At work: career and promotion — КиберПедия 

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At work: career and promotion

2020-10-20 382
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A Getting a job

1) Look at this job ad (informal) / advertisement (formal) for the IT (Information Technology) industry. 


Ambitious Achievers Money motivated, eager, looking to work in a dynamic, fast-moving industry?   We are looking for ambitious, dynamic sales professionals with the talent and drive4 to develop a rewardingS career within the IT industry.You will work in close-knit teams, maintaining and developing relationships with a diverse range of clients.   Ideally you will possess some previous IT sales experience8 and a good knowledge of computers. Most importantly you will have a strong desire to succeed.   If you fit this description and are seeking a lucrative career in IT sales then call Claire Walden or Graham Keen on 01960 4796021.  


2) In the text of the advertisement find words and expressions corresponding to the following definitions


1 people determined to succeed and achieve great things

2 thirty thousand pounds

3 guaranteed minimum salary without overtime or bonuses

4 strong motivation

5 giving you a lot back

6 working in a close relationship

7 of different types

8 experience selling things

9 have these qualities

10 producing a lot of money


3) Now try to compose an advertisement of your own.


B During your working life

1. Answer the following questions


1. In some countries, women are allowed maternity leave and men paternity leave if they're having a child. (time away from work to have a new baby) How about yours?

2. What perks (informal) / (extra) benefits (formal) do you get in your job? (extra things apart from salary, e.g. a car)

3. How important is job satisfaction to you? (the feeling that your job is worth doing and fulfils you)

4. What's people’s holiday entitlement in your country? (number of days you have the right to take as holiday) How about other countries? Do people get regular salary increments? (formal: increases / rises)

5. Most people don't want to reach/hit a glass ceiling. (reach a level where you cannot get further promotion, even if you deserve it). In which fields is the possibility high? Why?


6. Most people think they are overworked and underpaid, don’t they? (often said together as a humorous fixed expression).



Written exercises

Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Он сказал, что никогда в жизни не встречался с такими странными людьми. 2. Энтони всегда следил за модой и никогда не носил поношенную одежду. 3. Дежурный скучал, так как ему нечем было заняться. 4. Крис был занят чтением статьи. Его интересовало то, как автор обращается к читателям, а также проблемы, которые затрагивались в статье. 5. Все были в курсе того, что их брак был по расчету, однако это никого не смущало. 6. Ее муж всегда был важной персоной, и все всегда обращались к нему с уважением. 7. Через две недели они уезжают за границу, чтобы отпраздновать там годовщину свадьбы и просто развеяться. 8. Я полностью доверяю этому человеку. На него всегда можно положиться. 9. Почему ты постоянно читаешь сообщения, которые тебе не предназначены? 10. Когда он попросил ее оказать ей честь выйти за него замуж, она была смущена и удивлена. 11. Он настаивал на том, чтобы она поменяла работу, но она была непреклонна. 12. Целый день она была как на иголках. Она ждала письма, которое бы предназначалось ей, и ее тревога сменялась отчаяньем. 13. С кем ты делишься проблемами, с которыми сталкиваешься? – У меня есть несколько друзей, которым я полностью доверяю. 14. Чем ты вечно недоволен? 15. Они были довольны подарками, полученными на годовщину. 16. Он сделал ей предложение и, к ее удивлению, просил ответить сию минуту. 17. Говорят, Наполеон был намного ниже среднего роста. 18. Я думаю, не будет никакого вреда, если мы обо всем поговорим. 19. Подавая объявления в газету или интернет, люди чаще всего ищут партнеров подходящего возраста. 20. Он был в ужасном настроении, и, чтобы не выйти из себя, вышел на палубу развеяться. 21. Кто их разберет, женщин? Они всегда все делают по-своему. 22. Изо всех сил стараясь сдержать смех, она просто пожала плечами в ответ.



Exercise 2

Describe the main characters of the story and answer the following questions

  1. The characters’ appearances are so different. Is it a plus or a minus?
  2. Does the story sound true to life? Prove your viewpoint.
  3. Was it really a marriage of convenience? Could it be a case of love at first sight?
  4. Are you for or against marriages of convenience?
  5. Do you think acquaintance services and marriage advertisements can be of help?



Exercise 3

Choose a statement for a composition

  1. Marriages are made in heaven. Proverb
  2. A good husband makes a good wife. Proverb
  3. Though women are angels, yet wedlock is the devil. George Gordon Byron
  4. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut after. Benjamin Franklin
  5. Marrying a man is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a window shop. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn’t always go well with everything else in the house. Jean Kerr



Life and Business

insist (v)–настаивать. To insist on smth / toinsist on smb’s do ing smth / insist that smb should do smth He insisted on doing this instead of us. He insists that they should consult a lawyer.

persuade (v)– убеждать. To persuade smb to do smth but to convince smb of sth. He was trying to persuade me to give in to his views. He failed to convince me of the necessity of such measures.

keep smb from doing smth – удерживать кого-то от совершения какого-либо действия. If you don’t keep her from travelling, the consequences might be absolutely unpredictable.

interfere (v)–вмешиваться, мешать. To interfere in smth – вмешиваться во что-то. Outsiders shouldn’t interfere in our local policy. To interfere with smb/smth – мешать кому-то/чему-то. You mustn’t interfere with her work.

suggest (v)- предлагать.

to suggest smth – to cause (a new idea) to appear or form in mind – предложить, выдвинуть план, идею. Who suggested such an interesting plan?

to suggest doing smth – предложить сделать что-то. They suggested surf ing the net. He suggested phon ing Mary.

to suggest (that) smb (should) do smth – предложить кому-то сделать что-то. She suggests (that) he (should) find another job. (She suggests he find another job). to make a suggestion – сделать предложение. It seemed to me the suggestion he had made was rather strange.

offer – 1. to hold out (to a person for acceptance or refusal) - предлагать (что-то конкретное). To my surprise, he offered his help. The police are offering a big reward for any information about the criminal; 2. to express willingness to do smth – предлагать, вызываться делать что-то. She saw that I was very tired and offered to complete the task instead of me.

the way smb does smth – то, как кто-то делает что-то. I like the way she dances.

suspicion (n) – подозрение. He was looking at me with suspicion. suspicious (adj) – 1. подозрительный, недоверчивый; 2. подозрительный, вызывающий подозрение

keep away from smb / smth – держаться подальше от кого-либо, чего-либо. Keep away from fire.  

keep smb away from smb / smth / doing smth – не разрешать кому-то приближаться к чему-либо. They were trying to keep him away from busuness.

take up painting/jogging/diving/etc – заняться живописью/бегом/подводным плаванием и т.д. I suggest you take up some new hobby if you’re bored.

have smth in mind – иметь кого-то, что-то в виду. – I can’t understand what he has in mind.

keep one’s promise – сдержать обещание. He never keeps his promises, he always breaks them.

get in touch with smb – связаться с кем-то. He advised me to get in touch with his sister.

apologise to smb for smth/doing smth – извиняться. To apologise to smb for smth/doing smth – извиняться перед кем-то за что-то. I believe you should apologise to her for not doing everything on time.

be disappointed with smb / smth – быть разочарованным кем-то/чем-то. The child was disappointed with his birthday present.

draw smb’s attention to smth – привлечь внимание к чему-то.I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that he was the first to do it in our company.

pay attention to smb / smth – to fix one’s mind on smth, to notice smth, to give consideration to smth – обращать внимание на что-то. He pays no attention to my words.

attract smb’s attention – to excite admiration interest or feelings – привлекать чье-то внимание. He was attracted by her smile. She’s always attracted to actors.

draw smb’s attention to smb / smth – to make smb notice smth, to make smb look in a certain direction – обращать чье-то внимание на что-то. Her shouts drew the attention of the police. It was my brother who drew my attention to the fact.


He paid attention to a house in the distance. – He noticed it.

He drew our attention to a little statue. – He made us look at it.

He attracted our attention. – We noticed him.

be good / bad / brilliant / awful at doing smth – быть способным/неспособным к чему-либо, хорошо/плохо/ужасно получаться делать что-то. He is awful at driving, I’m sorry to say.

be ashamed of smth / be ashamed that… –стыдится чего-то. Aren’t you ashamed of your behaviour? He was ashamed that his house was so poor.

mention smth – упомянуть что-то. Why didn’t you mention this before?

the letter said … –в письме говорилось… The letter said that my cousin was coming to stay with us.

award (n)–награда. He doesn’t deserve any award.

be about to do smth – быть готовым сделать что-то, вот-вот собираться делать что-то (переводится в зависимости от контекста) The ceremony is about to begin. – Церемония вот-вот начнется. He was about to reply but thought better of it. – Он собирался ответить, но остерегся.

prove (v) – доказывать. To prove smth to smb. He was doing his best to prove it to me, I didn’t believe him, though. You will have to prove to the police that you were at home that night. – Тебе придется доказывать полиции, что той ночью ты был дома.

proof (n) – доказательство pl. proo fs These suspicions are confirmed by the most direct proof. – Эти подозрения подтверждаются самыми прямыми доказательствами.




"Here, take your juice," said Koppel, Mr Ellsworth's servant and nurse.

"No," said Collis Р. Ellsworth. "But it's good for you, sir!"


"The doctor insists on it." "No!"

Koppel heard the front-door bell and was glad to leave the room. He found Doctor Caswell in the hall downstairs.

"I can’t do а thing with him," he told the doctor. "He doesn't want to take his juice. I can't persuade him to take his medicine. He doesn't want meto read to him. He hates television. He doesn't like anything."

Doctor Caswell took the information with his usual professional calm. This was not an ordinary case. The old gentleman was in pretty good health for а man of seventy. But it was necessary to keep him from buying things. His financial transactions always ended ш failure, which was bad for his health. But the old man hated it when anybody interfered in his affairs and ordered him to do things.

"How are you this morning? Feeling better?" asked the doctor. "I hear you haven't been obeying my orders."

"Who is giving me orders at my time of life? Am I to ask for permission every time I want to do something? Am 1 to be punished for disobedience?" The doctor drew up а chair and sat down dose to the old man. He had to do his duty.

"I'd like to make а suggestion," he said quietly. He didn't want to argue with the old man.

Old Ellsworth looked at him over his glasses. The way Doctor Caswell said it made him suspicious.

"What is it, more medicine, more automobile rides to keep me away from the office?" the old man asked with suspicion "Not at all," said the doctor. "I’ve been thinking of something different. As а matter of fact I’d like to suggest that you should take up painting."


"I don’t mean seriously of course," said the doctor, glad that his suggestion had been taken calmly enough. "Just try. You’ll like it."

Much to his surprise the old man agreed. He only ask who was going to teach him drawing.

"I’ve thought of that too," said the doctor. "I know а student from an art school who can come round once а week. If you don' t like it, after а little while you can throw him out."

The person he had in mind and promised to bring round was а certain Frank Swain, eighteen years old and а capable student. Like most students he needed money. Doctor Caswell kept his promise. He got in touch with Frank Swain and the lessons began. The old man liked it so much that when at the end of the first lesson Koppel came in and apologised to him for interrupting the lesson, as the old man needed а rest, Ellsworth looked disappointed.

When the art student came the following week, he saw а drawing on the table. It was а vase. But something was definitely wrong with it.

"Well, what do you think of it?" asked the old man stepping aside.

"I don’t mean to hurt you, but, there is one thing I want to draw your attention to..." began Swain.

"I see," the old man interrupted, "the halves don’t match. I can’t say I am good at drawing." He added а few lines with а shaky hand and painted the vase blue like а child playing with а picture-book.

"Listen, young man," he whispered. "I want to ask you something before Old Juice comes again. I don’t want to speak in his presence."

"Yes, sir," said Swain with respect.

"I’ve been thinking... Could you afford the time to come twice а week or perhaps three times?"

"Sure, Mr Ellsworth," the student said respectfully. “When shall I come?"They arranged to meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As the weeks went by, Swain's visits grew more frequent. The old man drank his juice obediently. Doctor Caswell hoped that business had been forgotten forever. When spring came,Ellsworth painted а picture which he called Trees Dressed in White. The picture was awful. The trees in the picture looked like salad thrown up against the wall. Then he announced that he was going to display it at the summer Show at the Lathrop Gallery. Doctor Caswell and Swain didn’t believe it They thought the Old man was joking.

The Summer Show at the Lathrop Gallery was the biggest exhibition of the year. All outstanding artists in the United States dreamt of winning а Lathrop prize.

“We’vegot to stop him. It’s our duty," said Koppel. He insisted that they should do something about it.

"No," said the doctor. "We can't interfere with his plans now and spoil all the good work we've done. Besides I can' t order that he should take the picture back."

To the astonishment of all three Trees Dressed in White was accepted for the Show.

Young Swain went to the exhibition one afternoon and blushed when he saw Trees Dressed in White hanging on the wall. As two visitors stopped in front of the strange picture Swain rushed out. He was ashamed that а picture like that had been accepted for the Show. He did not want to hear what they might say.

However, Swain did not give up teaching the old man. Every time Корреl entered the room he found the old man painting something. Koppel even thought of hiding the brush from him. The old man seldom mentioned his picture and was unusually cheerful.

Two days before the close of the exhibition Ellsworth received а letter. Koppel brought it when Swain and the doctor were in the room. "Read it to me,"asked the old man putting aside the brush he was holding in his hand. "My eyes are tired from painting."

The letter said: 'It gives the Lathrop Gallery pleasure to announce that Collis P. Ellsworth has been awarded the First Landscape Prize of ten thousand dollars for his painting Trees Dressed in White.'

Swain became dumb with astonishment. Koppel dropped the glass with juice he was about to give Ellsworth and did not bend to pick up the fragments. Doctor Caswell managed to keep calm. "Congratulations, Mr Ellsworth," said the doctor "Fine, fine... Frankly, I didn't expect that your picture would win the prize... Well... Anyway I’ve proved to you that art is moresatisfying than business."

"Art is nothing. I bought the Lathrop Gallery," said the old man very pleased with the effect of his deception.



Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1

a) React to the following using insist

1. Mr Ellsworth had to drink fruit juice. 2. It was Ellsworth who made the student come to teach him more often. 3. Doctor Caswell encouraged Ellsworth to take up painting. 4. Ellsworth wanted the picture to be put in the living room. 5. My father wants me to sell my old car. 6. They wanted us to apologise to them.


b) Translate into Russian using insist

1. Врач настаивал на том, что больной должен бросить курить. 2. Она настаивает на том, что решение должно быть принято немедленно. 3. Они настаивают на том, чтобы я поехал с ними. 4. Мы настаиваем на том, что вы должны связаться с ними немедленно. 5. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы вы извинились перед нашими друзьями. 6. Если вы не будете настаивать на том, чтобы мы дали ответ сразу, я буду вам очень благодарен. 7. Не настаивай на том, чтобы она отправляла это письмо. 8. Если бы мы тогда настояли на этом решении, многих проблем удалось бы избежать. 9. Учитель настаивал на том, чтобы картину выставляли в галерее. 10. Начальник настаивает на том, чтобы эта работа была выполнена немедленно.


Exercise 2

a) Fill in the blanks with persuade or convince

1. He was trying to ________ the necessity of consulting the doctor. 2. We finally _____ his innocence. 3. He _____ me not to go to the party. 4. Despite all my efforts to ______ this, he wouldn’t agree. 5. We _____ her to take up some sport. 6. We couldn’t _____ him that he was mistaken. 7. He was trying to _____ her that she shouldn’t work too hard. 8. We _____ he to raise the question at the conference. 9. His neighbours were trying to _____ him not to sell the house.


b) Translate into Russian using persuade or convince.

1. Друзья уговаривали нас погостить у них еще одну неделю. 2. Уговорите его отказаться от этой идеи. 3. Мы не смогли убедить его в необходимости этих мер. 4. Эдвард был убежден в том, что его друзья ни в чем не виноваты. 5. Жаль, что Питер не попытался нас ни в чем убедить. 6. Если ты попытаешься убедить Стефани найти работу, она сможет, наконец, стать независимой от родителей. 7. В заключение он сказал, что убежден в необходимости этого шага. 8. Софи с детства была упорной и даже упрямой. Она была убеждена в том, что ничто не заставит ее уступить. 9. Надо убедить его в том, что все зависит от него. 10. Элис убедила всех своих знакомых и коллег не выдавать ее. 11. С одной стороны, надо убедить его помочь, с другой, не следует позволять ему вмешиваться в ее дела. 12. Необходимо убедить его работать вместе со всеми.


Exercise 3

a) React to the following sentences using keep smb from doing smth, keep away form some place, keep smb/smth away from smb/smth

1. One shouldn’t let children play with matches. 2. You’d better not associate with the man. 3. Something has prevented him from coming on time again. 3. He prefers not to go there. 4. If you don’t prevent him from buying all those unnecessary things, he will be broke very soon. 5. You shouldn’t let him work, he is in bad health. 6. He told me not to return to this place. 7. They advised us not to trust this person. 8. He shouldn’t speak at the conference. 9. Don’t try to prevent him from travelling to this country. 10. We don’t want you to come to this city again.


b) Answer the following questions on the basis of the text.

1. Why couldn’t Doctor Caswell keep Ellsworth from sending the picture to the show? 2. What did Doctor Caswell suggest to keep the old man away from buying things? 3. What did the doctor suggest to keep the old man away from his office? 4. Did Ellsworth realise that the doctor wanted him to stay away from his office? 5. Why was Doctor Caswell the only person who managed to keep calm hearing that Ellsworth’s picture had been awarded а prize?


c) Translate into Russian using keep smb from doing smth, keep away form some place, keep smb/smth away from smb/smth

1. Она посоветовала мне держаться от этого человека подальше. 2. Нужно удержать его от покупки ненужных вещей. 3. Сделай так, чтобы он не выдал наш секрет. 4. Плохая погода помешала нам поехать за город. 5. Предупреди его, чтобы он держался подальше от этого места. 6. Не мешайте ему делать то, что он хочет. 7. Держите спички подальше от детей. 8. Что помешало тебе поехать с ними в экспедицию? 9. В лесу они развели костер, чтобы защититься от диких животных. 10. Если ты не будешь держаться от таких людей подальше, у тебя будут проблемы.


Exercise 4

a) Fill in the blanks with interfere with or interfere in.

1. I hope nothing will interfere... your plans. 2. Never interfere... other people' s affairs. 3. What made you interfere... the conversation? 4. Do not interfere... him. 5. What interferes... your studies? 6. He doesn't interfere … the affairs of his neighbours.


b) Translate into Russian using interfere with or interfere in

1. Он убедил меня не вмешиваться в дела моих друзей. 2. Некоторые люди любят вмешиваться в дела своих родственников. 3. Интересно, что мешает вашей работе? 4. Почему доктор не вмешался и не убедил Элсворта не посылать картину на выставку? 5. Доктор понимал, что он все испортит, если вмешается. 6. Почему ему пришлось вмешаться? 7. Если бы ты во время вмешался в их спор, они бы не поссорились. 8. Я не люблю, когда ты вмешиваешься в мои дела. 9. Тебе ведь не нравится, когда я вмешиваюсь в твои дела, не так ли? 10. Ничто не может помешать моей работе.


Exercise 5.

a) Study the patterns below

Pattern I. to suggest doing smth

He suggested inviting friends. We suggested watching the movie.

Pattern II. to suggest (that) smb (should) do smth

I suggest that they should invite friends. (I suggest they invite friends.)

They suggest that she should go to the doctor. (They suggest she go to the doctor.)

Pattern III to suggest smth (a plan, an idea, etc.)

He suggested a visit to the theatre.

Pattern IV to suggest smth ( to imply smth )

Do you suggest I’m wrong?

Pattern V. to offer smb to do smth

He offered to buy the tickets for us. (He is going to buy the tickets himself.)

Pattern VI to offer smb smth (money, help, advice, an apple)

They offered a spare tyre to us.


b) Fill in the blanks with offer or suggest in the appropriate form

1. The police are _____ing a big reward for any information about the murder.

2. We didn’t know what to do, and he _____ phoning Mary.

3. The disorganized meeting _____ a lack of proper planning.

4. Can you _____ how we should do it?.

5. The agreement does not _____ much hope of a lasting peace.

6. They _____ many solutions to the problem.

7. Who _____ his taking part?

8. The architect ____ restoring the gallery.

9. Did he _____ where we should meet?

10. He _____ to do it instead of me.


c) Transfer the following sentences into Indirect Speech using either offer or suggest

1. Doctor Caswell said to Ellsworth, “Why don’t you take up art?” 2. "Let us know when you return", he asked us. 3. Somebody said to the speaker, “Keep to the point.” 4. My sister said, "Let' s try and change the situation." 5. Tom said to us, "Don' t draw anybody’s attention to this fact." 6. "Display the picture," she said to the painter. 7. Не said to me, "Don' t throw away the papers." 8. “I can help you if you’re short of time,” she said.


Exercise 6.

Translate the following sentences using the way smb does smth structure

1. Мне нравится, как готовит моя мама. 2. Мне не нравится, как ваш друг водит машину. Кажется, он совсем не соблюдает правила дорожного движения. 3. Мне не нравится ее манера разговаривать с людьми. 4. Ей не понравилось, как он сделал работу. 5. Вам вряд ли понравится то, как они себя ведут. 6. Ему не понравилось то, как она посмотрела на него.


Exercise 7

a) Fill in the blanks with draw, pay, call, attract or distract in the appropriate form

1. The noise outside _____ everybody’s attention. 2. He _____ our attention to the way the book was praised. 3. The customer didn’t _____ any attention to the shop assistant’s words. 4. What_____ your attention? 5. He advised me to leave without _____ anybody’s attention. 6. Why did he _____ your attention to such a minor fact? 7. The pictures of outstanding artists always _____ attention. 8. The guide _____ the attention of the visitors to the renowned building. 9. You mustn’t _____ his attention from his home tasks. 10. Why don’t you _____ attention to what I’m trying to tell you? 11. The scene was intended to _____ attention from everything else in the hall. 12. The picture was hung in the hall to _____ the visitors’ attention.


b) Translate into Russian using draw, pay, call, attract or distract

1. Если бы ты с самого начала обратил внимания на его слова, многих проблем удалось бы избежать. 2. Жаль, что ты никогда не обращаешь внимания на детали. 3. Чем этот человек привлек ваше внимание? 4. Он обратил наше внимание на то, как написано письмо. В этом было что-то странное. 5. Что привлекло ваше внимание? 6. Картина Элсворта привлекла всеобщее внимание. 7. Если ты не будешь привлекать к себе так много внимания, меньше людей будут вмешиваться в твои дела. 8. Жаль, что этот факт не привлек тогда наше внимание. 9. Я бы хотел обратить внимание на тот факт, что он уже извинился перед вами. 10. Если бы ты не предупредил меня об этом, я бы никогда не обратил не это внимания.



Exercise 9

Translate the following sentences using the structure to be about to do smth

1. Я уже собирался уходить, когда он позвонил и сообщил мне эту новость. 2. Я почти уже закрыл дверь, когда услышал, что в квартире звонит телефон. 3. Я чуть не сказал это ей, но вовремя остановился. 4. Поторопись! Лекция вот-вот начнется. 5. Я хотела начать рассказывать ей последние новости, но, увидев, что она чем-то расстроена, передумала. 6. Прекрати напоминать ей об этом и упрекать ее в том, что случилось, она сейчас расплачется. 7. Они чуть не купили билеты на самолет, когда к своему удивлению узнали, что их друзья уже купили билеты на всех. 8. Он уже садился в автобус, когда вдруг вспомнил, что оставил дома важные документы.

Exercise 10

Translate the following sentences using proof and to prove

1. Боюсь, что тебе придется доказать им свою точку зрения. 2. Как прокурору удалось доказать его вину? Какие доказательства он представил? 3. В споре трудно доказать, кто прав, а кто виноват. 4. Он предупредил нас о том, что ему нужны доказательства того, что это действительно произошло. 5. Бесполезно доказывать что-либо людям, которые все равно вам не верят. 6. Ученому пришлось доказывать коллегам важность эксперимента, над которым он работал все это время. 7. Какие доказательства ее правоты вам нужны? 8. У полиции не было доказательств его вины.


Exercise 11

Work in pairs


1. Для своего возраста у мистера Брауна было вполне хорошее здоровье. 2. Он сказал, что если мы не сдержим обещания и упомянем об этом факте, ему придется отказаться от работы, которой он занимается уже много лет. 3. Ее брат терпеть не мог, когда кто-то вмешивался в его дела. Он настаивал на том, чтобы никто ничего не делал без его разрешения. 4. Я предлагаю тебе извиниться за то, что ты сказал. Если ты этого не сделаешь, она будет сильно обижена и вам будет сложно помириться. 5. Что с вашей машиной? – Точно не знаю, но с ней что-то не в порядке.   6. Я никогда не говорил, что хорошо играю на пианино. 7. Когда детектив спросил ее, узнает ли она кого-нибудь на фотографии, она чуть не расплакалась. 8. Он с детства мечтает быть богатым, но я боюсь, его мечтам не суждено осуществиться. 9. Никогда не упоминай это имя в его присутствии. Раньше они были друзьями, а теперь не общаются. 10. Кто слышал, как он сказал, что настаивает на этом? 11. Какой смысл пытаться мне что-то объяснить? Ты никогда не сможешь доказать мне, что он способный студент. 12. Сначала все подумали, что старик шутит. Мало кто разделял его мнение, и никто не последовал его советам. 13. Интересно, кто убедил его покрасить забор в коричневый цвет? 14. Он никогда меня не слушается. Я пытался удержать его от всех этих ненужных покупок, но он ничего не хотел слушать. Он очень непослушный. 15. Я сделал все возможное, чтобы убедить его работать со всеми, а не отдельно, но мне так и не удалось заставить его уступить моей точке зрения. 16. Если бы мне удалось удержать его от поездки в экспедицию, он бы никогда не убедил свою жену бросить работу и поехать с ним. 17. Все настаивали на том, что необходимо помешать старику посылать картину на выставку, но доктор отказался вмешиваться в планы старика, так как не хотел портить всю работу, которую они проделали. 18. По траве не ходить. 19. Не вмешивайтесь в это. 20. Кто предложил вашему сыну заняться искусством? 21. Очень трудно убедить его принимать это лекарство. 22. Когда он вошел, он извинился перед всеми за то, что прерывает урок. Ему нужно было сообщить важную информацию. 23. На что вы, в конце концов, согласились? Неужели вы позволили вашим партнерам вмешиваться в ваши дела? 24. Мне не нравится, как он обращается со своими коллегами. Жаль, что я не могу вмешаться и изменить ситуацию. 25. Если бы ты был более разумным человеком, все твои финансовые операции не заканчивались бы неудачей. Прежде чем подписывать договор, нужно принять во внимание все детали. В противном случае ты сильно рискуешь.     1. Mr Brown was in pretty good health for his age. 2. He said that if we didn’t keep our promise and mentioned this fact, he would have to give up the job he had been doing so many years. 3. Her brother hated it when anybody interfered in his affairs. He insisted that nobody should do anything without asking him for permission. 4. I suggest you should apologise to her for what you said. If you don’t do it she will be deeply hurt and it will be difficult for you to make it up. 5. What’s wrong with your car? – I don’t know exactly but there’s something wrong with it. 6. I’ve never said I’mgood at playing the piano. 7. When the detective asked her if she recognised anybody in the picture, she was about to burst into tears.  8. He has been dreaming of becoming rich since childhood but I’m afraid his dreams will never come true. 9. Never mention this name in his presence. They used to be friends but they are not on speaking terms. 10. Who heard him say that he insistes on it?   11. What’s the use of trying to explain anything to me? You’ll never be able to prove to me that he is a capable student. 12. At first everybody thought that the old man was joking. Very few people shared his opinion and nobody took his advice. 13. Who persuaded him to paint the fence brown, I wonder? 14. He never obeys me. I was trying to keep him from buying all these useless things but he wouldn’t listen. He is very disobedient. 15.  I did my best to persuade him to join everybody instead of working separately, but didn’t manage to make him give in to my views. 16. If I had succeeded in keeping him from going on the expedition, he would have never persuaded his wife to give up everything and join him. 17. Everybody insisted that they should keep the old man from sending the picture to the Gallery, but the doctor refused to interfere with the old man’s plans as he didn’t want to spoil all the work they had done.   18. Keep off the grass. 19. Keep out of it. 20. Who suggested that your son should take up art? 21. It’s very difficult to persuade him to take this medicine. 22. When he came in he apologised to everybody for interrupting the lesson. He had very important information to announce. 23. What did you agree on in the end? Can’t you have let your partners interfere with your work? 24. I don’t like the way he treats his colleagues. I wish I could interfere and change the situation. 25. If you were more reasonable all your transactions wouldn’t end in failure. Before signing an agreement all the details should be taken into consideration. Otherwise you are running a high risk.  


Reading Comprehension

I Make sure you know the answers to the following

1. How did Doctor Caswell get in touch with the student? Why was it necessary for Doctor Caswell to get in touch with him? 2. Why do you think Ellsworth insisted on Frank Swain coming three times а week? 3. What was Ellsworth’s purpose of buying the Gallery?? Why did he want his picture to be displayed at the Show? What did he want to prove to everybody? 4. Why do you think Swain did not give up teaching the old man despite his quite obvious lack of talent? 5. Why do you assume Ellsworth seldom mentioned his picture? Was he proud of it? 6. Why do you think Ellsworth did not give up taking lessons? 7. Why do you think all of Ellsworth's financial transaction ended in failure? 9. Why do you think Koppel insisted that Doctor Caswell should interfere when he learnt that the old man had sent his picture to the Show? 10. Why do you think the old man did not want to make arrangements with Swain about the lessons in Koppel's presence? 11. What did the letter got from the gallery say? In what way did everybody react to the news? 12. Ellsworth was very inventive and resourceful, wasn’t he? Can the purchase of the Gallery be called another transaction that also ended in failure?


II Find the English equivalents of the following

Пить сок; принимать лекарство; воспринимать информацию; закончиться неудачей; ненавидеть, когда кто-то делает что-то; подчиняться приказам; попросить разрешения сделать что-то; подчиняться приказам; наказать за непослушание; спорить с кем-либо; спросить с подозрением; к удивлению; заходить, приходить; некий Фрэнк; что вы об этом думаете? (каково ваше мнение); прошептать; в присутствии кого-либо; позволить себе сделать что-то; уважительно; выдающийся художник; работы были приняты на выставку; выбежать (из комнаты); войти в комнату; отложить в сторону; онеметь от удивления.

III Quote the text to prove that

1. Koppel was dissatisfied with his patient’s behaviour.

2. Ellsworth’s case was not an ordinary one.

3. Koppel insisted that they should keep the old man from performing transactions.

4. Frank Swain realised that Ellsworth could not draw at all.

5. Ellsworth liked to be taught painting.

6. Ellsworth was not good at painting.

7.When Koppel interrupted the lesson the old man was disappointed.

8. The close of the exhibition was unexpected.

9. Ellsworth was not surprised at what the letter said.

10. Ellsworth intended to produce an impression.

11. Doctor Caswell failed to prove to the old man that art was more important than business.

12. The news that Ellsworth had been awarded a prise was unexpected.



IV Agree or disagree with the following statements

1. All Ellsworth’s transactions ended in failure.

2. It was very easy to persuade Ellsworth to take his medicine.

3. Doctor Caswell suggested that the old man should go on а trip and forget about his financial transactions.

4. Корреl insisted that they should interfere with the old man' s plans.

5. The vase was drawn by Ellsworth pretty well.

6. Frank Swain's words hurt the old man.

7. All outstanding artists of the USA dreamt of winning а Lathrop

8. During the show the old man didn’t talk much and was very sad.

9. Frank Swain rushed out of the hall because he felt proud of his student.

10. Koppel dropped the glass because he was glad for Ellsworth.

11. The old man agreed that art was more satisfying than business.

12. The old man continued taking lessons when the Show was opened.

13. Ellsworth and Frank Swain arranged to have lessons once а week.

14. Doctor Caswell got excited when he heard the news about Ellsworth’s success.



                              Listening Comprehension


Text 1


  the rent – плата за квартиру raw materials – сырье to be scares – быть недостаточным scrap metal – металлолом  


· What do we learn about Walter Stone?

· Does his success story seem original or rather commonplace?


Have your say

  1. What makes Walter’s countrymen so proud of him?
  2. Do you believe it is possible for a person to change his way of life and remain basically unchanged?
  3. Comment on the following statement: The greatest man in history was the poorest. (Emerson)



Text 2


pulling himself up by the bootstraps – добиваться всего самому rags to riches – из грязи в князи to be suborninate – подчиняться чему-либо improbable leap – невероятный прыжок to be in full swing – быть в полном разгаре eroded – поврежденный


· Who is the notion “self-made man” usually applied to?

· Is luck the only necessary condition of achieving success?

· Is the concept of “self-made man” still one of the most important concepts in American culture?

Have your say

1. Are you normally impressed by stories of people who sprang from poverty and made a fortune?

2. Do you agree that luck has very little to do with success?

3. Discuss the role of the initial conditions in achieving success.

4. Comment on the following statement: A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship. (Rockefeller)



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