Fill in the gaps with the proper words. — КиберПедия 

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Fill in the gaps with the proper words.

2017-10-01 231
Fill in the gaps with the proper words. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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a) state-of-the art facilities, b) technically minded, c) schedules, d) extra-curricular activities, e) a master degree, f) assignments, g) area of interest

1. __________ are adapted to fit the programming needs of students and can help to provide an example of how the day flows.

2. Written ______________ are an important part of university education as they give you a chance to exercise your skills developing your views.

3. I think Nick might become a good engineer because he is very good at Math and_______________.

4. Laboratories, workshops and the other ________________ provide opportunities for professional education and research.

5. Peter was good at all of his school subjects so he was able to go to university to do___________.

6. ________________ are significant because they help you develop your talents, interests and practical skills like time management.

7. If you are not sure in your choice of _______________________you may address your tutor.



Study the model. Compose your own sentences and arrange them logically to make a short report on your studies at the University.

Model: We write tests every week. There is a fifteen minute break.

Regular classes   We   Lectures   The course of studies are over have English start take exams study math/physics take exams take courses in drawing attend classes at …a. m/ p.m. on Monday. three times a week. once/twice a week. twice a year. for lunch. in January. every day

Express your point of view on the following activities and form your own sentences as many as possible.

I find it hard/difficult I find it useless I find it impossible   I think it is my duty I think it is an honour for me   I believe it is necessary I believe it is important   to be a BMSTU student. to join innovative research. to attend regular lectures. to take courses in humanities. to take courses in general engineering subjects. to be involved in research. to be good at mathematics and physics to become an engineer. to take compulsory hours of sport every day. to be assessed by regular progress tests. to be provided with on-campus accommodation.

Which pieces of advice appeal to your heart most of all? Name those that could guide the students during the whole course of education.

It’s highly desirable It is undesirable It’s vitally important It’s (hardly) necessary for a student to earn Master’s degree. for undergraduate to attend regular lectures in academic subjects. for graduates to be involved in cutting edge research. to be technically minded to become an engineer. for BMSTU students to be interested in engineering challenges. for students to miss lectures and laboratory sessions. to undertake assignment in advance  


Describe the experience of being a BMSTU student.

  I/ He /She to be calm to be very nervous to be a bit worried to be tired of to be impressed by to be glad to be disappointed to be sorry about to be proud of to be happy about to be delighted with to be lucky to be hungry to be smart to be lazy - to make a report. - to be assessed by progress test. - on Friday on the last lecture. - the new facilities and equipment. - to attend regular lectures. - to get top marks in Math. - to be provided with on-campus accommodation. - to be offered new courses. - to have access to many extra-curricular activities. - the achievements in the field of engineering. - reasonable prices of meals - to work hard - to undertake assignments in geometry - lectures conducted by our professors - after the classes in physics - during the laboratory session


Open the brackets and write the verbs in the proper tense forms.

1. Не often (to show) ___________ new equipment in a laboratory.

2. Не (to show) ___________ new equipment in a laboratory tomorrow.

3. Не (to show) ___________ new equipment in a laboratory last week.

4. This University (offer) ______ many courses ten years ago.

5. The supervisor (teach) __________ undergraduates in small groups last year.

6. Students (demonstrate) _________ a new device in a laboratory yesterday.

7. At the lecture last Monday they (make notes) _________ to explain the phenomenon.

8. A college as a rule (to provide) __________ facilities, food and accommodation for students.

Ask all types of questions.

a) in Present Simple Undergraduates attend lectures i n physics every Friday.

b) in Past Simple U ndergraduates attend ed lectures in physics last Monday.

c) in Future Simple Our lecture in physics will begin at 9 a.m. next week.


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