CHANGELING особенности народа — КиберПедия 

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CHANGELING особенности народа

2021-02-05 96
CHANGELING особенности народа 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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+2 Мудрость, +2 Харизма, -2 Выносливость: Changelings are frail, but are clever and comely.

средний: Changelings are средний creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

гуманоид: Changelings are гуманоидs with the changeling subtype.

Normal быстрое: Changelings have a базовая скорость of 30 футов.

Hag особенность народа: The changeling inherits one of the following особенности народа, depending on his mother’s hag type:

Hulking Changeling (Annis Hag): The changeling gains a +1 бонус народа on melee damage.

Green Widow (Green Hag): The changeling gains a +2 бонус народа on Блеф checks against creatures that are sexually attracted to his.

Sea Lungs (Sea Hag): The changeling may hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to three times his Выносливость before he risks дроуning.

Claws: Changelings’ fingernails are hard and sharp, granting them two claw attacks (1d4 points of damage each).

Natural Armor: Changelings have a +1 бонус естественной брони.

ночное зрение: Changelings can see in the dark up to 60 футов.

Languages: Changelings begin play speaking Common and the primary language of their host society.

Changelings with high Интеллект scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, дварфы, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, гоблин, and Orc.


ALTERNATE особенности народа

The following особенности народа may be selected instead of existing changeling особенности народа. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

Mist Child: When the changeling has concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of attacks against his increases by 5%. This особенность народа replaces hulking changeling.

Object of Desire: The changeling adds +1 to his caster level when casting приворот (гуманоид) and приворот (чудовище). This replaces green widow.

Ocean’s Daughter: The changeling gains a +1 trait bonus on Плавание checks. She automatically succeeds at Плавание checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from swimming. This особенность народа replaces sea lungs.



The following options are available to all changelings who have the listed предпочитаемый класс, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the предпочитаемый класс reward.

оракул: Add +1/2 to the оракул’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of the оракул’s проклятие ability.

плут: The плут gains 1/6 of a new плут talent.

ведьма: Add one заклинание from the ведьма заклинание list to the ведьма’s familiar. This заклинание must be at least one level below the highest заклинание level he can cast. If the ведьма ever replaces his familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus заклинания.



The following racial archetype is available to changelings.

dreamweaver (ведьма)

A changeling dreamweaver draws upon his hag heritage to ply the сновидение realms in order to атака касанием mortal minds and souls, for добро or ill. A dreamweaver ведьма has the following class features.

Class Skills: The dreamweaver adds Проницательность to his list of class skills and removes исцеление from his list of class skills.

Patron: A dreamweaver’s patron is normally portents or stars (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 83).

заклинания: A dreamweaver replaces some of his patron’s заклинания with the following: 2nd- sow thoughts (see below), 4th- dust of twiсвет (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide), 6th- глубокий сон, 8th- манипуляция памятью, 10th- сновидение, 12th- cloak of сновидениеs (Advanced Player’s Guide), 14th- эфирная прогулка, 16th- миг предвидения, 18th- астральная проекция.

сновидение Spinner (Св): At 2nd level, when a dreamweaver casts a разум заклинание on a target that is sleeping because of his slumber наговор or a заклинание he cast, he adds +1 to the разум заклинание’s СЛ. If the target succeeds at the saving throw against the заклинание, it does not wake up, nor does it have any recollection of having resisted a заклинание. If appropriate, the dreamweaver may incorporate elements of a разум заклинание (i.e., sow thought, внушение, and so on) into the target’s subconscious so it believes the заклинание’s effects originated in its сновидениеs (the details of how these elements fit into the сновидение is up to the GM). This ability replaces the ведьма’s наговор gained at 2nd level.

сновидение Thief (Св): At 6th level, a dreamweaver can alter the sleeping mind of any creature that is sleeping because of his slumber наговор or a заклинание he cast. She can reshape one of the target’s memories as if using манипуляция памятью. Alternatively, he may insert herself into the сновидениеing memories of the target, prompting the target’s mind to show his some specific information; the сновидениеer’s subconscious may resist, or try to deceive his with out-of- context memories, similar to the way a corpse can resist when questioned with speak with мертв. A испытание Воли negates either effect (СЛ equal to that of the ведьма’s наговор). Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this наговор again for 1 day. This ability replaces the ведьма’s наговор gained at 6th level.

сновидение Possession (Св): At 10th level, a dreamweaver can take control of any creature that is sleeping because of his slumber наговор or a заклинание he cast. This effect functions as колдовской сосуд, using the ведьма’s familiar acting as the soul receptacle. A испытание Воли negates either effect (СЛ equal to that of the ведьма’s наговор). Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this наговор again for 1 day. This ability replaces the ведьма’s наговор gained at 10th level.

Hexes: The following hexes complement the dreamweaver archetype: чары, slumber (Advanced Player’s Guide); beast of ill-omen (Ultimate Magic).

Major Hexes: The following major hexes complement the dreamweaver archetype: кошмар, видение (Advanced Player’s Guide).

Grand Hexes: The following grand hexes complement the dreamweaver archetype: eternal slumber (Advanced Player’s Guide); dire prophecy (Ultimate Magic).



The following options are available to changelings. At the GM’s discretion, other appropriate народы may also make use of some of these.



Changelings have access to the following feat.



You inherit a special boon from your hag parent.

Prerequisite: Changeling.

Преимущества: Your dark legacy manifests in one of the following ways. You choose the manifestation when you choose the feat, and once selected it cannot be changed.

Hag Claws (Экс): You gain a +1 бонус к броскам атак и урона with your claws.

Surprisingly Tough (Экс): Your бонус естественной брони increases by +1.

Uncanny сопротивляемость (Св): You gain устойчивость к магии equal to 6 + your character level.

Special: You can gain this feat up to three times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, you must select a different manifestation.


CHANGELING заклинания

Changelings have access to the following new заклинание.



Школа: очарование (принуждение) [разум];

Круг: бард 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Время сотворения: 1 основное действие

Components V, S

Дистанция: close (25 футов + 5 футов/2 levels)

Цель: one creature

Длит.: permanent

Save Воли отменяет;

устойчивость к магии yes

You растение an idea, concept, or suspicion in the mind of the subject. The target genuinely believes that the idea is his own, but is not required to act upon it. If the idea is contrary to the target’s normal thoughts (such as making a паладин think, “I should murder my friends”) the target may suspect mind- altering magic is at play. The idea must be fвоздухly clear, enough so that it can be conveyed in one or two sentences. You do not need to share a common language for the заклинание to succeed, but without a common language you can only sow the most basic rudimentary ideas.



Duergar dwell in subterranean caverns far from the атака касанием of свет. They detest all народы living beneath the sun, but that hatred pales beside their loathing of their surface- dwarf cousins. дварфы and duergar once were one народ, but the дварфы left the deeps for their mountain strongholds. Duergar still consider themselves the only true дварфы, and the rightful heirs of all beneath the world’s surface. In appearance, duergar resemble gray-skinned дварфы, bearded but bald, with холод, светless eyes. They favor taking captives in battle over wanton slaughter, save for surface дварфы, who are slain without hesitation. Duergar view life as ceaseless toil ended only by смерть. Though few can be described as anything other than vile and жестокое, duergar still value honor and rarely break their word.


DUERGAR особенности народа

+2 Выносливость, +2 Мудрость, -4 Харизма: Duergar are hearty and observant, but also belligerent.

средний: Duergar are средний creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Dwarf: Duergar are гуманоидs with the dwarf subtype.

замедление and Steady: Duergar have a базовая скорость of 20 футов, but their быстрое is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Superior ночное зрение: Duergar can see in the dark up to 120 футов.

Duergar Immunities: Duergar are immune to paralysis, фантомs, and яд.

They gain a +2 бонус народа on saves against заклинания and псевдозаклинания.

Stability: Duergar receive a +4 бонус народа to their ЗБМ against таран or сбивание с ног attempts while on solid ground.

псевдозаклинания: A duergar can use увеличение гуманоида and невидимость once each per day, using its character level as its caster level and affecting itself only.

свет Sensitivity: Duergar are растерянность in areas of bright свет.

Languages: Duergar begin play speaking Common, дварфы, and Undercommon.

Duergar with high Интеллект scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Giant, гоблин, Orc, and Terran.


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