Discuss in pairs: What famous world known universities do you know? — КиберПедия 

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Discuss in pairs: What famous world known universities do you know?

2017-10-01 288
Discuss in pairs: What famous world known universities do you know? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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· Does University education play an important part in our life? Why?

· Is there any difference between learning and education?

· What is the idea of University education?

Share your opinion.

The idea of University education     The University   Students is   gives     helps   are taught   to prepare good specialists of high qualification in the field of economy, science, culture, engineering. to teach students to be capable of searching high quality information. to transfer knowledge and some Universal Principles to young people. the development of analytical thinking, intellectual, practical and social skills. a good start for career promotion.   chance for a successful future life, a chance for career opportunities and promotion, and to be well paid students useful information and knowledge.   students to be prepared for an adult life.   to use new knowledge and skills.

Discuss in pairs: What famous world known universities do you know?


3 Watch the movie ‘The Best World’s Universities’ and answer the questions to each movie passage.


1. University College London (UCL)

2. TAT ranking (Top Arts and Technology) - Рейтинг лучших гуманитарных и технических университетов (мира)

3. Times Higher education ranking is an annual publication of university rankings by Times Higher Education (THE) magazine

4. prowess - мастерство, умение

5. degree certificate – свидетельство об образовании, диплом

6. faculty student ratio – число учащихся на одного преподавателя

7. to reveal – раскрывать, показывать


A Answer the questions.

What are the TAT rankings popular with?

What is purpose of annual university rankings?

B Answer the question.

What aspects are important for creating university rankings?

C Answer the questions.

Why should you be very careful when choosing a university?

What is university ranking so important for students and so popular with them?

D Listen to the review of Top World Universities and fill in the boxes.

  University Characteristics


Interview your group mate and complete the form. Did you learn anything new about him/her?

Student portfolio for university clubs and Student Union

Student_______________ group _______ date___________

  Questions Answers
  What is your first name? What is your last name?  
  What country/city/village are you from?  
  How old are you? When is your birthday?  
  Are you single or married?  
  Where do you live? (hall of residence, rent a flat)  
  How long does it take you to get to the University?  
  What University sport club are you going to join?  
  What are your sport achievements?  
  What foreign languages do you speak?  
  What is your hobby?  
  Are you fond of travelling?  
  What field of engineering are you in?  
  What kind of research were / are you involved in?  
  What subjects do you study according to the curriculum?  


Read the text and answer the questions after it.

Text 1 A Our University


to be famous for быть известным / славиться
to be enrolled быть зачисленным
to be good at Math хорошо разбираться в математике
to be technically minded быть склонным к техническим науках
to be interested in physics интересоваться физикой
to take courses in изучать курсы
area of interest специализация
to conduct research проводить исследование
state-of-the-art facilities современное оборудование
to attend regular lectures посещать занятия по расписанию
according to the schedule согласно расписанию
to assess achievements оценивать успеваемость
to undertake assignments выполнять задания
extra-curricular activities внеаудиторная работа
compulsory hours of sport обязательные занятия спортом
to provide with on-campus accommodation обеспечивать университетским жильем

You are a student of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU). It is one of the oldest technical universities in Russia. It was founded in 1830. It is famous for its achievements in the field of space rocketry, submersibles, armored vehicles, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, radio electronics and others.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University focuses on the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) but also offers a number of programs in humanities. Now the student body is over 19.000. The university has adopted a two-level system of higher education: a four-year bachelor’s degree, a five-year specialist degree and master’s programs. Undergraduates are given an opportunity to choose their specialist areas at various faculties:

Electronics and Laser Technology (RL)

Fundamental Sciences (FN)

Engineering Technology (MT)

Mechanical Engineering (SM)

Power Engineering (E)

Robotics and Complex Automation (RK)

Computer Science and Control Systems (IU)

Biomedical Technologies (BMT)

Engineering Business and Management (IBM)

Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

Linguistics (L)

To become a student you need to be good at mathematics and physics, to be technically minded and to be interested in engineering challenges. To become an engineer you need to take courses in drawing, strength of materials, computer aided design and other engineering subjects in your area of interest. Besides the academic studies the students are involved in research and get experience during internship at plants. Research is conducted in well-equipped laboratories, workshops, wind tunnels and other state-of-the-art facilities.

Students are required to attend regular lectures and lessons in academic subjects according to the schedule. Lectures are given by the experienced staff. Students are taught engineering subjects and their academic achievements are assessed by regular progress tests. Undergraduates undertake assignments and have supervised homework sessions. All the students are offered access to many extra-curricular activities, libraries and free e-mail and internet. Undergraduates and graduates take at least two compulsory hours of sports per week. Many students are provided with on-campus accommodation in short distance from the University.

Actually you are to be proud of the University you are going to study in. By the way, do уou know anything about its history and significant stages of its development? What is your University famous for? What are the achievements of its graduate?


6 Answer some of the following questions up to your choice. (Work in pairs)

1. How old is your university? When was the university founded?

2. How many faculties are there at your university?

3. Why are there so many courses in Math offered by the University?

4. How many lessons do you attend every day? What lessons do you attend on Monday?

5. Do you live far from the university? How long does it take you to get to the University?

6. What facilities are offered by the university? / What equipment are the laboratories provided with?

7. What campus activities are the students involved in?

8. What is the term of studies at the university? / How long does the course of studies last?

9. What subjects must you be good at to become an advanced BMSTU student?

10. What engineering courses are offered by your Faculty?/ What courses contribute to the career of an engineer?

11. When do students start engineering experiments, tests and research?

12. What opportunities are given to students to conduct research?

13. What way is the student academic progress assessed by?

14. Why is it necessary for students to undertake assignments regularly?

15. Why are compulsory hours of sport introduced in the student time table?

16. What accommodation is offered by the University?

17. When and why are the students engaged in research?

18. What field of engineering are you in and what influenced your choice?

19. Why is it challenging to be a BMSTU student?

20. Why are skillful engineers and designers required at present?



Ask all types of questions.

a) in Present Simple Undergraduates attend lectures i n physics every Friday.

b) in Past Simple U ndergraduates attend ed lectures in physics last Monday.

c) in Future Simple Our lecture in physics will begin at 9 a.m. next week.




Answer the question.

How long did it take to build King’s College Chapel?




college(n) высшее учебное заведение (небольшой университет) или часть большого университета (факультет).
to attach иметь отношение, прикреплять
tutor (n) руководитель образовательной программы, академический наставник, закрепляемый за студентом или группой студентов для консультирования по вопросам, связанным с изучаемым учебным материалом
supervision (tutorial) n 1.форма обучения в малых группах путем прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам; 2. семинар, групповое занятие по разбору пройденного материала.
course(n) специализация, учебный курс занятий (обычно рассчитанный на семестр)
subject(n) предмет обучения, специальность
  1.общее название для бакалаврских программ; 2.студент бакалавриата
graduate студент магистерской программы, имеющий степень бакалавра и продолжающий обучение.
the lecture theatres лекционные аудитории
in advance заранее
specialist area определенная область исследования, специализация
to offer courses предлагать курсы
to arrange exams проводить экзамены
to award а degree присваивать квалификацию
to enroll students зачислять студентов
to suggest books рекомендовать литературу
to conduct research проводить исследование
to hold lectures проводить \ читать лекции
to be academically challenging быть плодотворным с педагогической точки зрения, быть более трудным
in association with совместно с
subject department профилирующая кафедра
to raise issues поднимать проблемные вопросы
to attend supervision посещать семинар \ консультацию
to be allocated to a supervisor прикреплять к консультанту
academic progress успеваемость
to set assignments давать задания
to make notes конспектировать
teaching staff преподавательский состав
to follow one’s own particular course of study работать по индивидуальной программе
to be appointed a professor назначаться на должность преподавателя
as well as также


Fill in the proportions.

to attend to make? to raise? to arrange

= = = = =

? notes assignment? lectures?



? to conduct? to share?

= = = =

research? progress? degrees



From the list of actions below, choose those performed by students and by tutors and those within the university responsibility. Inform the audience what a tutor is usually in charge of (5-7 sentences).

to make notes, to undertake assignments, to attend lectures, to raise issues, to attend supervisions, to write essays, to award degrees, to arrange lectures, to teach students in small groups, to criticize the work completed, to discuss academic progress, to allocate to a tutor, to offer courses, to enroll students, to suggest books

Student Tutor University


Part B

11.Colleges provide accommodation and food.

12. Undergraduates attend lectures and tutorials.

13. Students will discuss the work with their tutors.

14. Junior students choose their majors, normally at the end of the first year.

15. Every college involved many students in sports last year.

16. Professors engage senior students in research.

17. Tutors will suggested the books to read for a particular course.

18. Professors assess student academic achievements.

19. Professors usually carry out investigations.

20. Most European Universities give lectures in English.



25 Translate the Russian verbs below into English using the Present /Past/ Future Simple (Passive Voice).

1. Many exams оцениваются from 1 to 100 points.

2. Courses and seminars предлагались by various departments.

3. Students зачисляются by colleges.

4. Professors назначаются to carry out research.

5. Students будутобучаться by faculty fellows or tutors in small groups.

6. The internship is generally оплачивается and проводится in the second and fourth year of study.




Exercise 29. Make a short report supported by slides on the following topics:
1. The historical background of Cambridge University.
2. The historic review of the University you attend.
3. The famous achievements of your University.
4. The facilities available at your University.
5. The benefits offered by the university education.
6. The differences and similarities in the arrangement of studies (academic year, vacations, assessment, admission, degrees, tutorials, etc.) between Russian and UK universities.
7. A review of Cambridge (or Oxford, Harvard, Massachusetts university etc.)
8. Famous people and scientists (University graduates).

9. The top 100 world universities (Ranking List 2015 )

10. Nobel Prize winners and their discoveries.

11. Produce a short movie on BMSTU and act as a speaker


Reading and writing

Text 1 С Students’ Profiles

Student Profile 1

The course is tailored to bring together all the previously studied topics and pushed me onwards into new areas such as Computational Fluid Dynamics and Advanced Aerodynamics. I joined the Aeronautical Engineering course two years ago with a view to fulfill my ambition of becoming a professional engineer. Both an undergraduate and Master’s degree (Msc) are required to achieve this benchmark. It took a lot of time to master this subject area. This course provides a student with analytical skills and stimulates interest in space engineering and high-speed travel. The course gives you the chance to advance your career to management levels, testing and design positions within the aeronautical industry. This is a challenging field to work in.

Student Research Profile 2

I became interested in solar energy while working on my undergraduate project three years ago. During my third year project I was involved in materials science research. The research project was aimed at the renewable energy sector. The idea was to come up with a coating for the outer layer of a solar panel that would allow to absorb the energy form it more efficiently. The University is very good for materials science and research. By the way the Centre for Solar Energy Research has modern facilities such as specialist microscopes and spectrometers. I appreciated working with people I could bounce ideas off. I enjoyed the internal collaboration between the groups as well as external contacts with overseas universities.

Student Profile 3

If you want to be in the heart of electronic invention this course is ideal. State-of -the-art IT facilities and analytical tools support the taught and research elements of the degree. Msc the Advanced Electronic Techniques provides core analytical studies covering three areas: digital system design (microprocessors and programmable gate arrays), automatic-test system design and radio frequency design. There are options covering the fields of image processing. I am going to join this course next year. On completion of this course you will be able to progress to a job as an electronics design engineer at an advanced level. It is known that skills in digital electronics are required to develop innovation

Student Profile 4

This is an industry focused course. The focus of this course is on the research and development in such areas as computational analysis, advanced propulsion, structural design, advanced material development and manufacturing technologies. It has strong links with industries. There is great demand for mechanical and aerospace manufacturing engineers. An engineering Masters qualification is now required if you wish to become a Chartered Engineer. State-of -the-art IT facilities and analytical tools support the taught and research elements of the degree. I would like to take Mechanical Engineering course i n three years on getting my Bachelor's degree. On completion of this course you will be able to lead innovative design, development and application of new and cutting-edge technology. I am looking forward to master this course.

Student Profile 5

The focus on this course will be on research and development (R&D) in such areas as computational analysis, design, advanced propulsion, structural design, composite and advanced material development. This MRes Composites was designed in collaboration with industry. This course covers the theory and mechanics of composites and environmental aspects. You will also learn the recyclability and safety issues. Completing the MRes course could lead you to a career in aircraft research. You will be able to apply modern management approaches and carry out extensive research projects. I am going to join this course in a year. Unfortunately I failed to pass my final exams last year. I was not awarded Bachelor's Degree. I hope to do my best and undertake all assignments to complete my first degree.


Text 1 Subject Areas


  a wide-range of subject areas a различные направления подготовки
  the challenges faced by our society b проблемы, стоящие перед обществом
  to have an internationally recognized reputation c иметь международное признание
  cutting-edge technologies d передовые технологии
  under the guidance of experienced staff e под руководством опытных преподавателей
  to have access to modern dedicated facilities and equipment f работать на современном оборудовании
  state-of-the-art engineering flight simulators g современные авиационные тренажеры
  analytical tools and intelligent systems h программное обеспечение и системы с элементами искусственного интеллекта


1. The University offers over 150 postgraduate courses across a wide-range of subject areas. They are relevant to the challenges faced by our society, industry and economy. The University has a strong internationally recognized reputation or research within science and technology with a particular focus on innovations and cutting-edge technologies. Science and technology at BMSTU embraces aeronautical, mechanical, environmentally friendly manufacturing technologies, automotive engineering and other specialist areas. Research activities are carried out under the guidance of experienced staff and involve national and international academic and industrial collaborations.

2. Our students have access to modern dedicated facilities and equipment. There is a joint center in composites engineering and advanced materials. There are state-of-the-art engineering flight simulators and wind tunnels. The world leading research undertaken at BMSTU involve opto-electronics, micro precision engineering, computational analysis and other specialist areas. The aerospace research covers advanced materials for aircraft structures, flight dynamics as well as control systems design and simulation using analytical tools and intelligent systems.

Read Text 2 and answer the following questions (find answers in the right column):

  What postgraduate courses are offered across subject areas? a opto-electronics, micro precision engineering
  What is internationally recognised reputation taken for? b state-of-the-art analytical tools and intelligent systems
  What specialist areas are covered by research? c relevant to the challenges faced by our society.
  What facilities and equipment do students have access to? d flight dynamics and control systems design
  What specialist areas are involved into the aerospace research? e research and innovations within cutting-edge technologies.



World University Rankings

o Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking Consultancy)

o THE World University Rankings (Times Higher Education)

o QS World University Rankings (Quacquarelli Symonds) and others.




· Does University education play an important part in our life? Why?

· Is there any difference between learning and education?

· What is the idea of University education?

Share your opinion.

The idea of University education     The University   Students is   gives     helps   are taught   to prepare good specialists of high qualification in the field of economy, science, culture, engineering. to teach students to be capable of searching high quality information. to transfer knowledge and some Universal Principles to young people. the development of analytical thinking, intellectual, practical and social skills. a good start for career promotion.   chance for a successful future life, a chance for career opportunities and promotion, and to be well paid students useful information and knowledge.   students to be prepared for an adult life.   to use new knowledge and skills.

Discuss in pairs: What famous world known universities do you know?


3 Watch the movie ‘The Best World’s Universities’ and answer the questions to each movie passage.


1. University College London (UCL)

2. TAT ranking (Top Arts and Technology) - Рейтинг лучших гуманитарных и технических университетов (мира)

3. Times Higher education ranking is an annual publication of university rankings by Times Higher Education (THE) magazine

4. prowess - мастерство, умение

5. degree certificate – свидетельство об образовании, диплом

6. faculty student ratio – число учащихся на одного преподавателя

7. to reveal – раскрывать, показывать


A Answer the questions.

What are the TAT rankings popular with?

What is purpose of annual university rankings?

B Answer the question.

What aspects are important for creating university rankings?

C Answer the questions.

Why should you be very careful when choosing a university?

What is university ranking so important for students and so popular with them?

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