Exercise 1. Use the following table to speak about cestodes, trematodes and nematodes. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 1. Use the following table to speak about cestodes, trematodes and nematodes.

2018-01-13 432
Exercise 1. Use the following table to speak about cestodes, trematodes and nematodes. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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  Cestodes Trematodes Nematodes
Shape Tape-like, segmented Leaf-like, unsegmented Elongated, cylindrical, unsegmented
Head end Suckers present; some have hooks Suckers present, but no hooks Hooks and suckers absent. Well-developed mouth with teeth or cutting plates
Alimentary canal Absent Present but incomplete, no anus Complete with anus
Body cavity Absent Absent Present
Sex Not separate: hermaphrodite Not separate: hermaphrodite Separate: male and female
Life cycle Requires 2 host Requires 3 host Requires 1 host


Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

1. Helminths are multicellular invertebrates, which live ….

2. Anatomically, cestodes are divided into …

3. Trematodes are hermaphroditic, which means that ….

4. Helminths exist in three forms: ….

5. Some helminthes can complete development only on particular host species, which make them ….

6. The name of worm infection is ….

7. Worms can cause productivity losses in livestock, such as ….

Exercise 3. Match the term with its definition.

helminth an organ that helps an animal to stick to a surface
intermediate host the state of being invaded by parasites
sucker the immature form of most invertebrates which must metamorphose
fluke someone who is trying to win or to do better than all others
larva thehostinwhichaparasiteundergoesdevelopmentbutdoesnotreachsexualmaturity
infestation periodic replacement of an outer layer
competitor parasitic worm
molt parasitic unsegmented flatworm

Exercise 4. Choose the most appropriate word from those given in brackets.

1. Flukes (occur, possess, get, produce) an alimentary canal, but it is incomplete. 2. Obligate parasites cannot (have, develop, possess, complete) their life cycle without spending some time on their (master, host, owner, boss). 3. The majority of nematodes have (straight, complete, direct, simple) life cycles. 4. Inside their (neutral, intermediate, middle, unsuited) host worms complete certain development stages. 5. Knowledge of the life cycle is very important for (operating, making, creating, establishing) preventative measures. 6. Some worms can be very (beneficial, poor, harmless, harmful) for their facultative host. 7. Healthy animals often (support, tolerate, digest, allow) considerable worm numbers without developing a disease.


Exercise 5. a) Make up collocations using the words from both columns.

flattened system
reproductive life cycle
alimentary growth
direct response
insufficient body
impaired organs
immunological conditions
ecologic fertility


b) Fill in the gaps with the words from the table above.

1. Cestodes have tape-like, ….

2. Flatworms possess both male and female … in the same individual.

3. Roundworms have a relatively well-developed …, with mouth and anus.

4. … is characteristic of many nematodes.

5. The examples of productivity losses in livestock are … and ….

6. The symptoms of worm infection, among other factors, depend on … of the animal involved.

7. The duration of each development stage vary with ….


Exercise 6. Translate the following words and phrases into English.

Пищеварительный тракт; облигатные паразиты; достигать зрелости; вылупляться; подвергаться превращениям; прямой и непрямой жизненные циклы; окончательный хозяин; промежуточный хозяин; недостаточный рост; сниженная плодовитость; линька; ротовые присоски; прочная оболочка; стадия развития; значительное количество; двуполый; профилактические меры; оставаться жизнеспособным.


Exercise 7. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words in brackets.

1. Cestodes lack (пищеварительнаясистема), and nutrients (всасываться) through the body covering. 2. Nematodes (различатьсявзависимостиотвида) from a few mm to more than 50 cm in length. 3. Most nematode species form two (отдельный) sexes, with (мужскиеиженскиеособи). 4. Helminths cannot (завершитьжизненныйцикл) without spending some time on their host. 5. Typical for flukes and tapeworms (непрямойжизненныйцикл) require one or more (промежуточныйхозяин) in addition to the (окончательныйхозяин). 6. Some parasitic worms are (угрожающиежизни) for livestock and pets, other species are well tolerated by their hosts without (очевидныйущерб).


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