Answer the questions using information in the text. — КиберПедия 

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Answer the questions using information in the text.

2020-10-20 147
Answer the questions using information in the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.  What kind of museums can you find in Moscow?

2. What museum is considered to be the first one in Moscow?

3. When were the first museums established in Moscow? Why?

4. How many museums are there in Moscow now?

5. What international event is considered to be an important part of the Moscow museum program?

6. What other events are included into this program?

7. When municipal museums are available for free?

8. Are all museums accessible for disabled people?

9. What museums have you visited in Moscow?

10. What is your favourite museum? Why?

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Первым музеем Москвы считается Оружейная палата Московского Кремля, получившая музейный статус в 1806 году.

2. Сейчас в городе более 450 музеев, среди которых есть как государственные собрания с многолетней историей, так и совсем новые муниципальные и частные коллекции.

3. Участие в международной акции «Ночь в музее» – важная часть московской музейной программы.

4. Московские муниципальные музеи также открыты для бесплатного посещения в третье воскресенье каждого месяца, еженедельно по четвергам они работают до 21 часа.

5. Во многих музеях действуют абонементы и различные дополнительные льготы

6. Сегодня Москва по праву считается одной из главных музейных столиц мира.

7. В течение XIX века в Москве создавалось множество музеев, большинство из которых были обязаны своим существованием знаменитым московским меценатам.

Read and translate the information about the event “Night at the Museum” and make up a dialogue using this information.

Student A: You are a tourist visiting Moscow and would like to take part in this event. Ask your tour guide about “Night at the Museum”.

Student B: You are a tour guide, answer your tourist questions about “Night at the Museum” using information in the text.


Moscow "Night at the Museum" will be held in Moscow on May 18. During the day over 200 museums in Moscow will be open until midnight and some will host entertainment programs until 4-5 am.
  May 18 is an International museum day. This day many Moscow museums including the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Mayakovsky, Multimedia Art Museum, "Vinzavod" and Artplay will be open for free from early morning until midnight. Several Moscow theatres offer free backstage tours for visitors.

This day art is transferred from museums to the public space, and transforms the city. Walking around Moscow this night you might bump into a shimmering hare, a video installation by the French artist Philippe Parreno. This popular character of contemporary art was selected as a symbol of Museum Night in Moscow. Many other unusual art objects will surprise you this day. Photographs from the collections of the capital's museums and galleries will decorate the streets of Moscow suburbs.

Five Moscow parks prepare night programs. Coming to Gorky Park you can see the "Theatre of Shadows" performed on rafts on the main pond. Muzeon park will host an international festival of contemporary music, "Krasnaya Presnya" parks prepares a fire show. This night you can witness numerous street festivals.        The organizers of the event offer free transportation by buses and even taxis (with logo of "Night at the Museum") that will help the visitors to attend major points of interest.

   It's possible to book a visit to a particular museum at a convenient time. You can find all the info on the websitesite From May 15 you can register for the visit of a museum you like and choose the time you'd like to come. You'll need to print your booking number; it'll give you a chance to avoid standing in lines. Your Moscow tour guide will be happy to help you to get around Moscow during the Moscow Museums night.

Unit 2

Tretyakov Gallery

Study the vocabulary.

1. outstanding - выдающийся
2. brilliant - блестящий
3. prominent - выдающийся
4. a painter - художник
5. a portraitist [ˈpɔːtrɪtɪst] - портретист
6. a canvas - полотно
7. a trustee [trʌsˈtiː] - попечитель
8. a council [kaʊnsl] - Совет
9. landscape [ˈlænskeɪp] - пейзаж
10. to expand - расширять
11. to nationalize - национализировать
12. still-life - натюрморт
13. to improve - улучшать
14. to be devoted - быть посвященным
15. to proclaim [prəˈkleɪm] - провозглашать
16. to depict - изображать
17. origin - происхождение
18. dignity [ˈdɪgnɪtɪ] - достоинство
19. noble - благородный
20. to portray - изображать
21. a real masterpiece of world painting - настоящий шедевр мировой живописи

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