The results of the treatment of the patient depend on his- in time. (having been operated on; being operated on; having operated on; operating) — КиберПедия 

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The results of the treatment of the patient depend on his- in time. (having been operated on; being operated on; having operated on; operating)

2017-09-27 570
The results of the treatment of the patient depend on his- in time. (having been operated on; being operated on; having operated on; operating) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I want my electrocardiogram- by 3 o’clock (being taken; having been taken; taking; having taken).

XVII. 1. Read Text C. 2. What do paragraphs two and three deal with?

Find and translate the sentences with gerunds. 4. Put questions to the text.

Text С. At a Chemist̓s1

As you know on receiving a prescription from a doctor or on following a home treatment all of us need medicines which are ordered or bought at a chemist’s.

There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s. At the chemist’s department2 one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department3.

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle (бутылка), a tube or a box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. Indicating the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing (to confuse -путать) different remedies, some of which are poisonous. Their overdosage may cause unfavourable reactions and sometimes even death.

At a chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, for oral administration and for external use.

Before using the medicine the patient must know well that he is taking the proper drug and in the necessary dosage.


1 a chemist̓s (shop) - аптека 2 a chemist’s department - отдел готовых лекарственных средств 3 a prescription department - рецептурный отдел

XVIII. Read the passages and answer the questions:

Yesterday my mother went to the chemist’s in Gastello street and bought a small box of medicine with a blue label on it.

Yesterday my friend was at the chemist’s and ordered the medicine at the prescription department. In an hour he received a small bottle with a white label on it. Which of them had the medicine for injections?

Last month my sister was admitted to the in-patient department of our city hospital because she was ill with an acute form of lobar pneumonia. She was treated with intramuscular injections of antibiotics.

Last month I fell ill with lobar pneumonia. We called in a doctor who prescribed to me home treatment. Every day the nurse came to give me intramuscular injections of antibiotics. Which of them had to order the medicine at the chemist’s?



I. Напишите по два прилагательных при помощи суффиксов -less и -ful. Переведите их:

Pain, use, rest, hope, help, harm.

II. Определите префиксы в словах и переведите их:

Disappear, intravenous, subcutaneous, intercostal, overestimate, subdivide.

III*. Замените придаточные предложения герундиями:

The physician remembered that he had treated such a case of bronchitis.

We are interested how moist rales are determined in case of pneumonia.

3. I don’t mind if you will operate on me. IV*. Откройте скобки, употребив нужные формы причастий:

1. (То make) the discovery of filterable viruses Dmitry Ivanovsky determined the cause of the tobacco mosaic disease. 2. The book The Anatomy of Cardiac Blood Vessels (to compose) by S. Samoylova after her numerous investigations was published in 1970. 3. On having performed the operation the surgeon must carry out all the procedures (to prevent) from the infection.

To relieve) of all the painful symptoms the male patient fell asleep.

V*. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод стоящих перед герундием предлогов:

On changing the administered treatment the physician considered that the patient’s condition would become better. 2. In making scientific observations one must be particularly careful. 3. Cardiac impairments are revealed by taking electrocardiograms. 4. Blood cannot be transfused without its group being determined first.

VI. 1. Прочтите и переведите текст D, пользуясь словарем.

2. Выпишите неправильные глаголы и дайте их три формы. 3. Выучите выделенные слова и выражения. 4. Перескажите содержание текста.

Text D

I went to my medical man. He is my old friend. He feels my pulse, and looks at my tongue, and talks about the weather, when I consider that I am ill. I thought I would do him a good turn by going to him now. “What a doctor wants,” I said, “is practice. He shall have me. He will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred patients with only one or two diseases each.” So I went to him and saw him, and he said, “Well, what’s the matter with you?” I said, “I will not take up your time, dear boy, with telling you what is the matter with me. But I will tell you what is not the matter with me. I have not got housemaid’s knee1. Why I have not got housemaid’s knee, I cannot tell you; but the fact is that I have not got it. Everything else, however, I have got.”

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