Study the information and get ready to discuss it. — КиберПедия 

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Study the information and get ready to discuss it.

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 Tips for the best sightseeing tours

1. Ask the client beforehand about interests and preferences to develop a tour.

2. Mind the cultural background of clients.

3. Design a sightseeing tour according to the client’s time of stay.

4. Choose the transportation that is convenient and with local characters.

5. Take different routes from and back to the accommodation to avoid repeated information.

6. Balance time of walking with time on the vehicle.

7. Provide clear information on tour details to avoid misunderstanding.

8. Add photos to your sightseeing tour presentation to inspire tourists.

What to Prepare before a Sightseeing Tour

1. Check weather forecast 3 days before the tour to prepare for the unsatisfactory weather.

2. Get familiar with the tour itinerary and schedules.

3. Be prepared with knowledge on things-to-see.

4. Familiar with transportation between different stops.

5. Check arrival information of flight/train/bus/cruise on the day in case of delay or advance.

6. Confirm with the hotel for client reservation to avoid waiting in a wrong hotel lobby.

7. Do not forget materials of the tour like itinerary, microphone, tickets and pick-up signs, etc.

8. Check if everyone is on board before leaving for the next destination.

9. Count heads one more time from back to front with big tourist groups.

10. Have a quick look at overhead luggage to ensure no fall-over.

11. Remind the tourists of safety belts or other facilities on the vehicle.

12. Notice tourists not to walk when the coach is moving.

13. Make a note in advance if smoking, eating or drinking is not allowed on the vehicle.

14. Notice the facilities in each stop like toilets, entrances/exits, souvenir shops, taxi stands, etc.

What to Take Notice on the Sightseeing Tour

1. Take the guide’s seat to talk to the whole group easily on a vehicle.

2. Give safety instructions to tourists when necessary.

3. Remind travelers of their belongings whenever getting off the vehicle.

4. Notify tourists of no-photography, no-smoking, no-feeding or other inappropriate behaviors.

5. Inform clear meeting time and location before free activities.

6. Make sure tourists sitting at the back can hear your words.

7. Face your tourist group while talking.

8. Guide in the front and lead the way - best tour guide method.

9. Adjust your pace to be OK with the slowest person in the group.

10. Stop or slow down at corners to avoid missing people.

11. Do not talk to the whole group while walking.

12. Avoid talking in the sun, wind, rain or other uncomfortable environment.

13. Keep some distance from other tourist groups to avoid disturbance.

14. Start your introduction after your clients all gathered in front of you.

15. Point out good stops for photo-taking.

16. Check food quality and quantity at meals.

17. Introduce unique local dishes and explain how to eat.

18. Inform clients of itinerary changes and explain why.

What to discuss during the Sightseeing Tour

1. Deliver a welcome speech with consideration of the pick-up location and time.

2. Do not overload with information.

3. Listen to the clients during the tour to find out their interests.

4. Separate general introduction throughout days with multi-day tours.

5. Stick to the same topic on themed excursions.

6. Give commentary according to the tour length.

7. Know the length of driving and prepare topics accordingly.

8. Commentary on scenes or people along the way.

9. Introduce facts, and anecdotes.

10. Include latest news, developments and changes when available.

11. Talk informatively and humorously, but not act like a comedian or scholar.

12. Explain technical terms or jargon.

13. Welcome questions from travelers and answer properly.

How to Conclude the Sightseeing Tour

1. Reflect on what has been covered during the sightseeing tours.

2. Publicly thank the diver for his good job.

3. Thank the clients for their cooperation and support throughout the tour.

7. Watch the video “ How to Become a Tour Guide” and answer the questions.

1. What are the duties of a tour guide?

2. What skills are necessary to become a tour guide?

3. Why is the job of a tour guide can be stressful?

4. Why is personality so important in this occupation?

5. What should you always remember working with a tour group?

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