This textbook is composed for practical classes in Anatomy. 2. These experiments are carried out by the members of our scientific society. — КиберПедия 

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

This textbook is composed for practical classes in Anatomy. 2. These experiments are carried out by the members of our scientific society.

2017-09-27 558
This textbook is composed for practical classes in Anatomy. 2. These experiments are carried out by the members of our scientific society. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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VI. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: age [eie] n возраст; at the age of в возрасте; a man aged 30 мужчина


grow [grəυ] (grew [gru:], grown [grəυn]) v расти; становиться

rapid ['rfpid] а быстрый; частый; rapidly adv быстро

slow [sləυ] а медленный; slowly adv медленно

length [leŋθ] n длина; длительность

number ['nAmbə] п число, количество; номер; a number of ряд (некоторое количество); the number of число, количество

research [ri's3:t] n исследование, научное изыскание

use [ju:z] v употреблять, применять; [ju:s] n употребление, применение

artificial [,ati'fiʃl] а искусственный

instead of [in'sted] adv вместо, взамен; instead of going (reading) вместо

того, чтобы пойти (читать) case [keis] n случай; in case of в случае; case history (report) история болезни

VII. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на пред- логи:

At the age of, instead of, a number of, in case of, in the boys (girls), to be about, the operation on smb (smth), in length.

VIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: 1) age [eie]: at the age of 20, at an early age, people of all ages, a patient

aged 45;

2) grow [grəυ]: [gru:], [grəυn] to grow rapidly, to grow slowly;

3) length [leŋθ]: the necessary length, the length of the bone, to increase

the length, to measure the length, the length of an extremity, three metres in length; 4) number ['nAmbə]: a great number, a small number, the number of, to increase the number, the number of people, a number of people.

IX. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Найдите в тексте предложения, где говорится: a) о росте позвоночника; б) о количестве позвонков; в) дается характеристика некоторых из них.

Text С

Two students meet after classes. They want to prepare their homework in Anatomy.

A.: How do you do, Boris! В.: How do you do, Alec! A.: Are you free now? В.: Yes, I am. Let us prepare our Anatomy lesson for tomorrow. A.: Tomorrow we shall have the lesson on the bones. B.: I do not know well the spinal column. A.: I can help you if you like. Can you answer my questions? В.: I am ready. A.: So, at what age does the spine grow most rapidly? В.: In girls the spine grows most rapidly to the age of 15. In boys it grows

to the age of 19. After the age of 19 the spine grows very slowly. The length of the spinal column is about 40% of the body. A.: That̓s all right. Now the second question. What do you know about the number of the vertebrae in the spine? B.: The number of the vertebrae may be 32 or 34. Sometimes it may be

But I don't know why. Can you tell me?

A.: It is because the number of the sacral vertebrae may be five and the number of the vertebrae which compose the coccyx may be from one to five.

B.: Thank you. Can you tell me which of the vertebrae have the form different from the others?

A.: They are the first and the second cervical vertebrae. The form of these two vertebrae is different because they take part in the flexible connection of the skull and the spine.

B.: Thank you. I think tomorrow I shall answer well.


X. Read the words with the same root. State the part of speech and translate these words:

Face - facial; slow - slowly; connect - connection; pelvis - pelvic; compose - composition; rapid - rapidly; base - basic.

XI. Put the proper numeral in the blanks:

There are- vertebrae in the cervical part of the spine. 2. There are- vertebrae in the thoracic part of the spine. 3. There are- vertebrae in the lumbar part of the spine. 4. There are- vertebrae in the sacral part of the spine.

XII. Read the pairs of sentences. State the grammar difference between them:

The student is asked many questions at the lesson. The student asked many questions at the lesson.

Cranial and facial bones compose the skull. The skull is composed of cranial and facial bones.

The joints connect some bones of the skeleton. Some bones of the skeleton are connected by the joints.

XIII. Answer the following questions:

Are you a research worker? What does a research worker do? 2. What do you use to write down the lectures? Do you use a pencil or a ball-pen?

What do you do in case of the grippe? What medicine is often used in case of the grippe? 4. Do Russian doctors use artificial organs? What artificial organs are used in medicine? 5. What general subjects are taught to medical students in their first year? 6. What lectures will be delivered next Monday?

What field of medicine will your future profession be connected with?

Do you use any medicine in case of a bad headache?

XIV. Read and entitle Text D. What interesting method of treatment is described here?

Text D

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