Exercise 20. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 20. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why.

2018-01-13 228
Exercise 20. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Rabies is a severe, and often fatal, viral disease that specifically affects the gray matter of the animal's brain and its central nervous system (CNS).

2. The primary way the rabies virus is transmitted to cattle is through the air.

3.Infectious virus particles are retained in a rabid animal's tonsils to better disseminate the virus.

4. Transmission of the virus of rabies from unpasteurised cow's milk to humans has been proved.

5. Once the virus enters the animal's body, it replicates in the cells of the muscles, and then spreads to the closest nerve fibers traveling from there to the spinal cord.

6. Most dogs will progress from prodromal stage of rabies infection to paralytic stage.

7. A rabid animal never shows extremebehavioral changes.

8. Most animals affected by the disease die within a week from the time when the signs are first seen.


Exercise 21. Choose the appropriate definition to the words or word-combinations in brackets.

(paralysis, orifice,dumb rabies,a prodromal stage, a docile animal, a disease carrier)

1. …is an organism infected with an infectious disease agent, but displays no symptoms.

2. … is an opening, aperture, hole into a passage (especially in the body, i.e. mouth, nostril).

3. … is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area.

4. …is the period of early symptoms of a disease.

5. … is easy to manage or discipline, obedient animal.

6. … is a form of rabies characterized by paralysis of the jaw and throat muscles.

Exercise 22. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

1. The rabies virus is transmitted through ….

2. From the spine the virus moves into the brain, at which point ….

3. Open wounds, mucous membranes, eyes and the mouth are ….

4. Transmission from unpasteurised cow's milk to humans is ….

5. There are two forms of rabies:….

6. The prodromal stage will last ….

7. Paralytic rabies, also referred to as ….

8. Paralysis of the throat and jaw muscles may follow, resulting in the well-known symptom of ….

9. Determination of the virus of rabies normally requires….


Exercise 23. Give the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets.

1. The primary way the rabies virus is transmitted to cattle is through (укуспереносчиказаболевания). 2. The rabies virus is (одноцепочечныйрибовирус) of the genus Lyssavirus, in the family Rhabdoviridae. 3.Traveling (понервнымпутям) the virus gets to the spinal cord where it can incubate for months. 4. It is possible for the virus to enter the body through (повреждениякожи).5. As the virus progresses, an infected animal may (боятьсяяркогосветаиводы). Paralysis of the throat and jaw muscles may follow, resulting in the well-known symptom of (появлениеобильногослюнотеченияилипеныизпасти). 6. As the disease progresses, function of some body parts (ухудшаться). This might result in the inability to swallow so that (слюнавытекаетизпасти).7. Pets that are not vaccinated or allowed (выпускатьнаулицубезнадзора) have a higher risk of contracting rabies from an infected animal.


Exercise 24. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Бешенство – острая вирусная болезнь теплокровных животных и человека, поражающая ЦНС с развитием энцефалита, который является смертельным. 2. Вирус бешенства нестоек во внешней среде: погибает в течение 2 минут при кипячении. 3. Заражение животных и человека происходит при прокусе больным животным кожных покровов, реже – при попадании слюны на слизистые оболочки. 4.Через поврежденные кожные покровы или слизистые оболочки вирус внедряется в ЦНС, где фиксируется и реплицируется в нейронах продолговатого мозга. 5 Инфицирование вирусом бешенства приводит к развитию параличей, судорогам дыхательных и глотательных мышц, расстройствам сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной деятельности.6 Первые признаки болезни проявляются впродромальный период, который длится 1-3 дня. 7. Далее наступаетпериод разгараболезни, который длится 2-3 дня (до 6 дней). В это время апатия и депрессия сменяются беспокойством, учащенным дыханием и пульсом. 8. Очень редко встречаетсяпаралитическая форма бешенства, так называемое "тихое бешенство", когда отсутствует фаза возбуждения, и больной умирает от медленно прогрессирующих параличей.


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