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2017-11-18 1192
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1. Our bus just missed a car in the thick fog. 2. It seems they are in danger of missing the point. 3. The potato crop has failed this year. 4. He failed in his second attempt to pass a driving test. 5. Rules prevent any college athlete from accepting money. 6. He could hardly wait to tell them his good news. 7. He withdrew into his own little sitting room all the time and hardly ever came out. 8.There was a macaroni cheese on the kitchen table but hardly anyone was eating. 9. Feel free to do whatever you need here, but please remember to lock up when you leave. 10. His father hardly said anything at all. 11. Sometimes I don't think she knows who I am and what position I hold at County Hall. 12. She hardly ever saw her daughter, couldn't she stay in Dublin for another day? 13. I fail to understand how people can fail to be moved by art. 14. It is tomorrow that I see her and I can hardly wait to watch the hours go by. 15. I confirm that I am ignorant of Rachel's current whereabouts. 16. Some analysts believe that the ECB (European CentralBank) is reluctant to take new members. 17. All the countries but Poland miss the test for low inflation by a mile. This could prove a barrier to euro entry. 18. All that time he was a little reluctant to join one of the city's prestigious bridge clubs. 19. She's looking a bit off colour this morning. 20. The local firms failed to take advantage of the situation. 21. Because the Baltic countries fail the inflation criterion, the chances of their joining soon are slim. 22. It did not matter that he failed to influence the outcome. 23. If you see anyone hanging about the bus stop without catching a bus, let me know, will you? 24. Twice during the week he picked up the phone to callher, and twice he put it down without dialing.


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Текст 1


Vancouver is my favourite city — clean, attractive, thoroughly modern, with a stunning location on an inlet where the Fraser River meets the Pacific Ocean. The combination of high-rise architecture and views across the water to the mountains (which rise to 1,723m) is hard to beat. Very few cities have a more dramatic position. Vancouver's rapid growth in the last few decades is, of course, no different from that of many other cities. It now surely ranks as one of the world's great cities and indeed, situation apart, its modern cityscape could almost be anywhere on the globe. So, are all modern cities the same? Are there no geographical variations? Has globalization produced a series of city-clones, each indistinguishable from the next? Let's think about how Vancouver has developed during its relatively brief history, and how its place in the world has involved. People have been living along this part of the coast for 10,000 years. In the past they lived off the ocean and the land, both abundant in natural resources, especially in salmon. It is easy to forget this element of Vancouver's history, but today, native influence permeates the city and is one part of its appeal.


Текст 2

A Shortage of Sirs

Trying to teach quadratic equations to a bunch of unruly teenagers is hardly the cushiest of jobs. So as unemployment continues to fall, it is not surprising that teacher-training colleges are finding it hard to recruit prospective maths teachers. But there are growing worries that the supply of teachers may be dwindling just as the number of school-age children is growing. The government asked teacher-training colleges in England and Wales to recruit about 2,000 people to train as maths teachers this autumn. John Howson of Brookes University in Oxford, who has just been appointed as the government's adviser on the supply of teachers, reckons they will end up with only 1,500, a shortfall of 25 per cent. He also predicts shortfalls in other secondary-school subjects: 15 per cent in science and 10 per cent in languages. So far, though, there is no lack of people wanting to become primary-schoolteachers or to teach history or games. Teaching is not the best-paid job, especially for those with degrees in maths and science. But it is not badly paid either. Between 1980 and 1992, teachers' pay grew faster than that of nurses, hospital doctors, police officers and most other non-manual workers, although their pay has been squeezed slightly since. Mary Russell, secretary of the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers, says that it is not starting salaries (at least £12,400 a year) nor (hepay of head teachers (up to £55,600 a year) that pose the problem: it is a lack of mid-level jobs which discourages people from joining and staying in the profession.


Текст 3

Sleep Tight

President Clinton gets by on five or six hours of it a night, Rolling Stones Keith Richards is said to have gone for 13 days without any, and ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher made do with just four hours a night. Albert Einstein, on the other hand, insisted on a full 10 hours. For most of us, however, seven to eight hours sleep each night is about right. Recent research conducted by Professor James Maas of Cornell University, New York, suggests that we live in a society suffering from chronic sleep deprivation, with the majority of us getting 60 to 90 minutes less sleep each night than we need. Sleep is vital to health and wellbeing. A good night's sleep keeps our immune system strong, to fight against illness, so if you think you're not getting enough, try following these tips from The Sleep Council to help you get a better night's sleep.

1. Keep regular hours. Going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time every day will help your body programme itself to sleep better.

2. Create a restful environment for sleep. Make sure your bedroom is not too hot or too cold and is as quiet and dark as possible.

3. Relax in the hours before going to bed. A good way to do this may be to read a good book or magazine or listen to some restful music in a nice warm bath. Watching television may seem like a good way to relax, but it can act as a stimulant on the brain and sleep may not come easily if you get into the habit of switching off just before nodding off.

4. Above all, if you can't sleep, don't worry about it. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again – then go to bed.


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