Money Makes the World Go Round — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

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Money Makes the World Go Round

2020-10-20 199
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What kind of world do we live in? What are the advantages of credit cards? Can’t we really do without them in our everyday life, or can we? Is the main aim of bankers to force us, especially young people, into making debts? The texts below will help you to discuss these questions.

We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive. Our possessions, “mine” and “yours” are clearly labelled from our early childhood. When we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of money you earn. Probably, the most striking change in shopping habits during the last twenty years or so is the sharp rise in the use of credit cards. According to the recent statistics, nearly 80% of big purchases are paid for with credit cards. These cards are made of plastic, so sometimes people call them just plastic money.

This is very different from the old form of credit: when you bought something expensive, е.g. а washing machine or а TV, you signed an agreement with а shop promising to pay for the goods in installment, weekly or monthly. With а credit card you can buy goods up to а certain limit in practically any shop. You simply hand the card to а shop assistant or cashier, they put it into а special machine, you sign the bill and get the goods. Today you can use your credit card not only for shopping but in restaurants, hotels, hairdresser’s, to buy rail and air tickets etc. Shops and other places that accept credit cards often display those which they accept on their window or in some other prominent place.

At the end of each month or а quarter you get an account, а statement from the bank or the company that issued the card, showing the places where you bought things or had something done and the price. You have to pay not only for the goods or services you’vehad, but interest as well, interest for the money you’veborrowed to pay for these things. Some companies don't charge interest if you pay your account immediately. The interest rate is over 20%, but it varies from one company to another and according to the economic situation.

Why do so many people use credit cards if they have to pay so much interest? The point is thatcredit cards are very convenient and many people don't think about the statement they'll get at the end of the month when they’re shopping or having а meal in а restaurant or having their hair done. They show the magic card and get everything they want. When they see the amount of interest they think of it as payment for а service, they pay for the convenience of buying things on credit. But no one complains about the interest rate.

As for getting into debt, most people are very sensible and know how much they can afford to spend. А real problem is with young people. Banks allow and even encourage them to have bank accounts and credit cards. And young people want all sorts of things they can’t really afford and can't resist the temptation to overspend. They haven’t got much experience of dealing with money, so they often get into debt and ask their parents to help them out.

Nowadays а lot of cardholders are no longer satisfied with one credit card. They often have two or moreas there's а limit to the amount of credit you can get with each card. It depends on your income as declared when you apply for the card. The morecredit cards you have, the moremoney you can spend.


1. Find English equivalents of the following

Резкий рост чего-либо; банковский счет; декларировать доход; взимать проценты; большие покупки; платить проценты; потратить больше, чем позволяют средства; оплата; платить в рассрочку; влезть в долги; снять деньги; вместо наличных денег; покупать в кредит; положить деньги в банк; владелец карточки.


2. Collect more information about credit systems in different countries.

3. Prepare to discuss the following:


If you borrow money for furniture, house, etc. you still remain poor and no one can live happily paying off debts for the rest of their lives. Sooner or later you will understand that you have finally gone broke. The most awful thing about it is that young people are involved in the whole crazy system of crediting. Getting money instead of earning it makes young people totally irresponsible and wasteful. What can we expect from the generation that knows very well how to make debts from a very early age?   We live in materialistic society; consequently, people are trained to be acquisitive. Still it is representatives of the older generation who are trying to amass more and more material possessions. Conversely, many young people are not motivated by money and many of them reject materialistic values. From this standpoint we have a lot to look forward to as we have a good chance to live in a world where spiritual values will prevail. And we shouldn’t reproach young people for borrowing money as they do it to become independent of their money-oriented parents. Besides credit cards are very convenient.    




Advertising: Pros and Cons

How does advertising affect us? Do famous brands ultimately influence our choice? Does our decision to buy a certain product result from our desires and secret wishes? Is it possible to escape the influence of advertising? The texts below will help you to discuss these questions.

It has been estimated that the average consumer is exposed to from 1000 to 1500 advertisements in а normal day. These ads range from TV commercials, radio spots, magazine ads, newspaper ads, posters, flyers, internet ads and others. However, each individual is unique in the combination of his or her needs, attitudes, experiences, and personal characteristics. Consequently the identical advertisement, package, or product may be perceived very differently by the two consumers. And it is selective perception which ensures that consumers will receive information most relevant to their needs and to brand evaluation.

As consumers are exposed to hundreds of ads in а single day, they must be selective in screening out information. Such а filtering process becomes particularly important in low involvement decision-making. The consumer pays attention only to exceptional information such as change in price or brand features or the introduction of а new brand. Information processing occurs, therefore, by exception. For this reason little attention is paid to frequently repeated and expected stimuli. In that case attention is only devoted to unexpected stimuli.

If an alien were shown an advertisement and asked to describe what product that particular company were selling, in most cases the alien would not know. The reason that the product itself would be unclear is thatit is not actually being shown. The ideal or imagethat ismost likely projected is the attention grabber. Actually it is the fantasy that is being put forth by the company.

As а matter of fact people like to buy things that represent what they admire or respect. Products and brands have symbolic meanings and project certain images, clothes of an urban lifestyle for example. Such an advertisement shows young attractive individuals who appear to be cool, relaxed and enjoying themselves. The men look tough and strong, while the women look stylish and comfortable. The reason that the clothes that are being sold are not simply shown on their own, is because people buy the image they wish to express to others. Thus individuals prefer products that match their self-concept since these purchases provide а means of self-expression. As а consequence value-expressive attributes or image of the product rather than functional attributes and informational claims are often used in advertising.

Products often promote things that are valued by everyone such as happiness, romance, sex and other things that most people desire. Images often vary as product images do, but many of them play on what that target population wants as а whole. Everyone wants to be happy, witty and self confident in everything they do, and this can be seen in ads of every kind. In particular consumers tend to approach products with images that serve to boost their self-esteem and avoid those that do not. For instance words suchas exotic and exhilarating appeal to people who aspire to or who already lead active 1ifestyles. Most of us know that perfumes and colognes cannot be extremely exhilarating, companies will use such words and phrases because they appeal to people. People will buy suchproducts for that ideal hopping that others will associate them with those fantasies and images as well.

On the whole people buying name brand clothes are telling the world а message, not just simply putting on а pair of jeans. Seeing beauty motivates one to be beautiful, seeing make-up motivates nothing. Consumer psychologists agree that products and brands are an important part of how individuals define themselves. After all, the images and fantasies, not the product are what is sold, and people are buying them at any price.


Nowadays advertisers have many methods to try and get you to buy their products. Lots of times, what they are selling is а lifestyle, or an image, rather than the product. Here are some tricks of the trade.

One of the most popular strategies is Ideal Kids (or families). They always seemperfect. The kids are really hip looking, with the hottest fashions, haircuts and toys. Ideal families are all attractive and pleasant looking — and everyone seems to get along! Ideal kids and families represent the types of реор1е that people watching the advertisement would like themselves or their families to be.

Afterwards comes Family Fun. А product is shown as something that brings families together, or helps them have fun together; all it takes is for Mum or Dad to bring home the "right" food, and а usual dinner turns into а family party.

The next strategy is called Repetition. Advertisers hope that if you see а product, or hear its name over and over again, you will be more likely to buy it. Sometimes the samecommercial will be repeated over and over again.

One of the most efficacious types of advertisement is based on Gregarious instinct. You should join the crowd. For instance, advertisers use the following motto: Don’t be left out! Everyone is buying the latest snack food: aren’t you?

Music and other sound effects add to the excitement of commercials, especially commercials aimed at young people. Those little jingles, that you just can' t get out of your head, are another type of music usedto make you think of а product. By the way, the volume of commercials is higher than the sound for the program that follows.

By law, advertisers have to tell the truth, but sometimes, they use words, especially – Weasel Words - that can mislead viewers. Look for words in commercials like: "Part of....." ""The taste of real....." "Natural...." "New better tasting....." "Because we care..." There are hundreds of these deceptive phrases- how many more can you think of?

Star Power - your favourite sports star or celebrity is telling you that their product is the best! People listen, not realising that the star is being paid to promote the product.

Finally advertisers ask us: Are You Cool Enough? This is when they try to convince you that if you don’t use their products, you are very old-fashioned. Usually advertisers do this by showing people who look uncool trying а product and then suddenly become hip looking and do cool things.

However, we shouldn't be angry or cross with advertisers, it’s their work and they have to do their best to achieve the better result.

1. Find more information on the techniques used by advertisers and the affects advertising makes on consumers. 

2. Prepare to discuss the following


Advertisers perform a useful service to the community. They introduce a great variety of goods to us and show us what we really need. How else could we know what and where to buy? Besides we don’t pay the full price of newspapers. TV, the radio and the Internet are as cheap as they could ever be. Isn’t it a useful service for the community? Critically viewed advertising is a means of development, getting in touch with the rest of the world. Those who claim they never read ads are disappointed and unhappy people. We may only conclude that it is of little or no importance to them what to wear or put in their mouths. They are a terrible lot as they have little concern for themselves and still less for others.  Advertising is an insidious form of brainwashing. Advertisers use the same stale techniques such as slogans and catch-phrases. They can never think of anything new and more or less original. The most unfair thing about advertising is that it creates the demand for things we do not need. The poor consumer is just trapped and can’t avoid being influenced by what he sees and hears as a whole band of psychologists have been put together to lead him astray. Consequently advertising creates an acquisitive society. A simple wish to have something you need gradually grows into a mania. People become obsessed with shopping and regard it a most amusing entertainment. And one should never forget that prices are maintained high by artificial means. Why not stop advertising and reduce the price of some goods instead of letting advertiser prosper at our expense?  



Written exercises

Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences into English using offer or suggest.

1. Она предложила поговорить об этом через неделю, когда она вернется из командировки. 2. Я предлагаю сначала посмотреть кино, а потом пойти куда-нибудь. 3. Я предлагаю послать им телеграмму вместо письма. 4. Она сказала, что будет свободна завтра и предложила заказать нам билеты на самолет. 5. Мне не хотелось кофе, и они предложили мне апельсиновый сок. 6. Он предложил научить их играть в шахматы. 7. Он предложил посмотреть за собакой в наше отсутствие. 8. Когда она узнала, что случилось, она позвонила нам и предложила помочь. 9. Ему предложили очень интересную работу. 10. Эта известная актриса предложила дать интервью нашему журналу. 11. Он предложил нам помочь организовать вечеринку. 12. Она предложила сделать это вместо нас. 13. Я предлагаю ему извиниться за ужасное поведение. 14. Я предлагаю поехать туда на поезде. Билетов на самолет на эту дату все равно нет. 15. Он предложил им найти всю необходимую информацию в интернете (2 вар.). 15. Я предлагаю купить ей на день рождения что-нибудь еще. 16. Что она предлагает, чтобы они сделали? 17. Что ты предлагаешь нам делать в этой ситуации? 18. Мне предложили другую работу. 19. Врач предлагает мне бросить курить. 20. Я предлагаю обсудить это в другой раз. 21. Мои друзья предлагают отвезти нас в аэропорт. 22. Они предлагают разработать новый проект. 23. Директор предложил мне начать рекламу новой продукции. 24. Он предложил помочь мне отремонтировать машину. 12. Мы предлагаем вам сотрудничать с нами.


Exercise 2.

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary.


1. Никто не знал, как давно она мечтает стать актрисой, она никогда никому ничего не говорила об этом. 2. Если бы ты извинился за то, что вмешиваешься в их дела, тебе бы сейчас не было стыдно за твое поведение. 3. Он считает, что доказал всем, что стал независимым от родителей. Жаль, что он не понимает, что во многом все еще зависит от них. 4. Кто-нибудь из вас слышал, как он предлагал им организовать вечеринку? 5. Если мальчик поступит так, не попросив у вас разрешения, я накажу его. 6. Он сказал, что, если мы будем с ним спорить, он постарается держаться от нас подальше. 7. Он поинтересовался, кто решил объявить об этом плане на завтрашней конференции. 8. Докажите ему, что его картина очень хорошая. 9. Серетарь предложил нам связаться с директором. 10. Я настаиваю, чтобы вы извинились перед нею за то, что были несправедливы. 11. Если вы не обратите его внимания на этот факт, он не заметит, что что-то не в порядке. 12. Не разрешайте ему приближаться к реке.



1. Удержите его от разговора с ней. 2. Мне не понравилось, как он это сказал. 3. Не отказывайтесь от этой работы, я уверен, она вам понравится. 4. Кто велел вам выкрасить стены в желтый цвет? 5. Богатый бизнесмен пытался доказать всем, что мир денег и финансовых операций важнее искусства. 6. У него была привычка покупать ненужные вещи. Эти покупки отрицательно сказывались на его здоровье. 7. Чтобы вылечить пациента, пригласили врача, который предложил бизнесмену заняться живописью. Врач не сомневался в том, что это, в конце концов, помешает ему делать покупки. 8. Если бы старик отказался последовать советам врача, его здоровье могло бы ухудшиться. 9. Несмотря на то, что у ученика не было особого таланта, он не бросил заниматься музыкой. 10. Жаль, что никто не знал о том, что у него был свой собственный план, от которого он не собирался отказываться. 11. Пациент не возражал против того, чтобы его осмотрели. Было очевидно, что он плохо себя чувствует. Однако он настаивал на том, чтобы все было так, как хочет он. 12. Энтони считал, что, если человек имеет деньги, он может заставить всех поверить, что у него есть талант. 13. Врач не хотел больше лечить пациента. Он понял, что эта болезнь неизлечима. Старик был удовлетворен: никто больше не вмешивался в его дела, и он мог тратить свои деньги, как ему хочется. 14. Никто, кроме него не знал, что написано в письме. Он хотел, чтобы все присутствующие прочитали письмо и узнали о том, что его наградили главным призом.

Choose a statement for a composition


1. Money is the fruit of evil as the root of it. (Fielding)

2. Money spent on the brain, is never spent in vain. (Proverb)

3. Money often costs too much. (Emerson)

4. He that is of opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. (Franklin)

5. He who pays the piper calls the tune. (Proverb)

6. Money makes the mare go. (Proverb)


1. Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. (Leacock.)

2. Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does. (Anonymous)

3. Sanely applied advertising could remake the world. (Chase)


How important is the role of teachers in their pupils’ lives? What is the main purpose of education? Can mechanical teachers replace regular teachers? Why is teaching becoming more and more difficult? What are the reasons for the feminization of the profession?


                            UNIT 1


rush (n) – рывок, порыв, спешка, поток Everyone made a rush to the entrance. Sorry about the rush. But we must do it quickly. What’s the rush? Sorry, but I’m in a rush. He left for London at six o’clock to avoid the rush.

rush (v) – спешить, срочно отослать кого-либо куда-либо. Suddenly the door opened and he rushed in. They rushed down the stairs. She rushed towards the coming bus. They rushed him to hospital.

tease (v) – дразнить. He didn’t mean anything bad, he was just teasing you. He kept teasing her about her accent.

plain (adj) – очевидный, простой, явный, непривлекательный. It was plain to everybody that he was angry. He made it plain that he wouldn’t give in. She was wearing a plain dress. He is a man of a rather plain appearance.

require (v) – требовать(ся). This work requires patience. No further explanation was required.

requirement (n) – требование. His knowledge doesn’t correspond with our requirements. Does his training comply with our requirements? His knowledge of the subject doesn’t satisfy our requirements.

oblige (v) – обязывать, делать одолжение. Employers are legally obliged to pay the minimum wage. If there is anything I can do, I’m always happy to oblige. I’m much obliged to you.

obligation (n) – обязательство. meet / fulfil / honour an obligation. The council has failed to fulfil its obligation to the public. I don’t want to be under an obligation to him.     

tiny (adj) – крошечный. There was a tiny bell attached to the door.

scatter (v) – разбрасывать, разбредаться, разбегаться. The papers were scattered all about the room. The rabbits scattered when they heard our footsteps.

distant (adj) – отдаленный, дальний. He heard a distant sound of music. The elections are still two weeks distant. He is a distant relative of mine.

pick up (v) – поднимать, собирать, забирать, схватывать (быстро выучивать). He picked up the book from the floor. Ann picked up the flowers in the morning. The bus picked up the people. She is a quick learner, she picks up expressions without an effort.

affect (v) – влиять на что-либо, поражать (портить). Did his speech affect the results of the elections? The disease affected some organs of the body.

spot (v) – замечать. I spotted him at the bus stop. He was spotted talk ing to a stranger.

spot (n) – место, пятно. Let’s find a quiet spot and talk. There was a fat spot on his jacket.

entire (adj) – весь, целый. The entire story is a lie.

entirely (adv) – целиком, полностью. The occupation kept him entirely busy.

supply (v) – обеспечивать, снабжать. The librarian will supply you with the necessary books. The factory supplies milk to the local shops.

supply (n) – поставка, снабжение, запас. The supplies of medicines were delayed. The supply of the sun energy is endless. Oil is in short supply in the region.

hold out (v) – протягивать, хватать (быть достаточным), выстаивать (выдерживать). She held out the letter for me to see what it said. How long will your money hold out? The soldiers knew they wouldn’t hold out long.


From “Good Morning, Miss Dove”

                                                                             by F.G. Patton

       Through the open door Miss Dove watched the sixth-graders come out of the music room down the hall. They came out with a rush, but as they approached Miss Dove’s room they pulled their excitement in, greeted her politely, and went to their places. At a nod from her they took their seats.

       Jincey Webb, Miss Dove noticed without enthusiasm, had a permanent wave. Randy Baker was teasing Jincey, that was plain to see. Miss Dove looked at him. But she stopped seeing him. Instead she was seeing his brother Thomas Baker, who had sat there at Randy’s desk years before. And then she saw Thomas on a raft in the Pacific. She didn’t see him as they had described him in the paper – skin and bones and his young face overgrown with a wild beard. The Thomas she saw looked like Randy. And he was all alone in the grey mountains of the sea.

       “Open your notebooks, class,” she said. Miss Dove was about to dictate “Above the fifth parallel life requires hardihood,” when a boy in the back row was obliged to leave the room for water. Miss Dove watched him go, but her mind watched two small boys who had long since departed from Cedar Grove. She had come on those lads at the drinking fountain, where they had been discussing her.

       “I bet Miss Dove could lick Joe Louis,” one of them had said. “Who” That old stick?” the other one jeered. “I could beat her with my little finger.”

       He had glanced up to see Miss Dove looking down at him. She had looked at him for a long time. Her grey eyes were expressionless. “Thomas Baker,” she had said at last, “you talk too much, don’t you?” “Yes, ma’am,” Thomas had said in a tiny voice. He had gone off without getting any water. For a long time afterwards he sweated when he thought of the incident. He could not know that Miss Dove remembered too. But she did.

       War scattered the children she had taught long ago. There was a girl – a silly little piece she had been – who was a nurse now… One of the boys was dead in Tunisia. Others were in New Guinea or in the distant sky over Germany. But they came back to Miss Dove. She saw them as they had been at seven, at ten, at twelve. The child who came oftenest was Thomas Baker. The town paper was full of Thomas. His ship had been bombed, his officers killed. For days he had floated on a raft with no food and only water in his canteen. When they picked himup, his tongue was black with thirst. That was what affected Miss Dove most – he had run out of water.

       … They boy returned to the classroom. Another boy cleared his throat. Slowly Randy Baker raised his hand. “Yes, Randolph.” She sad.

       Randy stood up. “I got a letter from Tommy yesteddi,” he said, “He’s been decorated for bravery beyond the call of duty. He sent a message to the class.”

       Randy began to read. His voice was high and clear.

       “The funny thing about the world is that it looks just like you think it does. When they flew me back in a hospital plane, I looked down and, kid, I might as well have been looking at those diagrams on the geography board in dear (ha, ha!) old Cedar Grove. I spotted a peninsula. A body of land almost entirely surrounded by water. The water is the colour of that blue chalk I once drew a picture of Miss Dove with. Remember?

       He swallowed hard. “Proceed, Randolph,” said Miss Dove.

       “You want to know if I was scared when the enemies bombed us. The answer is, I was. But it came to me that I wasn’t much scareder than I was that time old lady Dove caught me at the drinking fountain bragging about how I could beat her up. “I didn’t run that time,” I told myself, “so I won’t run now. And later when I was bobbing up and down like Crusoe on my raft, what do you guess I thought about? It wasn’t any girl. It was Miss Dove. I thought about the stare she used to give me when we needed s drink of water. So to make my supply hold out, I played I was back in the geography room. And even after the water was gone, I kept playing. I’d think “The bell is to ring in a few minutes. You can last a little longer. It took the same kind of guts in the Pacific as it did in school. Tell that to the guys in Cedar Grove.” Randy stopped.

       “Is that the end?” asked Miss Dove. Randy shook his head. His face turned the colour of a ripe tomato. “He says here – he says, “give the terrible Miss Dove a kiss for me!”

       Miss Dove came down from her platform with her cheek turned in Randy’s direction. “Well, Randolph,” said Miss Dove. “I’m waiting”.

       Randy began to walk toward the teacher, his kiss resounded a small explosion in the room.

       “Thank you, Randolph,” said Miss Dove. “You must give Thomas my regards.” She faced the class. To her surprise, nobody was grinning.

       Jincey Webb spoke. She didn’t raise her hand for permission. She just spoke out. “It’s like a medal,” she said. “It’s like he pinned a medal on Miss Dove.”

                              Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1

Translate the following using rush.

1. Дети побежали посмотреть, что происходит. 2. Нет смысла торопиться. 3. Я возражаю против того, чтобы вы бежали туда немедленно, сначала следует все обдумать. 4. Он кинулся к полицейскому, не обращая внимания на боль в ноге. 5. В дверь позвонили, и он кинулся ее открывать.

Exercise 2

Translate the following using tease.

1. Эмма плакала. Очевидно, Билл опять ее дразнил. 2. «Если ты не перестанешь дразнить своего младшего брата, ты будешь наказан», – сказала мать мальчику. 3. Я категорически возражаю против того, чтобы надо мной издевались. 4. Если бы ты над ним не подшучивал, он бы на тебя не рассердился. 5. Видя ее сердитый взгляд, я не мог не подшутить над ней.

Exercise 3

a) Choose the most appropriate adjective from the right column to express the opposite idea.

                          Food                           clothes                           appearance     Plain         English                           design                           disappointment                           plan hidden elaborate exquisite formal idiomatic spicy distinguishing original

b) Translate using plain.

1. Было очевидно, что он не уйдет, не получив ответ на свой вопрос. 2. Жаль, что вы не дали ему понять, что вам это неприятно. 3. Несмотря на то, что Свифт был богатым человеком, он всегда носил простую одежду и получал удовольствие от обычной еды. 4. Девушка сказала, что никогда не пила крепких напитков и попросила дать ей простой воды. 5. Перестань морочить нам голову. Твои намерения совершенно очевидны. 6. Неприхотливый дизайн дома немало удивил Дейвида. 7. Не думаю, что он хочет помочь, С его стороны это чистое любопытство. 8. Как бы Маргарет ни старалась скрыть свои чувства, ее радость была очевидна.

Exercise 4

a)Translate the following using require, requirement.

1. Эта работа, несомненно, потребует от него огромного терпения. 2. Ему сказали, что причина несчастного случая еще не ясна, и требуется дальнейшее расследование. 3. Джон поинтересовался, действительно ли в этой стране автострахование предусмотрено (требуется) законом? 4. Договор требует незамедлительных мер по борьбе с терроризмом. 5. Если качество товаров не будет отвечать нашим требованиям, нам придется разорвать договор о поставках. 6. Если бы его знания не отвечали требованиям, он бы не поступил в этот университет.

b) Say what kind of personal qualities this or that occupation may possibly require. The words on the right will help you to answer the question.

being a teacher being a doctor being a manager being a businessman being an astronaut being a scientist Patience, tolerance, inquisitiveness, being a good judge of human nature, courage, reason, equanimity, self-possession, prudence, common sense, adventurism, meticulousness, pedantry, punctuality, reliability, being an executive type, caution, trustworthiness, honesty, having an inclination to self-sacrifice, a sense of humour, a sense of duty.

Exercise 5

Translate the following using oblige, obligation.

1. Тебе не следовало думать, что ты обязан приглашать их. 2. Если я могу еще что-нибудь для вас сделать, всегда буду рад помочь. 3. Не чувствуя себя обязанным продолжать разговор, он встал и вышел. 4. Сделайте одолжение, сообщите нам о своем решении, как только вы его примите. 5. Жаль, что сотрудники этого предприятия не выполняют своих обязательств перед вкладчиками. 6. Если бы вы выполнили свои обязательства вовремя, у вас сейчас не было бы никаких проблем. 7. Мне бы не хотелось быть у вас в долгу.

Exercise 6

Translate using tiny or distant.

1. Хотелось бы мне иметь маленький домик на берегу моря. 2. Он всегда мечтал о поездках в дальние страны. 3. Если бы самолеты были на должном расстоянии друг от друга, столкновения не произошло бы. 4. Все события тех лет давно стали лишь смутным воспоминанием. 5. К моему великому удивлению он настаивал на том, чтобы все дальние родственники были приглашены. 6. Он долго не мог уснуть и лежал, прислушиваясь к отдаленным звукам машин.

Exercise 7

a) Translate using scatter, scattered.

1. Все чаще и чаще он сожалел о том, что его семья была разбросана по всему миру. 2. Если бы вы не разбрасывали бумаги по всему офису, вам бы не приходилось по долгу их искать. 3. Нет никакого смысла собирать игрушки, ребенок снова их разбросает по всему дому. 4. Туристы разбрелись по центру города, что заставляло гида нервничать. 5. Увидев большую собаку, дети кинулись врассыпную. 6. Ему доставляло огромное удовольствие стоять на вершине холма, глядя на разбросанные внизу домики.

Exercise 8

Translate using pick up.

1. Он снял трубку, но долго медлил прежде, чем набрать номер. 2. Увидев разбросанные на полу игрушки, мать заставила ребенка собрать их. 3. Он пожалел, что не забрал багаж сразу. 4. Так как он очень способный ученик, он быстро схватывает различные английские слова. 5. Если бы мне не пришлось делать срочную работу, я бы забрала детей раньше.

Exercise 9

Translate the following using affect.

1. Поскольку он весьма самоуверенный человек, ему не приходит в голову, что его поведение может отрицательно сказаться на результатах голосования. 2. После тщательного осмотра, его уверили в том, что болезнь не сказалась на работе каких-либо органов. 3. Большинство родителей избегают разводов, так как опасаются, что это может сказаться на детях. 4. Джейн не могла не поддаться на просьбы подруги. 5. Боюсь, что этот случай повлиял на всю его жизнь.

Exercise 10

Translate into English using spot.

1. Платье нужно почистить. На нем жирное пятно. 2. От укусов комаров ее руки были покрыты красными пятнами, и она пожалела, что ходила в поход. 3. Войдя в магазин, Стив заметил своего отца, стоящего у прилавка. 4. Его заметили, когда он выходил из дома. 5. Мошенников трудно вычислить.

Exercise 11

Translate into English using entire, entirely.

1. В последнее время она уделяет все свое внимание воспитанию детей. 2. Жаль, что некоторые важные события из жизни страны совершенно забыты в наше время. 3. Так как он не прочитал книгу целиком, он не мог принять участие в обсуждении. 4. Если бы не пожар, это историческое здание не было бы полностью разрушено. 5. Он бы не был так расстроен, если бы не потратил целую неделю впустую.

Exercise 12

a) Rearrange the following sentences using supply.

1. Aquarium fish need to be constantly provided with oxygen. 2. The falling leaves provide the necessary amount of nutrients to the soil. 3. The helicopters brought medicines and other necessities to the region. 4. The country is providing steel for the new pipeline. 5. Bill has his own store of whiskey. 5. There is very little fresh water on the island.

b) Translate into English using supply.

1. Он подумал, что купит этот дом, несмотря на то, что в нем не было горячей воды. 2. Ограниченные поставки нефти привели к росту цен в стране. 3. Если бы не значительный запас воды, моряки не выжили бы. 4. По прибытии в регион, министр в первую очередь решил выяснить, обеспечены ли беженцы всем необходимым. 5. Задержанный отрицал то, что снабжал террористов оружием. 6. Если бы не ограниченный запас медикаментов, им удалось бы спасти большее количество пострадавших от землетрясения. 7. К сожалению, мировой запас нефти и газа не бесконечен, что заставляет ученых искать альтернативные энергетические ресурсы. 8. Нет смысла снабжать его информацией, он все равно не сможет ей правильно воспользоваться.

Exercise 13

Translate the following using hold out.

1. Секретарь сказала, что его просят к телефону, и протянула ему трубку. 2. Не желая читать письмо вслух, Эмма протянул его брату. 3. Чувствуя себя обиженным, он отказался протянуть мне руку, что, показалось мне смешным. 4. К сожалению, молодой человек не понимал, что, если он будет продолжать тратить деньги впустую, надолго ему не хватит. 5. Безусловно, он отважный человек, который всегда стойко переносит трудности. 6. Путешественники надеялись, что им хватит запаса спичек.

Exercise 14

Translate. Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1. He opened the door and felt a rush of cold night air. 2. There has been a rush of foreign investment in the country. 3. Petty is the wrong word. It is plain meanness. 4. Mexico imported half its grain requirements in 1940. 5. Check the engine’s fuel requirements. 6. Mr. Carston is a very obliging gentleman. 7. We are under no obligation to give him what he wants. 8. My eye was drawn to a small scatter of bone fragments. 9. The sound of a recorder was distantly audible. 10.  I don’t want you to be picked up for drunkenness. 11. Did you pick up any Swedish? 12. He affected to despise every Briton he met. 13. Economic stability can only be reached if demand and supply are in approximate balance. 14. Women all over the country are holding out for more freedom.

Exercise 15

Work in pairs.

1. После того как его избрали мэром, мистер Джонсон не торопился выполнять свои обязательства перед избирателями. 2. Девочка не могла далее выносить насмешки по поводу невзрачной одежды, которую ей приходилось носить. 3. Ему хотелось, чтобы запаса еды хватило еще на некоторое время. 4. Заметив своего недруга, стоящего на некотором расстоянии, мальчик бросился к выходу. 5. Профессор дал Джорджу ясно понять, что его знания истории не соответствуют требованиям, и что он не сможет сдать экзамен.   6. Услышав отдаленные крики о помощи, полицейский кинулись посмотреть, что происходит. 7. Невзрачная внешность и тоненький голосок ребенка не могли не тронуть пожилую женщину.   8. Он приобрел некоторые знания английского, когда был в Великобритании, но сейчас совершенно все забыл. 9. Буду вам признателен, если вы продолжите снабжать меня необходимой информацией. 10. Клэр объявила, что молодой человек всего лишь ее дальний родственник, и она не чувствует никаких обязательств перед ним. 11. Увидев разбросанные на полу бумаги, горничная решила не собирать их до тех пор, пока не прибудет постоялец. 12. Хотя крошечный домик – единственное, что он сейчас может себе позволить, в отдаленном будущем он планирует жить в большом доме.  
  1. Having been elected mayor Mr Johnson was in no rush to fulfil his obligations to the electors.
  2. The girl could no longer stand being teased about the plain clothes she had to wear.
  1. He wished the supply of food could last a bit longer.
  2. Having spotted his enemy, standing in the distance, the boy rushed to the exit.
  3. The professor made it plain to George that his knowledge of history didn’t meet the requirements and that he wouldn’t be able to pass the exam.
  4. Hearing some distant shouts for help, the policemen rushed to see what was going on.
  5. The elderly woman couldn’t help being affected by the plain appearance and the tiny voice of the child.
  6. He picked up some knowledge of English when he was in Britain, but now he has entirely forgotten everything.
  7. You will oblige me if you go on supplying me with the necessary information.
  8. Clair announced that the young man was just a distant relative of hers and she felt no obligation to him.
  1. Seeing some papers scattered on the floor the maid decided not to pick them up until the guest arrived.
  2. Though the only thing he can afford now is a little tiny house, he is planning to live in a large one in the distant future.

                                          Reading comprehension

I Make sure you know the answers to the following.

1. What can you say about the children’s attitude to Miss Dove? What kind of teacher was she in your opinion? 2. What made Miss Dove think about her pupil Thomas Baker? 3. How do you believe Miss Dove felt about the incident at the drinking fountain? 4. What made Thomas Baker address a letter to Miss Dove’s class? 4. How can you account for the children’s reaction to what they had heard? 5. Can you imagine Miss Dove’s feelings on getting a kiss from Randy?

II Find the English equivalents of the following.

Шестиклассники; они уняли свое возбуждение; химическая завивка; лицо, заросшее бородой; сказал писклявым голосом; у него закончилась вода; его наградили за проявленный героизм; я представлял себе, что я в кабинете географии; можешь еще немного потерпеть; это требовало такой же выдержки; его поцелуй прозвучал как взрыв.

III Discuss the following.

Comment on the significance of he incident at the drinking fountain and its effect on Thomas Baker’s life.

Share your opinion on the role of teachers in their pupils’ lives.

Speak about the purpose of education.


Listening Comprehension

                              Text 1

an extensive literature – объемная литература university graduates – выпускники университета approximately - приблизительно to gain an average of 12 IQ (intelligence quotient) points – набрать в среднем 12 баллов за тест, проверяющий коэффициент интеллекта.  

· What kind of experiment does the speaker describe?

  • What were the results of the experiment in question?

Have your say

Do you believe parents can act as teachers for their little children? How about elder children?

Why do you think a lot of parents choose not to interfere in their children’s studies? Do you support their position?

Would you take part in a similar experiment if you were a parent?

Text 2

rich and varied range of expression – богатый и разнообразны диапазон речевых средств to master – освоить, овладеть for the benefit of – для блага utterance – высказывание to be generally assumed – общепризнанно  

· In what way does the English language spoken by foreigners differ from the way it is spoken by the native population?

  • What can you say about the aims of learning English? Why do these aims differ from one person to another?
  • What is recommended to do to “sound more English”? Do you believe the recommendations are worth following?

Have your say

Do you suppose it is possible for a foreigner to sound like native speakers?

What’s your idea of the best way of mastering English?


What do you know about the system of primary and secondary education in Britain? How do you think children’s working day should be organized? Do you believe the problem of homework for little children deserves special attention? Is it an advantage of British schools that subjects are taught in a practical way? Is it good for pupils to specialize early? Do you suppose that good sport facilities can decide the choice of a school? Read the following article and prepare to discuss the points of view it gives.

Is English education any good?

The English education system is more complicated and socially divided than any other in Europe. As Prince William enters Eton College, one of Britain’s most exclusive private schools, and state schools face criticism for falling standards, Henry Sutton asks expatriates in England what they think of its schools.

Nina Pigbie is an official at the Danish embassy in London. Her son Alexander, seven, is at a private preparatory school in Kensington and will move to a public school.

       “Danish schools have a very different attitude. If anything, his school is too academic, and he is under a shocking amount of pressure for a small child. If he were at a school in Denmark, he would be finishing for the day at 1pm. Here, he finishes at four then has at least an hour’s homework. He often works longer hours than I do. “

Ronald Minder, a Swiss sales promotion manager working in London, has a son, Timothy, 13, who attends an independent school in Hertfordshire.

       “The private education system in the UK is very good, and I’m very pleased with Timothy’s schooling. His classes are small and I believe he is pushed more than he would be in Switzerland, where almost all the schools are state-run. I know everybody can’t afford the private education system here, but the facilities are excellent.”

Rafael Sente is the Spanish director of the Cervantes Institute in London. His daughter, Maria, 15, is at a London state school.

“Her schooling here is totally different from the Spanish system. The subjects are taught in a more practical way. On the whole I feel she will benefit, but there is a lack of depth to certain subjects and the exam system is almost non-existent.”

Brynhildur Boyce, 20, is Icelandic. She attended a state school and a private school. She now studies at British University.

       “I went through the usual teenage crisis, but I enjoyed both schools. I was not picked on for being a foreigner, apart from having to spell my name continually, and I was constantly asked to speak Icelandic. I had a great childhood, and if I had been to school in Iceland I would not have been able to leave until I was 20. If I have children I would certainly send them to school here.”

William Mulier, a commercial and economic attaché based at the Belgian Embassy, sent all his three children to private English schools.

       “I knew that my wife and I would be staying here for some time and thought it would be more beneficial for our children to study at English schools rather than be sent to the French Lycee. They all went to university here, and have remained in this country. They are more British than Belgian now. We were all very pleased with their education. Besides the sports facilities are much better here than in Belgium.”

Soren Damstrup, 34, is the director of the Danish Tourist Office in London. He was at school in Denmark until he was ten, then was schooled in the UK. He is prepared to send his daughter Natalie to school in England.

       “I suppose I’ve experienced all types. The main advantage with the English system is that you specialize early: if you choose right it can help with university and your future career. State schools in the UK suffer because I feel teachers would rather teach in private schools. State schools are left with the less-motivated and less-talented teachers.

6. Look for more information about schools in Britain.

7. Compare the British system of education with the one in Russia.

8. Speak about the importance of extra curriculum activities.

9. Prepare to discuss the problems of state schools and private schools in Britain and in Russia.

10. Read the two points of view given below and comment on the question of the aims of education.

Whenever the question of the aims of education is raised there appear to be as many opinions as ever. However, the answer is evident – it is knowledge. Knowledge, or information, is the thing that is always in demand. The more knowledge you have, the better specialist you become, and that is the thing, which finally determines your whole life. You get a well-paid job and a wide range of opportunities. Isn’t it what we are all eager for? Moreover, an educated, well-informed man attracts people and his company is always highly appreciated. Who wants to deal with an ignorant person? It is people’s unwillingness to learn that causes all possible misfortunes, the worst of which is loneliness. The Roman philosopher Epictetus said, “Only the educated are free”. One can only add that the educated are free to choose where to live, what career to make, which countries to visit, whom to marry and what kind of people to get on with. What a great advantage it is! What’s the use of stuffing children’s heads full of knowledge? Mere information isn’t enough to prepare pupils for adult life. The one and only purpose of schools is to bring up future citizens, who know how to live in society. And that is the aspect of education which is generally undervalued if not completely ignored. The point is that the amount of information in the world is endless, so why spend life trying to remember things you can easily find in books and encyclopedias whenever you need them? Life does not consist of dates and names children are made to memorize. It is by far more important to learn to get on with people, which is an ability few of us possess. It’s only natural that in most cases modern people are lonely. It was a clever man who said, “We should live and learn, but by the time we have learned, it’s too late to live.” And no one wants to realize that his life has been simply wasted.

Discuss the points of view above. Do you believe providing children with knowledge to be the main purpose of education? Give your idea of an educated person. Speak about the importance of information in the world of today. Is it a failing of schools that modern people are for the most part lonely?


Written exercises

Exercise 1

Write a summary of the text “Good morning, Miss Dove” using your active vocabulary.

Exercise 2

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мальчик пригрозил старшему брату, что если тот не перестанет его дразнить, он пожалуется родителям. 2. Вам следовало сформулировать требования, которым должны отвечать желающие у вас работать (applicants), четко и ясно. 3. Куда вы так бежите? – Я должен встретить одного своего дальнего родственника. Самолет прилетает через час. 4. Его задержала полиция. Говорят, он снабжал молодых людей наркотиками. 5. Так как Джэк заметил письмо на столе, Анне не оставалось ничего более, как протянуть письмо ему. 6. Ребенок заметил на земле крошечную блестящую вещицу и бросился, чтобы поднять ее. 7. Он был абсолютно уверен в том, что его объяснение произведет на присяжных должное впечатление, и его признают невиновным (to be found not guilty). 8. Пожилая женщина раскрошила хлеб по земле, и десятки голубей слетелись со всех сторон. 9. Должен напомнить вам, что эта работа потребует самодисциплины. 10. Ограниченные поставки нефти в регион не могли не повлиять на рост цен на бензин. 

Exercise 3

Choose a statement for a composition.

  1. “The best education in the world is by struggling to get a living” (Phillips).
  2. “Men learn while they teach” (Seneca).
  3. “To know everything is to know nothing” (Proverb).




scornful (a) – презрительный, пренебрежительный. She gave him a scornful smile. He was rather scornful of the remark he made.

sorrowful (a) – печальный, грустный. He sang a sorrowful song.

sorrow (n) – печаль, грусть. He expressed his sorrow at / about the tragic accident.

put smth together (v) – соединять, скреплять, составлять, сводить воедино. A group of scientists were put together to hold the experiment. I can hardly put the two things together. He claimed he knew more than they all put together.

calculate (v) – вычислять, просчитывать. They decided to calculate what the trip would cost them. It is early to calculate the outcome of the election.

calculations – подсчеты. He showed the calculations to the professor.

calculating (adj)  – расчетливый.

gear (v) – приводить в движение, включать (о

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