Exercise 9. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 9. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why.

2018-01-13 220
Exercise 9. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Anthraxisahighlyinfectious but notfatalzoonoticdiseaseofmammalsandhumans.

2. Bacillus anthracis spores can remain viable in soil only during summer months. During this time, they are a potential source of infection for grazing livestock but generally do not represent a direct risk of infection for people.

3. Bacillus anthracis spores are resistant to extremes of temperature, chemical disinfection, and desiccation and can cause disease when ingested even years after an outbreak.

4. In case of anthrax outbreak, carcasses of the dead animals must be open properly and rapidly.

5. In case of anthrax, there may be mucopurulent discharges from the natural body openings.

Exercise 10. a) Make up collocations using words from both columns.

susceptible discharges
fatality livestock
contaminated distress
grazing rate
bloody products
cardiac animals


b) Fill in the gaps with the collocations from above.

1.Anthrax periodically emerges as epizootics among … but it can also be seen in people exposed to tissues from infected animals orto ….

2. Bacillus anthracis spores are a potential source of infection for … but generally do not represent a direct risk of infection for people.

3.There may be … from the natural body openings.

4. In herbivores, anthrax commonly presents as an acute septicemia with a high ….

5. In acute anthrax of cattle and sheep, there is an abrupt fever and a period of excitement followed by depression, stupor, respiratory or …, staggering, convulsions, and death.

Exercise 11.Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

1. Anthrax is caused by ….

2. Grazing animals may become infected when ….

3. Anthrax spores are resistant to ….

4. Anthrax resulting from contaminated meat consumption has been reported in ….

5. The peracute form of anthrax (common in cattle and sheep) is characterized by ….

6. In case of the outbreak, carcasses of the dead animals must be ….

7.In livestock, anthrax can be controlled largely by ….


Exercise 12. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words in brackets.

1. Anthrax is a highly infectious and (смертельноезоонозноезаболевание) of mammals and humans.2. Itiscausedby(грам-положительная, палочкообразная, спорообразующаябактерия) Bacillusanthracis. 3. Bacillus anthracis spores can remain (жизнеспособный) in soil for many years. 4. Spores are (устойчивый) to extremes of temperature, (химическаядезинфекция и десикация) and can cause disease when ingested even years after an (вспышка). 5. In acute anthrax of (крупныйрогатыйскот и овцы), there is an abrupt fever and a period of (возбуждение) followed by (подавленноесостояние, оцепенение, сердечнаянедостаточность, нетвердаяпоходка, конвульсии) and death. 6.In livestock, anthrax can be controlled largely by (ежегодныевакцинации) of all grazing animals and by implementation of (мерыконтроля) during epizootics.


Exercise 13. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Сибирская язва – это инфекционное, смертельное зоонозное заболевание млекопитающих и животных. 2. Сибирская язва вызывается грам-положительной, палочкообразной, спорообразующей бактерией Bacillusanthracis. 3. Многие домашние и дикие животные (крупный рогатый скот, овцы, козы, верблюды, антилопы) восприимчивы к сибирской язве. 4. Человек может заразиться сибирской язвой при контакте с тканями инфицированного животного, при контакте напрямую со спорами бактерии Bacillusanthracis, а также от зараженных продуктов животноводства. 5. При вспышке сибирской язвы трупы животных вскрывать нельзя, т.к. кислород позволит бактериям Bacillusanthracis образовать споры. 6. Вспышки сибирской язвы можно контролировать ежегодными вакцинациями всех пастбищных животных.


Exercise 14. Test yourself by answering these questions to see how much you remember and understand.

1. What is the causative agent of anthrax?

2. Where is anthrax most likely to appear (on what soils)?

3. What animals are susceptible to it?

4. How may grazing animals be infected by Bacillusanthracis spores?

5. What are the clinical signs of anthrax in a)sheep and cattle b) horses c) pigs?

6. What must be done with the carcasses of the dead animals in case of anthrax outbreak?

7. What must be done with livestock at risk?

8. How can anthrax be prevented and controlled?






alkali n [ˈælkəlaɪ] щелочь
badger n [ˈbædʒə] барсук
colostrum n [kəˈlɒstrəm] молозиво
discharge v [dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] выделять
dormant adj [ˈdɔːmənt дремлющий
dyspnea n [dɪspˈniːə] одышка
emaciation n [ɪˈmeɪsiˈeɪʃən истощение
eradication n [ɪˌrædɪˈkeɪʃən] искоренение
ferret n [ˈferɪt] хорек
heifer n [ˈhefə] телка
ingestion n [inˈdʒeʃən] поглощение
mole n [məʊl] крот
nourish v [ˈnʌrɪʃ] питать, кормить
raccoon n [ræˈkuːn] енот
slurry n [ˈslʌri] навозная жижа
shed v [ʃed] выделять (вирус)
unpasteurized pp [ʌnˈpæstʃəˈraɪzt] непастеризованный

Bovine Tuberculosis (Bovine TB) is a contagious, chronic (slowly progressing) bacterial disease of livestock caused by Mycobacterium bovis. Many species of non-bovine animals, including camelids, deer, ground squirrels, ferrets, foxes, badgers,moles, raccoons, goats, sheep and pigs are also susceptible to Mycobacterium bovis infection andmost of them have the same signs and symptoms as those seen in cows.Once an animal is infected with Mycobacteriumbovis, the rate of infection progress depends on a number of factors, including the infectious dose and the immune status of the host. The bacteria associated with the disease may lie dormant in an infected animal for years without causing clinical signs or progressive disease symptoms. It can reactivate during periods of stress in older animals or when animals are poorly nourished. Growing heifers and younger cows are most at risk. Bovine TB is difficult to diagnose with clinical signs alone. In the early stages of TB, clinical signs are not visible. In later stages, clinical signs may include emaciation, lethargy, weakness, anorexia, slight fever, and pneumonia with a chronic, moist cough. There is a marked increase in the depth and rate of respiration as well as dyspnea. Various lymph nodes are also enlarged. Veterinarians can test for Bovine TB using a tuberculin skin test, where the animal receives an injection of tuberculin in the skin. About 72 hours after tuberculin is injected into the animals affected with TB, a characteristic swelling reaction appears at the point of injection. This reaction is a positive result, indicating exposure to one type of mycobacteria.

Infected animals with progressive disease shed the bacteria in their saliva, milk, urine, droppings and other discharges from the body. As a result, disease may be spread in a variety of ways, most commonly through the inhalation of invisible micro-droplets from already infected animals and from the ingestion of contaminated food and water. Mycobacterium bovis is killed by sunlight, but it is resistant to desiccation and can survive in a wide range of acids and alkalis. It is also able to remain viable for long periods in moist and warm soil.Once in a herd, infection spreads from cow to cow by inhalation. This transmission usually happens when animals are in close contact with each other. The risk of exposure is greatest in enclosed areas, such as barns with poor ventilation. The disease may also be spread by contaminated equipment, feedstuffs and slurry. Spread from cows to calves may occur with milk or colostrum. The movement of infected animals from one herd to another also spreads the infection.Bovine TB is a zoonotic disease, and it means that infection can be transmitted from affected animals to people, causing a condition similar to human TB. People are most commonly infected by the ingestion of unpasteurized dairy products from infected animals but also by inhalation of airborne droplets containing the bacteria or by direct contact through skin lesions.

Many countries, including Russia, try to identify and prevent the spread of this disease through testing and eradication programs. Bovine tuberculosis poses a significant risk to human and herd health. The only way to be protected from the disease is through prevention. It is important to limit the exposure of the herd to other infected cattle or wildlife. Testing and eradication of infected animals is the current method of control, though additional research is conducted in the areas of vaccinations and other possible preventative measures.Bovine TB is extremely difficult to treat and animals are culled rather than treated. If the cow is treated, it can take as long as nine months and involves using various antibiotics at different intervals.




Exercise 15.Look through the text and find information about:

-causative agent of bovine TB;

- species susceptible to Mycobacterium bovis;

- resistance of Mycobacterium bovis to sunlight and desiccation;

- factors predisposing for bovine TB;

- clinical signs of bovine TB;

- main ways of infection transmission;

- treatment and prevention of bovine TB.


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