Read and translate the following test and entitle it. — КиберПедия 

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Read and translate the following test and entitle it.

2017-06-09 256
Read and translate the following test and entitle it. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), “Shipping is perhaps the most international of all the world’s greatest industries and one of the most dangerous.” This means that in shipping industry even the most basic job of transporting cargo across oceans involves great amount of risk, involving both physical and financial aspects. Every part of the shipping business is bounded by stringent regulations, which prompts companies to act in disciplined and organized manner. To ensure that all operations are carried out in an efficient and smooth manner at the sea, the shipping companies resort to “safety” as their first tool for streamlining processes. Safety in all types of operations is the key factor in ensuring that the company always maintains its position about the profit line, both efficiently and ethically. Personal safety or safety of life at sea comes at the top of priority list as there is no loss which is considered greater than the loss of human life. Shipping companies understand the importance of the safety of human life at the sea and thus rank it at the very top. It’s a known fact that without an efficient crew no shipping company can survive.


To be bounded by – быть связанным чем-л

Stringent regulations – строгие правила

smooth – ровный. равномерный

to resort to – обращаться к

streamlining processes – оптимальные (совершенные) процессы

priority list – список приоритетов


Lesson 1.

Translate into Russian.

The safety of a vessel, the Master’s responsibility, to ensure, sufficient number of safety equipment, safety precau­tions, a whistle and a light, heavy weather, during the hours of darkness or restricted visibility, horseshoe shape, self-igniting buoy-light, double the numbers, lowering.


Find the equivalents of English word combinations in left column.

1. properly maintained and stowed 2. regarding safety precau­tions 3. what concerns 4. ready at hand 5. strong-points 6. buoyancy 7. a self-igniting buoy-light 8. a conventional lifeboat 9. to be launched 10. separate buoyancy compartments 11. automatically inflatable 12. rated capacity 13. wire rope 14. lifeboat swinging heavily a) точки крепления b) обычная спасательная шлюпка c) надувающийся автоматически d) относительно мер предосторожности e) металлический трос f) быть спущенным на воду g) плавучесть h) правильно эксплуатирующийся и хранящийся i) сильно раскачивающаяся шлюпка j) номинальная мощность k) что касается l) самозажигающийся осветительный буй m) под рукой (быть готовым) n) отдельные плавучие отсеки

Read and translate the text.


The safety of a vessel and her crew is the Master’s responsibility, who must ensure seaworthyness and experienced crew. He also must ensure sufficient number of safety equipment which is properly maintained and stowed. The crew has to know where it is kept and how it is used. All vessels must comply with the laws of their country of registration and relevant, applicable Shipping Act or Regulations regarding safety precau­tions and life saving appliances.

What concerns life jackets at least one approved must be for every person on board. It is recommended that they are equip­ped with a whistle and a light. They must be stowed ready at hand.

A Safety Harness should be worn by all sailors on deck in heavy weather or during the hours of darkness or restricted visibility. There must be an adequate number of strong-points on the vessel to which safety harnesses can be attached.

There are lifebuoys of either circular or horseshoe shape of adequate size and buoyancy. Both must be carried on deck, ready for ins­tant use; one must be within easy reach of the helmsman and equipped with a self-igniting buoy-light and dan marker.

Hundreds of lives have been saved by liferafts and in several cases the weather was such that a conventional lifeboat would have been useless. Liferafts vary in size from a 4 man up to a 42 man. All liferafts are capable of carrying double the numbers for which they are certified. Liferafts must be carried on deck or in a special stowage opening immediately. They must be capable of being launched within 30 seconds. They have two separate buoyancy compartments each, of which is automatically inflatable and are capable to carry its rated capacity with one compartment deflated.

Strong and effective lifelines of wire rope or metal tube, or a combination of both ought to be fitted right round the vessel including bow and stern without a break. Their height from deck level equals 61 cm.

Lowering of the lifeboat may call for considerable preparation. The danger of the lifeboat swinging heavily against the ship's side while being lowered, and sustaining grievous damage before she is in the water, is so imminent that it will usually be advisable to pass two wires under the bottom of the boat.

Seaworthiness – годность судна к плаванию, мореходность

safety precautions - меры безопасности

to comply with – соответствовать, исполнять

harness - рангоут и такелаж, привязные ремни

buoyancy - плавучесть, -надводное положение

dan marker - поплавок

inflatable - надутый воздухом

deflate- выпускать воздух

lifelines- спасательный леер (трос), бортовой леер.

bowsprit - бушприт

lifebuoys - спасательныйкруг

life saving appliances - приспособления для спасения жизни на море


Answer the questions.

1. What regulations must any ship comply with?

2. How many life jackets must be on board a ship?

5. Where do we secure safety harnesses?

6. How do liferafts vary?

7. Why may lowering of the lifeboat call for considerable preparation?


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