Translate using produce, production. — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Translate using produce, production.

2020-10-20 187
Translate using produce, production. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Мне всегда нравились фильмы итальянского производства. 2. Вы должны предъявить пропуск. 3. Этот режиссер выпустил свои лучшие фильмы, когда был молодым. 4. Он не мог дать никакого объяснения своему поведению. 5. Великобритания производит две трети потребляемого в стране мяса. 6. Уровень промышленного производства в этой стране очень высок.

Exercise 9 

Translate into Russian paying attention to the active vocabulary.

1. He does his share in the cooking. 2. Jane has accepted her share of the blame. 3. The sells divided rapidly. 4. As he pulled the pipe separated from the wall and broke. 4. I have trouble in separating out the two parts of your argument. 5. Doctors of the whole world take a tremendous effort to conquer cancer. 6. You can always depend on John to be there when he is needed. 7. I was sure it was a dependable source of information. 8. Don’t buy a cheap carpet. The children running in and out will soon wear it off. 9. The fields were covered with ice and, as September wore on, the noisy rivers were gradually silenced. 10. I’ve seen plenty of girls wear themselves out trying to run a home and a job. 11. Regular cleaning may help prevent infection. 12. Other options will be considered if the talks fail to produce results. 13. Investigators were spying on people’s homes invading their privacy. 14. The proposals include increasing the tax on petrol.

Exercise 10

Work in pairs.

  1. Этот город находится на Волге, которая впадает в Каспийское море.
  2. Вы знаете, какая река впадает в Ирландское море?
  3. Многие страны западной Европы были оккупированы фашистами во время второй мировой войны.
  4. Ты знаешь, когда Англия захватила Шотландию?
  5. В заключение мне бы хотелось сказать несколько слов о завоевании Северной Ирландии Англией.
  6. Никто не ожидал, что он откажется от первоначальной идеи.
  7. В заключение речи он сказал несколько слов о мерах, предпринятых дирекцией завода для предотвращения загрязнения окружающей среды.


  1. С одной стороны я разделяю вашу точку зрения, с другой стороны, я бы хотел предостеречь вас от ошибок.
  2. Он ничем не выдавал своего волнения, хотя был весьма напуган.
  3. С одной стороны, я бы посоветовал вам принять участие в этой экскурсии. С другой стороны, должен предупредить вас, что экскурсовод в этот раз будет не очень опытный.
  4. Вы можете присоединиться к нам, если конечно вы не предпочитаете работать отдельно.
  5. Стив не хотел, чтобы его включали в эту группу. Он знал, что добьется большего, если будет работать самостоятельно.


  1. The city is situated on the Volga which runs into the Caspian Sea.
  2. Do you know what river runs into the Irish Sea?
  3. Many countries of Western Europe were conquered by the fascists during the Second World War.
  4. Do you know when England conquered Scotland?
  5. In conclusion I’d like to say a few words about the English conquest of Northern Ireland.
  6. Nobody expected him to give up the original idea.
  7. At the conclusion of his speech he said a few words about the measures taken by the management of the factory to prevent environmental pollution.
  8. On the one hand I share your point of view, on the other hand I’d like to warn you against mistakes.
  9. Nothing gave away his excitement though he was rather frightened.
  10. On the one hand I would advise you to take part in this excursion, on the other hand I must warn you that this time the guide won’t be a very experienced one.
  11. You can join us unless you prefer to work separately.
  1. Steve didn’t want to be included in that group. He knew he would achieve more if he worked independently.
  1. Он уже взрослый человек и вполне способен жить независимо от родителей.
  2.  – Этот вопрос еще рассматривают? – Да. Они еще не пришли ни к какому заключению.
  3. Он сказал, что мало кто разделяет мое мнения, но я поговорю с остальными сама.
  4. Как я могу помешать ему делать то, что он хочет? Кроме того, кажется, что он не нуждается ни в чьих советах. Он всегда работал отдельно от всех.
  5. Если вы сейчас выйдете на улицу, то промокнете до нитки.
  6. Мать сказала, что если мне удастся предупредить ее от такого неразумного решения, она будет нам благодарна.
  7. Никто не смог предъявить необходимые доказательства вовремя.
  8. Его жизнь полна приключений. Он провел большую часть жизни в Африке, изучая жизнь диких племен.
  9. Ребенок сказал, что присоединится к игре, как только переоденет мокрую одежду.
  10. Инспектор пытался связать две детали происшествия, но не смог.
  11. В заключение письма он дал нам знать, что никогда не согласится с нашими взглядами.
  12. В стоимость входит проживание, питание и некоторые экскурсии.
  1. He is a grown-up person and is quite capable of living independent(ly) of his parents.
  2.  – Is this question still being considered? – Yes, it is. They haven’t arrived at any conclusion yet.
  3. He said that very few people shared my opinion but I’m going to speak to the others myself.
  4. How can I prevent him from having his way? Besides, he doesn’t seem to need other people’s advice. He has always worked separately from the others.


  1. If you go out now you will get wet through.
  2. Her mother said that if I succeeded in warning her of such an insensible decision she would be grateful to me.


  1. Nobody was able to produce the necessary evidence in time.


  1. His life is full of adventures. He has spent the better part of his life in Africa studying the life of wild tribes.


  1. The child said he would join in the game as soon as he changed his wet clothes.
  2. The inspector tried to join the two details of the case but failed to do it.
  3. At the conclusion of the letter he let us know that he would never give in to our views.
  4. The price includes accommodation, meals and some excursions.



                              Reading comprehension

I Make sure you know the answers to the following.

1. Where are the British isles situated? 2. What parts do they consist of? 3. From what countries is Great Britain separated by the North Sea and the English Channel? 4. When and how did the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland appear? 5. What is characteristic of the English scenery? 6. What facts prove that many thousands of years ago the British Isles were part of the European continent? 7. What is a characteristic feature of the mountains in Britain? 8. Are there many rivers in Britain? What are their peculiarities? 9. Speak about the climate of the British Isles. What is the climate conditioned by? What keeps the climate mild? 10. What is the most striking thing about the British weather? 11. How do weather conditions influence the development of agriculture in the country?

II Find the English equivalents of the following.

1. Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия и Северная Ирландия были когда-то независимыми государствами. 2. Южная Ирландия не зависит от Англии. 3. Много лет назад европейский материк простирался дальше на запад, чем в наше время. 4. Ни одно из морей, омывающих Британские острова, не является глубоким. 5. В некоторых местах Северное море имеет глубину менее шести метров. 6. Белые меловые скалы южной Англии соответствуют скалам северной Франции. 7. Волк, медведь, лиса пришли в страну с континента. 8. Остров можно грубо разделить на два основных региона: равнинная Британия и горная Британия. 9. В Британии много рек, но ни одна из них не является глубокой. 10. Темза течет в восточном направлении в Северное море. 11. Даже в самых северных областях Шотландии снег никогда не лежит долго. 12. Воды Гольфстрима омывают Британские острова. 13. Климат на Британских островах сравнительно мягкий.

III Discuss the following.

Collect the information about the history of the country.

Speak about the geographical peculiarities of the country

Find more information about the climate and the weather on the British Isles and prepare to give a short talk in class.

                              Listening Comprehension

Text 1

to pay tribute – платить дань
  • How did Britons live before the invasions began?
  • What does the speaker say about the Roman invasion?
  • How did the name Anglo-Saxons appear?
  • Why was French more important than English in the 11th century?

Have your say

How did the invasions influence the development of Britain?

Speak about the positive and negative influence of invasions in general.

Text 2

1) a sovereign – монарх an heir apparent – прямой наследник to succeed to the throne – вступить на трон 2) mast – мачта bowsprit – бушприт
  • What does the title Prince of Wales imply?
  • Is the title prince of Wales the only one the next British monarch possesses?
  • How does the name The Union Jack originate?

Have your say

What’s your attitude to hereditary power?

What do different colours of flags symbolize? The black, yellow and white colours of the        German flag, for instance?



Is it possible for a country to develop into an economically strong one without conquering less developed countries? Is it possible for a great empire to exist for a relatively long period of time? Can a conquest be beneficial for a country? Do you believe there are new forms of empires in the modern world? The texts below will help you to discuss these questions.

                                            * * *

During the 19th century Britain built up an empire of colonies which stretched into every continent. There were colonies or settlements in China, India, Africa, South America, the West Indies, the Caribbean, Canada and Australia. Maps of the world used the colour red to show the countries that were part of the British Empire, and by 1914 a quarter of the countries in the world were coloured red. It was said that the sun never set on the British Empire because at any time of day the sun was always shining on a British colony somewhere in the world.

British explorers started sailing the world in the 16th century when Elizabeth the First was queen of England. The explorers went in search of new lands and new sources of raw material. Australia was discovered by Captain Cook, a British explorer and was first used as a prison. Criminals were sent to the new colony from Britain as a severe punishment.

British explorers and missionaries opened up the route to Africa. Africa became very important for European and American merchants who bought and sold Africans as slaves. These slaves were shipped to the West Indies to work on sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations. The cotton, sugar and tobacco were traded in London and today London remains one of the world’s most important centres for trading commodities. The profits of the slave trade were invested in banks and in industry and were used to build railway and other transport systems in Britain. The trade from its colonies provided money for industrial development and as Britain became richer and more powerful it was able to add to their number.

                                          * * *

From the time explorers and seamen discovered a sea route to India Europeans, including the Dutch, French and Portuguese wanted to trade there. India was a rich source of raw materials, such as spices, diamonds, rubber, tea and coffee. Britain could also sell manufactured products to India, and so profits from the trade with India were very important for Britain’s industrial development in the 19th century. Britain wanted India for itself and called it the jewel in the Crown, in other words, the most precious possession in the empire. British ships controlled the sea route to India and the countries on the route were carefully watched. This is why places such as South Africa and the Suez Canal and Egypt were important to the British. Britain needed to control these places to keep the route to India safe and so protect trade.

When you visit India today you will constantly be reminded of its past British connection. If you drink a cup of tea in England think of the efforts that the British made to protect the “tea-route”. Finally you will now understand why many British schools serve Indian food in the canteen at lunchtime. Because a big empire leads to an exchange of habits, customs and people.

Today almost all of the original parts of the Empire have gained their independence from Britain. Many agreed to stay together as a family, in a union of countries called the Commonwealth. They share a history, the English language, common traditions, and cultural and sporting ties.

1. Collect more information about the British Empire.

2. Compare the period of prosperity of the British Empire with other empires.

3. Prepare to discuss the following.

Each country has a right to sovereignty, which means it may choose its own way of development. Each country is unique and each nation has its own ideas of life, morals, ethics as well as habits, customs and traditions. All these peculiarities are reflected in the nation’s culture, religion and language. The process of integration of cultures is dangerous. Any attempt to interfere into a country’s way of life may have dire consequences. Any effort to impose strange views or morals is bound to result in bloodshed. The idea is simple, though very few seem to be willing to accept it. People tend to resist the unusual, and seldom hesitate to decide for others. This makes humanity unhappy and reminds of the idea expressed by the British historian of the 18th century, Edward Gibbon who said “History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind”.     Lyndon Johnson, the ex- president of the USA said “ We are in the midst of a great transition from narrow nationalism to international partnership” One can’t help agreeing with the idea. People’s needs and wishes are basically the same all over the world. Intercultural communication, which leads to an exchange of habits and traditions, makes us more tolerant of each other. It’s great if a person feels at home anywhere in the world. Besides, the interference of more developed countries into the affairs of less developed countries can do more good than harm especially in the sphere of economy and trade. Religion is the most vulnerable aspect about intercultural communication and in this respect people should be careful not to hurt other people’s religious feelings. It’s impossible to escape the influence of other cultures, as it is exercised through mass media and personal contacts. Why cling to old-fashioned nationalistic ideas instead of just enjoying life in its variety?


Discuss the importance of preserving native traditions and protecting a country’s culture from the outer influence. Give arguments for and against the idea of general integration of cultures. Do you believe it is possible for a nation to survive in the world of today without the support and assistance of other nations? Touch upon the problem of the native language. Comment on the idea of “Eurospeak”?

Written exercises

Exercise 1

Translate using your active vocabulary.

1. Он сказал, что они собираются расстаться. 2. Ему не терпелось поделиться своими впечатлениями с друзьями. 3. Их разделяют сотни километров. 4. Он сказал, что не сможет снимать отдельную квартиру и будет снимать квартиру вместе с приятелем. 5. Я была очень удивлена, когда узнала, что они не разделяют моего мнения. 6. На лекции по истории преподаватель рассказывал нам о завоевании Британии римлянами, и хотя раньше я читал об этом книгу, все равно было интересно. 7. Если он не уступит, мне придется самой поговорить с ним. 8. Он сказал мне, что признает мою точку зрения правильной, но я ему не поверил. 9. Я уже не помню, с какого времени я ношу очки. Мне кажется, я ношу их с раннего детства. 10. Он сказал, что я всегда делаю поспешные выводы, и этот случай – еще один пример тому. 11. Она боялась промокнуть и заболеть, поэтому уехала раньше. Когда мы, промокшие до нитки, добрались до дома, она уже приготовила ужин. 12. Если я не получу ответа на мое письмо, я поеду туда сама, и ты не сможешь помешать мне. 13. Что помешало вам навестить ее? Вы же знали, что она больна. 14. Правительство заявило, что новая программа не включает повышение налогов.

Exercise 2

Render in English.

Из четырех стран, которые составляют Британские острова, Англия является самой большой. Она занимает площадь в 131,8 кв.км. с населением в 45,9 миллионов.

       Англия граничит на севере с Шотландией, на востоке она омывается Северным морем, на юге она отделена от континента проливом Ла-манш (Английским каналом), на западе – омывается Бристольским проливом (The Bristol Channel), а также граничит с Уэльсом и на северо-западе омывается Ирландским морем.

       Британские острова лежат к северо-востоку от Европейского континента и состоят из двух основных островов, большим из которых является Великобритания, меньшим – Ирландия. Вместе с пятьюстами более мелких островов они известны как Объединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Великобритания включает Англию, Уэльс и Шотландию.

       Шотландия – самая северная из стран, которые составляют Великобританию.

       Уэльс – это район сильных дождей, с довольно мягким климатом.

       Северная Ирландия занимает северо-восточную часть острова Ирландия. На северо-западе она граничит с Ирландской республикой и отделена от острова Великобритания Северным проливом.

Exercise 3

Choose a statement for a composition

  1. The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion (Paine).
  2. We can only change the world by changing men (Wells).
  3. The world is not growing worse and it is not growing better – it is just turning around as usual (Dunne).


    UNIT 2

    London and Londoners  

cover (v) – закрывать, накрывать. She covered the sleeping child with a blanket. The table was covered with papers.

a cover (n) – покрытие, прикрытие, обложка (книги). Put some cover on the sofa. She read the book from cover to cover. He left the house under cover of night.

determine (v) – определять, решать(ся). The demand determines the offer. She determined to tell them the truth. He was determined to make them obey.

determined (adj) – решительный. He made a determined effort to check her hysteria.

determination (n) – решительность. The president elect stressed his determination to fight terrorism.

match (v) – подходить по цвету, дизайну, стилю, быть относительно идентичным, совпадать. She wore a red hat and gloves to match. The police decided to see if the statements of the witnesses matched.  

match (n) – пара, нечто подходящее. Everyone agreed he was a good match for her. We failed to find an exact match for the paint.

destroy (v) – разрушать. The city was destroyed during the war. All my hopes were destroyed by his remark.

destruction (n) – уничтожение. The building must be saved from destruction.

significant (adj) – значительный, важный. Ant - in significant

significance (n) – значительность, важность. One couldn’t fail to understand the full significance of the moment.

occasion (n) – случай (повод или торжественный случай). I’ll let you off on this occasion. There was a celebration on the occasion of her arrival. on occasion – время от времени. He continues to work with us on occasion.  have an occasion to do sth. –  удобный случай. I didn’t have an occasion to speak to her.

occasional (adj) – случающийся время от времени. They got used to his occasional visits.

occupy (v) – находиться где-либо, проживать – to occupy a house / a building / a flat / a seat. – занимать - to occupy time / a position. Painting occupies most of his time.  be occupied – быть занятым – He was fully occupied with his guests during the whole day.

regard (v) – рассматривать, считать  regard sb / sth as  We regard it as an entertainment.

be regarded as – He is generally / widely regarded as an efficient worker.

regard (n) – внимание, забота, уважение. He has a high regard for his parent’s opinion. Send my regards to Tom. in this regard – в этом отношении without regard – независимо от. He said he would buy the house without regard to cost

magnificent (adj) – впечатляющий, великолепный. It was a magnificent performance.

date from (v) – относиться к какому-либо времени (syn. date back to). The sculpture dates from the middle of the 7th century.

bury (v) – хоронить, прятать, скрывать. A lot of famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey. The book was buried under a pile of papers.

fascinate (v) – привлекать, завораживать. The magnificent sight fascinated the tourists.

be fascinated – быть очарованным чем-либо. He was fascinated by / with the sight.

fascinating (adj) – завораживающий, очаровательный. A fascinating sight.

populate (v) – населять be heavily / densely / thinly populated; be overpopulated / under populated.

confuse (v) – смущать, вводить в замешательство, путать. He was confused by the question. If you don’t explain the things properly, you will confuse everyone. He confused all the dates.

confusing (adj) – запутанный, непонятный. The message he got was rather confusing.



       London is the capital of Great Britain, situated on both sides of the Thames. This is one of the greatest cities in the world. A visitor going to London expects to see a giant city, but the real size of London impresses even those who have been well informed. London’s territory is twice as great as the territory of New York, though its population is almost twice as small. The reason for it is the preference of the English for terraced houses and small gardens. As a result most people live in the suburbs.

       London is a city which was never planned, it’s a constellation of once separated towns and villages grown together.

       London’s is the oldest city of the English speaking peoples, more than twenty centuries old. It was first mentioned by the Romans. They called it Londinium, but the word is probably of Celtic origin meaning «lake fortress». But why a lake fortress? We know that London stands on the river, not on the lake! The thing is that when there was a rising tide in the sea, the waters of the Thames covered almost the whole place where the town was standing, making a great lake. Even now the city needs huge security buildings protecting the city from the floods.

       A high hill that was never covered with water became the place where the first fortress was built. At first it was earthen, but later it was made of stone. The line where the walls of the fortress were, became the boundary of the City of London. There were many beautiful buildings in medieval City of London, but most of them were wooden. When the Great Fire broke out in 1666, almost the whole City was scorned by the fire. Not only wooden, but even stone buildings were burnt down. To commemorate this terrible catastrophe, the Londoners erected a monument, which is now called simply THE MONUMENT. The height of the stone column (61.5 metres) is equal to the distance between the monument and the bakery at Pudding Lane where the fire began. The monument is supposed to symbolise the City’s ability to restore itself from disaster.

       After the fire the City could not be reconstructed, it had to be built again. A commission of six architects, headed by Sir Christopher Wren, was organised for this purpose. The architect drew a plan which to a great extent determined the look of today’s London. The houses in the main streets had to be four-storeyed, in small streets – three-storeyed and in lanes and alleys – two-storeyed.

       Today the City is only part of London, a small area to the east of the centre. The City is London’s business and financial centre, a collection of offices and banks, it is also the heart of commerce. The Bank of England and the Stock Exchange are here. Only some five thousand live permanently in the City today but nearly a million works there. Every morning the City is invaded by a vast army of clerks, civil servants and businessmen from the surrounding suburbs. In the day-time the streets of the City are crowded but at night they are deserted.

       The fortress on a high hill mentioned above is now called THE TOWER OF LONDON and is one of its most well-known sights. William the Conqueror planned the fortress to protect the City but since then it has been a royal palace, a seat of government and also the scene of some bloodiest events in English history. Kings, queens, princes and people of the highest rank have shared the same fate within its walls as spies, plotters and traitors. The Tower of London is where they were tortured, beheaded, murdered or imprisoned. It is now a museum and also the nation’s treasure house, containing the Crown Jewels.

       Tower Bridge was built at the end of the nineteenth century to match the medieval style of the fortress. Even today it regulates a large part of the impressive traffic of the port of London. Due to a special mechanism, the main traffic-way consisting of two parts can be lifted up. In this way, the entrance and departure of extremely large vessels is possible. The bridge has become a symbol of London for many visitors.

       One can’t imagine London without ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL, which is the spiritual centre of the City. It’s the most striking building of the City and the third-largest church in the whole world. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren to replace the even larger cathedral that was destroyed by the Great Fire of London. St. Paul’s has been the setting for solemn and significant occasions in the nation’s history, from the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill to the wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 

       Another part usually singled out in London is the West End which occupies the centre of the city. Unlike the City life doesn’t stop here till late at night or even early in the morning. The name «West End» is associated with wealth, luxury and goods of high quality. It is the area of the largest department stores, cinemas and hotels. There are about 40 theatres, several concert halls, many museums and the best art galleries. The best-known streets here are WHITEHALL with all important government offices, DOWNING STREET, the London residence of Prime-Minister, FLEET STREET where most papers have their offices, OXFORD and REGENT STREETS where the biggest department stores are situated. It’s the West End that is famous for its places of interest all over the world.

       BUCKINGHAM PALACE, built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham, is the London residence of the royal family. The interior of the palace is never open to the public. The state rooms are used to receive visiting heads of state and for ceremonies where the queen and other members of the royal family bestow titles, honours and awards for outstanding service. The street that leads to Buckingham Palace is called THE MALL. This is the rout of all royal and state processions. The street starts at ADMIRALTY ARCH, erected in 1910 as one of the national memorials to Queen Victoria, and leads to the QUEEN VICTORIA MEMORIAL in front of Buckingham Palace.

Quite near the Mall is TRAFALGAR SQUARE, one of the most characteristic landmarks of London. It was named «Trafalgar» to commemorate the historical naval victory (in Trafalgar Bay) won in 1805 by the British fleet under command of Horatio Nelson over the combined French-Spanish fleet. NELSON’S COLUMN with the statue to Admiral Lord Nelson on top rises in the centre of Trafalgar square. There are also two beautiful fountains in the square.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY is regarded as the center of the Westminster area singled out within the West End. Its name refers to its position to the west of the city of London – «west monastery» or Westminster. Minister means «a large church». The magnificent Gothic building seen today largely dates from the 13th and 14th centuries. Nearly all the kings and the queens of England have been crowned here and many of them are buried here. A visitor to Westminster Abbey is always fascinated with beautiful sculptures and magnificent architecture. The interior part of the Abbey is the most spectacular. Monuments to those who were born to high rank and those who achieved glory (including statesmen, scientists and musicians0 line the walls of the Abbey. They are buried there as well. One of the best-known parts of Westminster Abbey is Poets’ Corner with monuments and tombs of many famous writers and poets (Chaucer, Shakespeare, Byron, Thackeray, Sheridan, Kipling, Hardy, Dickens, Tennyson, Keats, Shelley, Burns, Blake and others).

 Across the street near Westminster Abbey, on the bank of the Thames is the PALACE OF WESTMINSTER, that is to say, THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, the palace where British laws are made. The Houses of Parliament constitute perhaps the most popular and widely spread image of London, known and recognized throughout the whole world. The building has two towers, Victoria Tower and Clock Tower. The latter is famous and known all over the world as Big Ben.

PICCADILLY CIRCUS is one of the most popular meeting points in London, probably second only to Trafalgar Square. It’s a picturesque place and a fashionable shopping centre as well as the centre of night life in the West End. The heart of the square (and the main attraction for tourists) is a bronze fountain topped by a statue of Eros, the Greek God of love.

       If the City is the «money» of London and the West End is the «goods» of London, the East End is the «hands» of London. The East End is a great area populated by workers, dockers and craftsmen, there are a lot of wharfs and warehouses here. The East End markets are especially famous throughout the world. The best-known among them is PETTICOAT LANE. It is open on Sundays and, in the words of a song written about it, can supply anything, from «a ball of string, a second-hand chinchilla or a diamond ring».

       London is not a uniform city, but a place of grand and confusing contrasts. There are common traits, links of history and culture, but each small area is different. The people are different, the accents change, the architecture changes. This is really the city with something for everyone. Even if you are a regular visitor, there is always something to explore. London is an experience in itself and everyone’s experience of it is unique. As Dr. Samuel Johnson wrote two hundred years ago: «When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford».

                               Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1

Translate using cover.

1. Пол в комнате был застелен коврами. 2. Снег шел всю ночь, и утром земля была покрыта снегом. 3. Одежда мальчиков была вся в грязи, потому что они играли в футбол под дождем. 4. Доклад охватывает последние события. 4. Я уверен, что видел это лицо на обложке какого-то журнала. 5. Полиция полагает, что этот магазин служил прикрытием для криминального бизнеса. 6. Она закрыла лицо руками и расплакалась.

Exercise 2

a) Finish the sentences with determine whether, why, when, who, what.

1. He didn’t explain anything and we couldn’t…… 2. The operating manual was in Chinese and I … 3. He confused the words and seemed rather nervous, still nobody … 4. She didn’t introduce the man to us, so we…... 5. The weather report said a storm was coming, that was why we….

b) Translate using determine, (be) determined, determination

1. Она предприняла решительную попытку убедить его не уезжать. 2. Несмотря на все свои страхи, Джейн была решительно настроена открыть дверь и войти в дом. 3. Именно кабинет министров определяет политику правительства Великобритании.4. Мы не могли решить, как ему помочь и нуждается ли он в помощи. 5. Такое поведение культурно обусловлено. 6. К сожалению, он не проявляет ни малейшего намерения помириться с сестрой. 7. В последнем выступлении новый председатель правления еще раз подчеркнул свое намерение изменить политику предприятия.

Exercise 3

a) Answer the following questions using match.

1. If you are buying some new clothes, would you look for something to match at once? 2. What will you do if you come across a man whose appearance matches the description of the one wanted by the police? 3. Would you consider people who wear socks that do not match careless and untidy or absent-minded and forgetful? 4. Do you usually wear matching colours or do you find this way of dressing rather dull? 5. What kind of husband / wife do you think would be a good match for you?

b) Translate the following using match.

1. Она долго не могла найти ничего подходящего к новому платью. 2. Все говорят, что он ей не пара, но она решительно намерена остаться с ним. 3. Энн думала, что эти шторы хорошо подойдут к новой мебели. 4. Инспектор был удивлен, когда понял, что показания свидетелей не совпадают. 5. Программа была построена так, чтобы отвечать требованиям каждого студента.

Exercise 4

Translate using destroy, destruction.

1. Землетрясение уничтожило практически весь город. 2. В газетах писали, что склад был полностью уничтожен пожаром. 3. Его слова разрушили наши надежды на лучший исход эксперимента. 4. Следует принять решительные меры, чтобы спасти здание от разрушения. 5. Мы не ожидали, что он приедет, поэтому его приезд разрушил все наши планы.

Exercise 5

Translate the following using significant or magnificent, significance.

1. Все согласились, что ее игра была великолепной. 2. Экскурсовод рассказала, что этот пышный дворец, был построен в 18 веке. 3. Я полагал, что таким образом нам удастся сэкономить значительное количество времени. 4. Они сделали значительные успехи в работе. 5. Это был один из самых значительных музыкантов своего времени. 6. Нельзя было не восхищаться великолепным стилем писателя. 7. Профессор хотел, чтобы студенты поняли, что это событие огромной исторической значимости. 8. Никто не придал большого значения этому разговору.

Exercise 6

Translate the following using occasion, occasional.

1. Это значимое событие, которое стоит отметить. 2. Он не сомневался, что поездка станет для него хорошим поводом отдохнуть. 3. Мне пока не представлялась возможность встретиться с ним лично. 4. Время от времени он нас навещает. 5. Замечания, которые он время от времени делает (редкие замечания) позволяют считать его вполне здравомыслящим человеком. 6. У него было несколько возможностей поговорить на французском с носителями языка..

Exercise 7

a) Answer the following questions using occupy, occupied.

1. Do you enjoy being always occupied or do you prefer being idle from time to time? 2. What will you do if you see that all seats in your favourite café are occupied? 3. Do you believe it is necessary to keep children constantly occupied? 4. Will you take up a hobby or an activity if you know that it will occupy most of your time? 5. What kind of a character traits should a person possess to be able to occupy an executive position?

b) Translate using occupy, occupied.

1. Время от времени он чем-то занимается, но в основном он бездельничает. 2. Это место занято? 3. Нам сказали, что она занимает высокую должность в этом министерстве. 4. Обещания создать рабочие места занимают большую часть его предвыборной кампании. 5. Компания занимает старое здание в центре города. 6. Она бралась за любое дело, лишь бы быть чем-то занятой.

Exercise 8

a) Answer the following question using regard as, be regarded as.

1. Do you regard the industrial development of countries as dangerous for humanity? 2. Suppose an acquaintance of yours is always late, would you regard him as an unreliable person? 3. Would you rush to see a film which is generally regarded as a brilliant one? 4. Do you regard straightforwardness as a positive quality?

b) Translate using regard, be regarded.

1. Его считают наиболее влиятельным человеком в правительстве страны. 2. Я видел, что все относятся к нему с подозрением. 3. Мне бы хотелось, что бы ты передал от меня привет своим родителям. 4. Несомненно, в этом отношении на него можно положиться. 5. Я всегда знал, что ее мало заботят чувства окружающих. 6. Мэр города понимал, что необходимо уделять больше внимания безопасности на дорогах. 7. Художник считал эту картину шедевром. 8. В некотором отношении к ребенку следует относиться как к взрослому человеку.

Exercise 9

Translate using date from / back to.

1. Молодой ученый был удивлен, когда понял, что рукопись (манускрипт) датируется 13 веком. 2. Постройка относится к 17 веку и напоминает другие здания этого периода. 3. Откуда ты знаешь, что этот замок был построен в 13 веке. 4. Вы знаете, к какому времени относится эта скульптура? 5. Его интересовало все, что относилось к периоду Возрождения.

Exercise 10

Translate using bury.

1. Вся его семья похоронена на этом кладбище. 2. Он был уверен, что ему удастся найти спрятанные сокровища. 3. Тебе не следует прятать голову в песок. 4. Она отвернулась, уткнувшись лицом в подушку. 5. Неожиданно она начала кричать, давая выход скопившейся злости.

Exercise 11

a) Fill in the blanks with fascinating or fascinated.

1. Her smile was so … that I couldn’t help forgiving her. 2. He was entirely … by the idea of going to distant countries. 3. … he sat unable to move. 4. We were amazed at the … view. 5. He stared at the fire as if he were … by what he saw. 6. The book is absolutely ….

b) Translate using fascinate, fascinating, fascinated.

1. Это было завораживающее зрелище, и едва было возможно оторвать взгляд. 2. Меня сразу привлекла эта идея, и я не понимал, почему ее так долго обсуждают. 3. Всем исключительно понравился его доклад о поездке по Африке. 4. Я считаю его великим певцом, у него потрясающий голос. 5. Аудитория была потрясена великолепной игрой актеров. 6. У нее действительно очаровательная улыбка.

Exercise 12

Translate using populate.

1. На повестке дня заседания правительства были проблемы густонаселенных районов страны. 2. Некоторые редкие виды животных населяют этот регион. 3. Районы, прилегающие к атомным электростанциям, как правило, мало населены. 4. В этом городе проживает большое число иммигрантов. 5. Окрестности некоторых крупных городов густо населены.

Exercise 13

a) Fill in the blanks using confusing or confused.

1. The audience were … by the speaker’s announcement. 2. The confused expression on his face explained a lot. 3. The commission was misled by the … data. 4. The message he left was rather … and we were unaware of what to do. 5. I’m still totally … about the incident.

b) Translate using confuse, confusing, confused, confusion.

1. Его мысли путались, и он не мог заставить себя сосредоточиться. 2. Часть группы все время путала глаголы to refuse и to give up. 3. Казалось, что она была озадачена и смущена чем-то. 4. Не пытайся сбить меня с толку такими вопросами. 5. Когда я вошел, все смотрели на него в полном замешательстве. 6. Мне кажется, что его доклад был довольно сбивчивым. Ему следовало лучше подготовиться. 7. Его объяснение показалось всем весьма путанным. 8. Чтобы избежать замешательства, она немедленно покинула комнату. 9. Поскольку меня совершенно смутили последние новости, я хотел бы знать подробности. 10. Ее ответ на вопрос только усилил его недоумение.

.Exercise 14

Translate. Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1. If occasion arises I’ll ask you for help. 2. Any mushroom with a red cap should be regarded with suspicion. 3. There seems to be some confusion about who actually won. 4. She left some confusing message on my answer phone. 5. A machine-gun is no match for a tank. 6. There must be equality of rights for all citizens regardless of nationality. 7. Chocolate is best kept as an occasional treat. 8. We’ve covered a wide range of subjects today. 9. Convicts from France were sent to populate the islands. 10. His mind has been too occupied with moving house to think about a holiday. 11. They are trying to upgrade their cars to match the foreign competition. 12. Taylor’s fascination with bees surprises everybody. 13. Everyone admired his magnificent generosity. 14. The bullet had buried itself in the floorboards. 15. He was one of the most significant musicians of the 19th century. 16. It’s not at all easy to destroy lifelong friendship. 17. She determinedly kept the conversation.

Exercise 15

Work in pairs.

  1. Некоторые акционеры относились к новой политике компании враждебно и намеревались разрушить планы правления.
  2. Многие великолепные памятники архитектуры были разрушены во время войны и остались лежать в пепле.
  3. Редкие визиты дядя были всегда неожиданны и приводили семью в замешательство.
  4. Великолепное кресло 18 века как нельзя лучше вписывалось в интерьер комнаты.
  5. Семья проживала в старом доме на берегу моря. Вид из окон был завораживающим.
  6. К сожалению, он убежден в важности своей идеи, и его мало волнует мнение других людей.
  7. Прочитав журнал от корки до корки, он был полон решимости принять серьезные меры.
  8. Я редко с ним вижусь, но я уверен, что он плохая пара для нее.
  1. Информация была довольно путанная, и никто не рассматривал ее как серьезную угрозу.
  2. Некоторые районы страны мало населены, поскольку приходится преодолевать десятки миль, чтобы добраться до ближайшего города.
  1. Some shareholders regarded the new policy of the company with hostility and were determined to destroy the plans of the board.
  2. A lot of magnificent architectural relics were destroyed during the war and buried in the ashes.
  1. The occasional visits of the uncle were always unexpected and rather confusing for the family.
  2. The magnificent armchair dating from the 18th century matched the interior of the room perfectly.
  3. The family occupied an old house on the seashore. The view from the windows was fascinating.
  4. Unfortunately he is convinced of the significance of his idea and has little regard for the opinion of others.
  5. After reading the magazine from cover to cover he was determined to take drastic measures.
  6. I meet him only occasionally, but I’m convinced he is a bad match for her.
  7. The information was rather confusing and nobody regarded it as a real threat.
  8. Some areas of the country are thinly populated and one has to cover dozens of miles to get to the nearest town.

Reading comprehension

I Make sure you know the answers to the following.

1. Where is London situated? 2. What is the striking thing about the size of the city? 3. Where does the city’s name come from? 4. What is the history of the Monument? 5. Who was responsible for the reconstruction of the city after the Great Fire of London? What was the architect’s plan? 6. What is the City of London? 7. What is the Tower of London famous for? 8. Speak about the importance of St. Paul’s Cathedral for London. 9. What is the West End of London known for? Name the most famous streets of the West End. 10. What did you learn about Buckingham Palace? 11. What is the most important square of London? 12. What is the center of the Westminster area? 13. What is the other name of the Palace of Westminster? What is it famous for? 14. What area is called Piccadilly Circus? 15. What is the most characteristic feature of the East End of London?

II Find the English equivalents of the following.

В два раза больше; впервые упоминаться; быть кельтского происхождения; сгореть дотла; в память (в честь); возвести памятник; в большей мере (в значительной степени); определять вид сегодняшнего Лондона; закоулки; небольшая площадь (территория) к востоку от центра; жить постоянно; одна из самых известных достопримечательностей; самые кровавые события в английской истории; сокровищница; королевские регалии; гармонично сочетаться с чем-либо; средневековый; супермаркет; лондонская резиденция королевской семьи; один из национальных памятников; считаться с чем-либо (рассматривать в качестве чего-либо); стоять (тянуться) вдоль стен; широко-распространенный образ; центр ночной жизни.

III Discuss the following.

Explain why London is called a place of confusing contrasts. Do you believe any big city is a city of contrast?

Find additional information about the history of London and Londoners and prepare to discuss it in class.


                          Listening Comprehension

Text 1

the plague – чума sanitation – санитарные условия
  • Why is the year 1665 an important date in the life of London?
  • What made the year 1666 a historical date?
  • Why does the speaker say the Great Fire of London did the city great good?

                              Have your say

Find information about other turning points in the history of Britain and prepare to discuss them in class.

Text 2

to be aware of - осознавать free of charge – свободный, бесплатный congested pavements – многолюдные тротуары

· What places in London remind of the city’s close connection to the Crown?

· What have you learned about the parks of London?

                              Have your say

Find information about other places in London connected with the Crown and prepare to speak about them in class.


                              Do you know that

Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a «cockney» although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner. Typically they change some vowel sounds so that the sound in “late” becomes more like that in “light”. In addition they use the usual “t” sound of Standard English but stop the air in their throat. Thus, they say “bu’er’ instead of “butter”. Like some foreign learners of English they seem to have problems with “th” and use “f’ instead.

During the last century East End criminals developed a special kind of language or slang which made it difficult for the police to understand them. In certain parts of London this slang is still used, and some expressions have passed into normal, everyday English. It’s called “rhyming slang” because words are replaced by other words or phrases that rhyme. For example “loaf of bread” means “head’, and “butcher’s hook” means “look”. However usually only the first word of the phrase is used, for example, “use your loaf’ means “use your head, don’t be silly” and “Let me have a butcher’s” means “let me have a look”.

Here are some examples of rhyming slang. Match the words on the right with the rhyming slang on the left.

Barnet Fair Bees and honey Daisy roots Plates of meat North and South Dog and bone Telephone Mouth Feet Hair Money Boots

       Most of London’s big department stores are in Oxford Street and in Regent Street. They are always crowded, but at sale times, in January and July there are so many people that it is difficult to move and it is usually safer to go in the direction of the majority. These days it is often difficult to distinguish the goods in one large store from those in another. If you look for something “different” but cannot afford the price of Bond Street, it is certainly going to New Covent Garden which will help you. This used to be England’s biggest fruit and vegetable market, but recently the market was moved to the other side of the river Thames. The old market, now called “New Covent Garden”, was restored and converted into a shopping center. There are now more than forty shops of many different kinds and there are several places to eat and drink

       A department store is a large shop which sells a wide range of goods in different departments, each with a special name. Here are some of them and beside them there is a list of goods. In which department will you buy them?


Confectionary Hardware Electrical Haberdashery Stationary Cafeteria Bedding Sheets and pillowcases A radio Chocolates A cup of tea A saucepan A rip A writing pad



Is it possible to understand the spirit of a nation without tasting the native cuisine and having a drink at place frequented by the natives? Do you believe that certain places where one can have a meal and a drink can become the center of cultural life? Do you know that some of these places have a long and interesting history? The texts below will help you to discuss these questions.

                                                      * * *

       Eating and drinking in London, despite old-fashioned rumours to the contrary that still persist, can be all right. Of food and drink one can at least and at last with confidence assert that it is a matter of taste, and London in its immensity caters for all tastes. What an average Londoner likes is faithfully reflected in hundreds of inexpensive restaurants, especially perhaps in the many branches of Jolyon restaurants, of the A.B.C., and of Quality Inn.

       The greatest English failing in some of the fry-up and barbecue places is poor ventilation. On entering, sniff, and if the density is high, back out or your clothes will remember (particularly if they are of wool) for weeks afterwards.

       Fish-and-chips shops are to be found on the fringes, especially in the East End. The old chop-houses have mostly gone, and the modern substitute is the steak-house, sometimes rather American in styling.

       For lunches many London pubs provide simple straightforward and sometimes very good dishes: sandwich bars will be found throughout – not to be judged by decor but by the look of the sandwiches. Snacks, and sometimes more ambitious dishes, will be found also in coffee-bars.

       For the connoisseur of food and wine, London can supply most answers. If you want to eat expensively, you can do i

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