Chapter Five – An Extremely Vulnerable Individual — КиберПедия 

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Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Chapter Five – An Extremely Vulnerable Individual

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Chapter Five – An Extremely Vulnerable Individual 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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EviF retpahC


niht iw ecnesse eurt eht no retnec ot retteb si tI

noitsuahxe ot dael sdrow ynaM

htrof sgnirb ti erom eht sevom ti erom ehT

sliaf reven taht

ylppus a sevig ti tey ytpme sraeppa ti swolleb eht ekil si htrae dna nevaeh neewteb ecaps ehT


rof god warts lanoitidart a sa elpoep drager ot dniknu mees yam eh tnias a htiw esiwekil dnA

ecifircas rof god warts lanoitidart

a sa sgnieb lla drager ot dniknu mees yam erutan motsuc tneicna ot gnidrocca eroferehT

tsevrah fo gninetsah eht htiw meht

hsilpmocca dna worg sgniht lla tel ot efil gnivig yb ssendnik tcefrep dna tsetaerg eht swohs tI

eutriv etelpmoc fo ssenelohw eht htiw sgniht lla serutrun erutaN


niht (nicht – no – German) iw (and – Polish) ecnesse (forever, Old English) eurt (berth – Haitian Creole) eht (to drive) no retnec (redneck) ot (from) ret teb (you – Bulgarian) siti (city) noit (drown – French) sua (your – Portuguese) hxe (hardcore) ot (from) da El SDR (radio) ow you nam (нам - to us) htrof (хитров) sgni (согни) rbti (работы) erom (e-rum – erum – thoughtful - Hebrew) eht (to drive) sevom (севом – by sowing) ti (ты) e-rom (e-rum) eht (to drive) sli (зли –anger) af (acronym - as f*ck) reven (rhubarb) taht (tact) ylppus (lupus – wolf) ase (ace) vig (Urban Dict) ti (ты) tey (Josephine Tay) ytp (youtube poop)  me sra (срать) eppa (how – Tamil) ti (you) swoll (swollen) leb (лебедь - swan) eht (to drive) e-kill si (if) htrae (хитрая – sly) DNA Neva eh ne ew teb (тебе – to you) e-caps eht (to drive) e-cifir (зефир - marshmallow) cas (case – French) rof (rough – Afrikaans) god warts lano (ладно – well) iti (иди – go) dart asa (оса - wasp) El poep (shit – Dutch) dragger (carrier – Dutch) ot (from) dni (days) knu (гну – I bend) mees (man – Estonian) yam eh tni (дни - days) as a htiw (хоти) esiw (how to – Hawaiian) e-kill DNA e-cifir (marshmallow) cas (case)rof (rough) god warts lano (well) iti (go) dart  a sas (your – Greek) gni (bend) eb (f*ck) lla (la – the) dragger (carrier) ot (from) dni (days) nu (well) mees (man) yam eru (guru) tan mot (spendthrift) suc (suk – b*tches) tnei (дней – days) cna (sna – сна – of dream) ot (from) gnid (гнид – nits) rocca (of rock) ero fereht (fare – Kurish) tse (те - those) vrah (vrag – враг – enemy) fo (for) gni (bend) net (no) sah (сахар - sugar) eht (ехать – to drive) htiw (хоти) meht (Urban Dict) hsilp (syllable – Estonian) mocca (caffee mocha) DNA worg (varg) sg (sounds good) niht (no) lla (la – the) tel (tell) ot (from) e-fil gni (bend) vig ybssen (Ibsen) dni (days) ktce frep (Urban Dict) DNA tse (те – those) taerg (terg – tease – Africaans) eht (to drive) swohs (свахs – matchmakers) ti (ты -  you) eu-triv (eu-retrieve) ete (summer – French) LP moc (mock) fos (force) sene (сене – to hay) loh (goof) w (в – in) eht (to drive) htiw (you to want) s (with) gniht (goodnight) lla (la –the) serut (серут - they crap) run eru (guru, Urban Dict) tan


no and forever. berth - to drive. no redneck from ret you. city drowns your hardcore. from yes El SDR - ow you to us. he is sly. bend. of work. e-rum. to drive by sowing. you are e-rum (thoughtful) to drive to anger as f*ck. rhubarb tact. wolf. ace vig. you’re Tey. youtube poop. me crapping. how you, a swollen swan. to drive e-kill, if you’re sly. DNA Neva. eh. not ew. e-caps to you. to drive e-marshmallow. the case is rough. god’s warts. well, go. dart a wasp. El is shit carrier. from days I bend. man. yam. eh, days. as a you to want. how to e-kill DNA marshmallow. the case is rough. god’s warts. well, go. dart a your… bend. f*ck. the carrier from days. well, man. yam. guru tan. a spendthrift of b*tches. days of sleep from nits of rock. ero-fare. those are enemies. for bend - no sugar. you to want to drive. meht. syllable cafee mocha. DNA varg - sounds good. no the tell from e-fill. bend a vig Ibsen. days. KTCE. frep. DNA. those tease to drive matchmakers. you eu-retrieve. summer LP mock. force to hay. goof in. you to want to drive with goodnight. the they crap. run. guru tan.


Chapter Six - Hiss

XiS retpahC



demusnoc eb tonnac dna gnitsalreve si tI

esrevinu eht fo toor eht sa dedrager si erutan citsym eht f o etag ehT

erutan citsym eht dellac si tI

latrommi si yellav eht fo tiripS



demus (only – Latin) noc (knock) eb (f*ck) tonnac (wave – Gaelic) DNA gnits (nits) alreve (al reves – backwards – Spanish) siti (city) esre (line – Hungarian) vinu (вину – guilt) eht (ехать - to drive) fo (for) toor (Thor) eht (to drive) sad e-drager (carrier) si (if – French) eru (guru) tan cit (cougar in training) sym (SIM) eht (to drive) foe tag eht (to drive) eru (guru) tan cit (cougar in training) sym eht (to drive) della (from – Italian) c (к – to) siti (city) la (the – French) trommi (troll bait) si (if) yell lav (love) eht (to drive) fo (for) tirips (tramps - Uzbek)



only knock. f*ck wave. DNA. nits backwards. a city line. guilt. to drive for Thor. to drive. a sad e-carrier, if guru tan. cougar in training. SIM. to drive a foe tag. to drive guru tan. cougar in traning. SIM. to drive from… to city. the troll bait. if yell love, to drive for tramps.


Chapter Seven – Not weight

NeveS retpahC


erutan eurt sih llifluf nac ecneh dna stseretni-fles no desucof ton si eh esuaceb si tI

dehsilpmocca flesmih sdnif denrecnoc-fles ton si eh hguohtlA

dael eht ni flesmih sdnif tsal flesmih stup tnias eht hguohtla suhT

devil gnol era yeht ecneH

sevlesmeht rof tsixe ton od yeht esuaceb si gnitsalreve era yeht taht nosaer ehT

gnirudne si htrae dna gnitsalreve si nevaeH



eru (guru) tan eurt (berth – Haitian Creole) sih (you know! – Indonesian) llif (flow – Welsh) luf (love) nac (no – Welsh) ecneh (Ecne - a Celtic god of wisdom) DNA St. seret (he shits) ni (ни – neither) fles (bottle – Dutch) no de (the - Dutch) suc (сук – b*tches) of ton si (if) eh esua (fail – Romanian) ceb (conniving evil b*tch) siti (city) deh (oh yeah) silp (syllable) mocca (caffee mocha) fle (sleep – Albanian) smih (смех – laughter) sd (sound) nif (cool) den rec (recording) noc (knock) fles (bottle) ton si (if) eh hgu (hgu – Urban Dict) o htla (хотела – she wanted) da El eht (to drive) ni fles (bottle) mihs (Misha) dni (days) f (в – in) tsal (you ask – Arabic) fles (bottle) mihs (Misha) stupt (stupid) Nias eht (to drive) hgu o htla (she wanted) suht (kind of – Estonian) devil Gnol era yeht (уехать – to move away) Ecneh sev (сев – sowing) les (лес - forest) meht rof (rolling on the floor) tsix (six) e ton od (overdoing) yeht (to move away) esua (fail – Romanian) ceb (conniving evil b*tch si (if) gnits (nits) alreve (al reves – backwards – Spanish) era yeht (to move away) taht (tact) nosa (носа - of nose) er eht (to drive) gni (bend) rud (rude) ne (not) si (if) htrae (хитрая – she is sly) DNA gnits (nits) alreve (backwards) si (if) Neva eh



guru tan. berth, you know! flow, love. no Ecne. DNA. st. he shits. neither bottle nor the b*tches of ton. if. eh. fail. conniving evil b*tch. city. oh yeah. syllable caffee mocha. sleep laughter sound. cool. den recording. knock. bottle ton if… eh. hgu. oh, she wanted. yes, El, to drive neither bottle nor Misha. days in, you ask. bottle Misha. stupid. to drive to Nias. hgu. oh, she wanted. kind of devil. Gnol era. to move away. Ecne sowing. a forest meht. rolling on the floor. six. e-ton overdoing. to move away - fail. a conniving evil b*tch. if nits backwards era, to move away. tact of nose. er. to drive to bend. rude. not if she is sly. DNA. nits backwards, if Neva. eh.


Chapter Eight – About path

ThgiE retpahC



stluaf ekam ton lliw ecneh dna yaw sih secrof reven nosrep suoutriv A

ylhtooms swolf taht retaw ekil gnimit thgir fo si tnemevom siH

retaw fo wolf eerf eht ekil tnelat fo si krow siH

skcor drah

hguorht setartenep taht retaw fo ssentfos eht ekil si hcihw erised tuohtiw larutan si gninrevog siH

retaw fo wolf tnatsnoc eht ekil erecnis era sdrow siH

lla stifeneb taht retaw ekil dnik si traeh siH

lufecaep dna mlac si taht retaw peed eht ekil si dnim siH

ecalp tcefrep eht ot flesti stpada hcihw retaw ekil si nosrep suoutriv A

oaT ot tsesolc si suht dna eb ot sehsiw eno on taht ecalp a ni flesti stup tI

meht htiw ton sdnetnoc dna sgniht lla stifeneb retaW

retaw gniwolf eht ekil si eutriv taerg fo nosrep A


st. lua (take – Romanian) fekam (throw away – Hindi) ton lliw (live) Ecneh DNA yaw sih (сих – of these) se (himself – French) crof (кровь – blood) reven (rhubarb) nos (nose) rep (rehearsal) suo (his – Italian) utriv (yesterday – Bulgarian) a (but) ylh (ulh – perk – Sundanese) tooms (tombs) s (with) wolf taht (tact) re-taw e-kill gni (bend) mit (meet) thgir (с гир – with Gere) fo (for) sit neme (gender – Hungarian) vom (from – German) sih (of these) re-taw fo (for) wolf eerf (before – Dutch) eht (to drive) e-kill tne (hard emo) lat (years – Polish) fo (for) si (if) krow (crow) sih (of these) skcor (skkor – скор – fast) drah (railways – Czech) hguorht (yogurt) Set art enep (surface – Cornish) that (tact) re-taw fo (for) ssent (sent) fos (force) eht (to drive) e-kill HCI hw (homework) erased (erased) tuo (your – Italian) htiw (хотев – wanted) larutan (solution – Indonesian) si (if) gn (good night) inre (internal – Swedish) vog (scale – Icelandic) sih (of these) re-taw fo (for) wolf t (ты – you) nats (nat+nuts) noc (knock) eht (to drive) e-kill erec (erection) nis (start – Albanian) era sd (sad) row sih (of these) lla (la – the – French) stifen (stiffen) eb (f*ck) that (tact) re-taw e-kill dni (days) k (к – to) sitra (сидра – cider) eh sih (of these) lufe (look up – Bengali) caep (cap) DNA mlac (млак – молоко – milk) si (if) that (tact) re-taw peed eht (to drive) e-kill si (if) dnim (дним – днём – in the daytime) sih (of these) ecalp (scalp) tce (the chair effect) frep eht (to drive) ot (from) flesti (влезти – влезть – to climb) st. pada (on – Indonesian) HCI (highly connected individual) hw (he is – Arabic) re-taw e-kill si (if) nos (nose) rep (rehearsal) suo (his – Italian) utriv (yesterday – Bulgarian) a (but) oat (sheep kasha) ot (from) tse (те – those) solc (loose – Catalan) si (if) suht (Finnish – relative humidity DNA eb (f*ck) ot (from) seh (visual – German) siw (strong independent woman) eno (one – Slovenian) on that (tact) ecalp (scalp) a (but) ni (neither) flesti (to climb) stupti (stupit – stupid) meht htiw (хотев – wanted) ton sd (sad) net (no) noc (knock) DNA s (with) gniht (good night) lla (la – the) stifen (stiffen) eb (f*ck) re-taw re-taw gni (bend) wolf eht (to drive) e-kill si (if) eutriv (eu+retrieve) taerg (terg – tease – Afrkaans) fo (for) nos (nose) repa (rehearsal)



st. take. throw away ton. live Ecne. DNA yaw of these. himself blood. a rhubarb nose. rehearsal. his yesterday - but perk tombs with wolf tact. re-taw. e-kill. bend. meet with Gere. for sit gender from these. re-taw for wolf before. to drive e-kill. hard emo years. for if crow of these. fast railways. yogurt. Set art’s surface. tact. re-taw for a sent force. to drive e-kill. HCI. homework erased. your was wanted. solution if good night. internal scale of these. re-taw for wolf. you’re nats. knock. to drive e-kill. erection. a start era - a sad row of these. the stiffen f*ck. tact. re-taw. e-kill. days to cider. eh. of these look up. cap DNA. milk if tact. re-taw. peed. to drive e-kill if in the daytime. of these scalp. the chair effect. frep. to drive from to climb. st. on HCI - he is re-taw. e-kill if nose. rehearsal his yesterday, but sheep kasha from those is loose, if relative humidity. DNA. f*ck from visual. SIW. one on tact. scalp but neither to climb. a stupid meht wanted ton. sad – no knock. DNA with good night. the stiffen f*ck. re-taw. bend wolf. to drive e-kill, if eu+retrieve. to tease for nose. rehearsal.


Chapter Nine - Most

EniN retpahC


tiderc eht ot no dloh ot ton dna sseccus seno retfa taerter ot eno sehcaet oaT erutan ehT

fleseno nopu emalb etivni llahs emaf dna htlaew rieht fo tnagorra era ohw esohT

ssessop tonnac eno taht snoisulli tub era serusaert dna htlaeW

kaerb ot si ti reisae eht steg ti reprahs ehT

efink a fo egde eht gnihsilop ekil si emaf htiw tnetnoc ton era ohw esohT

ylrae niartser ot retteb

si tI segamad esuac llahs hcihw retaw gniwolfrevo eht ekil si htlaew edirp ylrevo ohw esohT



tider (times – Norwegian) ceht (sect) ot (from) nod loh (goof) ot (from) ton DNA sseccus (secus – otherwise – Latin) seno (hay) ret fata (veil) erte (for him –Hungarian) rot eno (one – Slovenian) seh (visual – German) caet (shut – Welsh) oat (sheep kasha) eru (guru) tan eht (to drive) fles (bottle – Dutch) eno (one) NOP uem (уем – I will bring down) albet (home – Arabic) ivni (evening) llah (Elah) sem (who – Icelandic) af (of) DNA htla (хотела – she wanted) ewri (evry) eht (to drive) fot (вот – here is) nagor (gallant – Bengali) Ra (the Sun god) era oh wes (weight) oht (ох ты - wow) sses (his – French) sop ton nac (neither – Welsh) eno (one) taht (tact) snoi (зной – heat) Sulli tub era serusa (cell – Japanese) ert (are – Icelandic) DNA htla (she wanted) ew kaer (oats – Estonian - sheep kasha) bot si (if – French) ti (ты – you) reisa (build – Icelandic) eeht (to drive) steg (step – Swedish) ti (you) rep (rehearsal) rahs (mystery – Hindi) eht (to drive) efin (sulfur – Yoruba) kaf (cough) o (oh) gde (где – where) eht (to drive) gni (bend) HSI (a higly sensitive individual) lope kil (kill) si (if) em (ем – I eat) af (of) htiw (хотев – wanted) tnet (да нет – well, no) noc (knock) ton era oh wes (weight) oht (wow) yl (ул. – улица – street) Rae (feminine form of Ray) ni (neither) art ser (to be – Portuguese) ot (from) ret teb (тебя – you) siti (city) Sega mad esuac (Isaac) llahs (Elahs) HCI hw (he is – Arabic) re-taw gni (bend) wolf revo (revolution) eht (to drive) e-kill si (if) htla (she wanted) ew e-dirp yl (street) revo oh wes (weight) oht (wow)


a times sect from goof’s nod, from a ton DNA. otherwise hay. a ret veil for him. rot one. a visual shut. sheep kasha. guru tan. to drive bottle one. NOP. I will bring down. a home evening. Elah who of DNA, she wanted every. to drive, here is a gallant. a Ra era. oh. weight. wow. his sop. ton. neither one is tact. the heat. a Sulli tub era. cells are DNA. she wanted. ew. a sheep kasha bot, if you build. to drive a step, you. rehearsal. mystery. to drive sulfur – cough. oh. where to drive. bend a HSI. a lope kill, if I eat of wanted. well, no. knock. a ton era. oh. weight. wow. a street Rae. neither art to be from a ret you. city. Sega. a mad Isaac. Elahs. a HSI. he is re-taw. bend a wolf - revolution. to drive e-kill, if she wanted. ew. an e-dirp street revolution. oh. weight. wow.



Chapter Ten – Net

NeT retpahC


eutriV citsyM ro eT citsyM eht si hcuS

fo lortnoc ekat ot noitnetni eht tuohtiw sgnieb lla sehsiruolf tI

tiderc rof gnimialc tuohtiw stroffe lla htiw smrofrep tI

meht ssessop ot erised eht tuohtiw sgniht lla serutrun dna setaerc erutan suoiretsym ehT

noitca fo troffe eht tuohtiw nosrep esiw a emoceb dna erutan fo thgisni eht niag eno naC


suoiretsym eht fo eutriv eht tuohtiw desolc ro denepo eb ecnesse efil lla ot etag citsym eht naC

noitnetni lanosrep tuohtiw yaW larutan eht htiw gninrevog yb elpoep sih evol relur a naC


eb llahs stluaf on taht os dnim seno esnaelc dna egdelwonk yldlrow morf fleseno eerf eno naC

tnafni na fo ecneconni

eht fi sa nihtiw tirips eurt eht ot no gnidloh yb sseneltneg hcus htiw ynomrah eveihca eno naC

oaT taerg eht

morf gnitraped tuohtiw ssenenO eht ecarbme dna eno sa tirips eht dna ydob eht etinu eno naC


eu+retrieve cit. (citation) sym (SIM) roet (роет - he digs) cit. (citation) sym (SIM) eht (to drive) si (if – French) HCUS (Discharge Under Honorable Conditions, Unsuitable) fo (for) lort (shit – Danish) noc (knock) ekat (ехать – to drive) ot (from) noit (note – Britain dialectal) net (no) ni (neither) eht (to drive) tuo (your – Italian) htiw (хотев – wanted) s (with) gni (bend) eb (f*ck) lla (la –the – French) sehsi (sexy) ruolf (Rudolf (a glorious wolf) ti (ты – you) tider (times – Norwegian) crof (кров – кровь – blood) gni (bend) mial (had – Polish) c (к – to) tuo (your – Italian) htiw htiw (хотев – wanted) stroffe (punish – Frisian) lla (the) htiw (wanted) smrof (smurf – Urban Dict) rep (rehearsal) ti (you) meht (Urban Dict) ses (his – French) sop ot (from) erased (erased) eht (to drive) tuo (your) htiw (wanted) s (with) gniht (good night) lla (the) serut (серут – they are crapping) run DNA Seta erc (Urban Dict) eru (guru) tan suoi (свой – one’s own) ret sym (SIM) eht (to drive) noit (note) cafo (a concentrated animal feeding operation) troffe (trophy – Dutch) eht (to drive) tuo (your) htiw (wanted) nos (nose) rep (rehearsal) esiw (how to – Hawaiian) a emo CEB (Urban Dict) DNA eru (guru) tan foth (forth) gisni (гисни – кисни – mope!) eht (to drive) nia (Niagara) eno (one – Slovenian) nac (neither – Welsh) eru (guru) tan suoi (one’s own) ret sym (SIM) eht (to drive) fo (for) eu+retrieve eht (to drive) tuo (your) htiw (wanted) desol (desolate) cro (chronic) den EPO (Urban Dict) eb (f*ck) ecnesse (forever) e-fill lla (the) ot (from) e-tag cit (citation) sym (SIM) eht (to drive) nac (neither) noit (note) net (no) ni (neither) lano (лано – ладно – well) s (with) rep (rehearsal) tuo (your) htiw (wanted) yaw larutan (solution – Indonesian) eht (to drive) htiw (wanted) gni (bend) nrevog (нревог – тревога – anxiety) yb (Urban Dict) El poep (shit – Dutch) sih (сих – of these) evol (evolution) re-lur (Earth – Basque) a (but) nac (neither) edam (cheese) eb (f*ck) llahs (Elahs) st. luaf (speed – Scots Gaelic) on taht (tact) OS dnim (дним – днём – in the daytime) seno (сено - hay) esna (есна – ясно – it’s clear) elc (elk) DNA egde (edge) – l wonk yld (old) l-row morf (male or female) fle (sleep – Albanian) seno (hay) eerf (before – Dutch) eno (one) nac (neither) TNAF (the naked and famous) ni (neither) na (на - on) fo (for) Ecne Conni eht (to drive) fisa (sheet – Romanian) niht (night) iw (and – Polish) tirips (tramps – Uzbek) eurt (berth – Haitian Creole) eht (to drive) ot (from) no gnid (nits) loh (goof) yb (Urban Dict) s (with) senel (senile) t (ты – you) neg (negative) HCUS (Discharge Under Honorable Conditions, Unsuitable) htiw (wanted) ynom (in us – Welsh) rah (see – Arabic) eve ih (их – them) caeno (slough – Latin) nac(neither) oat (sheep kasha) taerg (terg – tease – Afrikaans) eht (to drive) morf (male or female) gni (bend) traped (trapped) tuo (your) htiw (wanted) sse (се – сё – this) neon (word – Swahili) eht (to drive) e-carb (carb – Urban Dict) me DNA eno (one) sa (her – French) tirips (tramps) eht (to drive) DNA ydob (удобный – comfortable) eht (to drive) eti (эти – these) nu (ну – well) eno (one) nac (neither)



eu+retrieve. citation. SIM. he digs. citation. SIM. to drive if discharge under honorable conditions, unsuitable. for shit. knock. to drive your wanted, with bend f*ck. the sexy. a glorious wolf. you. times’ blood. bend. had to your wanted. to punish. the wanted. a smurf. rehearsal. you’re meht. his sop from… erased. to drive your wanted. with goodnight. the they are crapping. run. Set’s DNA. erc. guru tan. one’s own ret SIM. to drive a note. a concentrated animal feeding operation. a trophy. to drive your wanted. nose. rehearsal. how to... an emo conniving evil b*tch. DNA. guru tan. forth. mope! to drive Niagara one, neither. guru tan. one’s own ret SIM. to drive for eu+retrieve. to drive your wanted. a desolate chronic’s den. EPO. f*ck forever. e-fill the… from e-tag citation. SIM. to drive neither. a note – no. neither. well, with rehearsal. your are wanted. yaw. solution - to drive wanted. bend! anxiety. yb. El’s shit. the evolution of these. re-Earth. but neither Edam. f*ck Elahs - st. speed - on tact. OS in the daytime. hay, it’s clear. an elk DNA. edge-l wonk. an old l-row. male or female. sleep hay. before one. neither the naked nor famous - neither. on for Ecne Conni. to drive a sheet night and tramps. berth. to drive from no nits. a goof. yb. with senile, you’re negative. discharge under honorable conditions, unsuitable. wanted in us to see. eve. them slough. neither sheep kasha nor tease. to drive male or female. bend – trapped. your are wanted - this word. to drive me e-carb. DNA one - her tramps. to drive DNA. comfortable. to drive these… well... one neither.



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Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...

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