Restore the sentences. Translate the words in brackets into English. — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Restore the sentences. Translate the words in brackets into English.

2017-06-09 290
Restore the sentences. Translate the words in brackets into English. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Electric shock may result from contact with (под напряжением) electrical circuits.

2. Firefighters may touch a live conductor or some other electrified object while (разыскивая что-то) in the dark or in smoke.

3. Burns may result from (прямого прикосновения) with hot conductors or equipment, or from (искр) thrown off by these devices.

4. Electric arcs can also (вызвать) burns.

5. The electrical equipment that (вырабатывает), controls and (поставляет) electric power is found (по всему судну).

6. While the others are operating, one is always held in reserve for (резервного использования).

7. (Распределительный щит) (содержит) the generator(панели управления), as well as a distribution section.

8. If a fire breaks out (вблизи) the generator (переключатели) or the main switchboard, the vessel’s engineer can stop the generator by mechanical means.

9. (Аварийный генератор) will provide power for emergency (освещения) and equipment only.

10. The bridge contains much electrical equipment, including the radar apparatus, (пульт управления (судном) на мостике), (датчик дыма), indicating panel and lighting panel boards.


12. Tell about:

a) Means causing electric shock.

b) Means causing burns from electricity.

c) Methods of the Class “C” fires extinguishing.


Lesson 3.

Translate into Russian.

Principle weapons, well lighted, oil leakage, oil arises, to rectify the faults, internal combustion engine, routine maintenance work, observance of precautions.


Find the Russian equivalents of following English word combinations.

Cleanliness, prevent fire, tank tops, to be painted white, the leakage dealt with promptly, dangerous accumulation, strainers for the bilges, fire fighting appliances, fire detection devices, engine room personnel, the recognized procedure, when coal is carried, as far as possible, be stacked, as large a surface area as possible, the arrangement of machinery spaces, safe storage, leakage of flammable liquids, to be protected against, thermal oil and exhaust gas lines, hard jacketing.

Когда уголь перевозится, быть защищенным от, быть сложенным, устройство расположения механизмов, трубопроводы термического масла и выхлопного газа, безопасное хранение, средства пожаротушения, жесткое покрытие (облицовка)., персонал (личный состав) машинного отделения, опасное накопление (скопление), признанные (общепризнанные, известные) действия (методы), чистота, насколько возможно, крышка (вверх) танка, такая большая площадь поверхности, насколько возможно, утечка легко воспламеняющихся жидкостей, предотвратить пожар, быть покрашенным в белый цвет, фильтры для льяльных вод, быстро справиться с утечкой, приборы для определения пожара.


Read and translate the text.

Fire prevention.

Cleanliness, vigilance and common sense are the principal weapons with which one can prevent fire. Tank tops should be kept clean and well lighted, it is recommended that tank tops be painted white so that any oil leakages from drip trays, pipes, joints, filters and valves may be easily spotted and the leakage dealt with promptly before any dangerous accumulation of oil arises. Bilges must be kept clean and the pumps and strainers for the bilges maintained in good working order.

All fire fighting appliances must be kept in good working order and tested regularly. Emergency pump and fan stops, collapsible bridge oil valves, watertight doors, etc., should all be tested frequently and kept in good operative order. All fire detection devices should be regularly tested and any faults rectified.

All engine room personnel should be fully conversant with the recognized procedure for dealing with a fire aboard ship and should know the whereabouts and method of operating of allfire fighting equipment.

When coal is carried, as cargo, the compartment or compartments where it is situated should be well ventilated and the coal should, as far as possible, be stacked in such a way so that it presents as large a surface area as possible to the atmosphere. This will reduce risk of an outbreak of fire due to spontaneous combustion of the coal. Personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the problems associated with any special cargo the vessel may be carrying, e.g. LPG, LNG and chemical carriers.

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