Imagine you are a tour guide, answer the tourist’s questions and translate the sentences from Russian into English. — КиберПедия 

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Imagine you are a tour guide, answer the tourist’s questions and translate the sentences from Russian into English.

2020-10-20 173
Imagine you are a tour guide, answer the tourist’s questions and translate the sentences from Russian into English. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Tourist: Who is the architect of the Grand Kremlin Palace?
Guide: Кремлевский Дворец был построен под руководством Констатина Тона.Он был реконструирован много раз и в период с1838-1849 приобрел современный вид.
Tourist: How many rooms are there?
Guide: Во дворце 700 комнат, а длина фасада здания около 125 метров.
Tourist: What are the Halls decorated with?
Guide: Залы украшены натуральным мрамором, гранитом и яшмой.
Tourist: What are the functions of the Palace?
Guide: Дворец был предназначен для государственных и дипломатических приемов и он сохранил свои функции и по сегодняшний день.
Tourist: Where is the Armoury Chamber situated?
Guide: Оружейная палата находится рядом с Боровицкими воротами.
Tourist: What exhibits are displayed there?
Guide: Все экспонаты, выставленные в Оружейной палате, связаны с историей Российского государства. Вы сможете увидеть громадную коллекцию оружия, шлемов, кольчуг, сабель и мечей.

Imagine that you are a tour guide and you are standing with your group in front the Kremlin Palace. Give them the most important information about it using information from the unit.

Tell your tourists about the Armoury Chamber.

Watch the video without sound. What attractions can you recognize? Have you ever visited these places?

Watch the video with sound and tick the things you have just seen.

1. Kremlin walls

2. Christ the Saviour Cathedral

3. The Spasskaya Tower

4. The Kremlin Central Square

5. The State History Museum

6. The icon of the Saviour of Smolensk

7. The Great Kremlin Palace

Watch the video and correct the script.

These red Kremlin walls have been protecting Kremlin for 7 centuries. The length of the Kremlin walls is over one kilometer. First Kremlin was built of white stones and 300 years later walls and towers were faced up with famous red stones. Some of the walls are six meters high.

Spassky Gate is the main exit out of the Kremlin. Traditionally it was open for arriving visitors since the times of Ivan the Terrible. Anyone entering the gate had to take off the shoes to honour the Saviour of Smolensk whose image can be seen above the gate. Entering the gate on a horseback was forbidden.

Match the words and definitions.

1. Inaccessible   2. Honour   3. Occupy   4. Disappear   5. Discover 6. Mystery   7. Inaugurate   a. to introduce a new public official at a special ceremony b. very difficult or impossible to reach or approach c. to find or learn about a place, object for the first time d. to become no longer visible, to stop existing, to be lost e. to show great respect for sb/sth f. a thing of which the cause or origin is not known or impossible to explain g. to move into and take control of a country, town

Watch the video and complete the text.

The Spasskaya Tower was the heart of the Kremlin 1_______. It was anticipated that any offensive would come from the south east, the tower would be the first to be attacked as a result Spasskaya housed ­­­2__________ in the mid-17th century. Spasskaya was the first to have 3______ the emblem of Russia. During the Soviet times it had 4_______ stars. The Tower’s true gem is its 5 _____. The clock face has 6_______ diameter. Gold 7 ______ are gold plated, 8 _______ is needed to coat them. The chimes we can see today have been here since 9 ______. The clock appeared on the Spasskaya Tower during 10 ________. To reach the clock one has to climb 11_______ of spiral stairs. The clock strikes every 12_______. Previously the clock was operated 13______. Since 14______ three electric motors took over. Everything else has been preserved as original. The clock is the oldest one in 15______. This is the 16______ bell ringing mechanism. It sings the national anthem every 17______. 48 bells hung there during 18________. They were lost during the 19_______. Today the chimes sing the Russian anthem with 20 _______.

Answer the questions.

1. Why was the Kremlin considered to be an inaccessible fortress?

2. What gate was traditionally used as an official passage to the Kremlin?

3. Why did everybody have to take off their hats entering the gate?

4. Who broke the rules entering the gate?

5. When did the icon appear on the gate?

6. When is the gate open nowadays?

7. What is considered to be the Tower’s true gem?

8. What interesting facts have you known about the decoration of the New Year tree?

Choose one of the sights from the video and write some information (about 120 words) for a Tourist Information Website.

Progress test 2

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