VII.Определите функцию глагольной формы с окончанием -ed переведите. — КиберПедия 

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VII.Определите функцию глагольной формы с окончанием -ed переведите.

2018-01-03 327
VII.Определите функцию глагольной формы с окончанием -ed переведите. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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a) 1. The products supplied by farm animals are meat, milk and eggs. 2. Grain crops cultivated in our region are wheat, oats and barley. 3. The amount-of milk produced by a cow varies with the quantity and quality of her feed. 4. The milk yield obtained by our farm per cow was high enough last year. 5. Cows provided with nutritious feed and good care produce high milk yields.

b) 1. These cows are milked three times a day. 2. Lambs are fattened on this farm. 3. Raw materials are used by our industry for different purposes. 4. We have already used all the root crops. 5. The eggs are being collected now.

c) 1. We obtained a good crop of potatoes last year. 2. He cleaned the pigsty yesterday. 3. They worked on this farm two years ago,

VIII.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значениеслова "as" и его сочетаний.

1.Domestic animals are very important as they supply us with highly nutritious products. 2. He works as an agronomist. 3. As the animals grow they are given more food. 4. Meat is as nutritious as milk and eggs. 5. As to the meat yield it has been increased. 6. They have increased the milk yields as well. 7. Proper care as well as management have been provided to the cattle.

IX.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на парный союз both... and и местоимение both.

1. Both crops are grown on our farm. 2. Both grain and root crops are used in feeding livestock. 3. Both dairy cattle breeds are highly productive. 4. Both dairy and beef cattle are bred here.5. Both the quality and the quantity of the feed are important. 6. Both animal husbandry and plant growing are important branches of agriculture. 7. Both cowsheds have already been cleaned. 8. Their farm breeds both cattle and sheep.

X.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How large is the farm?

2. How many cows are there on the farm?

3. How are heifers kept?

4. What breeds do the cows belong to?

5. What is the average milk yield per cow per year?

6. How often are the cows milked?

7. Where are the cows kept?

8. What are the main pasture grasses?

9. What does the amount of feed per cow vary with?

10. What supplementary feed is given to the dairy cows?

XI.Переведите на английский язык.

а) средний, дополнительный, постоянный, силос, удой молока, вес, качество, количество, возраст, бык, телка, как... так и, зависеть от, клевер, потреблять, увеличивать (ся), люцерна, стравливать (выпасать), временный, тоже.

б) 1. Корма, используемые нами, должны быть питательными.2. Корнеплоды, взращиваемые в этом хозяйстве, используются как корм для скота. 3. Качество корма, потребляемого коровами, должно быть высоким. 4. Коровы, обеспеченные дополнительным ормом, увеличили надои молока в прошлом году.

в)1. Что касается дополнительных кормов, их часто дают ысокопродуктивным молочным коровам в виде концентратов или илоса. 2. Надои молока, так же как и выход мяса, значительно величились в нашем хозяйстве. 3. В настоящее время коров не
доят вручную, эту работу выполняют специальные машины. 4. В рошлом году это хозяйство получило довольно высокие надои олока от коров, которых кормили дополнительными высокопитательными кормами. 5. Рекомендуется разделять большое пастбище на загоны, каждый из них стравливается в течение определенного периода, времени.

XII. Прочтите текст и озаглавьте абзацы по-английски (по-рус­ски). Догадайтесь о значении подчеркнутого слова.


There are about 53500 farms in England. Most of them are small farms, less than 50 acres each. These small farms are family farms. All the work on the farm is done by the farmer and his family.

The types of farms in England vary with the soil and climate. In the Eastern part of England most farms are arable, that is farmers grow different crops such as grain crops, potatoes and others. In the Eastern part of the country dairy farms are predominant.

Small farms in England are usually mixed farms on which farmers grow vegetables and fruit as well as keep cows, pigs and poultry for home use. They are to grow different crops and grasses in order to feed the animals.

The main aim in the agricultural policy of this country is the production of more meat than the increase in milk production.




1. Отглагольное существительное (Verbal Noun), § 11

2. Герундий (Gerund), § 12

3. Причастие I (Present Participle) (повторение)

4. Значения слова "most"

I. Слова и выражении для повторения:

amount, quantity, quality, to consume, yield, as well as, poultrybreeder, as well, pasture, beef production, weight, silage, calf (calves), to fatten, properly, cattle, to keep, healthy, meat, kind, cow, sheep, supplementary, to increase, average, to vary with.

II.Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных

separation, total, climatic, section, classification, concentrate, energy, illustration, result, carbohydrate, lactation.

III. Определите, где форма с окончанием "ing" является герундием и где - отглагольным существительным; переведите.

1. Milking cows is done with special machines. 2. After milking cows were given some silage. 3. The milkin g of cows is done in cowsheds. 4. We spoke about his using a new milking apparatus. 5. Using high productive breeds increases milk yields. 6. High milk yields are obtained by using high-productive breeds. 7. The keeping of cattle on pasture provides them with most feed and a lot of exercise.


The area of the farm is 287 acres. Most of it is under pastures.

Beef production is the most important part of the farm's economy.

High beef production is achieved by proper care and management as well as proper feeding and fattening of cattle. They are kept on both natural and cultivated pastures. The pasture land is divided into paddocks which are grazed in turn. Such system of using pastures is known as rotational grazing.

When pasture forage is scarce or when cattle are not on pasture, they are fed with corn silage, grass silage or high-quality clover or alfalfa hay. Corn and legumes are the crops grown by the farmer for fattening cattle. Growing legumes, the farmer increases soil fertility.

As to the calves they are kept in groups separated by 10 days' age. Keeping calves in age groups allows the farmer to feed them according to their age. Weaning is usually done at the age of eight weeks. Male calves are castrated at about a week old.

Most of the calves are sold as yeah Calves raised for veal production are generally ready for marketing at the age of 6 or 8 weeks. At this age they weigh about 200 to 300 pounds.

The best veal is obtained by liberal feeding of whole milk. Calves consuming a great amount of whole milk grow and develop properly and the quality of meat is high. The total amount of milk required during the period of vealing will depend on the birth weight of the calf. About 10 pounds of milk is required for one pound of gain.

A shed divided into four sections is used as a calf house. New calves are to be put into this house in age groups.

Пояснения к тексту

1. rotational grazing- загонная пастьба

2. according to - согласно, в соответствии с


most - самый, наиболее (перед прилагательным) most (of) - большинство (перед существительным)

Активные слова и выражения

forage, scarce, com, legume, hay, to raise, to wean, veal, to develop, to weigh, to require, to depend on, birth, gain, age, pound,whole milk, most.

IV. Перечислите известные Вам названия:

а) сельскохозяйственных животных;

б) помещений для скота;

в) сельскохозяйственных культур.

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