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Переведите предложения, используя прием генерализации при передаче выделенных слов или словосочетаний.

2017-11-18 878
Переведите предложения, используя прием генерализации при передаче выделенных слов или словосочетаний. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. То each one he nodded, his usual eighth-of-an inch nod, then turned to me and demanded, "The refreshments, Archie?" 2. I didn't see him that evening because mother wanted me to drive down to Wiltshire with her to spend the Saturday night and Sunday with my brother. 3. Blair was determined to put every ounce of influence and political capital into one more push for a workable two-state solution. 4. She walked up the lane to the place where she had parked the Yamaha. 5. What Tale was taking wasn't coffee. He had just grasped the bottle of Courvoisier and was about to tip a further measure into the already half-full glass. 6. The Liberal Democrats are disproportionately middle-class. Three quarters work (or before retirement worked) in a salaried occupation. Only one in twenty is working class. 7. Local resident Mark Schaffer told the BBC News that he saw the moment the Cirrus SR20 hit the ground. "I looked up when I heard a low flying plane and saw it as it crashed," Mr. Schaffer said. 8. But particularly noticeable was the yellow and blue Swedish flag, some 9 inches by 6 inches, stitched across the main back pocket of her rucksack. 9. Even serious broadsheets have carried a story about a fly in a boxed lunch.


Переведите тексты, обращая особое внимание на значения выделенных глаголов, реализуемые в контексте.

Текст 1

Peter Kelly, a 14-year-old English boy, made headlines by running away to Malaysia on his father's passport.

The first time Peter ran off was two years ago, when he went to Edinburgh. "We were really worried," says his mother. "We knew he had gone but we didn't know where he had gone " Every time Peter runs off he calls his mother to let her know he is safe. She then calls the police and arranges for him to be cared for until he can return home. Each time his journey gets longer and longer. Before Malaysia he had been to Paris twice before his parents confiscated his passport. This time he solved the problem by using his father's passport. As his mother says, Peter just loves travelling and will go to any lengths to plan and execute a trip. Usually when he goes off there is a row, but he seems to generate them as an excuse for going.

It, of course, provokes the question of where and why it all went wrong with the Kelly family. His parents are afraid for him. "I don't want him to become a criminal. I imagine they start in a small way and when they find they get away with it they progress," says his mother.

Текст 2

The violent end to the siege in the small mountain town of Bailey came after the gunman threatened to harm the two female students he was holding.

Park County Sheriff Fred Wegener said police had decided to storm a second-floor classroom at Platte Canyon High School, where the gunman was holding the two girls, after he broke off negotiations.

The local sheriff said he believed the gunman had shot the hostage and then himself, but could not confirm this.

The incident began when the man entered the school around noon (1800 GMT) with a gun and a rucksack, which he claimed held an explosive device, police said. He then took six hostages. Negotiators later arranged the release of four of them.

Bailey lies 56km (35 miles) south-west of the state capital, Denver.

The school has nearly 800 students. It was in Jefferson County in1999 where two students killed 13 people at Columbine High School before taking their own lives.

Текст 3

Asda stores chief Archie Norman was branded a "Scrooge" yesterday after withdrawing Christmas bonuses from women who have taken maternity leave.

As part of a crackdown on absenteeism, management is reducing or withdrawing the festive pay-out to anyone who has taken time off within the last six months.

The company has made no exception for pregnant women and could now be taken to court for sex discrimination by GMB general union. The fact that fathers who have taken paternity leave could also lose their bonus, will prove no defence to any lawsuit, employees' representatives argue.

Employees will not be paid the bonus if they have an absence rate within the last six months of 3,4 per cent — approximately four days on a 37,5 hour shift.

Б. Добавления и опущения

The workers went on wage strike.  
I need help until I find a job.  
The authorities are scared of a leakage.  
The new plan will only bring insecurity to first-time house buyers.  
Like other European carmakers, Volkswagen is suffering from the strength of the euro against the dollar.  


Не is a scientist.  
The UN agencies should be streamlined and tailored to the present situation.  
Summer rains in Florida may be violent while they last.  
The plane went down in a rural area. Joe Morris, 46, who lives nearby, said he was sleeping when he heard a loud noise.  

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