Terrorizing display (combat) — КиберПедия 

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Terrorizing display (combat)

2021-02-05 92
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Your battle prowess frightens friend and foe alike.

Предпосылки: Демонстрация Силы, Demoralizing Lash, Taskmaster, Уверенное Владение Оружием, Запугивание 10 ranks, хобгоблин, proficiency with selected weapon.

Benefits: When you use Демонстрация Силы, in addition to its normal effects, you can use it to spur allies within 30 футов as if you had used the Taskmaster feat. Use the same Запугивание check to determine the effects of Демонстрация Силы and this feat.


Хобгоблин магические вещи

хобгоблины have access to the following weapon special abilities and магические вещи.

жестокое (weapon special ability): A жестокое weapon feeds on ужас and suffering. When the wielder strikes a creature that is испуг, потрясение, or паника with a жестокое weapon, that creature becomes дезориентация for 1 round. When the wielder uses the weapon to стук без сознания or kill a creature, he gains 5 temporary пункты здоровья that last for 10 minutes.

Faint некромантия; CL 5th; Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов, устрашение, погребальный звон; Price +1 bonus.

мертвый (weapon special ability): This special ability can only be placed on weapons that normally deal nonlethal damage, such as whips and saps. All damage a мертвый weapon deals is lethal damage. A whip (or similar weapon that cannot damage creatures with armor or бонус естественной брониes) with this special ability deals damage even to creatures with armor or естественная броня. On приказ, the weapon suppresses this ability until told to resume it.

Faint некромантия; CL 5th; Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов, нанесение легких ранений; Price +1 bonus.



Aura moderate очарование; CL 10th

Slot none; Price 50,000 gp (отчаяние), 60,000 gp (ferocity), 45,000 gp (iron resolve); Weight 3 lbs.


A battle standard is a cloth flag or standard, typically 2 футов wide and 4 футов long, meant to be carried and displayed on a lance, polearm, frame, or staff. It has no effect when not mounted properly or when lying on the ground. хобгоблин battle standards normally depict the device or insignia of a tribe or nation, and different types of standards grant different effects.

A battle standard may be carried (on foot or mounted) or растениеed. In the latter case, the standard does not need a bearer, but if it is toppled or атака касаниемed by an enemy, it loses its effectiveness until reclaimed and reрастениеed by allies of its owner.

Отчаяние: Enemies of the bearer of a хобгоблин battle standard of отчаяние are дезориентация while within 60 футов of the banner. Any enemy that sustains a критический удар while дезориентация because of the standard must succeed at a испытание Воли (СЛ 15) or become ступор for 1 round.

Ferocity: Allies of the bearer of a хобгоблин battle standard of ferocity gain a +2 бонус боевого духа on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and испытания against эффекты влияющие на разум as long as they are within 60 футов of the banner.

Iron Resolve: Allies of the bearer of a хобгоблин battle standard of iron resolve gain 10 temporary пункты здоровья and the benefits of the Крепкий Орешек feat for as long as they are within 30 футов of the banner. The temporary пункты здоровья can only be gained once per day per creature.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, сокрушительное отчаяние (отчаяние), ярость (ferocity), помощь and Медвежья Стойкость (iron resolve); Cost 25,000 gp (отчаяние), 30,000 gp (ferocity), 22,500 gp (iron resolve)



Aura faint разрушение; CL 5th

Slot футов; Price 4,000 gp (+1), 16,000 gp (+2), 36,000 gp (+3), 64,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5); Weight 4 lbs. (for four)


Horseshoes of crushing blows grant an бонус усиления on attack and damage rolls made with hoof attacks; this bonus varies based on the item’s price. Alternatively, as described for the amulet of mighty fists, they can grant melee weapon special abilities so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks.

Horseshoes of crushing blows cannot have a modified bonus (бонус усиления plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. Horseshoes of crushing blows are crafted as sets of four, with each shoe in the set bearing the same enhancements. All four shoes must be worn by the same животное to be effective.

Horseshoes of crushing blows may be crafted out of special materials, gaining the usual benefits. For purposes of pricing, they count as a single one-handed weapon weighing 4 pounds (for example, адамантин horseshoes of crushing blows would cost an additional 3,000 gp). The materials needed to make холод iron horseshoes of crushing blows add no extra costs in and of themselves, but enhancing холод iron horseshoes of crushing blows increases the price by the usual 2,000 gp.


Requirements Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов, Создание Волшебных Вещиц, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus, plus any requirements of the melee weapon special abilities; Cost 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5)



Aura moderate очарование; CL 9th

Slot wrists; Price 16,200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


These искусно сделанный iron manacles sap the Воля of their wearer. When attached to a гуманоид creature as their приказ word is spoken, they affect their prisoner with a подчинение гуманоида заклинание, except that if the prisoner fails its saving throw, the effect lasts for as long as the shackles are attached. Removing or destroying the shackles immediately breaks the очарование. The shackles can be so used once per day. Shackles of durance vile can only be activated against a беспомощьность, restrained, or willing creature; if attached to a creature still able to resist they function only as manacles, albeit superior ones. Shackles of durance vile have hardness 15, 20 пункты здоровья, and a superior lock. They have a break СЛ of 30 and an Изворотливость СЛ of 35.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, подчинение гуманоида; Cost 8,200 gp



Aura faint воплощение; CL 1st

Slot none; Price 50 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.


Prized by slavers as an affordable way to stop a captive from кровотечениеing to смерть, a dose of wound paste acts as a первая помощь заклинание when slathered on a при смерти creature. Applying wound paste is a основное действие that provokes an внеочередная атака. A pot of wound paste contains 5 doses.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, первая помощь; Cost 25 gp


Хобгоблин заклинания

хобгоблины have access to the following заклинание.



Школа: иллюзия (фантом) [эмоция, разум, боль];

Круг: antiпаладин 2, жрец 3, инквизитор 3, ведьма 3

Время сотворения: 1 основное действие

Component V, S

Дистанция: close (25 футов + 5 футов/2 level)

Цель: one living creature

Длит.: 1 round/level

Испытание: Воли отменяет;

устойчивость к магии yes

With a word and a gesture, you instill such apprehension in your target that the thought of attacking you causes it mental distress and боль. Each time the target makes an attack against you, targets you with a harmful заклинание, or otherwise takes and action that would повреждение you, it takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage.




люди whose ancestry includes beings of elemental огонь such as efreet, ифриты are a passionate and fickle народ. No ифрит is satisfied with a sedentary life; like a дикийогонь, ифриты must keep moving or burn away into nothingness. ифриты not only adore flames, but personify multiple aspects of them as well, embodying both огонь’s dynamic, ever-changing energy and its destructive, pitiless nature.

Physical Description: ифриты vary in appearance as widely as their elemental ancestors do. Most have pointy ears, red or mottled horns on the brow, and hair that flickers and waves as if it were aflame. Some possess skin the color of polihed brass or have charcoal-hued scales covering their arms and legs. ифриты favor revealing and ostentatious clothing in bright oranges and reds, preferably pвоздухed with gaudy jewelry.

Society: ифриты are most often born into human communities, and rarely form societies of their own. Those who grow up in a city are almost always imprisoned or driven off before they reach adulthood; most are simply too hot-headed and independent to fit into civilized society, and their predilection toward pyromania doesn’t endear them to the local authorities. Those born into nomadic or tribal societies fare much better, since ифриты’ instinctive urge to explore and conquer their surroundings can easily earn them a place among their tribe’s Лидерство.

Relations: Even the best-natured ифриты tend to view other individuals as tools to use as they see fit, and as such they get along best with народы they can чары or browbeat into submission. полуэльфы and гномы often find themselves caught up in an ифрит’s schemes, while полурослики, полуорки, and дварфы usually bridle at ифриты’ controlling nature. Strangely, ифриты sometimes form incredibly close bonds with эльфы, whose calm, aloof nature seems to counterbalance an ифрит’s impulsiveness. Most ифриты refuse to associate with сильфы, but are otherwise on peaceable terms with the other elemental-атака касаниемed народы.

Alignment and Religion: ифриты are a dichotomous people-on one hand, fiercely independent, and on the other, imperious and требованиеing. They are often accused of being morally impoverihed, but their troublemaking behavior is rarely motivated by true malice. ифриты are usually принципиальность нейтральный or хаос нейтральный, with a few falling into true нейтральныйity. Most ифриты lack the mindset to follow a god’s teachings, and resent the strictures placed on them by organized faith. When ифриты do take to worship (usually venerating a огонь-related deity), they prove to be zealous and devoted followers.

Adventurers: ифриты adventure for the heer thrill ofit and for the chance to test their skill against worthy foes, but most of all they adventure in search of power. Once ифриты dedicate themselves to a task, they pursue it unflinchingly, never stopping to consider the dangers ahead of them. When this brashness finally catches up with them, ифриты often rely on sorcery or бардic magic to combat their resulting troubles.

Male Names: Aja, Denat, Efit, Elum, Jalij, Maqej, Urah.

Female Names: Alayi, Etwa, Maqan, Qari, Sami, Zetaya.


Ифрит особенности народа

+2 Ловкость, +2 Харизма, -2 Мудрость: ифриты are passionate and quick, but impetuous and destructive.

Native потустороннее существо: ифриты are потустороннее существоs with the native subtype.

средний: ифриты are средний creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal быстрое: ифриты have a базовая скорость of 30 футов.

ночное зрение: ифриты can see in the dark up to 60 футов.

псевдозаклинание: пылающие руки 1/day (caster level equals the ифрит’s level; СЛ 11 + модификатор Харизмы).

Energy сопротивляемость: ифриты have огонь сопротивляемость 5.

огонь Affinity: ифрит чародейs with the elemental (огонь) наследие treat their Харизма score as 2 points higher for all чародей заклинания and class abilities. ифрит заклинатели with the огонь сфера use their сфера powers and заклинания at +1 caster level.

Languages: ифриты begin play speaking Common and Ignan.

ифриты with high Интеллект scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, дварфы, Elven, Gnome, Полурослик, and Terran.


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