Дикий призыватель (призыватель) — КиберПедия 

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Дикий призыватель (призыватель)

2021-02-05 84
Дикий призыватель (призыватель) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Often a полуэльф’s ties to nature and elven heritage are so strong that they can dramatically affect the nature of his вызовs. The дикий призыватель calls eidolons that take more natural and savage forms and summons from nature rather than the Great Beyond. A дикий призыватель has the following class features.

заклинания: A дикий призыватель does not have access to призыв чудовища заклинания. Instead, he swaps out those заклинания on his заклинание list with призыв природного союзника заклинания of the same level. This ability alters the normal заклинание list of the призыватель.

Eidolon: The eidolon of a дикий призыватель tends to take more natural and more savage forms than other призывательs’ eidolons. A дикий призыватель gains 1/4 his class level as bonus evolution points in his eidolon’s evolution pool, but his eidolon cannot take the following evolutions:

Advanced Player’s Guide - 1-point evolutions: magic attacks, skilled (while the eidolon can select this evolution, it can only do so with the following skills: Акробатика, Лазание, Изворотливость, Полет, Запугивание, Внимание, Выживание, and Плавание); 2-point evolutions: energy attacks, immunity, мастерство владения оружием; 3-point evolutions: снижение урона, frightful presence; 4-point evolutions: breath weapon, устойчивость к магии.

Ultimate Magic - 1-point evolutions: basic magic, unnatural aura; 2-point evolutions: channel сопротивляемость, head, minor magic, нежить appearance; 3-point evolutions: major magic; 4-point evolutions: дверь в пространстве, incorporeal form, lifesense, no breath, Ultimate Magic.

This ability alters the normal призыватель’s eidolon class feature, but is otherwise identical to that class feature.

призыв природного союзника I (Пс): Starting at 1st level, a дикий призыватель can cast призыв природного союзника a number of times per day equal to 3 + his модификатор Харизмы. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one заклинание level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of призыв природного союзника IX at 17th level). Furthermore, at 19th level, the дикий призыватель cannot use врата as a псевдозаклинание, but can use either summon elder worm or summon froghemoth (Ultimate Magic 240) instead. This ability otherwise functions like the standard призыватель’s призыв чудовища I ability and replaces that ability.


Дикая тень (следопыт)

The isolation that some полуэльфы feel leads them to live a life of isolation amid the дикий places of the world. Such следопытs stalk the дикий like теньs, creating close bonds with the дикий itself instead of ищущее the solace and помощь of companions. While ill at ease within cities and other urban areas, they are adept at using the terrain to tactical advantage; they dart through brambles and rough terrain with uncommon gнарод and use the land itself to lock down enemies. A дикая тень has the following class features.

дикий at Heart (Экс): At 1st level, a дикая тень adds only 1/2 his class level when making дикий empathy checks while in urban areas, and adds only 1/4 his class level to follow or опознание tracks in such areas. In non-urban settings, he is considered two levels higher when determining the bonuses for such checks. This ability alters the track and дикий empathy class features.

Излюбленная местность (Экс): At 3rd level, when a дикая тень chooses a излюбленная местность, he cannot choose urban as the terrain type. Furthermore, at 8th level and every five levels thereafter, when he chooses a new favorite terrain type, he cannot choose the urban terrain type. This ability alters the излюбленная местность class feature.

Woodland Stride (Экс): This ability functions as the 7th-level следопыт class feature of the same name, but the дикая тень gains it at 4th level instead. This ability replaces the hunter’s bond class feature.

Unfettered Step (Экс): At 7th level, a дикая тень’s woodland Stride class feature functions in any difficult terrain within any of his излюбленная местностьs, even in areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion. This ability replaces the следопыт’s woodland Stride class feature gained at 7th level.

Harrying Attack (Экс): At 11th level, a дикая тень can use his Знание of terrain to make shrewd attacks in combat. Such attacks can make foes fumble or cause them to become опутывание within areas of the дикая тень’s излюбленная местность. As a основное действие, the дикая тень denotes one target within линия of sight and within one of his излюбленная местностьs as his harried prey. Once the foe is so designated, every time the дикая тень hits this harried prey with a melee or ranged weapon attack (either manufactured or natural), that creature is опутывание for 1 round. A дикая тень can have no more than one harried prey at a time and that creature must correspond to one of his favored enemy types. He can dismiss this effect at any time as a свободное действие, be he cannot select a new harried prey for 24 hours. If the дикая тень sees proof that his harried prey is мертв, he can select a new harried prey after waiting 1 hour. This ability replaces the quarry class feature.

дикий Stalker (Экс): At 14th level, a дикая тень learns to better use natural surroundings to obscure his position in combat. Whenever a дикая тень is within one of his излюбленная местностьs and a feature of that terrain grants him cover, the bonuses to КБ and испытание Реакцииs for that cover improve by 1. Additionally, while he is within one of his излюбленная местностьs, if he gains concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of either type of concealment improves by 10%. Furthermore, at 16th level and 19th level, the bonuses granted by cover increase by 1 and the miss chance increases by another 10% (maximum +3 and +30% respectively at 20th level). This ability replaces the camouflage class feature.

Master of Terrain (Экс): At 19th level, a дикая тень can use his harrying attack against creatures other than his favored enemy or he can spend a основное действие to designate up to two of his favored enemies as his harried prey instead. This ability replaces the improved quarry class feature.



The following options are available to полуэльфы. At the GM’s discretion, other appropriate народы may make use of some of these.


HALF-ELVEN экипировка

полуэльфы have access to the following экипировка.

Golden Maple Leaves: These potent additives can only be culled from a rare maple tree known to grow exclusively in urban areas. These небольшой, elaborately twisting trees are extremely замедление to grow and mature-the leaves reach maturity only once every 3 years-and they are almost always grown and cultivated by полуэльфы. Additionally, полуэльфы are остроеly aware of the effort put into the leaves’ growth and normally only sell the products of their labors to others of their kind. When the golden maple’s delicate, five-pointed leaves finally take on their namesake’s color, they can be cut, dried, and then ground into a крошечный powder, a process that requires a СЛ 15 Знание (природа) or Профессия (травник) check. When used in conjunction with the Ремесло (алхимик) skill to create special substances and items like alchemical масло or tanglefoot bags, golden maple leaves reduce the Ремесло СЛ by 5 and add +1 to the СЛ of any save required by the alchemical item. A single dose of golden maple leaf powder is sufficient to augment the crafting of three alchemical items.

Star Charts: Many полуэльфы live in крупный cities or communities where they find it difficult to единение с природой. While some go on long sojourns to the дикийerness, others spend their evenings on high, lonely rooftops, gazing at the stars. These lonely souls use star charts to track the movement of the stars and other celestial bodies. Anyone referencing one of these charts on a clear night can attempt a СЛ 20 Знание (география) check to determine his approximate location and the month. In addition, these charts grant a +2 ситуативный бонус on Выживание checks made to avoid getting lost at night with a clear sky.


HALF-ELVEN экипировка

Item Cost Weight
Golden maple leaves 50 gp 1/2 lb.
Star charts 200 gp 1/2 lb.



полуэльфы have access to the following черты.



You are not easily fooled by иллюзияs and forgeries.

Предпосылки: Эльф or полуэльф, Острые Чувства особенность народа.

Преимущества: You receive a +2 бонус народа on испытания against иллюзия заклинания and effects and a +2 bonus on Linguistic checks to detect forgeries. You can use the Linguistic skill to detect forgeries untrained.



Although you are of mixed heritage, you are closer to your elven relatives and the magic in their blood flows freely in your veins.

Prerequisite: Полуэльф.

Преимущества: You possess the elven magic особенность народа of the эльфы, granting you a +2 бонус народа on caster level checks made to overcome устойчивость к магии. In addition, you receive a +2 бонус народа on Колдовство checks made to опознание the properties of магические вещи. Alternatively, you can instead gain any one особенность народа that эльфы can exchange for the elven magic особенность народа.

Special: You can only take this feat at 1st level. If you take this feat, you cannot take the Human Spirit feat.



A lifetime spent shunned by others and eschewing your heritage makes you resistant to efforts to pry inside of your mind.

Prerequisite: Полуэльф.

Преимущества: Once per day, when you fail a испытание Воли against an очарование заклинание or effect, you may reroll that saving throw, but must take the reroll result even if it’s worse.



Your дроу blood is particularly strong.

Предпосылки: дроу-blooded and дроу magic особенности народа, полуэльф.

Преимущества: You count as a дроу for any effects that relate to народ. Furthermore, the псевдозаклинания granted to you by your дроу magic особенность народа count as дроу псевдозаклинания for the purposes of any feat prerequisites.



Your blood burns with the passion and unyielding quest for self-improvement displayed so prominently by your human relatives.

Prerequisite: Полуэльф.

Преимущества: You receive 1 бонусный пункт в навыке. Whenever you gain another Hit Die, you gain an additional пункт в навыке. You cannot gain more than four пункт в навыкеs in this way.

Special: You can only take this feat at 1st level. If you take this feat, you cannot take the Elven Spirit feat.



You are adept at numerous discipлинияs.

Предпосылки: Character level 5th, полуэльф, multitalented особенность народа.

Преимущества: All of your classes are considered предпочитаемые классы. You gain either +1 пункт здоровья or +1 skill point (or a racial предпочитаемый класс option) whenever you take a level in any class. Apply these bonuses retroactively for all class levels that have not yet gained one of these bonuses.

Normal: полуэльфы with the multitalented особенность народа have two предпочитаемые классы.



You have removed yourself from your heritage so thoroughly that even magic does not recognize you.

Предпосылки: Exile’s Path, Seen and Unseen, character level 11th, полуэльф.

Преимущества: You are not considered elven or human for the purpose of harmful заклинания or effects based on your type, like a убийцы weapon or a следопыт’s favored enemy class feature.



Your anonymity makes you difficult to find through magical or mundane means, and you have learned how to combat both of your progenitor народы.

Предпосылки: Exile’s Path, character level 5th, полуэльф.

Преимущества: You gain a +2 bonus on all испытания against тайновидение or прорицание effects. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on all Скрытность checks, and эльфы, полуэльфы, and люди take a -4 penalty on all efforts to track you through the Выживание skill.



You can subtly bolster allies’ ability to misdirect and infuriate their enemies.

Предпосылки: Хар 13, полуэльф.

Преимущества: As a сопутствующее действие, you can grant all friendly creatures within 30 футов who can see or hear you a +2 bonus on Блеф or Запугивание checks (choose which skill to affect each time you use this ability) for a number of rounds equal to your модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1 round).


HALF-ELVEN магические вещи

полуэльфы have access to the following магические вещи.



Aura faint превращение; CL 5th

Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.


Favored by полуэльфы ищущее to distill their heritage into a combat edge, an ancestral clasp resembles a metal tube, open on both sides and covered in delicate elven calligraphy. Whenever a полуэльф fits an ancestral clasp to the pommel, grip, or haft of a longbow, longsword, rapier, or shortbow, the character is treated as though he were proficient with that weapon. In addition, when an ancestral clasp is fitted to any weapon with the word “elven” in the title, the character treats the weapon as if it were a martial weapon, mirroring the Weapon Familiarity elven особенность народа. A полуэльф who already is proficient with one of the above weapons adorned with an ancestral clasp receives a +1 интуитивный бонус on attack rolls with that weapon. Although this ability stems from the item’s magic, the affected weapon is treated as nonmagical for the purpose of overcoming снижение урона. Affixing and removing an ancestral clasp is a основное действие.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, paragon surge, creator must be a полуэльф; Cost 5,000 gp



Aura faint превращение; CL 3rd

Slot neck; Price 2,000 gp; Weight -


Occasionally, полуэльфы find it socially advantageous to blend in fully with either эльфы or люди. As a основное действие, the wearer of this brooch can transform his features to appear either entirely elven or entirely human. The magic of this brooch actually changes the wearer’s features physically, granting him a +20 ситуативный бонус on Маскировка checks to appear as a member of the selected народ. The трансформация does not otherwise alter the wearer’s features, and those who know him recognize him without a Внимание check. This change remains until the brooch is used again or removed. This change does not radiate magic and cannot be seen with обнаружение магии, although истинное зрение does reveal the alteration. This item only functions for полуэльфы, but there are versions that exist for полуорки as well.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, иной облик, creator must be a полуэльф; Cost 1,000 gp



Aura moderate очарование; CL 7th

Slot shoulders; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


полуэльфы are often призванное upon to mediate disputes when эльфы and люди come into conflict. This is due in part to their blood, but also to their natural skills as facilitators and diplomats. The cloak of the diplomat greatly aids them in this task. The cloak grants a +5 бонус мастерства on Дипломатия and Проницательность checks. In addition, once per day, before making a Дипломатия or Проницательность check, the wearer can decide to call upon the powers of the cloak to roll twice and take the better result. Finally, the wearer of this cloak can adjust a creature’s attitude up to three steps when using Дипломатия, instead of the normal limit of two steps. However, the cloak’s power does have one drawback. Should the wearer ever fail a Дипломатия check to adjust a creature’s attitude by 5 or more, the creature’s attitude is reduced by two steps instead of one.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, приворот (гуманоид), creator must have 5 ranks in Дипломатия and Проницательность; Cost 10,000 gp



Aura moderate воплощение and превращение; CL 10th

Slot none; Price 19,000 gp; Weight -


A favored tool of diplomats and those tasked with protecting the lives of regents and other important people, this небольшой luminescent white pearl purifies гнилостныйity and яд in

two ways. First, up to 10 cubic футов of food or drink that it touches per day is affected as if a очищение еды и питья заклинание had been cast upon the food or drink. Second, once per day, if placed in the mouth of a creature (as a основное действие that provokes внеочередных атак), the pearl acts as a нейтрализация яда заклинание cast on that creature (caster level 10th).


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, нейтрализация яда, purify food and вода; Cost 8,000 gp


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