Skim Text 1 B and find answers to the following questions and then listen to the recording. — КиберПедия 

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Skim Text 1 B and find answers to the following questions and then listen to the recording.

2017-10-01 202
Skim Text 1 B and find answers to the following questions and then listen to the recording. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. How many colleges are there in Cambridge?
2. What is the university in charge of?
3. Why is a tutorial more academically challenging than a standard lecture?
4. Who holds the university teaching appointments?
5. What kinds of students are there at any college in Cambridge?

1. "Where is the University?" This is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask. As the university has no city campus it is not possible to give them definite directions. The lecture theatres, libraries, laboratories, museums and offices are located in separate colleges throughout the city. The university is made up of 31 self-governing colleges to which the students and academics are attached. The University in Cambridge is collegiate and not one single university like, for example, The University of Manchester or The University of Bristol.

2. The University of Cambridge is the central administration that awards degrees to students. The colleges, in association with the subject departments, organize the teaching of students. Each college enrolls students, who usually live and study within their colleges. The teaching within the colleges is based on an individual or small group system, at the University of Oxford these teaching session are called 'tutorials' and at Cambridge 'supervisions'. Each supervision requires students to prepare work in advance. The supervisions are generally more academically challenging than a lecture because students are expected to orally communicate, raise issues, defend, analyze and criticize the ideas of others as well as their own in discussion with their supervisor and the other students attending the supervision.

3. The tutorial system is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from most other English universities. Each student is allocated to a supervisor (at Cambridge or a tutor at Oxford) who plans the students' work, discusses academic progress and sets assignments to be undertaken (e.g., the writing of an essay). The supervisor also suggests the books the students should read and make notes from. Each week, or more frequently, students attend their supervisions at which the supervisor discusses and criticizes the work the students have completed. Lectures are also given to the students by the teaching staff of the department. People who are appointed as professors normally do not undertake much undergraduate teaching as they conduct research in their own specialist areas.

4. Students at each college study a whole range of different subjects. So in one college there will be students studying law, geography, medicine and engineering, as well as all the other subjects offered within the university. Each student follows their own particular course of study but the college system allows students studying different subjects to meet and mix with each other and to share ideas.

5. The University of Cambridge has over 12,000 undergraduate students (about 49 per cent of them women and approximately 15 per cent from overseas), over 6000 postgraduates and nearly 4,000 academic staff. As well as teaching, research is of major importance to the university. Since the beginning of the 20th century more than 90 university members have won Nobel prizes.

Find the answers in the right column.

1. What makes the University of Cambridge different from most other English Universities? a. conduct research
2. Why are the supervisions more academically challenging than a standard lecture? b. the tutorial system - students are taught in small groups
3. What is a supervisor in charge of? c. once a week or more frequently
4. How often do students attend their supervisions? d. students raise issues, analyze and criticize the ideas in discussion
5. What issues are generally discussed at supervisions? e. the work completed and academic progress
6. What is a typical assignment set for students? f. to prepare work in advance
7. What is a student required to undertake for each supervision? g. a wide range of subjects: law, medicine, engineering etc.
8. What subjects are offered within one college? h. writing of an essay
9. The university professors do not undertake much undergraduate teaching. What kind of work do they do? i. assignments to be undertaken by the students




Fill in the proportions.

to attend to make? to raise? to arrange

= = = = =

? notes assignment? lectures?



? to conduct? to share?

= = = =

research? progress? degrees



From the list of actions below, choose those performed by students and by tutors and those within the university responsibility. Inform the audience what a tutor is usually in charge of (5-7 sentences).

to make notes, to undertake assignments, to attend lectures, to raise issues, to attend supervisions, to write essays, to award degrees, to arrange lectures, to teach students in small groups, to criticize the work completed, to discuss academic progress, to allocate to a tutor, to offer courses, to enroll students, to suggest books

Student Tutor University


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