Serialized постановочный бойs — КиберПедия 

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Serialized постановочный бойs

2021-02-05 83
Serialized постановочный бойs 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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If you are Running a series of постановочный бойs as part of your campaign, successes and failures for each постановочный бой can affect the starting attitude of the crowd in future постановочный бойs in the series, both negatively and positively.

If one side of a постановочный бой loses the performance part of the combat by failing a постановочный бой check by 5 while the crowd has a hostile attitude, on the very next bout, the crowd starts with an unfriendly attitude instead of the indifferent attitude.

If a side of the постановочный бой starts with at least 1 victory point per member of the side, the crowd’s attitude starts as friendly toward that side instead ofindifferent. If the side has at least 3 victory points per member, the crowd starts as helpful instead ofindifferent.



A classic trope of fantasy warfare is the storming of a castle or other Крупный fortification. Whether the PCs are leading a brave and desperate defense of a lonely bastion against an Сокрушениеing army of тьма, or overseeing the fight to overthrow an evil ruler and cast down his mighty fortress, a fight along the battlements can fire the imagination of a jaded player who has grown bored with one-on-one hacking. While historical sieges often depended more on disease and starvation for victory than anything else, the thrill for players is likely to come more from bomбардment and assault with an array of siege engines, and countering the massive engines of their enemies with their own.

The basic rules for siege engines are found on pages 434–436 of the Core Rulebook. The following new options for siege engines both supplement and expand upon those rules. If the rules ever appear to be in conflict, use the rules below.



All siege engines are at least размер Крупный devices and often much Крупныйr. Unless stated otherwise in an individual siege engine description, all siege engines use the following rules. Proficiency: Siege engines are exotic weapons. A creature with the Siege Engineer черта (see page 118) is proficient with all siege engines, including siege firearms. A creature that is proficient in firearms is also proficient in siege firearms, but not other siege engines.

Crew: The sheer размер of a siege engine often necessitates a crew for its use. One person of that crew is the crew leader. Usually the crew leader targets or controls the movement of a siege engine; sometimes the crew leader does both. Often the crew leader is required to take actions and make specific checks in order for a siege engine to function. The rest of the crew members are required to spend actions and make checks in order for a siege engine to function.

The number of members in a crew assumes Средний creatures. A ram can be crewed by Небольшой creatures, but it takes double the crew to do the same job. If Крупный or Крупныйr creatures serve as crew members, each Крупный creature counts as four crew members, a Огромный creature counts as eight Средний creatures, a Гигантский creature counts as 16 Средний creatures, and a Колоссальный creature counts as 20 Средний creatures.

Magical an d Masterwork Siege Engines: Siege engines can be искусно сделанный, increasing their Ремесло СЛ by 5 and costing an additional 300 зм. A искусно сделанный siege engine can be enchanted at twice the cost for a normal magical weapon. The бонус усиления of a siege engine applies on attack rolls and targeting checks (in the case ofindirect ranged siege engines), and in the case of magical siege engines, the бонус усиления also applies on damage rolls.

Defense and Пункты здоровья: All siege engines are objects. A siege engine has a Ловкость of 0 (– 5 penalty) and a further penalty based on its размер. Each type of siege engine has its own hardness and пункты здоровья. Siege engines can be броняed—treat the siege engine as a creature of its размер to determine the cost of the броня. Masterwork siege engine броня can be enchanted for twice the normal cost to enchant броня. Armored siege engines have an броня bonus equal to that normally granted by the specific броня (щитs have no effect on a siege engine), a hardness and пункты здоровья equal to that of the броня, and bonus пункты здоровья equal to the броня bonus × 5.

Moving Siege Engines: Siege engines have a быстрое. The быстрое of a siege engine is the дальнобойное it can be moved if its full crew makes a сопутствующее действие to move it. Some siege engines have a быстрое of 0. If this is the case, the engine must be dissembled before movement is possible, or else скакунed on a vehicle. Siege engines that are atop or скакунed on vehicles move with those vehicles (see Chapter 4: Vehicles).

Range d Attacks: Unlike normal ranged weapons, siege engines do not deal half damage when attacking objects.

Critical Hits: When a direct-fire siege engine or a close assault siege engine scores a critical hit, it confirms the critical and deals critical hit damage just like any other weapon. If an indirect-fire ranged siege engine rolls a естественная броня 20 on its targeting check, it can also score a critical hit. The crew leader must reroll the targeting check to confirm the critical. If the confirmation targeting check is successful, the attack is a critical hit, and the siege engine multiplies its damage by its critical multiplier. Unlike normal attacks, siege engines attacks can deal critical hit damage to objects. Siege engines do not gain the benefit of critical черты the crew or the crew leader may have.

Mishaps an d Misfires: Rolling a естественная броня 1 on an attack roll or a targeting check made by an indirect-fire ranged siege engine produces a mishap. Usually a mishap applies the сломан condition. A non-firearm siege engine with the сломан condition takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, targeting checks, and damage rolls. It also moves at half its normal быстрое.

If the creature that serves as crew leader has the Siege Engineer черта, that creature does not generate a mishap on a естественная броня 1 when firing the siege engine.

Firearm siege weapons do not gain a mishap on a естественная броня 1, but instead have a misfire value, like other firearms do. An attack roll or targeting check that falls within the misfire range causes the firearm siege engine to misfire. A misfire always misses, and applies the сломан condition to the siege engine firearm. A firearm siege weapon with the сломан condition takes all of the penalties and limitations that non-firearm siege engines do, and the misfire range of the firearm siege engine is increased by 4. If the firearm siege engine already has the сломан condition when it misfires, it explodes. When a firearm siege engine explodes, it deals its damage to all creatures within a blast range (those within the blast can attempt a СЛ 20 Реакция испытание for half damage). The normal misfire range of a firearm siege engine and its blast range are given in the individual firearm siege engine description. Crew leaders with the Siege Engineer черта do not lower the misfire value of firearm siege engines.

Constructing an d Repairing Siege Engines: A siege engine is a complex device requiring a СЛ 20 Ремесло (siege engine) проверка навыка to build or repair.

Disabling Siege Engines: A siege engine is considered a difficult device to disable, requiring 2d4 rounds of effort and a СЛ 20 Механика check to do so. When a siege engine is едва жив, it either doesn’t work or is sabotaged and stops working 1d4 minutes after use. Fixing a едва жив siege engine requires a СЛ 20 Ремесло (siege engine), Механика, or Знание (инженерное дело) check. It takes 10 minutes to fix the device, and the check can be retried if the fix fails.

Assembling Siege Engines: Siege engines are сломан down for transport and can be reassembled on the battlefield, requiring the time and number of workers noted below. Each assembly worker must make a СЛ 10 Ремесло (siege engine) check; if untrained, they may not take 10. Assembly can be performed with at least half the required number of workers by doubling the time required. If fewer than half are available, the weapon cannot be assembled.


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