CO2 and Water Portable Fire Extinguisher. — КиберПедия 

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CO2 and Water Portable Fire Extinguisher.

2017-06-09 248
CO2 and Water Portable Fire Extinguisher. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What is body coated?

2. What is the brass neck ring soldered to?

3. What does its brass head assembly incorporate?

4. What is the purpose of small radial vent holes?

5. What is the name of the part which gives water jet or spray?

6. What serves to keep the extinguisher vented?

7. What is its content?

8. Describe its operation and performance characteristics.

Dry Powder Portable Fire Extinguisher.

1. What is the body made of?

2. What is its head assembly fitted with?

3. Where does a reinforced hose lead to?

4. What is the brass nozzle fitted with?

5. What is its content?

6. Descibe its operation and performance characteristics/

7. Why can the operator approach quite close to the fire?

Soda-acid Portable Fire Extinguisher

1. What material is the body made of?

2. What does its head assembly incorporate?

3. What is the head assembly joint?

4. What is the reason of the solution leakage?

5. What part of head assembly prevents the solution leakage?

6. What is its content?

7. Describe its operation and performance characteristics.

Find the equivalent of translation.

1. riveted steel 2. welded steel 3. an injunction tube 4. head assembly 5. spring-loaded plunger 6. discharge tube 7. reinforced hose 8. brass nozzle 9. lever-operated control valve 10. dip tube 11. bursting disc 12. swivel safety guard 13. rubber washer a) труба впрыскивания b) предохранительная мембрана c) передний (верхний) узел d) сварная сталь e) латунная насадка f) поворотное предохранительное устройство g) уровне-регулирующий клапан h) клепанная сталь i) армированный шланг j) труба погружения k) выпускная труба l) выпускной рычаг m) резиновая прокладка

Choose the right endings of each sentence.

1. The body of CO2 portable fire extinguisher is made of …

a) … riveted or welded steel.

b) … of solid drawn steel.

c) … of welded steel zinc.

d) … of riveted mild steel, lead coated internally and externally.

2. The head assembly of CO2 and water portable fire extinguisher incorporates …

a) … plunger, handle and swivel safety guard.

b) … plunger and acid bottle carrying cage.

c) … a spring-loaded plunger.

d) … a level-operated valve, copper dip tube, bursting disc.

3. The body of the dry powder portable fire extinguisher contains …

a) … 4,5 kg of dry powder.

b) … 4,5 kg of liquid CO2.

c) … 9 litre sodium bicarbonate solution

d) … 9 litre of fresh water and a wetting agent.

4. Soda-acid portable fire extinguisher operate as follows:

a) A safety pin (not shown in sketch) would first be removed and then the valve operating lever would be depressed. The liquid CO2 would pass into the discharge horn and emerge as a cloud of C02.

b) When the plunger is depressed the acid bottle is shattered and the acid is released. The sulphuric acid will then react with the surface of the sodium bicarbonate solution and the result of this chemical reaction is СО2. The СО2 builds up in pressure and the solution is then driven out of the extinguisher through the dip tube and nozzle.

c) The hose is first uncoiled from the body and the swivel guard is swung to uncover the plunger. The plunger is then depressed, this releases the СО2 which then drives the water out of the extinguisher via the dip tube and hose.

d) The extinguisher is removed from its supporting bracket and the safety cap is removed. When the plunger is depressed it pierces the СО2 bottle seal, СО2 then blows out the powder charge.

5. CO2 portable fire extinguisher has the following performance characteristics.

a) Length of jet 9 m approximately, working pressure 2.7 bar to 3 bar, duration of discharge 2 minutes. Body is tested hydraulically to a pressure of 25 bar (2.5 MN/m2) approximately.

b) Range about 3 to 4 m, duration of discharge about 15 s. Body is tested to 35 bar (3.5 MN/m2). ry powder acts to smother a fire in a similar way to a blanket.

c) Range about 3 to 4 m in still air, duration of discharge about 20 s, about 2.5 m3 of gas is produced.

d) Length of jet 10.6 m approximately, spray6.06 m with about 36 m2 of cover. Duration of discharge approximately 60 seconds. Body tested hydraulically to 25 bar (2.5 MN/m2).


Restore the sentences.

1. The head assembly incorporates a lever-operated valve, copper dip tube, bursting disc and a discharge horn made of … 2. The liquid CO2 would pass into the discharge horn and … 3. A brass double purpose nozzle is fitted to the delivery end of the reinforced rubber hose and … 4. The hose is first uncoiled from the body and the swivel guard … 5. The body of the extinguisher contains approximately … 6. The sodium bicarbonate powder will produce СО2 which … 7. To ensure that the solution does not leak out of the nozzle … 8. Soda-acid fire extinguishers should not be used in machinery spaces for fighting oil fires as …   a) …is swung to uncover the plunger. b) … should further assist in smothering the fire. c) … non-conducting (electrically) material. d)… a non-return vent valve is usually incorporated in the head assembly. e) … the principal substance discharged from such extinguishers is water. f) … emerge as a cloud of C02. g) … 4.5 kg of dry powder. h) … the nozzle can be operated to give water jet or spray as desired.

Translate into English.

1. Огнетушитель ОП-9

Наибольший среди переносных порошковых огнетушителей с массой заряда 9кг. предназначен для тушения возгорания твердых, жидких и газообразных веществ (класса А, В, С), а также возможно их применение для тушения электроустановок, находящихся под напряжением до 1000 В. Не следует использовать порошковые огнетушители для тушения оборудования, которое может выйти из строя при попадании порошка (ЭВМ, электронное оборудование, электромашины коллекторного типа и т.д.).

2. Огнетушитель ОУ 5 (ВВК3,5)

Огнетушитель СО2 (углекислотный) переносной вместимостью баллона 5 литров(3,5 килограмма), предназначен для тушения загорании различных веществ, горение которых не может происходить без доступа воздуха. Преимуществом углекислотных огнетушителей является отсутствие следов тушения т.к. углекислота после использования не оставляет следов и грязи.

3. Предназначены для тушения пожаров огнетушащими пенами: химической или воздушно-механической. Химическую пену получают из водных растворов кислот и щелочей, воздушно-механическую образуют из водных растворов и пенообразователей потоками рабочего газа: воздуха, азота или углекислого газа.

4.Тушить пеной загоревшиеся электрические установки и электросети, находящиеся под напряжением, нельзя, так как она является проводником электрического тока.

5. К недостаткам пенных огнетушителей относится узкий температурный диапазон применения (5—45 °C), высокая коррозийная активность заряда, возможность повреждения объекта тушения, необходимость ежегодной перезарядки.


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