Свободное действие or прерывающее действие checks — КиберПедия 

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Свободное действие or прерывающее действие checks

2021-02-05 84
Свободное действие or прерывающее действие checks 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The following triggers allow a combatant to make a постановочный бой check as a свободное действие or an прерывающее действие. A combatant may also opt to make any of these постановочный бой checks as a быстрое действие instead, and gains the benefit of performance черты when he does so. A combatant can always opt to not make a постановочный бой check that requires a свободное действие or прерывающее действие. A combatant can also spend a victory point to make any one of these постановочный бой checks as a свободное действие taken when it is not the combatant’s turn, which allows the combatant to make one of these постановочный бой checks without spending an прерывающее действие.

Critical Hit: When a combatant confirms a critical hit, he can make a постановочный бой check as a free or прерывающее действие. When he does so, failing by 5 or more does not lower the crowd’s attitude. If the combatant gains a special effect on this critical hit from a critical черта, he gains a +2 bonus on the постановочный бой check.

First Bloo d: If the combatant is the first person to damage an enemy during a постановочный бой (or to hit an opponent in the case of staged combats), he can make a постановочный бой check as a free or прерывающее действие.

Raging: The first time a combatant enters a ярость in a постановочный бой, he can make a постановочный бой check as a free or прерывающее действие.

Vanquish Opponent: Whenever a combatant reduces a creature to 0 or fewer пункты здоровья, he can make a постановочный бой check as a free or прерывающее действие.



The following постановочный бой checks must be attempted whenever possible. These checks don’t improve a crowd’s attitude, and the combatant gains no benefit from performance черты with these checks. Failing them typically has a detrimental effect on a crowd’s attitude. If the crowd cannot see the action that triggered these checks, the combatant who performed it does not need to make the check. Making a performance check for one of these triggers is not an action.

Magical Healing: Crowds tend to dislike the use of magical healing; some crowds even see it as cheating. On a turn when a combatant casts a healing spell or other healing effect, or uses a healing spell trigger, spell completion, or use-activated item (including forcing a potion of исцеление легких ранений or similar potion down the throat of an opponent) she must make a постановочный бой check. Success yields no change to the attitude of the crowd, but any failure reduces the crowd’s attitude by one step.

Rolling a Естественная броня 1: When a combatant rolls a естественная броня 1 on an attack roll or a проверка испытания, she must make a постановочный бой check. A success does not affect the crowd in any way, but any failure reduces the crowd’s attitude by one step.

With draw: Whenever a combatant uses the withdraw action, she must make a постановочный бой check as a свободное действие. She takes a –5 penalty on the check, and success does not shift the crowd’s attitude, but failure shifts it one step lower.



When a side is benefiting from a helpful crowd reaction and succeeds at a постановочный бой check, that side gains a victory point. Victory points are kept in a pool, and can be spent by anyone on a given side of a постановочный бой at any time during the постановочный бой, as long as no one on the side objects to the use of the victory point. Victory points can be spent during a постановочный бой in the following ways. Spending a victory point is not an action.

· A combatant can spend a victory point to gain an automatic success at a постановочный бой check, but cannot spend the victory point to succeed at a постановочный бой check while the crowd has a helpful attitude toward that combatant’s side of the постановочный бой.

· A combatant can spend a victory point to make a free or прерывающее действие постановочный бой check as no action, allowing the combatant to make the check when it is not the combatant’s turn without spending an прерывающее действие.

· A combatant can spend a victory point to force an opponent in a постановочный бой to reroll a постановочный бой check. The opponent must take the effect of the reroll.

While Running a group of serialized постановочный бойs, any unspent victory points are испытание d and can be used during the next постановочный бой, and can affect the starting attitude of the crowd.

In the case of serialized combats, decisively winning a performance by having a higher crowd attitude than the opposing team or teams at the end of the постановочный бой wins 1 victory point for each combatant on the winning side.

Splitting Up Victory Points: Sometimes, in the case of team постановочный бой, the lineup of a постановочный бой team may change. If this occurs, it may be important to split up any victory points the team has gained. Victory points should be split as evenly as possible among the combatants within a team, with the remainder going to combatants in any way the team chooses (but with no individual player receiving more than 1 point from the remainder). For instance, if a team is made up of four combatants, but at the end of a bout there are 6 victory points, all four combatants gain at least 1 victory point, and two members of the team each receive 1 additional point, as chosen by the members of the team in any way the members deem fair.



When the постановочный бой is concluded, the side with the highest attitude wins over the crowd. In the case of a tie, use victory points to determine the winner. If the bout is still a tie, that постановочный бой is a tie.


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