VII. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитивные и причастные обороты, служащие определением; переведите. — КиберПедия 

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VII. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитивные и причастные обороты, служащие определением; переведите.

2018-01-03 456
VII. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитивные и причастные обороты, служащие определением; переведите. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. We spoke about the method of fattening cattle used in their region. 2. We spoke about the method of fattening cattle to be used in their region. 3. The cow to be examined by the veterinarian is being milked now. 4. The farmers feeding beef cattle high-quality legume hay always have good results. 5. Cows to be dried off should be milked once daily. 7. The boxstall to be used as a calving pen should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 8. The factors increasing milk production are well known now. 9. Milk yields obtained from this cow are very high.

VIII. Определите функции слов с окончанием - ing; переведите.

1. Farmers following the method of fattening beef cattle in the dry lot must grow different grain and legume crops. 2. Farmers following the method of fattening beef cattle on pasture, less care for the cattle is required. 3. Feeding the cattle good-quality legume or mixed hay, farmers obtain a lot of meat of high quality. 4. Good-quality roughages being fed to the cattle, the rate of gain of 1 lb per day will be maintained. 5. A small barn with an adjoining paddock is a good place for keeping the bull. 6. They are discussing the problem of feeding the cattle in winter. 7. Increasing the rates of feeding the bull is necessary before the breeding season. 8. The feeding of calves is a very important problem.

IX. Определите время и залог сказуемого в следующих незаконченных предложениях. Переведите их и дополните соответствующими обстоятельствами.

1. They have cleaned.... 2. They have been cleaned.... 3. They have to clean.... 4. They have to be cleaned.... 5. They would clean if...:6. They would be cleaned if.... 7. They are to clean.... 8. It is to be cleaned.... 9. They will clean.... 10. They will be cleaned.... 11. They clean.... 12. They are cleaned.... 13. They are cleaning.... 14. They are being cleaned.... 15. They had been cleaned before.... 16. They caught to be cleaned....

X. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.

1. Cows will produce high milk yields, provided they are fed and cared for properly. 2. During the dry period the cows are provided with plenty of roughages. 3. Roots provide good rations for sheep and cattle, provided they are used together with hay or straw. 4. Unlike roughages succulent feeds are high in water content. 5. Unlike the other nutrients vitamins are required by the animals in small amounts. 6. Like carbohydrates fate supply energy and heat. 7. Silage like green grass is of high feeding value.

XI.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What beef breeds are best?

2. On what farms is the fattening of cattle a common practice?

3. What are the two main systems of fattening beef cattle?

4. Where is the system of fattening on grass practised?

5. Why is it necessary to have reserves of hay or other roughages in areas where winter grazing is possible?

6.Which system of fattening is more effective?

XII.Переведите на английский язык.

а) в отличие от, откорм на сухих кормах, придерживаться другого метода, норма привеса, благоприятные погодные условия;
подобно, при условии, если.

б) 1. Кукуруза широко используется при откорме скота. 2. Сено, которое предстоит скормить молочным коровам, очень хорошее. 3. Высококачественные корма, используемые при откорме, снижают время откорма. 4. Фермеры, использующие высокопитательные корма при откорме, получают мясо высокого качества.

в)1. Цель откорма - увеличить количество мяса и улучшить его качество. 2. При откорме молодых животных протеина требуется больше на единицу веса, чем при откорме взрослых животных. 3. Рационы для крупного рогатого скота должны быть сбалансированы по содержанию клетчатки, что достигается добавлением в них грубых кормов. 4. Не следует давать слишком много зерна в начале периода откорма. 5. Скот нужно обеспечивать минеральной добавкой, при условии, если его содержат на пастбище
с низким содержанием основных минеральных веществ.

XIII. Прочтите текст и, исходя из его содержания, определите, какие из следующих утверждений ошибочны; внесите в них необходимые исправления.

1. Early maturing breeds are best suited for veal production.

2. After weaning the calf is given 3-4 pounds of whole milk for ten

3. Good pasture should be provided for the calves.

4. During the fattening period the calves should be given little salt.

Veal Production

Veal is produced by the intensive feeding of calves. It is best to use early maturing breeds. Calves are liberally ted milk and milk substances. A calf needs 3 to 4 pounds of whole milk daily for the first day or two after it is weaned. When calves are a month old concentrates are introduced. The amount of concentrates is increased with the age of ilie animals. Calves should be provided with good pasture as soon as possible.If pasture is not available when calves are a month old, they maybe fed succulent feeds, as silage, for instance. In winter the rations of calves include legume hay, silage and concentrates, Salt and clean fresh water should be available for all rations at all times.

Повторение темы "Cattle"

I. Прочтите текст. Ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы:

1. В каких случаях следует отнимать мясного теленка рано?

2. Чем кормят телят в возрасте одного месяца?

Beef calves generally need little attention when they are with their mothers on good pasture. A few days after birth, however, it is often best to take calves away from their mothers if the cows are to be milked. The calf should have its own mother's milk for 4 or 5 days. Then it may drink milk from a pail.

A calf needs 3 to 4 pounds of whole milk daily for the first day or two after it is weaned. Sometimes a calf does not drink from a pail. When this takes place one should not feed the calf until it gets hungry*. When the calf gets hungry it will drink milk readily.

Skim milk may be given to the calf when it is two weeks old. As skim milk is low in vitamin A it is necessary to provide the calf with the feed rich in this vitamin until it begins to eat hay, silage or grass.

Calves should be turned out to pasture as soon as possible. If pasture is not available when calves are a month old, a growing crop may be cut and fed to them. A small quantity of silage may be fed until past-ore is available.

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