My friend is greatly excited because his son has the disease of the coxofemoral joints. The boy cannot walk and must be in bed. — КиберПедия 

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My friend is greatly excited because his son has the disease of the coxofemoral joints. The boy cannot walk and must be in bed.

2017-09-27 509
My friend is greatly excited because his son has the disease of the coxofemoral joints. The boy cannot walk and must be in bed. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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2. My friend̓s daughter is on her holidays now. She is going to visit Kazan. She will go to museums, theatres and see many new films. She is excited but feels happy.

Who must restore the health - my friend̓s son or my friend̓s daughter?

ХII. Finish the sentences choosing the necessary word combination from those given below:

1. The patient was ill for a long time and- 2. About 40% of the body weight- 3. The oblique muscle is called so- 4. The muscles are active agents of- 5. The static muscles are connected with-

Motion and contraction, according to its direction, his weight changed greatly, large surfaces of the bones, is formed by the muscles.

XIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Infinitives:

My father went to the sanatorium to restore the condition of his health.

Amosov is one of the scientists to perform numerous operations on the heart. 3. Students must often go to the dissecting-room to study the structure of different organs. 4. This is the article to be carefully read by me to get prepared for my report.

XIV. Put the following sentences in the Future tense:

Important findings were determined by this experiment. 2. Different methods of research were used in this laboratory. 3. This scientific article was divided into three basic parts.

XV. State the difference between the predicates in the pairs of the sentences:

The health of the patient is restored. The health of the patient was restored rapidly. 2. New methods of medical examination are introduced in many hospitals. New methods of restoring diseased joints were introduced by Dr. Sivash.

XVI. Translate the following sentences:

1. Лектор сказал студентам, что мышечные волокна соединяются соединительной тканью. 2. Мы знали, что исследователь изучает функции широких мышц. 3. Врач считал, что этому больному нужен полный покой. 4. Мы узнали, что мышцы делятся на мышцы туловища, головы и конечностей.

XVII. Give extended answers:

What can you tell us about Prof. Lesgaft? 2 What was determined by Prof. Lesgaft in his research works on muscles? 3. What did Prof. Koveshnikova determine by her scientific work on muscles?

XVIII. Read Text H. Find the passages corresponding to the items of the plan:

The treatment of the patient with the paralysis of leg muscles. 2. The use of plastics in medicine.

Text H. Plastics for Health

In 1966 a very interesting operation was performed by the surgeons of Moscow Traumatology [,tr;mə'tɒləei] Institute.

The patient was an 18-year-old girl. She had the paralysis of the leg muscles. The patient was examined by the surgeons and then the operation was performed.

During the operation the muscles from her back and abdomen were transplanted to the thigh. These transplanted muscles were connected together by bands of special plastic - lavsan.

It is not the first time that plastics were used to restore health. For example, lavsan bands were also used if the patient had some defects in the spinal column. Special threads (нити) were introduced into the diseased spinal column and the surgeons could examine the condition of the patient by X-rays.


Правила чтения: буквосочетание оа.

Словообразование: суффиксы -ous, -аrу, -еrу, -оrу; префиксы inter-, sub-.

Грамматика: функции Past Participle и Present Participle. One - ones, that - those как заменители существительных.




1. Буквосочетание оа читается [əυ]: coat [kəυt] оболочка.

2. Суффикс -ous [əs] образует прилагательные от существительных и глаголов: famous ['feiməs] знаменитый, известный.

3. Суффиксы -аrу (-еrу, -оrу) [əri] образуют существительные и прилагательные: surgery ['s3:eəri] хирургия; pulmonary ['pAlmənəri]


1. Префикс inter-[intə(r)] переводится меж-, между-, среди-, взаимно-: interaction [,intər'fkʃn] взаимодействие; intercostal [,intə'kɒstl] межреберный; interspace [,intə'speis] промежуток (пространства, времени); international [,intə'nfʃnəl] международный.

2. Префикс sub-соответствует в русском языке префиксу под: to divide разделять - to subdivide подразделять.

I. Прочтите:

Road, moan, soap, load, foam, soak, throat.

II. Прочтите и переведите:

Fibrous, numerous, continuous, venous, nervous; 2) ordinary, alimentary, primary, secondary, respiratory; 3) subdivision, subacute, subtropical, subcostal, subcutaneous, subclass, subserous.

III. Прочтите предложения и ответьте на вопрос:

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