Doubtful (adj) – сомнительный. — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...

Doubtful (adj) – сомнительный.

2020-10-20 265
Doubtful (adj) – сомнительный. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Undoubtedly (adv) – несомненно.

opportunity (n) – благоприятная возможность, удобный случай (syn. chance) to have / give / miss / take an opportunity to do smth /of do ing smth. He never missed an opportunity to go sightseeing. You must take every opportunity to speak English. I’m glad to have the opportunity of speaking to you. to have no / little / not any opportunity for doing / to do/ smth.

at the first opportunity – при первой возможности

syn. possibility is normally combined with there is.

shadow (n) – тень, имеющая очертания, форму, отбрасываемая конкретными предметами. He was afraid of his own shadow. The shadows grew longer as the evening fell. The boy wondered why his shadow was so long.

shade (n) – 1) тень (неосвещенное солнцем место, безотносительно к форме) We couldn’t find shade anywhere. It was hot even in the shade. Keep in the shade. 2) оттенок цвета, значения, нюанс. I like different shades of green. That’s a different shade of meaning of the word.

forgive (v)forgave –forgiven Will you forgive him? You must forgive him that mistake. Forgive (=excuse) me for troubling you.

consider (v) – рассматривать, обсуждать. Did you consider the matter carefully?

consider smb (to be) clever, kind, fair, etc.– считать кого-то умным, добрым, справедливым. He considered himself very important. Everybody considers the book interesting. This grammar rule is considered difficult. She is considered a good doctor.

consideration (n) – рассмотрение, обсуждение. After much consideration we agreed on the original plan. We gave his suggestion careful consideration.

be under consideration – рассматривать, находиться на рассмотрении

take into consideration – принять во внимание. You must take it into consideration that he has been ill for a long time.

considerable (adj) – значительный, важный, большой. Considerable expenses, considerable changes, a considerable sum of money.

considerably – значительно.

consider doing smth – подумывать о чем-либо, рассматривать вопрос о чем-либо, подумывать о том. Чтобы совершить какое-то действие. He considers changing his job. Our friends consider travelling with us this summer.

capable (adj) 1) способный (одаренный) a capable student, a capable doctor; 2) способный на что-то, способный делать что-то I don’t think he is capable of tell ing lies.

incapable (adj) - не способный на что-то, к чему-то He is in capable of hurting people.

mix (v) – 1) смешивать, мешать, перемешивать какие-то вещества, 2) общаться, вращаться в обществе, общаться с людьми. Mixing with different people taught him a lot. The thief mixed with the crowd.

mix up (phr.v.) – спутать, перепутать. Your papers are all mixed up. Everything has got mixed up.

give up smth/doing smth – бросать что-то, прекращать делать что-то.

to give up doing smth – to stop doing smth you have been doing for some time, stop having smth – прекратить делать то, что раньше делал, e.g. to give up go ing to parties to stop attending, visiting;

to refuse to do smth – not to do smth you are asked to do, not to take smth you are offered (opposite: accept) – отказаться приступить к чему-то, отказаться сделать что-то. to refuse to go to a party – not to accept an invitation to a particular party e.g. to refuse an offer/an invitation.



The Serenade

By George Bernard Shaw


I celebrated my fortieth birthday by one of the amateur theatrical performances for which my house at Beckenham is famous. The play, written, as usual, by myself, was in three acts; and an important feature in the second act was the sound of a horn. I had engaged a cornist to blow the horn; and it was arranged that he should place himself, not upon the stage, but downstairs in the hall, so that the required effect of extreme distance should be produced.

The entertainment began pleasantly, the best seat was occupied by the beautiful Linda Fitznightingale. The next chair which I had intended for myself, had been taken by Porcharlester, a young man of some musical talent. 

As Linda’s taste for music approached fanaticism, Porcharlester’s single accomplishment gave him, in her eyes, an advantage over other man. I decided to interrupt their conversation as soon as I was free. It was some time before this occurred; for I make it a rule to see for myself that everything needed at the performances in my house is at hand in its proper place. When at last I approached Miss Linda, Porcharlester rose, saying, “I’m going to take a peep behind; that is, if non-performers may be admitted.

“Oh, certainly”, I said, glad to be rid of him. “But please do not meddle with anything”.

“All right,” he said, interrupting me. “I will keep my hands in my pockets all the time”. And he was gone.

“Boys will be boys,” I replied, “How are your musical studies progressing?”

“I’m full of Schubert now. Oh, Colonel Green, do you know Schubert’s serenade?”

“Ah, a charming thing”.

“Yes, it is. Does Mr. Porcharlester sing it?”

“He tries to sing it. But only appears to advantage when he sings trivial music. In nothing that demands serious sentiment, depth of feeling”.

“Yes, yes. I know you think Mr. Porcharlester flippant. Do you like serenades?”

“Hm, the fact is – do you like it?”

“I love it. I dream of it. I have lived on it for the last three days”.

“I must confess that it has always struck me as being a singularly beautiful piece of music. I hope to have the pleasure of hearing you sing it when our little play is over”.

“I sing it! Oh, I dare not. Ah! Here is Mr. Porcharlester, I will make him promise sing it for us”.

“Green”, said Porcharlester, “I don’t wish to disturb you groundlessly; but the fellow who is to play the horn hasn’t turned up”.

“Good Heavens!” I exclaimed, “I ordered him for half past seven sharp. If he fails, the play will be spoilt”.

I apologized to Linda, and hurried to the hall. The horn was there, on the table. But the man was nowhere to be seen. Soon the prompter’s bell tinkled. I waited for some time but there was no sign of him. My anxiety increased: I hurried into the supper room. There, at the table, sat the cornist fast asleep. Before him were five bottles empty.

Swearing in my anger, to have him shot for this mutiny, I rushed back to the hall. The bell rang again. The stage was waiting, I saw but one way to save the play from failure. I snatched up the instrument, put the smaller end into my mouth, and puffed vigorously through it. Waste of breath, not a sound responded. The signal was given a third time. Then I grasped the horn again, put it to my lips and blew as hard as I could. The result was a titanic sound. My ears received a deafening shock; the hats of my guests rained from their pegs as the cornist came out, pale and shaky on his feet, and confronted the amazed guests who appeared on the stairs.

For the next three months I studied the art of horn-blowing. The teacher was competent and conscientious. But I didn’t like my teacher and hated to hear him always saying that the horn was more like the human voice than any other instrument. At last I asked him whether he considered me sufficiently advanced to play a solo in private for a friend.

“Well, Colonel”, he said, “I tell you the truth, you haven’t a horn lip for it; at least, not yet. What were you thinking of playing for your friend?”

“Something that you must teach me. Schubert’s serenade”.

He stared at me and shook his head. It isn’t written for the instrument, sir”, he said. “You will never play it”.

“The first time I play it through without a mistake, I will give five guineas, besides our regular terms”.

This overcame his doubts. I found the execution of the serenade, even after much practice, uncertain and very difficult. But I succeeded at last.

“If I were you, Colonel”, said my instructor, as he pocketed the five guineas, “I’d keep the tune to myself, and play something simpler for my friend”.

I took no notice of his words though I now see that he was right. But at that time I intended to serenade Linda. Her house near Park Lane, was favourably situated for the purpose, and I had already bribed a servant to admit me to the small pleasure ground that lay between the house and the roadway. Late in June, I learned that she intended to stay at home for an evening. This was my opportunity. At nine o’clock I placed my horn in a traveling bag, and drove to the Marble Arch, where I walked to my destination. I was arrested by the voice of Porcharlester calling. “Hello, Colonel!” As I didn’t wish to be questioned, I thought it best to ask him first.

“I’m going to see Linda”, he replied. “She let me know last night that she would be alone all this evening. I don’t mind telling you these things, Colonel: you are a man of honour and you know how good she is. I adore her. If I could only be sure that it is myself, and not just my voice she likes, I should be the happiest man in England”.

“I’m quite sure that it cannot be your voice”, I said.

“Thank you”, he exclaimed, “It’s very kind of you to say so; but I hardly dare flatter myself that you are right. Do you know I have never had the courage to sing that serenade of Schubert’s since she told me it was a favourite of hers?” -“I have never dared sing it before her, though she is always at me for it. But I would do anything to please her; and I’m going to surprise her with it tomorrow at Mrs. Locksly Hall’s. I’ve been taking lessons and working like a dog to sing it in really first-rate style. It’s to be a surprise”.

“I have no doubt you will startle her”, I said, exulting at the thought that he would be a day too late. We parted and I saw him enter the house of Linda. A few minutes later, I was in the garden, looking up at them from my place in the shadow as they sat near the open window. Their conversation didn’t reach me; I thought he would never go. The night was a little cold. Had I not heard her playing the piano, I could not have held out. At last they rose; and I was now able to distinguish their words.

“Yes,” she said, “It’s time for you to go”. “But you might have sung the serenade for me. I have played three times for you”.

“I have a frightful cold”, he said. “I really cannot. But you shall hear me sing it sooner than you think, perhaps”.

“Ah! You say that very significantly. Sooner than I think! If you are preparing a surprise for me, I will forgive you. I shall see you at Mrs. Locksly Hall’s tomorrow, I hope”.

When he was gone, she came to the window, and looked out at the stars. I took the horn from my traveling bag and began. At the first note I saw her start and listen. When the completed phrase revealed to her what melody I was playing she laid down her book. The mouthpiece of my instrument was like ice; and my lips were stiff and cold. Nevertheless, considering that I was cold and nervous, I succeeded rather well.

I looked at the shadow on the blind. She was writing now. Could she be writing to me? A minute later the servant whom I had bribed came towards me with a letter in his hand. My heart beat strongly as I saw it.

“All right sir”, he said. “Miss Linda told me to give you this; but you are not to open it until you get home”.

“Then she knew who I was”, I said eagerly.

“I suppose so, sir”.

I ran all the way. Ten minutes afterwards I was in my study, opening the letter with shaky hands. It read:

“Dear Mr. Porcharlester”.

I stopped. Had she then given him the credit for my performance? A more immediately important question was whether I had any right to read a letter not addressed to me. Curiosity and love prevailed over this scruple. The letter continued thus.

“I am sorry that you have seen nothing in my fancy for Schubert’s serenade except matter for ridicule. Perhaps, it was an exaggerated fancy; but I would not have expressed it to you had I not believed you capable of understanding it. I shall never again hear the serenade without a strange mixture of laughter and pain. I didn’t know that a human throat could produce such sounds. I have only one more word. Adieu. I shall not have the pleasure of meeting you at Mrs. Locksly Hall’s tomorrow, as my engagements will not permit me to go there. For the same reason I fear I must deny myself the pleasure of receiving you again this season. I am, dear Mr. Porcharlester, yours truly,

Linda Fitznightingale.

I felt that to forward this letter to Porcharlester would only pain him uselessly. I felt also that my instructor was right, and that I have not the lip for the French horn. I have accordingly given it up.

Linda is now my wife. I sometimes ask her why she persists in cutting Porcharlester, who has given me his word as a gentleman that he is unconscious of having given her the slightest ground for offence. She always refuses to tell me.

                              Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1

a)Study the following examples and translate the sentences

1. If you’ve got anything to say, raise yor hand. 2. He raised his glass to his absent friends. 3. According to the official spokesman, it will be possible to raise the standard of living by reducing inflation. 4. You needn’t raise your voice. I hear you well. 5. He said it was difficult to raise his children all alone.

b) Answer the following questions

1. Does the sun rise or set in the east? 2. Why did he raise his hat when he saw you? 3. Do prices rise or fall as a result of inflation? 4. What can be done to raise the living standards? 4. Do you think the standards of living will fall or rise after the curent economic crisis? 5. Did the teacher rise or sit down when you came in? 6. Doesthe temperature normally rise or fall after the rain? 

c) Fill in the blanks using rise or raise in the appropriate form

1. The moon has...... 2. He..... to his feet to welcom us. 3. Some important questions were.... at the meeting. 4. At present he is..... money for charity. 5. When the war broke out, the whole country..... in arms. 6. Prices of oil were..... by monopolists again. 7. It’s impolite to..... your voice while speaking to elderly people. 8. Have you seen him..... his hat to the lady? 9. Everybody saw him..... and leave the room. 10. The Liberal party calls for..... the standards of living by means of taking tough economic measures. 11. The passing car..... a cloud of dust. 12. What time does the sun...... in the summer months?

d) Translate into English using rise or raise

1. Незачем повышать голос, когда разговариваешь с коллегами. 2. Путешественники наблюдали, как поднималось солнце. 3. Он предложил им поднять этот вопрос на собрании. 4. Что мы будем делать, если цены на квартиры опять поднимутся? 5. Никто не заметил, как он поднялся и вышел из комнаты? 6. К вечеру у ребенка снова поднялась температура. 7. Кто первым поднял руку, чтобы ответить на этот вопрос? 8. Ожидается, что цены на новые машины поднимутся еще на 20%. 9. Когда взойдет солнце, станет теплее. 10. Эта организация собирает деньги на благотворительность. 11. Трудно воспитывать детей. 12. Чтобы встать на уроке и выйти, необходимо разрешение.

Exercise 2

а) Fill in the gaps with give up or refuse in the appropriate form and the words in brackets to form grammatically correct sentences

1. We’ve been using this method for quite а time and we are not going to....(it) 2. Doctors must neve r... to help the sick. 3. Did Doctor Caswell... (to treat) Ellsworth after what had happened? 4. I’ve been playing tennis for about ten years and I’m not goingto.... (it). 5. The party was really enjoyable. Aren’t you sorry that you... (to come)? 6. Did the painter... the idea (to win) the main prize? 7.The boy didn’t... the idea (to become) а pilot. 8. Jane... (to take part) in our amateur performance. Isn’t it а pity? 9. I’m afraid I have to... the job I’mdoing. I hate it. 10. I think I’ll... the job they’re offering me. It doesn’t suit meat all. 11. Our friend was in a hurry and... (to stay) for dinner.

b) Translate the following sentences using give up or refuse

1. Если ты не бросишь курить, это скажется на твоем здоровье. 2. Интересно, почему Мистер Браун отказался обсуждать с нами этот вопрос. 3. Мы пригласили его к себе на воскресенье, но, к сожалению, он отказался приехать. 4. Мэри с детства хотела стать актрисой, но все пытаются убедить ее в том, чтобы она оставила эту идею. 5. Ричард отказался от своего намерения поступать в этот университет. 6. Я спросил, почему он отказался от денег, которые ему предложили. 7. Почему она отказалась извиниться перед Джорджем? 8. Как вы думаете, отказался ли доктор Кэзвел лечить старика после того, как тот получил премию? 9. Никто не понимал, почему учитель не отказался давать урокиЭлсворту, когда увидел, что у старика нет способностей к рисованию. 10. Она сказала, что обидится, если мы откажемся прийти.

Exercise 3

a) Study the following examples

1. He denied stealing the money. 2. Dennis denied the fact. 3. She denied that she had forgotten to type the letters. 4. I can’t deny that he is always polite. 5. Her brother was in the habit of denying what he had said. 6. He admitted everything he used to deny. 7. What’s the use of denying that you were not quite right? 8. For some reason the Richardsons denied seeing her before, I wonder why.

b) Fill in the blanks with the verbs deny, give up and refuse

1. Why did he..... what he said yesterday? 2. He neither confirmed nor..... the accusations. 3. He never..... his friends’ help. 4. She was in doubt whether to take the money or..... it. 5. Your attitude towards him isn’t fair. Don’t..... it. 6. The patient..... to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor. 7. His manners leave much to be desired, don’t..... it. 8. I’m going to..... the job I’m doing. I don’t like it any more, I’m afraid. 9. They..... to use the latest methods. 10. Doctos should never..... to help the sick, even if they know the disease is incurable. 11. Even after what had happened the doctor didn’t..... treating the patient. 12. The party was great! Don’t you regret that you ….. to come? 13.The boy hasn’t ….. the idea of beoming a professional football player. 14. My friend ….. to stay for dinner. 15. He didn’t ….. going there. 16. Why did you ….. to travel wiht us? 17. She has never ….. liking him.

c) Translate the following sentences using the verbs deny, give up and refuse

1. Какой смысл отрицать, что ты был там вчера? 2. Никто не отрицает, что эта работа трудная. 3. Я не отрицаю, что говорил это. 4. Лора отрицала, что она нас обманула. 5. Он сказал, что не отказывается от своих слов. 6. Он не отрицал, что отказался помочь им. 7. Сначала он все отрицал. 8. Он не отрицал, что эти новости были для него неожиданными. 9. Водитель не отрицал, что ехал с большой скоростью. 10. Даже если бы вы отрицали это, вам бы никто не поверил. 11. Несмотря на неудачу, он не отказался от мечты стать профессиональным теннисистом. 12. Он не отрицал, что испугался. 13. Почему он отказался от нашего приглашения? 14. Бесполезно отрицать, что ваш план потерпел неудачу.

Exercise 3

a) Rephrase using to succeed in smth/doing smth or fail to do smth

1. He is sure to do well in his job. 2. Jack managed to win the competition. 3. If you had tried harder, you would have done it long ago. 4. His memory never lets him down. 5. Did he manage to pass his exam at last? 6. He is the kind of person who often lets other people down. 7. Please, make sure to get in touch with him.

b) Translate using to succeed in smth/doing smth or fail to do smth

1. Как жаль, что он провалил экзамен! 2. Если мне не изменяет память, мы с вами где-то встречались. 3. Он весьма надежный человек. Он никогда никого не подводит. 4. Обязательно свяжитесь сегодня с нашими партнерами. 5. Это очень важно. Обязательно сделайте это сегодня. 6. Честно говоря, я не думаю, что ей удастся стать хорошей актрисой. 7. Если бы он попытался еще раз, ему бы обязательно удалось сделать это. 8. Он долго работал над этой проблемой, прежде чем добиться успеха. 9. Я уверен, что он преуспевает как врач. 10. Если бы он больше тренировался, он бы обязательно занял первое место на соревнованиях. 11. Я буду вам очень благодарен, если вам удастся убедить ее в вашей точке зрения. 12. После многочисленных попыток ученым, наконец, удалось сделать это потрясающее открытие.

Exercise 4

a) Rephrase the following sentences using apologise

1| Helen said to her friends, “Excuse my being late”. 2. Edith said to me, “Excuse my interrupting you.” 3. He said, "Excuse my interfering in the conversation. 4. Joe said to Agatha, "Excuse mefor what I’ve just said. 5. Eve said to her husband, "Excuse my being so rude.” 6. The man said, "Excuse my disturbing you." 7. The girl said, "Pardon my spelling”. 8. The boy said, "Excusemypronunciation." 9. He said to me, "Excuse my being so curious."

b) Translate into English using apologise

1. Извинись перед ней за опоздание. 2. Его коллега извинялся перед нами за то, что вмешался в наш разговор. 3. Если ты не извинишься перед ним за свое поведение, вы поссоритесь. 4. Эдгар извинился передо мной за свои слова. Если бы он этого не сделал, мы бы поссорились навсегда. 4. Сначала попроси прощения у отца, а потом извинись перед остальными родственниками. 5. Если бы ты не извинился передо мной, я бы никогда не смог простить тебя. 6. Когда ты собираешься извиняться перед ними? 7. Если он извинится передо мной, я уступлю. 8. Он предупредил меня, что ей стыдно, но она может и не извиниться передо мной.

Exercise 5

Translate using the words shadow and shade

1. В это время суток самые длинные тени. 2. Путешественники устроились отдохнуть в тени деревьев. 3. На вашем месте я бы остался дома, сегодня жарко даже в тени. 4. Помимо основного значения у этого слова есть другие оттенки. 5. Какая странная тень! 6. Мне нравится этот цвет, но я бы выбрала другой оттенок. 7. Было жарко, даже тень не спасала от жары. 8. Если вы боитесь получить солнечный удар, старайтесь держаться в тени.

Exercise 6

а) Translate using forgive and apologise

1. Он извинился перед нами за то, что не позвонил нам вчера. 2. На вашем месте я бы не простил ему такую шутку. 3. Он извинился перед нами за опоздание и сел за столик, чтобы рассказать о последних событиях. 4. Если бы он извинился передо мной тогда, я бы не был так обижен. 5. Она бы с радостью позвонила вам и извинилась за то, что была невежлива. 6. Извинись перед ними за то, что ты испортил их книгу. 7. Простите меня за то, что я не извинился перед вами тогда. 8. Все ожидали, что он извиниться перед ними за свое поведение.

b) Answer the following questions

1. When was the last time you had to apologise to someone? 2. Would you fogive somebody for being impolite to you? 3. In what way would you apologise to someone for being late? 4. What wouldn’t you forgive a person for? 5. In what cases or situations does a person excuse himself?

Exercise 7

a) Paraphrase using consider and its derivatives

1. We should discuss the question carefully. 2. We believe such an operation might be dangerous. 3. Everybody thinks Mary is the most gifted actress in the theatre. 4. There’s a significant improvement in your work. 5. After a lot of thinking he decided to accept the job. 6. The matter is still being discussed.

b) Translate using consider and its derivatives

1. Считается, что русская грамматика сложнее английской. 2. Многие мои знакомые считают Макса хорошим специалистом в области медицины, и я вполне разделяю их мнение. 3. По-моему, этот вопрос нужно рассмотреть более тщательно при первой же возможности. Он этого вполне заслуживает. 4. Если бы Джек принял тогда наше предложение во внимание, у него сейчас было бы гораздо меньше проблем. 5. Его всегда считали талантливым ученым. 6. Я не уверен, но мне кажется, что план, предложенный Джеффом, все еще рассматривают. Однако от некоторых пунктов этого плана лучше бы избавиться.

Exercise 8

Translate into English:

1. До этого происшествия никто не знал, на что способен этот коварный человек, которого многие считали другом. 2. Вашему ребенку недавно исполнилось десять лет, он вполне может делать домашнюю работу самостоятельно. 3. Интересно, способен ли Майкл на такой благородный поступок. 4. Если ты не способен сделать это, так и скажи, что ты сдаешься. 5. Казалось, никто не мог сделать это лучше, чем Питер. Ни у кого не было ни малейших сомнений по этому поводу. 6. Никто не верил в то, что после провала и всех тех трудностей, которые он испытал, он способен начать все с начала.

Exercise 9

Insert prepositions where necessary

1. If I were you I would ask the boy to apologise... you. 2. If you don' t want your work to be а failure you must first... all change your attitude... it. 3. The young scientist shook hands... his friends who had come …. the airport to see him …. 4. Why don't you put... something warm? You are shaking … cold. 5. The man was shaking  ...  head ... foot. It was obvious he was ill. 6 They were trembling … excitement. 7. …   what way did Highsmith expect to succeed.. getting the part... а country fellow? 8. Why don’t youlie … the shade? You‘ll get а headache if you stay … the sun too long. 9. When the car stopped, everybody got and the mother began to spread а tablecloth … the shade … а big tree...the side … the road, while the children started running … to stretch (размять) their stiff legs. 10. Try... this dress. It's а cheerful shade … green. Your new shoes go nicely with it. 11. Mary never keeps her papers ... order. They are always mixed ….

Exercise 10

Choose the correct word and use it in the proper form

1. What’s the use of speaking to the man? Instead of keeping (in the shadow, in the shade) he would stay in the sun for hours in spite of the doctor’s orders. 2. Look, what a strange (shadow, shade) the flower has thrown on the wall. 3. Why don’t you stay in the garden? It’s cool there now. The (shadows, shades) have grown very long and there is (shadow, shade) everywhere. 4. He has turned down all my suggestions saying that he will (to refuse, to give up) to help me unless I (to refuse, to give up) my foolish hobby as he calls it. 5. “You have failed many times”, the boss said to David, “and I hate to upset you, but if you don’t succeed in finding a solution to the problem this time, you’ll have (to refuse, to give up) it. I (to refuse, to give up) to lend you any more of my money. 6. It was late and the sun (to rise, to raise) when the expedition started out. 7. The girl (to rise, to raise) her eyes which were filled with tears. 8. After spending some time with his son’s family old Jolyon (to rise, to raise) to leave. 9. He (to rise, to raise) his voice as he spoke. 10. Hurry up! Here is the last bell. The curtain is going to (to rise, to raise) in a moment. 11. It’s getting warm. The temperature (to rise, to raise). 12. The good news from her friend made Nina’s spirits (to rise, to raise).


Exercise 11

Work in pairs

  1. Он отказался продать портрет, хотя ему очень нужны были деньги. Было бесполезно даже пытаться убедить его сделать это.
  2. Вы должны отказаться от мысли поехать на юг. Куда бы вам не предлагали поехать, это может быть опасно для вашего здоровья. Не забывайте, вы ведь только недавно оправились после такой серьезной болезни.
  3. Я очень сомневаюсь, бросит ли он когда-нибудь курить. Он курит уже почти десять лет.
  4. Неужели я когда-либо дал вам основания сомневаться в моей честности?
  5. Старик поднял руку и сделал знак, чтобы все замолчали.
  6. Получив свои деньги, он поднялся и пошел прочь.
  7. Ты можешь устроить так, чтобы я поговорил с Фредом? Мне нужно извиниться перед ним за то, что я подвел его. Это очень важно для меня.
  8. Почему вечер не удался? Я убеждена в том, что все было правильно организовано.
  9. Твое поведение кажется мне странным. На твоем месте я бы пожал ему руку.
  10. Его считают неудачником, и кажется, он в курсе этого.
  11. «Проект дает нам возможность увеличить выпуск продукции, и мы не должны ее упустить», – сказал директор.
  12. Полковнику Грину не удалось бы жениться на Линде, если бы она не приняла звук его трубы за голос мистера Порчарлестера.
  13. Это, надо признаться, было неверно.
  14. Я буду ждать вас, не подведите меня.
  15. Он не из тех, кто легко прощает обиды.
  16. Из-за плохого здоровья он вынужден был оставить учебу.
  17. Он отрицал, что что-либо знает об этом событии.
  18. «Вы не должны иметь с ним дело. Он способен на все», – сказал Джон.
  1. He refused to sell the portrait though he was badly in need of money. It was no use even trying to persuade him to do it.
  2. You must give up the idea of going to the south. Whatever place they offer, it might be dangerous for your health. Mind you, you’ve just recovered from such a serious illness.
  1. I doubt it very much whether he will ever give up smoking. He has been smoking for almost ten years.
  2. Have I ever given you any ground to doubt my honesty?
  1. The old man raised his hand and made a sign for everybody to be silent.
  2. After receiving his money he rose and walked off.
  3. Can you arrange for me to speak to Fred? I have to apologize to him for failing him. It’s very important to me.
  1. Why was the party a failure? I’m convinced everything was properly arranged.
  2. Your behaviour seems strange to me. If I were you I would have shaken hands with him.
  3. He is considered (to be) a failure. And he seems to be aware of it.
  4. “The project offers us an opportunity to increase production and we mustn’t let it slip by”, the manager said.
  1. Colonel Green would not have succeeded in marrying Linda if she hadn’t taken the sound of his horn for Mr. Porcharlester’s voice.
  2. This, I admit, was wrong.
  3. I’ll be waiting for you. Don’t fail me.
  4. He is not a man who easily forgives.
  1. He had to give up studying because of his poor health.
  2. He denied all the knowledge of the event.
  3. “You’d better have nothing to do with the man. He is capable of anything”, said John.


                              Reading Comprehension

I. Make sure you know the answers to the following

1. In what way did Colonel Green celebrate his birthday? What was one of the important features of the play? 2. Why was the play in danger of failure? What could the cornist’s absence mean to the success of the play? 3. What made Colonel Green think that Mr Porcharlester had an advantage over him in Linda’s eyes? 4. Why did Colonel Green insist on being taught to play the serenade? Would he have succeeded in learning the serenade if he hadn’t worked hard? 5. Would Colonel Green have started the conversation with Mr Porcharlester if he hadn’t felt awkward? 6. Did Colonel Green think that to be frank with Mr Porcharlester would be useless? Would he have behaved in a different way if he hadn’t thought so? 7. Would Colonel Green have thought of serenading Linda if he hadn’t known she was alone? 8. Would Colonel Green have stayed in the shadow for such a long time if he hadn’t been eager to serenade Linda? 9. What was Linda’s reaction to the first note produced by the colonel’s horn? Would she have thought so if the instrument hadn’t sounded like a man’s voice? 10. Why did Linda think the sound had been produced by a human voice? 11. What was Linda’s attitude to Mr Porcharlester before Colonel Green played the serenade? Do you think Mr Porcharlester’s singing at Mrs. Lookslay Hall’s would have impressed Linda? 12. Do you think Mr Porcharlester would have sung the serenade to Linda in private first if he had had the courage to do so? 13. Would Linda have refused to see Mr Porcharlester if she had known the truth? 14. What would have happened if Colonel Green had given the letter to Mr Porcharlester?


 Find the equivalents of the following.

Любительский спектакль; как обычно; нанять кого-то; произвести желаемый эффект; развлечение; это место предназначалось для меня; достижение; происходить; быть под рукой и на своем месте; избавиться от кого-либо; вмешиваться во что-либо; мечтать о чем-либо; иметь удовольствие (делать что-либо); понапрасну беспокоить кого-либо; он так и не пришел; тревога / беспокойство; схватить (какую-то вещь); быть компетентным и сознательным; уставиться на кого-либо; не обращать никакого внимания на что-либо; быть удачно расположенным; пункт назначения; дать взятку / подкупить кого-либо; льстить кому-либо; поразить / изумить; разобрать, что они говорят; принимая во внимание; приписать заслуги кому-либо.


 a) Give your opinion on the following

1. Suppose Colonel Green had followed the teacher’s advice and had given up blowing the horn. What do you think would have been the continuation of the story?

2. Suppose Mr. Porcharlester hadn’t visited Linda that night. What do you think would have been the continuation of the story?

3. How do you think the story would have ended if Mr. Porcharlester had sung the serenade to Linda that night in private?

4. How do you think the story would have ended if the colonel had the courage to tell Linda the truth?

5. What do you think the behaviour of Linda would have been if she had actually known what had happened?

6. Do you think Linda would have married the colonel if the latter had told the girl that it was he who had played the serenade?

7. What do you imagine would have happened in the story if Colonel Green had told Mr. Porcharlester about the letter?

b) Rephrase or explain the following

1. As Linda’s taste for music approached fanaticism, Porcharlester’s single accomplishment gave him, in her eyes, an advantage over other man.

2. “I’m going to take a peep behind; that is, if non-performers may be admitted.

3. “He tries to sing it. But only appears to advantage when he sings trivial music. In nothing that demands serious sentiment, depth of feeling”.

4. I must confess that it has always struck me as being a singularly beautiful piece of music.

5. Soon the prompter’s bell tinkled.

6. I snatched up the instrument, put the smaller end into my mouth, and puffed vigorously through it.

7. My ears received a deafening shock; the hats of my guests rained from their pegs as the cornist came out, pale and shaky on his feet, and confronted the amazed guests who appeared on the stairs.

8. I will give five guineas, besides our regular terms”.

9. I was arrested by the voice of Porcharlester calling. “Hello, Colonel!”

10. I’ve been taking lessons and working like a dog to sing it in really first-rate style.

11. When the completed phrase revealed to her what melody I was playing she laid down her book.

12. Curiosity and love prevailed over this scruple.


IV Discuss the following using the adjective in the table below

a) Which of the adjectives do you associate with each character?

b) Which of the given adjectives do you normally associate with men and which with women?

c) Which character has a stronger personality? In what way did the characters’ personality influence their behaviour?


thick-skinned, single-minded, conscientious, self-effacing, down-to-earth, intuitive, decisive, considerate, inconsiderate, self-righteous, sensitive, obstinate, cautious, caring, self-sufficient, stand-offish, determined, impulsive.


                              Listening comprehension


                                          Text 1

be restricted by – быть ограниченным prejudice against – предрассудки a burglar – квартирный вор


· What is the speaker’s attitude to women’s liberation?

· What does the speaker say about men’s freedom?

· Do you believe the author carries the idea of women’s liberation to an extreme

Have your say

  • Can there be women’s leberation without men’s? Do you believe men’s rights are also violated though in a defferent way?
  • What’s your idea of masculinity?
  • Would you agree that the so-called discrimination is rooted in the physical and physiological peculiarities of men and women?


                                          Text 2


a subscription to a magazine – подписка на журнал the first issue – первый номер (газеты или журнала) incessantly – беспрерывно the vicar – викарий (духовный сан католической церкви)  


  • How did it happen that the man became a “househusband”?
  • What did he understand about being a housewife?


Have your say

  • Do you agree that all schoolchildren should be taught to do housework regardless of their sex?
  • Why do you believe the idea of a woman stopping at home has lios its popularity?
  • What’s your attidude to men who choose to stop at home?



Do men and women differ by nature? Can you suppose how different they are? Do they come form different planets? Can they live in perfect harmony?

What is the cause of disharmony between men and women? Why are men and women constantly disappointed in each other?


Imagine that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. One day long ago the Martians, looking through their telescopes, discovered the Venusians. Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they had never known. They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus.

The Venusians welcomed the Martians with open arms. They had intuitively known that this day would come. Their hearts opened wide to а love they had never felt before.

The love between the Venusians and Martians was magical. They delighted in being together, doing things together, and sharing together. Though from different worlds, they revelled in their differences. They spent months learning about each other, exploring and appreciating their different needs, preferences, and behaviour patterns. For years they lived together in love and harmony.

Then they decided to fly to Earth. In the beginning everything was wonderful and beautiful. But the effects of Earth s atmosphere took hold, and one morning everyone woke up with а peculiar kind of amnesia- selective amnesia!

Both the Martians and Venusians forgot that they were from different planets and were supposed to be different. In one morning everything they had learned about their differences was erased from their memory. And since that day men and women have been in conflict.

Without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are at odds with each other. We usually become angry or frustrated with the opposite sex because we have forgotten this important truth. We expect the opposite sex to be more like ourselves. We desire them to "want what we want" and "feel the way we feel".

We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in certain ways - the ways we react and behave when we love someone. This attitude sets us up to be disappointed again and again and prevents us from taking the necessary time to communicate lovingly about our differences.

Men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate, and react the way men do; women mistakenly expect men to feel, communicate, and respond the way women do. We have forgotten that men and women are supposed to be different. As а result our relationships are filled with unnecessary friction and conflict.

Clearly recognising and respecting these differences dramatically reduces confusion when dealing with the opposite sex. When you remember that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, everything can be explained.

MARTIANS value power, competency, efficiency, and achievement, they fantasize about powerful cars, faster computers, gadgets and new, more powerful technology. They are concerned with outdoor activities, like hunting, fishing, and racing cars, and are more interested in objects and things than in people and feelings. Martians pride themselves on doing things all by themselves, since asking for help when you can do things yourself is perceived as а sign of weakness. Hence they will keep their problems to themselves unless they require help from another person to find а solution. When they get upset, they prefer not to burden their friends with what is bothering them, and instead retreat to their caves to mull over their problems. If they can' t find а solution, they do something to relax and disengage their mind; or they engage in something morechallenging like racing а car, competing in а contest, or climbing а mountain.


VENUSIANS value love, beauty, and relationships. They find fulfilment through supporting and nurturing one other, and their sense of self is defined through sharing and the quality of their relationships. Rather than building highways and tall buildings, they are more concerned with living together in harmony, community, and loving co-operation. Communication is of primary importance, and sharing their feelings is much more important than achieving goals and success. They pride themselves on being intuitive, and considerate of the feelings of others. When Venusians feel upset, or overwhelmed by feelings of stress, confusion, or hopelessness, they find relief by sharing their problems with friends and talking them over in detail.

Abridged by John Grey


1. How else can you account for the differences between the two sexes.

2. What do linguists say about the differences in the way men and women speak?

3. Use as many adjectives as you can to describe men and women.

4. In what way do men and women cope with problems?

5. Read the two points of view given below and express your own opinion.

The claim that the differences between men and women are limited by their sex only is totally groundless. In fact the sex has absolutely nothing to do with the character. The point is that a person’s character is determined by his/her upbringing. Boys and girls are  usually treated differently by their parents. But in case they are not, girls acquire character traits generally ascribed to men and vice versa. Thus, parents should remember that if they want their daughter to be brave, willful, decisive and determined they should be stricter and teach the girl to fend for herself from a very early age. Conversely, if they choose their son to be gentle, caring and considerate they should not hesitate to show affection and love. A person’s sex fully determines his/her personality, the way of thinking and the manner of speaking. Parents can spend years trying to make their daughter think logically and still fail. Naturally certain character traits are determined by upbringing, still some general characteristics are fully related the person’s sex. Men are more rational and cold-minded. They are more career-oriented and less entitled to their mood. Unlike them women depend too much on their feelings and intuition. They are incapable of taking risks as they are too cautious and conservative. These differences reveal themselves at a very early age. That’s why children get on much better with representatives of their own sex. When they develop into adults men feel more at ease in a male company and women try to find understanding and support of their female friends.


Written exercises

Exercise 1

Translate into English using your active vocabulary

a) 1. Почему вы не заставили этого человека извиниться перед вами? 2. Старый Батлер хотел, чтобы его сын получил образование в специальной школе, где он мог бы общаться с детьми из богатых семей. 3. Обменявшись рукопожатием со мной, журналист спросил, могу ли я ответить на несколько вопросов. 4. Дейвид сомневался в том, что Виктор действительно устроит ему встречу со специалистом. Это был бы удобный случай обсудить вопросы, которые тревожили его в последнее время. 5. Сегодня тебе придется остаться с больным одному. Будь внимателен. Не перепутай лекарства. 6. Когда я сказал другу, что мне действительно удалось достать билеты на матч, он подумал, что я хвастаюсь. 7. Не стану отрицать, что ваша критика справедлива. 8. За последние два года спрос на товары, производимые нашей фабрикой, увеличился. 9. Никто не считал его виноватым. Такой человек, как он не способен обидеть кого-либо. 10. На вашем месте я не стал бы отрицать, что ваш план провалился. Если бы вы признали это сразу и отказались от вашего плана, вашу ошибку можно было бы простить. Я сомневаюсь, что смогу помочь вам теперь. 11. Джейн дрожит от холода. Дай ей что-нибудь теплое. 12. Я перестал бы уважать его, если бы он отказался помочь вам. 13. В статье поднимается ряд вопросов по современному искусству. 14. Цены на продукты питания постоянно растут во всем мире.

b) 1. Мы пожали друг другу руки, и я сел в автобус. 2. В ответ он кивнул головой. 3. Вы должны признать, что он прав. Сделайте это при первой же возможности. 4. Если вы хотите, чтобы они дали вам эту работу, вы должны показать, на что способны. 5. Кто поднял этот вопрос? 6. За последнее время расходы Симсонов на питание увеличились. 7. Опасность возрастет, если больной не согласится на операцию. 8. Не качай стол. Я не могу писать. 9. Водитель отрицал, что ехал с большой скоростью. 10. Роберт не ожидал, что друзья откажутся от его приглашения. 11. Старый Тейлор пытался отговорить его от мысли стать художником, но все его попытки окончились неудачей. Молодой человек говорил, что давно мечтает стать художником и ничто не заставит его отказаться от своего намерения.

c) 1. Дети, которые знали ответ на вопрос, подняли руки. 2. Наконец он пришел, извиняясь за опоздание. 3. Увеличатся ли их трудности, когда пойдут дожди? 4. Водя в комнату, он со всеми поздоровался за руку. 5. Ты бы лучше шел домой. Ты весь дрожишь от холода. 6. Он потряс приятеля за плечо, но тот не проснулся. 7. Надо учесть многое при рассмотрении этого вопроса. 8. Вы должны принять во внимание то, что он долгое время отсутствовал. 9. Вы не будете отрицать, что получили эту телеграмму? 10. Почему вы отказались принять участие в экспедиции? 11. Я не отрицаю, что вы сделали успехи, но этого недостаточно. 12. «Мне обещали дать эту книгу сегодня». – «Сомневаюсь, что вы ее получите. Боюсь, что ее еще не вернули в библиотеку».

Exercise 2

Translate into English using your active vocabulary

1. На вашем месте, я бы давно с ней помирился. 2. Если бы она вчера не последовала совету доктора, она бы сейчас чувствовала себя гораздо хуже. 3. Зря вы затронули эту проблему в вашей статье. Если бы вы подняли в статье более важный вопрос, она получилась бы более интересной. 4. Выставка была очень интересной. Жаль, что вы не смогли пойти с нами. 5. На вашем месте я бы сейчас не стал оказываться от такого предложения. 6. Когда она начала говорить, ее голос дрожал. 7. Он долго работал над этой проблемой, прежде чем добился успеха. 8. Если бы вы тогда извинились перед ними, вам сейчас не было бы так стыдно. 9. Ученый чувствовал себя очень счастливым, так как, несмотря на многочисленные трудности, ему удалось сделать это замечательное открытие. 10. Если бы водители были более внимательными на дорогах, многих несчастных случаев удалось бы избежать. 11. Раньше я думал, что она себе никогда ни в чем не отказывает, но когда все это произошло, я понял, что она сделает все возможное, чтобы никого не подвести. 12. К вечеру у ребенка снова поднялась температура, было ясно, что, чтобы спаси его необходимо было сделать так, чтобы его отправили в больницу. 13. Его обвиняют в совершении этого преступления, но он отрицает, что был там в тот вечер. 14. Все признавали преимущества нового метода работы. Его использование позволило лечить пациентов более быстро и эффективно. 15. Он поднялся, чтобы высказать насколько глубоко это событие затронуло его чувства. 16. Примерь это платье. Мне кажется, этот оттенок зеленого очень подходит тебе. 17. Казалось, что никто и никогда не сомневался в его честности, но то, что он сделал действительно достойно похвалы. 18. Бесполезно отрицать, что спектакль провалился, не так ли? 19. Я сомневаюсь, что он сможет организовать все как надо для вечеринки. У него недостаточно опыта и он никогда в жизни не работал так усердно. 20. Неужели вы перепутали все адреса клиентов нашей фирмы? Мы ведь считали, что вы очень надежный работник, и мы можем полагаться на вас. 21. Я не обратил никакого внимания на слова моего совестливого учителя, поскольку намеревался спеть серенаду девушке, которую любил. Однако сейчас я признаю, что он был абсолютно прав. 22. Я бы не хотел беспочвенно вас беспокоить, но человек, которого вы наняли, не явился.

Exercise 3

Describe the main characters of the story “The Serenade” according to the following plan

- age

- appearance

- background

- speech portrait (manner of speaking)

- the way he is described by other characters

- the way he is described by the author

- the character’s self-perception

Exercise 4

Choose a statement for a composition

1. Weakness of character is the only defect which cannot be amended. (La Rochefoucauld)

2. Man’s character is his fate. (Chesterfield)

3. A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes another’s. (Richter)

4. Every man has three characters – that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has. (Karr)

5. The real character of a man is found out by his amusements. (Reynolds)


U NIT  2

Does Birth Order Effect Children?

with respect to smb / smth – что касается, в отношении чего-л, in this respect – в этом отношении

imitate (v) – подражать, копировать, имитировать.

imitation (n) – 1. подражание, копирование, имитация; 2. копия, подделка.

treat (v) – 1) обращаться, обходиться.   To treat smb kindly, badly, with consideration. Don’t treat me as a child – Не обращайтесь со мной как с ребенком. to treat smb like a lord – носиться с кем-л, не знать куда посадить 2) лечить к

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Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

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