Structure hardness and пункты здоровья — КиберПедия 

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Structure hardness and пункты здоровья

2021-02-05 84
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While armies can use siege weapons against troops, usually the goal of a siege engine is to demoralize foes and pound their structures to rubble. The following rules give the statistics for various buildings and barriers that are often the targets of siege engine attacks. They are split up into three different categories: buildings, gates, and walls.




Table 3-18: Buildings

Пункты здоровья

Material Har d ness Крупный Огромный Гигантский Колоссальный Wood 5 120 270 960 3,240 Stone 8 200 450 1,600 5,400 Iron or steel 10 400 900 3,200 10,800 Adamantine 20 560 1,260 4,480 15,120




Table 3-20: Gates

Пункты здоровья

Material Сломать D C 1 Har d ness Крупный Огромный Гигантский Колоссальный Wood 35 5 60 135 240 540 Stone 38 8 100 225 400 900 Iron or steel 24 10 200 500 800 1,800 Adamantine 40 20 280 630 1,120 2,520




Table 3-19: Walls

Material Har d ness Пункты здоровья per 5- Foot Square
Wood 5 30
Stone 8 45
Iron or steel 10 90
Adamantine 20 120

Mastering Combat                                                                     3

Table 3–19: Walls

Пункты здоровья per

Wood 5 120 270 960 3,240   Wood 5 30
Stone 8 200 450 1,600 5400   Stone 8 45
Iron or steel 10 400 900 3,200 10,800   Iron or steel 10 90
Adamantine 20 560 1,260 4,480 15,120   Adamantine 20 120


Material               Hardness Крупный Огромный Гигантский Колоссальный                Material                                   Hardness                                             5-Foot Square

Table 3–20: Gates

Пункты здоровья

Material                             Сломать DC 1 Har dness       Крупный Огромный               Гигантский                                                 Колоссальный

Wood                                       35                   5                60         135       240          540

Stone                                       38                   8                100        225        400          900

Iron or steel                             24                   10               200        500        800          1,800

Adamantine                              48                   20               280        630       1,120        2,520

1 The СЛ assumes the gate is размер Крупный and is barred and locked. Огромный doors increase the сломать СЛ by 5, Гигантский doors increase the СЛ by 10, and Колоссальный doors increase the СЛ by 15. Мистический замок increases the СЛ by 10.



When any of these structures gain the сломан condition, their hardness is halved, along with any other effects of the сломан condition.



Buildings are sizable structures with many пункты здоровья and very poor ACs (a Крупный building is КБ 4, a Огромный building is КБ 3, and a Гигантский or Крупныйr building is КБ 0). When a building is reduced to half its пункты здоровья, it is сломан—it still stands, but only partially. It can be easily entered, and for all intents and purposes it has been breached. Reducing a building to 0 пункты здоровья completely destroys that building. Creatures inside the building suffer the effects of a cave-in (Core Rulebook 415).

All these building statistics assume that the structure’s inside is somewhat hollow but sturdily built, with enough space for its occupants to walk around inside. Flimsy buildings have half the пункты здоровья of the buildings detailed in Table 3–18. Buildings can be magically treated, like dungeon walls and doors can. Doing so doubles their hardness and пункты здоровья. Magically treating a building costs 5,000 зм for a Крупный building, 10,000 зм for a Огромный building, 20,000 зм for a Гигантский building, and 40,000 зм for a Колоссальный building. A spellcaster with the Ремесло Magic Arms and Armor черта can magically treat buildings.

For Крупныйr buildings, put together multiple buildings of these размерs and add the пункты здоровья together.



Gates serve as the entrances and exits to fortified structures, and are typically the weakest spots in any fortification’s defenses. Gates are at least Крупный, but can be as Крупный as Колоссальный. It typically takes three действие полного ходаs to open or close a Крупный gate (up to three creatures can work together to close a Крупный gate as a действие полного хода), and Крупныйr gates typically take at least a minute to close or open. Gates have ACs based on their размер (a Крупный gate is КБ 4, a Огромный gate is КБ 3, and a Гигантский or Крупныйr gate is КБ 0).

Gates can be magically treated. Doing so doubles the hardness and пункты здоровья. Magically treating a gate costs 2,000 зм for a Крупный gate, 4,000 зм for a Огромный gate, 8,000 зм for a Гигантский gate, and 16,000 зм for a Колоссальный gate. A spellcaster with the Ремесло Magic Arms and Armor черта can magically treat gates.

Gates can be attacked and damaged, or they can become сломан (as the condition) with a successful Сила check, usually as a result of ramming. When a gate gains the сломан condition, it is effectively breached, and can be moved through as if it were an opening one размер Небольшойer.



The walls that guard castles and cities are sturdy fortifications, usually constructed in a series of 5-foot squares. A square of wall has an КБ of 5, and hardness and пункты здоровья equal to its type.

Squares of walls can be magically treated. Doing so doubles the hardness and пункты здоровья. Magically treating wall squares costs 500 зм per wall square. A spellcaster with the Ремесло Magic Arms and Armor черта can magically treat walls.

When a wall gains the сломан condition, its hardness is halved, but the wall is not breached. Only destroying a section of wall allows it to become breached. When a square of wall is breached, any sections directly above it fall onto the missing section of walls. Doing this reduces the falling wall section to half its current hit point total –1, which applies the сломан condition to that square of wall.





The mast came down with a crash, ropes severed by the buccaneers’ ballistae. Combined with the damage the attackers’ spellcaster had already done to the rudder, the Augustana was мертв in the water.

Across the rapidly shrinking gap, privateers raised crossbows. The Augustana’s crew secured weapons, grimly preparing to be boarded. “Pirate scum!” shouted the ship’s captain. “You’ll never take us alive!”

There was a momentary stir on the other ship’s deck, and then a wild-bearded man that could only be the corsairs’ leader spoke up. “To be perfectly honest,” the man called over, “that was never really a part of our plan.”




In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, low-level characters do most of their traveling on their own two feet. At higher levels, magical travel becomes a common occurrence, as does travel by horseback, atop animal companions, or via more exotic скакунs. Every so often, travel may involve a vehicle of some sort—the wagons of a caravan, a wind- tossed galley, some fantastic form of aerial transport, or even a planes-hopping device. If you like your games with a dose of жуть, such vehicles may be as strange as a crashed space vessel. Whatever the case, vehicles in the Pathfinder RPG are often treated as either mobile terrain or adventure sites in their own right.

Many of the iconic motifs that inspire roleplaying games touch on vehicular adventures, from the voyages of Jason and the Argonauts to pirate tales, from charioteers in blood-soaked arenas under a drone of cheers to those who would chase and tame dragons. History and fiction are full of interesting vehicles исполнение death-defying actions. The rules in this chapter allow you to Бегун combats with vehicles in the Pathfinder RPG, rather than just treating them as objects or terrain.

The following rules attempt to strike a balance between verisimilitude and ease and быстрое of play during combat. In areas where those two balancing points are conflicted, ease of use should always prevail.



What follow are the basic rules for using vehicles in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. They give an overview of the rules that all vehicles use.

· Drivers: Drivers control vehicles. A driver is a creature with an Интеллект score of at least 3 who is physically able to manipulate a vehicle’s driving device and who is both within the driving spaces of a vehicle and actively manipulating the driving device.

· Occupants: Any creature riding, driving, serving as crew on, or providing propulsion for a vehicle is considered its occupant.

· Facing: Unlike characters, vehicles have a forward facing. A vehicle moves best when it moves in the direction of its forward facing.

· Acceleration/Deceleration: Vehicles must accelerate to reach their maximum быстрое. Each round, with the proper driving action and a successful check, the driver can increase the vehicle’s movement by its rate of acceleration, as long that value is no greater than the vehicle’s maximum быстрое. Vehicles must decelerate to замедление down and are hard to stop at an exact point. Initiative: A vehicle moves at the start of its driver’s turn. If a vehicle has no driver, it moves on the turn of the last creature that was its driver, or on a turn determined by the GM.

· Controlling a Vehicle: If a vehicle has a driver, before the driver does anything else on her turn, she must determine what drive action she is taking, and take that action. If the driver takes no action, takes some other action instead of driving the vehicle, or delays or readies an action—or if there is no driver—the vehicle takes the “uncontrolled” action. A driver can only take one action each turn to control a vehicle. Once the driver has selected the action, or takes some other action forcing the vehicle to become uncontrolled, the vehicle moves.

· Driving Check: When a driver takes a driving action, she must make a driving check to determine the maneuverability and быстрое of the vehicle that round. The vehicle’s propulsion determines what skill is used for the driving check. A driver can always make a Мудрость check in place of a driving check. The base DCs for all driving checks are СЛ 5 and СЛ 20. Use the lower СЛ when the driver is not in combat and the higher СЛ when the driver is in combat.

· In Combat: Vehicles, creatures used as propulsion, and crew members do not threaten any area around them, but their drivers and their non-crew occupants do. Vehicles can enter the spaces of objects and creatures Небольшойer than themselves. Vehicles do not have attacks, but they can—and may be required to— make vehicular таран, vehicular вторжение, and ramming боевые маневры.



The basic rules give a general idea of how vehicles act in the structure of the combat round, and how they are different than creatures. The following sections go into greater depth about Running vehicles in combat.



A vehicle is a special movable object that requires two things to keep it moving—a driver and a method of propulsion. A driver is a creature with an Интеллект score of 3 or more who is physically able to use the vehicle’s driving mechanism. In other words, the creature needs to be the correct размер and have the correct anatomy to use whatever tool is used to drive the vehicle. Sometimes a driving mechanism may have its own requirements for use. The driver uses that mechanism and her skill (or her Мудрость) to control the vehicle. Without a driver, a vehicle воля not move or воля continue moving in a straight line, depending on the vehicle’s state when it becomes driverless.

A creature must be the размер of a vehicle or Небольшойer in order to drive it.



Drivers, верховая ездаrs, any crew, and creatures that serve as propulsion for a vehicle are all considered occupants. All occupants except for crew members and creatures used for propulsion can take actions and threaten areas as regular creatures. Crew members can take no actions nor threaten areas—their actions and concentration are all consumed by the act of providing propulsion or upkeep for the vehicle.


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