Restore the sentences and translate them into Russian. — КиберПедия 

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Restore the sentences and translate them into Russian.

2017-06-09 285
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1. The master of the ship shall be supplied with _____necessary to maintain sufficient _____ _____under service conditions.

2. There shall be permanently exhibited the plan showing clearly _____ of for each deck, hold and the _____compartments.

3. Ships shall be provided with an efficient _____ _____ _____capable of pumping draining from any watertight com­partment.

4. The main _____ _____and rudder stock shall be so designed that they are not damaged at maximum_____ _____.


Answer the questions.

1. What do the regulations include?

2. Where and when was the convention adopted?

3. What shall the master of the ship be supplied with?

4. Does the master need instructions?

5. Where must any subdivision load line mark be placed?

Unit 5.

Fire fighting.

Lesson 1.

Translate the following word combinations.

Negligence and irresponsibility, authorized personnel, escape for people on the board, building materials, chemical extinguisher of foam type, Fire extinguishers, fire-fighting power, combustible materials, flammable liquids, approximate number, extinguishing agent, immediate measures, external help, breathing apparatus.

Read and translate the text.

Fire on board.

Most accidents happen because of negligence and irresponsibility. Authorized personnel aboard the ship should initiate making rounds to inspect all the sections of the ship. Everybody on board should not ignore the importance of constantly being alert to ensure everybody else's safety, as well as the safety of the entire vessel afloat.

Very special care is taken to prevent fire on ships at sea, where cargo may burn together and escape for people on the board may be impossible. The authorities make rules about building materials may be used for building, how to prevent fire.

How to extinguish the fire? It depends on the situation. An oil fire must be extinguished with CO2 or chemical extinguisher of foam type if available. Small fire may be smoothed with sand. Never throw water on an oil fire, or on the burning electric equipment.

All the extinguishers should be tested in a proper time. Every member of the crew must be ready to use the extinguisher.

Fire extinguishers are divided into four categories, based on different types of fires. Each fire extinguisher also has a numerical rating that serves as a guide for the amount of fire the extinguisher can handle. The higher the number, the more fire-fighting power. The following is a quick guide to help choose the right type of extinguisher.

Class A extinguishers are for ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood, cardboard, and most plastics. The numerical rating on these types of extinguishers indicates the amount of water it holds and the amount of fire it can extinguish.

Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, grease and oil. The numerical rating for class B extinguishers indicates the approximate number of square feet of fire it can extinguish.

Class C fires involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, circuit breakers and outlets. Never use water to extinguish class C fires - the risk of electrical shock is far too great! Class C extinguishers do not have a numerical rating. The C classification means the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.

Class D fire extinguishers are commonly found in a chemical laboratory. They are for fires that involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These types of extinguishers also have no numerical rating, nor are they given a multi-purpose rating - they are designed for class D fires only.

On board personnel can put out minor fire accident using portable and installed equipment. However, immediate measures such as calling for external help and assistance and informing nearby ships.

Fire fighting operations on a ship are tough. A team will have to run up and down narrow stairways and corridors. In some cases, when fire originates from the lower interior of the ship, the fire brigade will have to deal with spreading heat and stifling smoke while going down. Hence, wearing of self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is important to avoid suffocation and imminent death from inhalation of toxic fumes and gases.

Medical help should be at hand, and transportation of everyone on board, injured or not, should be considered if fire impends to spread uncontrollably. Severe cases of fire disaster should prompt immediate evacuation of all crew and passengers. Only trained and professional firefighters should remain on board. This is gravely important. Some people may want to get back to their cabins in the hope of going back for important belongings. They must not be allowed to enter the hazardous zone.

Furthermore, fire fighting is tough and should only be done by trained personnel with the appropriate fire fighting equipment.


Negligence – небрежность, халатность

make rounds – делать обходы

numerical rating – нумерологический показатель

tough – неистовый, яростный

originate - брать начало, происходить, возникать

the lower interior – более низкая внутренняя часть

stifling smoke – удушающий дым

suffocation – удушение, удушье

imminent death – неминуемая смерть

inhalation - вдыхание

fire impend – угроза, опасность огня

belongings – имущество, собственность

hazardous zone – опасная, рискованная зона


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