He was seriously ill and lost five kilograms. 2. You will never gain the lost time. — КиберПедия 

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He was seriously ill and lost five kilograms. 2. You will never gain the lost time.

2017-09-27 441
He was seriously ill and lost five kilograms. 2. You will never gain the lost time. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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against [ə'geinst] prp против. Half of our group were against this idea.

present а присутствующий; настоящий; to be present присутство

Вать; иметься; at present в настоящее время.

All the students were present at the lecture in Biology. 2. They are at

the hostel at present. pass [pas] v проходить, протекать

1. A week passed. 2. The first term will pass soon. back [bfk] adv назад; п спина

We came back to the hostel at 7 p.m. 2. She stood with her back to the window.

XXX. Read Text F. Translate it. On the basis of the text tell us about your day.

Text F. My Working Day

Every day I have much interesting and necessary work to do. I always remember that the lost time is never gained and that is why I do not like to waste even a minute.

I get up early in the morning - at about 7 a.m., do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown¹. As we are medical students we consider that physical exercises are “a good remedy” for the protection of our health against diseases. We must remember the Latin saying “Mens sana in corpore sano ”².

After my breakfast at our canteen I go to the main building of our Institute on foot as it is near our hostel.

Our classes usually begin at 8.30 a.m. In addition to several practical classes we have a lecture or two every day.

On Fridays we usually have a lecture in Physics. Long before its beginning there are always many students in the hall - even the students of the senior courses often attend these lectures. Our new professor is not only a very good specialist in his field of science but also a qualified teacher. He delivers lectures in his own way3 and gives us many new and interesting facts about the application of physics in medicine. The professor shows us that at present deep knowledge of this subject will be particularly valuable in our future work. That is why we work hard in physics laboratory and read additional literature on this subject at the library as well.

From the library I usually come back to the hostel. I am often tired but I understand that every day which passes by gives me much valuable and necessary knowledge.


1 to have a cold rubdown - делать холодное обтирание

2 “Mens sana in corpore sano”(лат.) - «В здоровом теле здоровый дух»

3 in his own way - по-своему




l. -(i)ty - суффикс существительных: quantity ['kwɒntiti] количество; quality ['kwɒliti] качество.

2. Суффикс -ment образует существительные от глаголов: to excite [ik'sait] возбуждать - excitement [ik'saitment] возбуждение, волнение.

I. Прочтите и переведите:

Activity, reality, humanity, ability, possibility, responsibility; 2) requirement, treatment, achievement, appointment, department.

II. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: return [ri't3:n] v возвращать(ся) late [leit] а поздний; adv поздно hold [həυld] (held, held [həld]) v держать; проводить (мероприятия) happen ['hfpən] v случаться (to), происходить member ['membə] n член (семьи, партии) former ['fɔ:mə] а прежний,бывший excited [ik'saitid] а возбужденный, взволнованный while [wail] cj пока, в то время какstrength [streŋθ] n сила devote [di'vəυt] v посвящать себя, отдаваться чему-л. (to) fight [fait] n борьба; v (fought, fought [f;t]) бороться true [tru:] а верный, преданный; настоящий, истинный feel [fi:l] (felt, felt [felt]) v чувствовать, ощущать; to feel bad чувство

вать себя плохо still [stil] adv еще, все еще; to be going to собираться, намереваться

III*. Прочтите и переведите выделенные слова. Запомните их:

To return - to leave; strength - weakness; late - early; true - false; excited - still; former - present.

IV. Напишите парами близкие по смыслу слова из списков А и Б: A) to intend (намереваться), force (сила), to come back, faithful (верный), when, nervous, to occur, to receive, to appoint, grown-up (взрослый);

Б) to fix, to happen, strength, to be going to, to return, adult, to get, while, true, excited.

V. Обратите внимание на глаголы, образованные от них слова и на их перевод. Ответьте на вопросы:

to read читать - reading читающий; to sit сидеть - sitting сидящий; to carry нести - carrying несущий; to lie лежать - lying лежащий; to take брать - taking берущий.

Какая часть речи образуется от глаголов в русском языке при помощи суффиксов -ущ (-ющ), -ащ (-ящ) и какая неличная форма глагола соответствует ей в английском языке? 2. Почему в причастии sitting удваивается буква t? 3. Как образуется Present Participle, если инфинитив глагола оканчивается на -ie? 4. Как образуется Present Participle, если инфинитив глагола оканчивается на е?

VI. Напишите Present Participle от следующих глаголов и переведите их:

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