 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Engine Размер             Time Required Workers Required

Небольшой                       1 minute              1

Средний                          10 minutes            2

Крупный                            1 hour                4

Огромный                          2 hours               6

Гигантский                        4 hours               8

Колоссальный                   8 hours               12



The following are the various entries on the equipment tables for siege engines (given in the column headings on Tables 3–13 and 3–15). While ranged siege engines use most of these entries, close-assault siege engines only use some of them.

Cost: This value is the siege engine’s cost in gold pieces (зм). The cost includes gear needed to work the engine as well as gear for upkeep. Typical ammunition costs and weights are given in siege weapon description.

Damage: This column gives the damage typically dealt by the engine. If the engine has a special mode of attack or damage, this space is marked by the words “see description.” If the siege engine does not deal any damage, but rather is a tool for getting close to or over fortifications, this entry features a dash (—). Some ranged siege engines can be loaded with special ammunition that affects or overверховая ездаs the weapon’s typical damage or range.

As Крупный and imprecise weapons, siege engines do not deal атака исподтишка damage or any other kind of урон за точность.

Critical: The entry for this column notes how the engine is used with the rules for critical hits (Core Rulebook 144). Unlike normal ranged weapons, siege engines can deal critical damage to objects as well as creatures.

Range: Any attack at more than the дальнобойное listed in this entry is penalized for range. Beyond this range, the attack or targeting check takes a cumulative –2 penalty for each full шаг дистанции  (or fraction thereof) of дальнобойное to the target. Some siege engines have a minimum range for effectiveness. If that is the case, the range of this weapon is followed by a parenthetical with the minimum range, followed by the abbreviation “min.”

Type: Like weapons, siege engines that deal damage are classified according to the type of damage they deal: B for дробящее, P for колющее, or S for режущее. Some engines deal damage of multiple types. Some special siege engines (like the firedПовеса and the firewyrm) deal energy damage, typically fire damage. In those cases, the type of energy damage is listed instead.

Crew: This column gives the number of creatures needed to properly use the siege engine, assuming Средний creatures. Some siege engines can be used with a Небольшойer crew, but there are usually consequences such as замедлениеer aiming, firing, or movement.

Aim: This column gives the number of действие полного ходаs (or сопутствующее действиеs if the crew leader has the Master Siege Engineer черта) required to aim a siege engine. If the siege engine is being controlled by less than its normal crew complement, the number of actions it takes for the crew to aim the siege engine is doubled.

Loa d: This column gives the number of действие полного ходаs (or сопутствующее действиеs if the crew leader has the Master Siege Engineer черта) required to load a siege engine.

spee d: This is how fast the siege engine can be moved with сопутствующее действиеs made by its entire crew.




Con dition                                                                                          Modifier

No line of sight to target square                                                             6

Successive shots (crew can see where most recent miss landed)             Cumulative +2 per previous miss (maximum +10) Successive shots (crew can’t see where most recent missed                  Cumulative +1 per previous miss (maximum +5) shot landed, but observer is providing feedback)

Successive shots after a hit                                                                  +10




Ranged siege engines assault structures and people from a дальнобойное, by propelling ammunition in some fashion. Siege engines hurl massive projectiles in one of two ways: direct fire or indirect fire. Both take a number of actions to load or aim, and the basic rules are described below.

Дальнобойные осадные орудия штурмуют строения и людей из дальнобойного, путем выведения боеприпасов каким-то образом. Осадные машины бросают массивные снаряды одним из двух способов: прямым огнем или косвенным огнем. Оба выполняют ряд действий для загрузки или прицеливания, и основные правила описаны ниже.


Loa d Ammunition: In order for a ranged siege engine to fire, it needs to be loaded with ammunition. Loading ammunition takes a number of действие полного ходаs depending on the siege engine (this time can be reduced to сопутствующее действиеs if the crew leader has the Master Siege Engineer черта; see page 109).

Aiming a Siege Engine: Ranged siege engines must be aimed in order to attack a desired target (in the case of direct-fire siege engines) or square (in the case ofindirect- fire siege engines). Aiming takes a number of действие полного ходаs (or сопутствующее действиеs if the crew leader has the Master Siege Engineer черта presented on page 109), with the number depending on the specific siege engine. Aiming a siege engine with a diminished crew doubles the amount of time it takes to aim the siege engine. Each time a new target or square is chosen as the target of a siege engine’s attack, that engine must be aimed anew.

Direct-Fire Ranged Siege Engines: Direct-fire weapons launch their projectiles on a relatively flat trajectory, allowing them to more easily target creatures or pummel barriers directly in front of them.

A direct-fire weapon uses a normal attack roll, with the normal penalty for nonproficient use. In addition, a direct- fire weapon takes a –2 attack roll penalty per размер category that the weapon is Крупныйr than the creature aiming it. Creatures that have ranks in Знание (инженерное дело) are not adversely affected by their размер when firing direct-fire ranged siege engines.

Sheer manpower can also reduce the penalties for размер. Increasing the crew of these weapons by 1 or more can reduce the attack roll penalty for creature размер: as long as an extra crew member is no Небольшойer than three размер categories Небольшойer than the direct-fire weapon, it can reduce the penalty due to the aiming creature’s размер by 2. For example, a Огромный ballista fired by a Средний creature that is part of a crew of two (the creature aiming the ballista and someone to help position it) takes only a –2 penalty on attack rolls.

In direct-Fire Ranged Siege Engines: Indirect-fire weapons launch projectiles in high arcs toward their targets. They typically lob heavier missiles and payloads than direct-fire weapons, but they are harder to aim accurately. Indirect weapons can bypass many forms of fortification, delivering their payloads of solid shot, scatter shot, or even disease-ridden offal to targets beyond the walls of castles. They can also be used to batter fortifications where they are most vulnerable, arcing down on towers and walls, crushing them with the weight of stone or raining down Небольшойer projectiles on a wall’s defenders.

Indirect-fire weapons use a targeting mechanic similar to that described for catapults in the Core Rulebook, hereafter referred to as an indirect attack. The following is an update to those rules.

In direct Attack: To fire an indirect-fire ranged siege engine, the crew leader makes a targeting check against the СЛ of the siege engine. This check uses his base бонус атаки, his Интеллект modifier (if not trained in Знание [engineering]) or Знание (инженерное дело) skill modifier (if trained in that skill), any penalty for not being proficient in the siege engine, and the appropriate modifiers from Table 3–12. If the check succeeds, the ammunition of the indirect attack hits the square the siege engine was aimed at, dealing the indicated damage or effect to any object or creature within the area of its attack. Creatures may get a проверка испытания to limit the effect of the attack; this is typically based on the type of ammunition used.

If the attack misses the intended square, roll 1d8 to determine in what direction the shot veers. A roll of 1 indicates the ammunition falls short (toward the siege engine), with rolls of 2 through 8 counting squares clockwise around the target square. Roll 1d4 for every шаг дистанции  at which the attack was made (1d4 if the target square is within the engine’s first шаг дистанции, 2d4 if the target square is within the second шаг дистанции, and so on). The total is the number of squares by which the attack misses, with the direction in which the squares are counted determined by the d8 roll. The ammunition deals its damage and any other effects in the square it lands on.



The following are siege weapon descriptions.

Ballista: Resembling a massive crossbow, a ballista’s power is provided by twisted skeins of animal sinew used as torsion springs driving a pair of adjuстабилизирован arms. A cord attached to both arms is winched back and a projectile is loaded into a grooved slider for release. Ballistae are direct-fire weapons.

Light: This common type of ballista, also called an arbalest or scorpion, is размер Крупный, maneuverable, and often скакунed atop towers or even vehicles. Light ballistae have a hardness of 5 and 50 пункты здоровья. Light ballista bolts cost 10 зм each and weigh 10 pounds.

Heavy: These Огромный-размерd siege engines are commonly used as castle defenses, as well as on Крупный warships. Heavy ballistae have a hardness of 5 and 100 пункты здоровья. Heavy ballista bolts cost 30 зм and weigh 20 pounds each.

Gate Сломать er: This massive ballista fires specially weighted quarrels with blunt metal tips. These are used as long-range battering rams, shot at walls or the gates of castles. When they hit a wooden structure, they have a critical range of 19 –20/×3. Gate сломатьer ballistae have a hardness of 5 and 200 пункты здоровья. Gate сломатьer ballista bolts cost 50 зм and weigh 30 pounds each.

Bom бард: Resembling either Крупный cauldrons or more traditional cannons, these firearms lob their ammunition in an arc in order to deliver their смертельный payloads over troops or castle walls. Bomбардs are normally fired indirectly, but can also be fired as direct-fire siege engines. When they are used for direct fire, they take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and have their шаг дистанции  halved, but do not have a minimum range. Like all firearms, bomбардs do not suffer mishaps, but instead have a misfire chance.






Direct-Fire Engines Крупный Siege Engines Cost Dmg Critical Range Type 1 Crew Aim Loa d spee d
Ballista, light 500 зм 3d8 19–20/×2 120 футов P 1 0 2 10 футов
Cannon 6,000 зм 6d6 ×4 100 футов B and P 2 1 3 10 футов
  Огромный Siege Engines                  
Ballista, heavy 800 зм 4d8 19–20/×2 180 футов P 3 2 3 0 футов
Cannon, fiend’s mouth 9,000 зм 8d6 ×4 150 футов B and P 3 1 3 0 футов
FiredПовеса 4,000 зм 6d6 fire 3 2 5 10 футов
  Гигантский Siege Engines                  
Ballista, gate сломатьer 1,200 зм 6d8 19–20/×2 100 футов B 5 3 5 0 футов
Firewyrm 6,000 зм 6d6 fire 5 2 6 0 футов
  In direct-Fire Engines Крупный Siege Engines   Cost   Dmg   Critical   Range   Type   Crew   Aim   Loa d   spee d
Bomбард, light 6,000 зм 5d6 ×4 100 футов (50 футов min.) B and P 2 1 3 10 футов
Catapult, light 550 зм 4d6 ×2 150 футов (50 футов min.) B 2 2 3 10 футов
Trebuchet, light 800 зм 4d6 ×2 200 футов (100 футов min.) B 3 2 3 0 футов
  Огромный Siege Engines                  
Bomбард, standard 8,000 зм 7d6 ×4 150 футов (100 футов min.) B and P 2 1 3 0 футов
Catapult, standard 800 зм 6d6 ×2 200 футов (100 футов min.) B 3 2 3 0 футов
Springal, arrow 1,000 зм 3d8 ×3 100 футов (50 футов min.) P 3 2 3 0 футов
Springal, rocket 6,000 зм 3d10 ×4 100 футов (50 футов min.) fire 3 2 3 0 футов
Trebuchet, standard 1,000 зм 6d6 ×2 300 футов (150 футов min.) B 4 2 3 0 футов
  Гигантский Siege Engines                  
Bomбард, heavy 16,000 зм 9d6 ×4 200 футов (100 футов min.) B and P 4 3 5 0 футов
Catapult, heavy 1,000 зм 8d6 ×2 300 футов (100 футов min.) B 4 3 3 0 футов
Trebuchet, heavy 1,500 зм 8d6 ×2 400 футов (200 футов min.) B 4 3 3 0 футов

1 A weapon with two types is both types if the entry specifies “and.”


Light: These bomбардs resemble cauldrons attached to swivels. Often they are скакунed into the ground or into the stone of castle walls because of the mighty power of their recoil. The targeting СЛ of a light bomбард is 15. A light bomбард has a base misfire range of 1–2 (10 feet). Light bomбардs have a hardness of 10 and 70 пункты здоровья. Light bomбард balls cost 30 зм each and weigh 25 pounds.

Stan dard: These bomбардs чертаure the greatest diversity of forms. Many take the cauldron shape of the light bomбард, but they may also take the forms of more traditional cannons, albeit чертаuring stabilizing mechanisms that allow them to fire at a much steeper incline. The targeting СЛ of a standard bomбард is 20. A standard bomбард has a misfire range of 1–2 (20 feet). Standard bomбардs have a hardness of 10 and 140 пункты здоровья. Standard bomбард balls cost 35 зм each and weigh 30 pounds.






Heavy: These massive siege engines are often fixed to positions on high hilltops or atop massive keeps, raining death down on a valley or strait. Often these firearms come in two pieces connected by a screw mechanism. The bomбард is unscrewed to be loaded, and then the main part of the muzzle is screwed back on to the barrel section in order to be fired. Heavy bomбардs are too Крупный and powerful to скакун on vehicles. The targeting СЛ of a heavy bomбард is 25. A heavy bomбард has a misfire range of 1–2 (30 feet). Heavy bomбардs have a hardness of 10 and 280 пункты здоровья. Heavy bomбард balls cost 45 зм each and weigh 50 pounds.

Cannon: Cannons are ремеслоed of metal—some are cast in one piece, others welded with iron bands—and скакунed either in the ground or on wooden frames. Cannons use black powder to propel their projectiles with great force. A cannon has a misfire range of 1 (20 feet). Cannons have a hardness of 10 and 70 пункты здоровья. Cannon balls cost 30 зм each and weigh 25 pounds.

Catapult: Catapults are stone-метательное siege engines powered by winched arms that Бегун through torsion skeins, and hold their payload in a cup that swings up and over the weapon when released. Catapults can hurl a variety of different types of ammunition (the damage given is for stone projectiles; other types of ammunition can be found later in this chapter). They are indirect-fire siege engines.

Light: These catapults are Крупный and often скакунed on wheels. The targeting СЛ of a light catapult is 15. Light catapults have a hardness of 5 and 50 пункты здоровья. Light catapult stones cost 10 зм and weigh 50 pounds each.

Stan dard: These Огромный siege engines are too Крупный to be transported to the battlefield in one piece, and require assembly. They typically hurl Крупный stones indirectly at a target (targeting СЛ 20). Standard catapults have a hardness of 5 and 100 пункты здоровья. Standard catapult stones cost 15 зм and weigh 75 pounds each.

Heavy: These Гигантский siege engines are too Крупный to be transported to the battlefield in one piece, and require assembly. They typically hurl Крупный stones indirectly at a target (targeting СЛ 25). Heavy catapults have a hardness of 5 and 200 пункты здоровья. Heavy catapult stones cost 25 зм and weigh 90 pounds each.

Fien d’s Mouth Cannon: These massive cannons are usually ремеслоed in multiple pieces, and sometimes чертаure the heads of demons, devils, or other fiends at their mouths. Like normal canons, they propel their projectiles with great force. A fiend’s mouth cannon has a misfire range of 1 (30 футов). Fiend’s mouth canons have a hardness of 10 and 140 пункты здоровья. Fiend’s mouth cannon balls cost 45 зм and weigh 30 pounds each.

Fire d Повеса: These Крупный siege engines are typically wheeled or attached to vehicles that can transport them to the battlefield. This apparatus fires gouts of алхимик’s fire in either a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone (siege crew leader’s choice). Targets in the area take 6d6 points of fire damage (СЛ 15 Реакция испытание halves); those who fail their испытание s also catch on fire. A firedПовеса with the сломан condition that suffers a further mishap explodes, dealing its damage to all creatures within a 20-foot blast (СЛ 15 Реакция испытание halves). FiredПовесаs have a hardness of 10 and 70 пункты здоровья. One use of firedПовеса ammunition costs 200 зм and weighs 20 pounds.

Firewyrm: This siege engine is a Крупныйr version of the firedПовеса. A firewyrm is too Крупный to be transported to the battlefield in one piece and must be assembled once the component parts reach the battlefield. A firewyrm fires its gout of flame in either a 120-foot line or a 60-foot cone (crew leader’s choice). Targets in the area take 6d6 points of fire damage (СЛ 20 Реакция испытание halves). Those who fail their испытание s catch on fire. A firewyrm with the сломан condition that suffers a further mishap explodes, dealing its damage to all creatures within a 30-foot blast (СЛ 20 Реакция испытание halves). Firewyrms have a hardness of 10 and 140 пункты здоровья. One use of firewyrm ammunition costs 400 зм and weighs 40 pounds. Springal: A springal uses a torsion-cranked composite paddle to strike a firing rack containing multiple arrows or black-powder-propelled rockets, which rain down in an arc over a burst area. Springals are indirect-fire weapons that affect an area centered on the target square (targeting СЛ 20). Arrow: This springal propels a group of arrows that rains down on the targeted square and in a 15-foot burst around that square. One use of arrow springal ammunition costs 20 зм and weighs 10 pounds.

Rocket: This highly volatile springal propels a group of black-powder rockets that rain down on the targeted square and in a 15-foot burst around the area. If the rocket springal misfires, it explodes, dealing its damage in a 20- foot blast around the springal. This explosion destroys the rocket springal. One use of rocket springal ammunition costs 500 зм and weighs 30 pounds.

Trebuchet: Trebuchets are similar in form to catapults, with the payload placed into a basket, cup, or sling at the end of a long lever, and a counterweight (often with crew or animals pulling attached ropes) close to the fulcrum. The leveярость imparted by a trebuchet allows it to hurl massive missiles that scatter to a number of squares around the target square based on the размер of the trebuchet. Trebuchets are too bulky to move on wheels or vehicles and must be assembled on the battlefield. Trebuchets have a minimum range of 150 feet.

Light: These Крупный siege engines typically hurl Крупный stones indirectly at a target (targeting СЛ 15). A light trebuchet’s ammunition scatters on contact, dealing full damage to the target square and half its damage to creatures and objects within 5 feet of the target square (creatures can make a СЛ 15 Реакция испытание to halve the damage again). Light trebuchets have a hardness of 5 and 50 пункты здоровья. One use of light trebuchet stones costs 15 зм and weighs 60 pounds. Standard: These Огромный siege engines typically hurl Крупный stones indirectly at a target (targeting СЛ 20). A standard trebuchet’s ammunition scatters on contact, dealing full damage to the target square and half damage to creatures and objects within 15 feet of the target square (creatures can make a СЛ 20 Реакция испытание to halve the damage again). Standard trebuchets have a hardness of 5 and 100 пункты здоровья. One use of standard trebuchet stones costs 30 зм and weighs 110 pounds.

Heavy: These Гигантский siege engines typically hurl Крупный stones indirectly at a target (targeting СЛ 25). A heavy trebuchet’s ammunition scatters on contact, dealing full damage to the target square and half its damage to creatures and objects within 30 feet of the target square (creatures can make a СЛ 25 Реакция испытание to halve the damage again). Heavy trebuchets have a hardness of 5 and 200 пункты здоровья. One use of heavy trebuchet stones costs 40 зм and weighs 120 pounds.


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