Chapter Forty-five - An Extremely Vulnerable Individual. Morning’s. — КиберПедия 

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Chapter Forty-five - An Extremely Vulnerable Individual. Morning’s.

2022-12-30 62
Chapter Forty-five - An Extremely Vulnerable Individual. Morning’s. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Evif-ytroF retpahC



dlrow eht ediug ot yaW eht si ssenmlac dna ecaeP

taeh emocrevo nac ytiliuqnarT

llihc emocrevo nac tnemevoM

etalucitrani eb ot mees yam ecneuqole taerG

ysmulc eb ot sraeppa yretsam taerG

gniod gnorw fo desucca eb ot mees yam ytsenoh taerG

sseldnuob si esu sti tey diov eb ot sraeppa ssenlluf taerG

detsuahxe reven si esu sti tey etauqedani eb ot sraeppa tnemeveihca taerG


dl row eht (to drive) e-Diug ot (from) yaw eht (to drive) si (if) ssen (sen – its - Finnish) mlac (млак – молоко – milk) DNA eca (what a…) ep ta (your – French) eh emo crevo (hose) nac (neither - Welsh) ytili (утили – junk) uq nart (ski – Polish) llihc (lik – face on the icon) emo crevo (hose) nac (neither) t (you) neme (gender – Hungarian) vom (from – German) eta (this) lucit (mercilessly - Latin) rani (wounds) eb (f*ck) ot (from) Mees yam Ecne uqole (укол – an injection) taerg (terg – tease) ys (Urban Dict) mul (mule) c (k – to) eb (f*ck) ot (from) sra (ms. – Spanish) eppa (how – Tamil) yret (permeated – Norwegian) sam (oneself) taerg (terg – tease) gni (bend) od (from – Polish) gnor (nor) w (into) fo (for) de (of – French) succa (с*кА – b*tch) eb (f*ck) ot (from) Mees yam yt (youtube) senoh (сено – hay) taerg (terg – tease - Afrikaans) sseld (seld – sold - Icelandic) nuob (rain – Somali) si (if) esu (I am – Lithuanian) sti (in – Greek) Tey di (of – Italian) ov (of) eb (f*ck) ot (from) sra (ms.) eppa (how) ssen (sen – its) lluf (luf – love) taerg (terg - tease) det (it – Swedish) sua (your – Portuguese) hxe reven (ревень – rhubarb) si (if) esu (I am) sti (in) Tey eta (this) uqedani (you finish – Zulu) eb (f*ck) ot (from) sra (ms.) eppa (how) t (you) neme (gender) veihca (вейхка – века – of century’s) taerg (teg – tease)


dl row. to drive e-Diug from yaw. to drive if its milk DNA. what an ep. your. eh. emo hose. neither junk. uq ski. face on the icon. emo hose. neither you gender. from this mercilessly wounds. f*ck from Mees! yam. Ecne’s injection. tease. ys mule to… f*ck from ms. How. permeated oneself. tease. bend from…. nor into… for… of a b*tch. f*ck from Mees. yam. youtube’s hay. tease. a sold rain, if I am in Tey of… of… f*ck from ms. How. its love. tease. it your hxe. rhubarb. if I am in Tey – this you finish. f*ck from ms. How. you gender of century’s. tease.



Chapter Forty-six – Hiss. Morning’s.

Xis-ytroF retpahC



erudne gnol neht nac tnemtnetnoc eurT

tnemtnetnoc-fles htiw deifitarg si eno nehw ecneH

noissessop sseldne rof erised ot si ekatsim tsetaerg ehT

tnemtnetnoc dnif ot ton si retsasid tsetaerg ehT

erised hcum oot evah ot si emirc tsetaerg ehT

dleifelttab eht ni deerb ot decrof erew dnA

sesroh raw sa desu era seram tnangerp nevE

oaT htiw drocca ni evil ot sliaf dlrow eht nehW

dleif eht gniwolp mrof deriter eb nac sesroh gniklaw eniF

oaT htiw drocca ni sevil dlrow eht nehW


eru (of era) dne (дне – of bottom) Gnol neh (no f*cking) t (you) nac (neither) t (you) nem (mute) t (you) net noc (knock) eurt (bumping) t (you) nem t (you) net noc (knock) fles (bottle - Dutch) htiw (хтив - wanted) dei (day) fi (pish) targ (market – Polish) si (if) eno (one) neh (no f*cking) w (into) ecneh (Ecne) noisses (noises) sop sseld (seld – sold – Icelandic) ne (not) rof (rolling on the floor) erised (erased) ot (from) si (if) eka (what a) t (you) sim t (you) Set taerg (terg – tease) eht (to drive) t (you) nem (mute) t (you) net noc (knock) dnif (дниф – днёв – of days) ot (from) ton si (if) ret sasid (tangled up – Estonian) t (you) Set taerg (terg - tease) eht (to drive) erised (erased) hcum (cum) oot (ot – from) evah (Eva) ot (from) si (if) EMI rc (Urban Dict) t (you) Set taerg (terg – tease) eht (to drive) dlei (thunder – Chinese) felt tab eht (to drive) ni (neither) deer bot de (of – Spanish) crof (кроф – кровь – blood) e-rew DNA ses (his – Grench) roh (spirit – Indonesian) raw sadesu (sadeasu – rainwear – Finnish) era seram (scary – Malay) t (you) nan (within – Haitian Creole) Gerp neve (of Neva) oat (sheep kasha) htiw (wanted) droc (drug – Corsican) ca (circa) ni (neither) evil ot (from) sliaf (sleeve) dl row eht (to drive) neh (no f*cking) w (into) d-leif eht (to drive) gni (bend) wolp (Urban Dict) mr of deriter (derit – he might – Latin, he-mighter) eb (f*ck) nac (neither) ses (his) roh (spirit) gni (bend) klaw (claw) Enif oat (sheep kasha) htiw (wanted) droc (drug) ca (circa) ni (neither) sevil (loved – Turkish) dl row eht (to drive) neh (no f*cking) w (into)


of era of bottom. Gnol. no f*cking you. neither. you’re mute. you’re net. knock! bumping. you’re mute. you’re net. knock! bottle wanted. day. pish! market, if one – no f*cking into Ecne! noises sop. sold not. rolling on the floor. erased from… if… what a you! sim. you. Set tease. to drive. you’re mute. you’re net. knock of days from ton. if ret… tangled up. you. Set tease. to drive erased. cum from Eva… from… if EMI rc. you. Set tease. to drive thunder. felt tab. to drive neither deer bot of blood - e-rew DNA - his spirit – raw. rainwear era – scary. you’re within Gerp of Neva. sheep kasha wanted. drug circa. neither evil from a sleeve. dl row, to drive. no f*cking into d-leif. to drive. bend! wolp mr of he-mighter. f*ck neither. his spirit. bend a claw. Enif. sheep kasha wanted. drug circa – neither. loved. dl row. to drive. no f*cking into…



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