Why exactly these words in decipherings? (how I do it) — КиберПедия 

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Why exactly these words in decipherings? (how I do it)

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Posted on July 7, 2019by bullfrogr

For deciphering I use:


§ Google Translate (“detect language”)

§ Urban Dictionary

§ Additional articles on different sites, mostly Wiktionary

§ Articles about names and places and acronyms in Google



Languages I mostly use:


§ English

§ Russian

§ French, Italian and most popular languages by statistics



Why so?


In short – because it is not exactly a translation work, it is deciphering. It is about cryptography, not exactly “finding the origin of words”. And every cipher has deciphering keys, and these are the keys.


Google translate automatically detects the language of words. You know, that one word can have different meanings in different languages, so some short word of three letters can have several meanings (but not necessarily). But the dictionary chooses only one meaning as the main. In conscious Universe it surely means something, because it is not completely random. Urban Dictionary helps me to fill in the missing phrases. If I have no meaningful results with these two, I search additional articles or search names and acronyms in Google.


The choice of languages is also a key: I mostly use English, Russian, French and Italian, because I studied those four languages (and you know, that I’m a key too). Most popular languages are necessary too, because it’s the same as “the best detected word in Google translate” – as we want to find the main meaning, ascribed by the system.


As you see, I indeed get meaningful results (and if you knew more about my life, you’d be surprised how precise the information is!), so it means I’m in the right way.

How is my data explained?

Posted on August 27, 2019by bullfrogr

Except studying the godly archetype” in me as a mental patient, I’ve gathered some other facts already: backward texts (all written texts are meaningful backwards), meaningful car numbers, people’s names, birthdays and addresses, cities’ names (also backwards, and practically all data in the material world), Base64 meaningful URLs, ITCScope meaningful images (ingrained in the system) etc. It all is actually a proof of conscious Universe. But the whole system having a kind of telepathic consciousness means the presence of consciousness and the possibility of spiritual life outside this Matrix.


In short, my data means that everything in the world is meaningful. It is meaningful because it is all created by centuries of conscious evolution and telepathic coordination of objects in the system. Another thing is that we always deal with language – letters and numbers. It means the language plays the biggest role in the telepathic system. It influences everything to a greater extent than we knew earlier and also reflects the Universe’s properties.



I only have to say that the world won’t end. There will be more language evolution, maybe even the “chapter” will be called some other way in a thousand of years. New plots and heroes will appear. (and how many of them had already been here!) New words will appear, old ones will change in all languages. It means the change of future typical plots. Well, words only reflect the meaning… they reflect conscious evolution. But at the same time, they can be psi-particles for further system changes!


Words reflect the global telepathic code. Though in the afterworld spirits communicate by telepathy, not using human languages. If we could study and compare different texts from different times, we could notice different plots and characters. Another thing is that we know only this epoch’s clues – deciphering in English and Russian. But older texts may need other deciphering methods to be used.


Btw, chapter in Russian means глава – авалг backwards – a (but – Russian) valg (choice – Norwegian) – “but choice”. Not “a ret pack”. So “chapter” doesn’t denote only one person. Its content is a global telepathic background with main characters. (valid for some time while language is developing)


Plots and characters may need about 2000 years to completely change (just approximately), maybe more. It depends on the speed with which the languages are changing. But the earthly languages are changing, following the subconscious telepathic undertow. So it is interconnected.


We can find more subconscious programs by deciphering more texts backwards. How can it be useful? We can find some past or future events ciphered in texts. Also it will reveal the telepathic philosophy that Universe follows – the character of the system itself.

Tao Te Ching

gnihC eT oaT – Gnih Set oat (oat is “oves kasha” in Russian, so “sheep kasha”) – Gni (bend) ih (them) Set sheep kasha – Bend them. Set. Sheep. Kasha.

Chapter One - One

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