Complete the text with the words from the box. — КиберПедия 

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Complete the text with the words from the box.

2020-10-20 197
Complete the text with the words from the box. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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a. architectural b. palaces c. exhibit d. casting e. residence f. ensemble g. exhibition architect h. cathedrals i. treasure-house j. masterpieces k. residence

The Moscow Kremlin is situated in the very center of Moscow. It is the oldest part of the city, here Russian tsars resided and Russian emperors had been crowned. It is still the national and political center of Russia, the official 1) ________ of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Kremlin is a magnificent 2) ______ ensemble with its monumental walls and towers, golden-domed 3) _______ and ancient 4) ______. Here you can see the majestic 5) ______ of Cathedral Square and enter the Assumption Cathedral, Archangel’s and Annunciation Cathedrals, the Church of Laying Our.

In the Kremlin you can visit the famous 6) ______– the Armoury Chamber, which nine halls 7) _______ Russian and Foreign jewelry articles of the XII-XIX centuries, armoury and weapons, State regalia, royal carriages and other artware. On the ground-floor of the Chamber is housed “The Diamond Fund” 8) _______
On Ivan Square you can admire the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon, famous 9) _______ of the Russian 10) _____. On Senatskaya Square you can see the building of the Arsenal, the eminent architectural monument of Moscow of Peter the Great’s epoch, and the Senate – one of the best creations by famous Russian 11) _______ Matvei Kazakov. Old Russian cannons and captured arms of Patriotic War 1812 are exhibited in front of the Arsenal.

The ensemble of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the 12) ______ of Russian emperors of the XIXth century, is situated on Palace Square.

2. Choose the correct variant:

1. _________________ is the work of the famous Russian architects Barma and Postnik.

a) The Kazan Cathedral b) The St Basil’s Cathedral

c) The Uspensky Cathedral.

2. The Tretyakov Gallery houses

a) a unique collection of arms and armory;

b) a collection of ancient books;

c) masterpieces of Russian painters.

3. The Kremlin chiming clock (часы с курантами) is in

a) the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great;

b) the Water Tower;

c) the Spasskaya Tower.

4. Andrei Chokhov designed and built

a) the Tsar Cannon;

b) the Tsar Bell;

c) the Grand Kremlin Palace.

5. Konstantin Thon is known as

a) a famous Russian architect;

b) a great Russian artist;

c) a famous cast master.


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

The Moscow Kremlin

  The Moscow Kremlin is one of the most famous landmarks of Russia and the symbol of former Soviet authority. It is a long red brick wall with 20 towers, which were built at the end of the 15th century on the order of Ivan the Great. The most renowned and important tower is the Spasskaya Tower, which leads to Red Square. The tower (put) up in 1491 by an Italian architect Pietro Solario. It has a belfry, a ruby star and the chimes, which (broadcast) by radio as a time signal to the whole nation. Other famous towers are the Nikolskaya, Troitskaya, Kutafya and Borovitskaya. The name Kremlin (mean) “fortress”. This historic fortified complex is situated at the heart of Moscow and (overlook) the Moskva River and Red Square. It is the best known kremlin of Russia. Apart from the walls and towers it(include) five strikingly beautiful palaces and four cathedrals. All of them are open to public. The heart of the Kremlin is the Cathedral Square with the main church of Moscow – the Cathedral of Dormition, where all the tsars once (crown). The church has a massive limestone facade and five golden domes. Other notable structures (include) two domestic churches and the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great. The largest bell in the world is also situated here. It (call) the Tsar Bell. The oldest structure within the Kremlin walls is the Palace of Facets, which (hold) the imperial thrones. The other old building is the house of the royal family – the Terem Palace. Both these palaces (link) by the Grand Kremlin Palace. There are also several interesting museums inside the Kremlin walls. For example, the Arsenal, which originally (build) for Peter the Great, and the Armoury building, which (house) Russian state regalia and Diamond fund. At the moment, the complex of Kremlin (serve) as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Answer the questions.

1. What does the word “kremlin” mean?

2. Is the Moscow Kremlin the only kremlin in Russia?

3. How long are the Kremlin walls?

4. How many towers are there on the Kremlin walls?

5. Which is the tallest Kremlin Tower?

6. Which is the smallest Kremlin Tower?

7. Which is the most famous Kremlin Tower?

8. How big is the Kremlin Clock?

9. How many Cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin do you know?

10. Where were the Russian tsars buried?


Say it in English.

Посетить все музеи Московского Кремля стоит совершить хотя бы один раз в жизни. За одну экскурсию Вы насладитесь кремлевскими видами, древними соборами с уникальными иконами 11—17 веков, услышите рассказ о средневековой, петровской и императорской России, увидите сокровища Оружейной палаты и Алмазного фонда. Величие и монументальность историко-архитектурного комплекса Кремля заставит Вас почувствовать гордость за свою страну, а Ваших гостей упрочить отношения с Вашей компанией.

Продолжительность экскурсии: 6 часа, включая 4 часа в Кремле

Экскурсия начинается от гостиницы вашего размещения

В стоимость включено: услуги профессионального гида, входные на территорию Кремля, Оружейную палату, Алмазный фонд, автомобиль или микроавтобус туристического класса.


Unit 1 Introduction Unit 2 The Tretyakov Gallery Unit 3 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Unit 4 The Armoury Chamber Unit 5 The Diamond Treasure Unit 6 History and Local History Museums Unit 7 Moscow Estates

Unit 1


Study the vocabulary.

1. ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] - древний, старинный
2. diverse [daɪˈvɜːs] - разнообразный, многообразный
3. taste - вкус
4. to be established - быть основанным
5. patron of art [ˈpeɪtrən ɔv ɑːt] - покровитель искусств
6. to emerge - появляться
7. substantially [səbˈstænʃəlɪ] - значительно, заметно
8. to participate participation - участвовать - участие
9. to be dedicated - быть посвященным
10. an exhibit [ɪgˈzɪbɪt] - экспонат
11. a guided tour - экскурсия
12. to be available - быть доступным, иметься в расположении
13. a disabled person - инвалид
14. accessible [əkˈsesəbl] - доступный
15. to hold events - проводить, организовывать события

2. Read and translate the sentences with the new words.

1. Seeing gold nuggets weighing several kilograms and paintings by worldwide-known artists, or listening to ancient musical instruments or lectures on Soviet avant-garde art – all this is possible in the museums of Moscow.

2. Moscow museums are so diverse that everyone will find one to his or her taste.

3.  In the 19th century, a lot of museums were established in Moscow, and most of them emerged due to well-known Moscow patrons of arts.

4. Under the Soviet power when Moscow was the capital of the Soviet Union, the number of museums grew substantially.

5. Participation in the Night at the Museum international event is an important part of the Moscow museum program.

6. In addition to indoor actions, museums also hold outdoor events including bus tours, open air concerts and different street shows.

7. Special programs are dedicated to this event to demonstrate the most interesting exhibits from the museum collections.

8. Municipal museums of Moscow are also available for free on the third Sunday of each month, and are open till 21:00 every Thursday.

9. There are also guided tours, trainings and, of course, special programs for children.

10. Moreover, all of the museums update their infrastructure on an active basis to fit them for the needs of disabled people and make museum collections accessible to everyone.

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