I.Слова и выражения для повторения. — КиберПедия 

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I.Слова и выражения для повторения.

2018-01-03 351
I.Слова и выражения для повторения. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to fatten, quality, mature, whole milk, meat, gain, to raise, grains, wheat, barley, corn, nutritious, legume grass, to increase, quantity, to -depend on, to weigh, high in, low in, most, succulent, silage, both... and, per day, veal, to graze, age.

II. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов:

system, method, expert, fermentation, reserve, transformation, microflora, maximum, minimum, temperament, biologist, instructor.

III.Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на инфинитив как определение.

1. The feed to be given to the calves is of high quality. 2. The cowshed to be built next year will be very big. 3. These are the hogs to be fattened. 4. We spoke about the method to be used in our work. 5. The amount of feed to be fed to the dairy cow varies with the amount of milk produced by her. 6. The farmers to raise this new breed of pigs should consult the zootechnician.

IV.Прочтите следующие слова, обратите внимание на их произношение и значение.

though - хотя

thorough - тщательный

thoroughly – тщательно

through -через

throughout - на всем протяжении, повсюду
thought - (прош. вр. и причаст. прошедшего вр. от глаг. think - думать)


Unlike dairy cattle beef animals may do well with very little care. But like all other animals they are Healthier and produce higher quality beef, provided they are properly fed and managed.

Best beef breeds are known to be those then mature early, are fattened rapidly and whose quality of meat is high.

The fattening of cattle is a common practice on farms where beef cattle are bred and corn is raised. Some other grain crops are suitable for feeding beef cattle as well. They are wheat, barley and sorghum.

There are many different systems of fattening beef cattle. The method to be used depends on many factors. Some of them are the legion, the age of the cattle to be fattened, the quality of pasture to be used and others.

The system of fattening on grass is mainly practised in regions where pasture provide most of the feed throughout the year. In recent years the use of pasture in fattening cattle has been increased in the United States. Even in areas where winter grazing is possible, reserves of hay or other roughages or some concentrates to be fed during the periods of drought or unfavourable winter weather should be provided. Pasture and other roughages, should be both high in quality and sufficient in quantity to maintain the rate of gain of 1 pound or more per day.

There are many farmers who follow another method of fattening cattle. Cattle are kept on good pasture up to midseason. Then they are properly fed dry feeds for 3 or 4 months. They are to be supplied with legume or mixed hay, shelled corn or other grains and sometimes high-protein feed. This system is known as fattening in the dry lot. Having been fattened by this method cattle will be in fair flesh, provided they are supplied with highly nutritious and high-quality feeds.

Unlike the system of fattening cattle on pasture, the system of fattening in the dry lot is more effective though it is a more expensive one.

Пояснения к тексту

1. do well (better,best) - хорошо расти

2. shelled corn - лущеная кукуруза

3. fattening in the dry lot - откорм на сухих кормах

4. fair flesh - упитанное состояние

5. up to - до


like – подобно

unlike - в отличие от

provided - 1. II и III формы глагола to provide - обеспечивать 2. (союз) в том случае, если; при условии, если.

Активные слова и выражения

favourable, weather, to follow, to fatten in the dry lot, fair flesh, provided, like, unlike.

V. Дополните предложения по смыслу.

1. Cows are kept in cowsheds, and pigs in.... 2. Dairy and beef cows and bulls are known as.... 3. We breed cows for milk and meat, sheep for... and... and poultry for... and.... 4. There are two main systems of fattening beef cattle fattening on pasture and fattening.... 5. In fattening cattle, in the dry lot one should use the feeds of high....

VI.Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части.

1. Beef cattle a. are suitable for fattening beef


2. The quality of meat b. is a popular method now.

3. Com, wheat and sorghum c. is of high quality.

4- Fattening on grass d. should be provided during

unfavourable winter weather.

5. Climate in this region e. require less care than dairy cattle.

6. The hay to be fed f. allows to keep cattle on pasture all

the year round.

7. Reserves of roughages g. of this breed is high.

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