Awareness surgery resemblance slim ashamed genuine aptitude stare handle content conscious — КиберПедия 

Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Awareness surgery resemblance slim ashamed genuine aptitude stare handle content conscious

2020-10-20 171
Awareness surgery resemblance slim ashamed genuine aptitude stare handle content conscious 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Manchester United starting forward A. Johnson will undergo _____on his shoulder on Thursday. 2. Everyone recognizes that the proper identification of an art object as _____or forged is crucial as regards monetary value. 3. This youth-focused, global, multi-platform campaign is intended to create _____about how our day-to-day consumption is contributing to global warming. 4.A glance and a _____ are two different things — glances happen naturally when all sorts of things catch your eye whereas a _____ is probably gawking at something. 5. Any _____to actual persons living or dead, business establishments or events is entirely coincidental. 6. Former Vice President Al Gore isn't sure he has the ' ______ for politics' it would take to be elected president, but he has not ruled out running in 2008. 7. Learn to limit yourself, to _____ yourself with some definite thing, and some definite work; dare to be what you are to believe in your own individuality (Henri-Frédéric Amiel). 8. I've made a _____ effort to eat breakfast and eat one vegetable at lunch and dinner, and the vegetable has to be different for each meal. 9. The goal of self-development is to grow into someone who can _____anything that comes your way. 10. People who eat frequently and stay physically active are more likely so stay ____ than those who eat less frequently. 11. I'm supposed to have impeccable taste in music, but the truth is, there are a few albums on my shelf that I'd be a little _____ to have strangers discover.

Exercise 12

Translate into Russian paying attention to words in bold type.

1. "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned." (Mark Twain). 2. If youth be a defect, it is one that we outgrow only too soon (James Russell Lowell). 3. A scientist is in a sense a learned small boy. There is something of the scientist in every small boy. Others must outgrow it. Scientists can stay that way all their lives.(George Wald). 4. People mature with age and experience. I hope I more resemble a fine wine than bad vinegar. (Rick Kaplan). 5. Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument. The heated mind resents the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic. (William E. Gladstone). 6. In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director. ( Alfred Hitchcock). 7. There are two ways to handle a woman, and nobody knows either of them. (Kin Hubbard)

Exercise 13

Work in pairs.

1. Целевая группа нашей фирмы – покупатели, интересующиеся модой, причем одежда создается эксклюзивно для наших магазинов. 1. Our firm targets fashion conscious customers with clothes designed exclusively for our own outlets.  
2. Мне всегда нравился футбол, но в детстве я был слишком неуклюж для этой игры. Мне приходилось довольствоваться ролью зрителя. 2. I have always liked football but I was far too awkward for the game in my childhood. I had to content myself with the role of a spectator.
3. Когда готовишь речь, бывает полезно подобрать подходящую цитату, чтобы проиллюстрировать свою мысль. 3. When preparing a speech it is often useful to pick an apt quotation to illustrate your point.  
4. Коллекционерам, и любителям, и профессионалам, жизненно важно отличать подлинный антиквариат от подделок и репродукций. 4. For both amateur and professional collectors telling genuine antiques from forgeries and reproductions is vitally important  
5. Рано или поздно, ты перерастешь свой юношеский идеализм. 5. Sooner or later you will outgrow your youthful idealism.
6. Я не очень интересуюсь политикой, но считаю, что важно быть в курсе последних событий. 6. I am not really keen on politics, but I believe it is important to be aware of current events.
7. Московские дороги, очевидно, не справляются с потоком автомобилей в городе. 7. Moscow roads are evidently unable to handle the amount of traffic in the city.
8. Героиня фильма, девочка-подросток, любит свою мать, но немного стыдится того, что у семьи практически нет денег, из-за чего ее мама соглашается работать кухаркой в богатой семье. 8. The film character, a teenage girl, loves her mother, but is somewhat ashamed that her family is nearly broke, forcing her mom to accept a job as a cook for a wealthy family.


Reading Comprehension


I. Make sure you know the answers to the following

1. What did people, and especially women in Highland Springs think of Jimmie Hartnett? What can you say about Jimmie’s appearance, manners and clothes? 2. Under what circumstances did he meet Millie Tavish? Why was he determined to make an impression? 3. Who did the girl turn out to be? Why hadn’t Jimmie recognized her at once? 4. Describe Millie’s appearance before and after the surgery. 5. What can you say about the girl’s feelings for Jimmie? 6. What were the reasons for their marriage? Was it likely to be a happy one? 7. Did the young couple have much in common?

II. Find the English equivalents of the following

Стрижка «ёжик»; густой загар; серьги с бриллиантами; цвет лица; румянец; слегка вздернутый нос; ровные зубы; высокие скулы; прямые волосы; запоминать лица; тощая девчонка с веснушками; торчащие зубы; гадкий утенок, превратившийся в прекрасного лебедя; её голос дрогнул; получить в наследство имущество; пластический хирург; оставить (целое) состояние; костюм яхтсмена; разворот на странице светской хроники; проводить время, уткнув нос в книгу; стремиться к чему-либо.

III. Discuss the following

1) What traits of character can you see in Jimmie? Do you think his appearance has had an impact on his personality? If so, in what way? How about Millie?

2) What do you think makes people care about their appearance? Is it natural that people want to improve the features that nature has given them?

3) Do you think outward appearance is as important for men as for women?


Listening Comprehension


Text 1


to embody – воплощать, олицетворять nostrils – ноздри collagen – коллаген (белок, составляющий основу соединительной ткани) thighs – бедра


· What kind of ideal did the speaker try to attain and what changes did she undergo to reach her aim?

Have your say.

Here are some opinions on plastic surgery. Which of them do you agree with?

a) True beauty comes from being intelligent and interesting, not from being physically perfect. b) People should be grateful for what God has given them. c) We should accept ourselves as we are. d) It is selfish and indulgent to spend money on superficial improvements when there is sо much poverty and sickness in the world. e) It is good to see life experience showing on people's faces.   a) Cosmetic surgery can give people more confidence. b) There' s nothing wrong with trying to improve on what nature has given us.  c) People who feel good about the way they look are more likely to do well in their career. d) Cosmetic surgery can be more beneficial than а holiday, because the effects last longer. e) Having cosmetic surgery is similar to having your hair dyed or your teeth straightened.

The Beautiful People   

by Robert Bloch (Part II)

flatter (v) – 1. льстить. If you flatter your mother a bit she might invite us all to dinner. I was flattered by the invitation to speak at the conference to be/feel flattered. She was flattered at the invitation; to flatter oneself – тешить себя, льстить себя (надеждой). We flatter ourselves that we provide the best service in town.

flattering (adj) – лестный. His comments weren’t very flattering.

fuss (v) – суетиться, волноваться (из-за пустяков). She is always fussing about some trivial matter. He is always fussing over his grandchildren.

fuss (n) – 1. нервное, возбужденное состояние to get into a fuss – разволноваться, разнервничаться; 2. суета, беспокойство из-за пустяков. She kicked up / made an awful fuss when she heard about it. I think it’s all a lot of fuss over/about nothing. They left quietly, without fuss. Once the fuss has blown over/died down, we’ll be able to go on with work as usual. The children were all making a great fuss of the new baby. The job was done with the minimum of fuss.

face up to – примириться, быть готовым к (чему-л. неприятному). He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. He could face up to 50 years in prison if convicted.

scar (n) – шрам, рубец. Will the cut leave a scar? The country still bears the scars of the recent war. Scar tissue began to form over the wound.

scar (v) – оставлять шрам. His face was badly scarred by the fire. The accident left him permanently scarred. He was scarred for life.

respond (v) – отвечать, реагировать to respond with a blow – нанести ответный удар. She responded to my question with a smile / with indignation. He kicked the dog, which responded by growl ing. How did they respond to the news? The demonstrators threw stones and the police responded with tear gas. The car responds well to controls. The patient is not responding to treatment. Animals respond to kindness.

response (n) – 1. ответ. In response to your inquiry … I received an encouraging response to my letter of application. 2. ответное чувство, отклик, реакция an emotional / enthusiastic / positive response to the news. I knocked on the door, but there was no response. The tax cuts produced a favourable public response.

tribute (n) – дань, знак уважения, восхищения stand in silent tribute to those who died in the war. Her colleagues paid tribute to her outstanding loyalty and commitment to the firm. His recovery is a tribute to the doctor’s skill.

challenge (n) – 1. вызов issue/accept/meet a challenge. 2. сложная задача, проблема. She likes her job to be a challenge. Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.

challenge (v) – 1. вызывать, бросать вызов challenge smb to a duel / a game of tennis. 2. сомневаться, отрицать challenge smb’s authority / right to do sth. This new discovery challenges traditional beliefs.

stall (v) – 1. останавливать(-ся). The car stalled at the traffic lights. 2. тянуть (с ответом и т.п.) to stall one’s creditors. Stop stalling and give me an answer! Don’t let him go yet – see if you can stall for time

spin (spun) (v) – 1. крутить (ся), вертеть (ся), описывать круги. He watched the couples spinning around the dancehall. My head is spinning. The steam spins a turbine to produce electricity. to spin the ball – закрутить мяч to spin a coin – подбрасывать монету. They spun a coin to decide who should start; to send smb spinning – отбросить кого-либо (ударом). The blow sent him spinning back against the wall. 2. прясть, плести spin the wool into thread. The spider spins a web to catch flies. 3. нестись, быстро двигаться. We were spinning along at 80 miles per hour.

spin (n) – 1. кружение, верчение He had to stop the helicopter from going into a spin. The president’s death sent the stock market into a spin. 2. короткая прогулка, быстрая езда; to go for a spin in a car.

snub (v) – относиться с пренебрежением; унижать. I tried to be friendly but she snubbed me completely. Leading players have consistently snubbed the tournament because of the poor prize money.

crack (n) – 1. трещина; dangerous cracks in the ice. Cracks were beginning to develop / appear in the walls of the house. The cracks in the government policy are beginning to show. 2. треск, щелканье the crack of a pistol; a crack of thunder. 3. удар give smb / get a crack on the head. 4. острота, шутка. She is always making cracks about his fatness.

crack (v) – 1. давать трещину, трескаться, раскалывать(ся), колоть to crack nuts. Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack. Sooner or later he will crack under questioning. His new computer game was a tricky one, but we finally cracked it. 2. производить треск, шум, выстрел; щёлкать to crack a whip The hunter's rifle cracked and the deer fell dead. 3. to crack a joke – отпустить шутку. 4. to crack a bottle – распить бутылку (вина)

arrange (v) – 1. приводить в порядок, располагать, классифицировать to arrange flowers in a vase The books are arranged on the shelves in alphabetical order. 2. устраивать(ся) Let’s arrange a meeting for next Friday. 3. договариваться, уславливаться I've arranged for a taxi. We must arrange about dinner. I’ve arranged for a doctor to see him. I’ve arranged that one of our representatives will meet you at the airport.

rent (v) – 1. брать в аренду, нанимать I rent a room from Mrs. Jones. 2. (AmE) сдавать в аренду (BrE – let) She rents (out) rooms to students. They’ve rented their house to some French people. 3. брать напрокат I’ll need to rent a tuxedo / car.

fate (n) – рок, судьба, жребий, удел to tempt fate – искушать судьбу. We planned to marry in June, but fate decided otherwise. By a strange turn / twist of fate, she was also at the party. The court will decide your fate. The fate of the company is still uncertain. Having to watch their family photos was a fate worse than death.

effort (n) – усилие, попытка, напряжение to make an effort – сделать усилие, попытаться. Please make an effort (=try hard) to get there on time; to make efforts – приложить усилия; to spare no efforts – не щадить усилий; without effort – легко, не прилагая усилий. Don’t bother trying to persuade her – it’s not worth the effort. The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people. The company is selling off some of its buildings in an effort to save money.

underneath (adv) – вниз, внизу, ниже. This jacket is too big, even with a sweater underneath. A lot of noise was coming from the flat underneath. He seems bad-tempered but he is very soft-hearted underneath.

strive (strove, striven) (v) – 1. стараться, прилагать усилия; to strive for victory – стремиться к победе; He strove for recognition as an artist. 2. бороться.


Then it was just sitting around, mostly; Millie liked to read, and he'd go out and putter with the Jag. They didn't talk very much about plans. Once or twice she brought up the subject of kids, but Jimmie thought it would be better if they waited a while and enjoyed life while they were still young. He tried to interest her in another trip, and she said not now, next year perhaps, and didn't he like it here?
Of course there was only one answer to that. Only one answer she seemed to want. And since they were alone together so much, he had no choice. Millie just couldn't seem to realize that there comes a time when the honeymoon is over.
That's why she wouldn't hire any permanent servants. She said she liked to cook for him and take care of him all by herself. At first it seemed kind of flattering, the way she fussed over him, even picking out the clothes he wore, but when he realized she was often in the habit of just sitting there and watching his face as he slept, Jimmie began to feel like a damned fool.
Finally, along about the fourth month, he faced up to the truth like a man. Millie was beginning to give him a distinct pain. Might as well be honest about it—there were a lot of things about the woman which disappointed him.
For instance, that doctor's job hadn't been one hundred percent perfect. True, he'd left no scars, but when Millie was out in the harsh sunlight you could see her face wasn't quite natural. Whatever it was, it bothered him. Especially when he had to kiss her, which was frequently; she just couldn't let him alone. At first he'd been surprised at the way she responded, but in a way it had been sort of a tribute to his personality and good looks. Jimmie was used to that. But now there was more than response—there was demand.
Jimmie knew that any virile male like himself wants to be the aggressor; that was the man's job, to get his kicks from the challenge, the chase, the conquest. But here there was no challenge, no chase, and he was beginning to suspect that the real conquest was Millie's.
Of course, there was nothing he could do about it. A married man just doesn't walk off and leave his wife just because she loves him. That would be a sneaky thing to do. And as for walking away from a million bucks—that would be downright crazy.
A smart guy plays the game. He may stall a little, encourage his wife to get interested in bridge parties and trips with "the girls," and try to spend more time himself out in the garage or with the car.
At first this didn't seem to work, because Millie wanted to come along when he took the Jag out for a spin. But she had a sort of a thing about high speeds, and when he found that out it was easy to discourage her. Then, when he told her about joining the Sports Car Club, she wasn't interested at all. By this time she was up to her neck in suburban social life; she got her satisfaction out of visiting with all the old school friends around town—girls who had probably snubbed her in the days when she was Millie the Mule.
Jimmie was finding his satisfaction, too.
Her name was Peggy. Peggy Allen.
He'd met her through the club. She was only a kid, nineteen or so. To be perfectly frank about it, maybe she really wasn't any goddess, but she knew how to keep a guy interested. The more she stalled him, the more Jimmie wanted her. And she couldn't fool him: he knew it was mutual. At the same time, it wasn't really serious. Just a little fun on the side. And since there was no question about ever leaving Millie, he had nothing to worry about. No reason why he couldn't enjoy himself. All he needed now was opportunity.
Millie wanted to take a run into Cleveland with a couple of "the girls" to see some ballet troupe or other. They'd stay over a day and do some shopping; would he like to come along?
Well, there was no trouble getting out of that one. Besides, he had a golf date the following afternoon. So he told her to run along and enjoy herself. No trouble at all.

Lucille Sims, one of Millie's friends, called him up the next afternoon. Millie had come down with a cold and she'd decided to stay over in Cleveland at the hotel for another day, then come back on the train.
He called Peggy, and he brought her over to the house at seven, and it must have been after midnight when he took her home again.
He put the car in the garage, the automatic doors closing softly and silently behind him.
Yep, he really had it made. What more could a guy ask for? The character who made that crack about your face being your fortune sure knew what he was handing out.
Jimmie stared at his face in the shiny reflection of the Jag's hood. You're not bad, kid, he told himself. Not bad at all. He was still staring when the lights went out.
· · · · ·

And then the lights came on again. He tried to move, and he realized his hands were tied behind his back. That's when he looked up and saw Millie standing there.
"Hey!" he said.
"Is that all?" Millie asked. "No questions? Don't you want to know about the first time I got suspicious, when I happened to pick up the extension phone and heard you talking to that little tramp of yours? It was over a month ago, and I've been wondering ever since. Wondering so much that I finally decided to go to Cleveland and arrange to get sick. I kept hoping I was wrong, of course, even when I slipped out and rented a car tonight to drive back and surprise you."
She opened her purse, pulling out the gun.
Jimmie squirmed and tried to sit up.
"I don't have to tell you I'm sorry. I know I made a mistake. All I can do is try to make it up to you."
"Yes." It was Millie's turn to pause. "You are sorry, aren't you? Sorry because you weren't smart enough, because you got caught."
"No, that's not it. I told you I'd make it up to you, I'd try."
"Of course you'd try, darling. And you'd fail. Because that's the kind of a person you are, Jimmie dear, the kind of a person you always have been and always will be. It's my fault for not realizing it from the very beginning. You're a pretty boy, and you can't stand anything around you that might mar your own perfection. You've always got to have new clothes, new cars, new women. You're one of the beautiful people, Jimmie, and you hate ugliness. The way you hated me when you were a kid. The way you hate me now."
"But I don't hate you; you're not ugly—"
"Oh yes I am, Jimmie." She smiled at him. "Only an ugly woman could do the thing I'm going to do."
She walked over to the workbench and picked something up in her gloved right hand.
"You can't get away with it!"
"I'm not going to get away with anything, darling. It's the thieves."
"What thieves?"
"The ones the police will think broke in here tonight while you were sleeping, and while I was still away in Cleveland. I'll be back there in my hotel room before anyone notices my absence, and tomorrow I'll check out and come home. I'll be very surprised when you aren't on hand to meet me at the station, and I'll be very shocked when I come home and find out what the thieves have done. Don't worry, you'll be mourned.
"Millie, you're crazy!"
"Not crazy. Just ugly, remember?"

You don't understand what I mean by ugliness yet, do you?" she murmured. "Beautiful people never do. Life is so very easy for you, because we live in an age that worships beauty above all else; worships it the way I worshipped you. Even when you wrecked my life years ago, when we were children together, when you gave me my new name. Millie the Mule. I told you once you'd never know what that did to me, and I was right. I didn't realize the whole truth until tonight.
"I thought having an ugly face and an ugly nickname was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. When my friends made fun of me, and even my parents were ashamed, that seemed the most terrible fate. And it went on for years, Jimmie. Even after you went away, the name stuck by me. The name, and the face. I thought nothing more dreadful could possibly happen, but I was wrong.

"The dreadful thing was to try and change. To forget the old saying that beauty is only skin-deep. Well, you taught me that it's true, Jimmie. Because you're one of the beautiful people I've always envied, one of the favored few who walk through life getting everything they want without effort, without worries or problems or unpleasantness. And yet you're not beautiful, inside. You're ugly as sin. And it is a sin to get everything you want without doing anything to deserve it.
I kept believing that I was better than I looked, underneath. That my heart was full of understanding, that my love was pure, all sorts of nonsense. And I had faith that if I kept striving, I'd get what I wanted.
"So I had my face altered, and I got what I wanted. You. I didn't look like Millie the Mule any more, and I thought it was enough to make us both happy. That was my mistake, darling.
"The only person I fooled was myself. And it wasn't until tonight that I realized the truth.
"I am Millie the Mule. Inside, I'm as ugly as you are. Only an ugly person could dream of doing what I'm going to do to you."
Jimmie stared at her hands, knowing that in a moment she'd move. Then he stared at her face, and in the half-light it seemed oddly altered. For a moment he could almost see her as she had once been, years ago—Millie the Mule, ugly as sin.
Jimmie was thinking that she had never looked more like Millie the Mule than she did at this moment, as she knelt beside him and went to work …
· · · · ·

It was quite the most horrible tragedy Highland Springs had ever known. When poor Millie came back from Cleveland and found her husband in the garage that way, everybody thought she'd collapse. But she managed to hold up quite bravely, even through the investigation and inquest, and when the ordeal of the funeral was over, she seemed like a different person.
In fact everyone remarked on it. While plastic surgery had done wonders for her, it wasn't until after her husband's death that Millie became a truly beautiful woman. She seemed to glow with an inner serenity, as if all the ugliness had been burned out of her.
All the more surprising, considering the shock she must have had when she discovered her husband's corpse. It was bad enough that the unknown thieves had tortured him to get the combination of the safe. But then, probably by accident, they'd set the gasoline torch down right next to his head. Even with a low flame, his face had been burned completely off …

                   Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1

a) Make up dialogues according to the model:

I’m so nervous! There are so many people and they are all watching me!’

– ‘Don’t flatter yourself! They are just waiting for the ball to begin.’

  1. Your boyfriend thinks he is the most useful player in his team.
  2. Tracy thinks she is a great dancer.
  3. This singer has no voice. I could have performed much better than her.
  4. Sadie believes she is special, not like others.
  5. Dennis seems to think that any girl would like to date him.

b) Answer the following questions

1. Can you always tell a compliment from flattery? 2. Is it easy to find clothes that flatter your figure? 3. Do you know for sure what hairstyle flatters your face shape? 4. How do you understand the saying flattery will get you nowhere? 5. What do we mean when we say a picture/photo flatters somebody? 6. How do you react to unflattering remarks?

Exercise 2

Rephrase the following using make a fuss, kick up a fuss, get into a fuss, without fuss, with the minimum of fuss.

1. Don’t worry, darling. You look gorgeous. 2. It seemed to the boss the work went too slowly, and so he shouted and got in everybody's way. 3. Angela, who worked in a bank and was the only daughter of her rich parents, took care of the payments on almost every occasion. They never took any notice of it though and it never affected their friendship. 4. All that Granny wants for her birthday is a small family gathering, without a crowd of guests. 5. The mass media wrote a lot about the bird flu, but we were not able to know the essence of the bird flu problem. 6. I remained calm although I believe I had every reason for making a scene. 7. Villagers have spoken out in protest against a football stadium, whichthey believe will cause noise and light pollution, traffic problems and increase flooding issues in the area. 8. The bus was too slow, of course I got into a traffic jam, all this made me nervous. 9. In other words, he who wants changes makes them quietly. He who hides his real intentions behind them uses propaganda statements. 10. This chef believes in getting the most out of ingredients and making tasty, easy, sociable food with as little effort as possible.


Exercise 3

Translate into Russian paying attention to the ways of translating face up to into Russian.

1. Professor Pritchard stated that corruption could only be eliminated if people faced up to it. 2. Can Japanese firms face up to the challenge of financial reforms? 3. The way to solve the immigration problem is to face up to the causes that have pushed people out of their own countries and eventually to the US and other countries. 4. I respect the achievement of Singapore, and their willingness to face up to the challenges of globalization. 5. Employers who knowingly employ illegal workers could face up to two years in prison under Home Office plans. 6. It's time to face up to the fact that rising inequality is driven by the giant income gains of a tiny elite, not the modest gains of college graduates.

Exercise 4
a) Translate using a scar, to scar.

Этот шрам никогда полностью не сойдет, но есть способы сделать его менее заметным. 2. Пройдет много времени, прежде чем затянутся душевные раны, оставленные войной. 3. Родители 12-летней девочки, у которой на всю жизнь останутся шрамы после нападения ротвейлера, подали в суд на владельца собаки. 4. Я разговаривал с человеком, удивительным образом выжившим после нападения акулы. Он был покрыт ужасными шрамами, но вспоминал об этом происшествии без страха. 5. Этот шрам напоминает мне о прошлом.

b) Comment on the quotation: " He jests at scars that never felt a wound " (William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet)

Exercise 5

Compare the synonyms: answer is the usual verb you use to talk about answering questions. Reply is used especially when you mention the actual words that were said: ‘Absolutely not,’ Tom replied. Respond is more formal and less frequent. If the verb has an object, use answer, reply to or respond to.
  React has a sense of being more immediate and sometimes resulting from feeling more than thought. Respond suggests that some consideration has been involved. We may want to know someone’s reaction simply from curiosity but if we want to know their response it is because we need the information in order to make a decision.

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