Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу глаголов с широкой семантикой. — КиберПедия 

Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу глаголов с широкой семантикой.

2017-11-18 1821
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу глаголов с широкой семантикой. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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А. Лексические замены

to marry = жениться и выходить замуж

рука = hand и arm.

глаголы to go, to get, to come, to have и др.; существительные thing, matter и др. имеют общее широкое значение, которые при переводе на русский язык, как правило, конкретизируются.

При переводе глаголов движения конкретизация происходит как с учетом способа передвижения (идти — ехать — лететь), так и с учетом выражения однократности или многократности движения и однонаправленности или разнонаправленности движения (идти — ходить — пойти и т. д.).

I have to go to Warsaw next week.  
I saw him go into the house. He went there every week.  


clock и watch = часы.

Иногда соблюдение нормы и традиции русского языка требует изменения отдельных деталей сообщения ради адекватной передачи целого.

Wolfe lifted his shoulders an inch and dropped them.  
He parked the Lancia at the back of the building.  

Практические задания

1. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на глаголы движения go и соmе. Укажите предложения, где возможны разные эквиваленты данных глаголов.

1. The path goes nowhere. 2. The signal goes a distance of 100 m. 3. Ruby goes to a private school. 4. His class has gone for an exhibition of Impressionist paintings. 5. July has gone. 6. He will have to go to another bank and get a loan. 7. Bill went to the school to register for the Italian lessons. 8. After work he began to worry. Should he go round to her flat? 9. As she went back to school in the buss he scraped off her lipstick and eye shadow. 10. "And where is he now?" "He went to America," Kathy said. 11. "I really think you'd better leave." "I can't go," he said. 12. They went straight to the room that had been prepared for them. 13. He had even suggested to him that he come home and meet his family. 14. He saw her come into the bar and he felt happier than he had for a long time.15. Will you come here, please? 16. Perhaps, you would like to come with me? 17. I know I shouldn't have come. 18. Week after week they came to the school, even the amazing woman in the BMW. 19. She came at last, hands in pockets and head down. 20. It wasn't like Lizzi to come to their house. 21. Brenda had come to the airport to wave them off.


2. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на контекстуальную обусловленность эквивалентов глаголов go и соmе.

1. Не had gone into every detail, known everything that went on. 2. He was no longer young, with his hair going gray. 3. Almost half of an investment bank's profit goes to pay workers. 4. What will happen if something goes wrong? 5. It things do not go according to the plan we can end up losing our jobs. 6. He was going to dine at the club. 7. Later, when it was clear to Ella how unhappy her father was at his office, she asked him why he didn't go somewhere else to work. Tim might have left the office where he was so uneasy and gone to another position, but the Bradys were not people to whom change came easily. 8. Two years later she was eighteen and ready to go to college. 9. The offers come from New York, Boston and Paris. 10. It would never have come into my head. 11. Avery sweet look had come into the old lady's face. 12. The UN Charter came into force on 24 October 1945. 13. We'll negotiate better terms when the day conies, 14. His comments came as the Security Council met to discuss the Middle East conflict. 15. She phoned to say she wasn't coming. Something had come up.


Переведите тексты, обращая особое внимание на значения выделенных глаголов, реализуемые в контексте.

Текст 1

Peter Kelly, a 14-year-old English boy, made headlines by running away to Malaysia on his father's passport.

The first time Peter ran off was two years ago, when he went to Edinburgh. "We were really worried," says his mother. "We knew he had gone but we didn't know where he had gone " Every time Peter runs off he calls his mother to let her know he is safe. She then calls the police and arranges for him to be cared for until he can return home. Each time his journey gets longer and longer. Before Malaysia he had been to Paris twice before his parents confiscated his passport. This time he solved the problem by using his father's passport. As his mother says, Peter just loves travelling and will go to any lengths to plan and execute a trip. Usually when he goes off there is a row, but he seems to generate them as an excuse for going.

It, of course, provokes the question of where and why it all went wrong with the Kelly family. His parents are afraid for him. "I don't want him to become a criminal. I imagine they start in a small way and when they find they get away with it they progress," says his mother.

Текст 2

The violent end to the siege in the small mountain town of Bailey came after the gunman threatened to harm the two female students he was holding.

Park County Sheriff Fred Wegener said police had decided to storm a second-floor classroom at Platte Canyon High School, where the gunman was holding the two girls, after he broke off negotiations.

The local sheriff said he believed the gunman had shot the hostage and then himself, but could not confirm this.

The incident began when the man entered the school around noon (1800 GMT) with a gun and a rucksack, which he claimed held an explosive device, police said. He then took six hostages. Negotiators later arranged the release of four of them.

Bailey lies 56km (35 miles) south-west of the state capital, Denver.

The school has nearly 800 students. It was in Jefferson County in1999 where two students killed 13 people at Columbine High School before taking their own lives.

Текст 3

Asda stores chief Archie Norman was branded a "Scrooge" yesterday after withdrawing Christmas bonuses from women who have taken maternity leave.

As part of a crackdown on absenteeism, management is reducing or withdrawing the festive pay-out to anyone who has taken time off within the last six months.

The company has made no exception for pregnant women and could now be taken to court for sex discrimination by GMB general union. The fact that fathers who have taken paternity leave could also lose their bonus, will prove no defence to any lawsuit, employees' representatives argue.

Employees will not be paid the bonus if they have an absence rate within the last six months of 3,4 per cent — approximately four days on a 37,5 hour shift.

Б. Добавления и опущения

The workers went on wage strike.  
I need help until I find a job.  
The authorities are scared of a leakage.  
The new plan will only bring insecurity to first-time house buyers.  
Like other European carmakers, Volkswagen is suffering from the strength of the euro against the dollar.  


Не is a scientist.  
The UN agencies should be streamlined and tailored to the present situation.  
Summer rains in Florida may be violent while they last.  
The plane went down in a rural area. Joe Morris, 46, who lives nearby, said he was sleeping when he heard a loud noise.  

Практические задания

Переведите тексты.

Текст 1

Television Sponsorship Hoping to Change Image American television was founded on the idea of sponsorship —the term "soap opera" originates from soap manufacturers like Procter & Gamble which commissioned daytime programmes — yet in the UK the idea is only five years old and in some quarters is still regarded with suspicion by advertisers, agencies and some viewers. All that may be about to change, however. One of the country's biggest and canniest advertisers, Mars, is negotiating sponsorship deals with Granada TV for Coronation Street and Gladiators. The idea is that Mars's Pedigree pet foods division would sponsor the Street, Britain's most popular programme. For a nation of pet-lovers, the idea makes sense. But it won't come cheap, with figures of £10 m bandied about for a programme that goes out three times a week and attracts 18m viewers a time. Separately, one of Mars's confectionary brands, possibly Snickers, would sponsor Gladiators. The latter programme attracts a large proportion of children, a fact recognized by its previous sponsor, Kellogg's Frosties.


Текст 2

Soap Gets Lost in Rush to Take a Quick Shower.

More than a century of soap production is ending at Lever Brother's Port Sunlight factory on Merseyside because so many people are switching to shower gels, moisturizers, liquid soaps and body washes. A decade ago Lever Brothers' share of the British market in "personal washing products" was 40 per cent. Today it is 20 per cent with the rest made up of gels and liquid cleansers. Helen Fenwick, a Lever Brothers spokesman, said: "This isn't the end of soap but anyone who's ever chased a bar of soap around a shower will appreciate the new products that have replaced it. People everywhere are looking for convenience, whether in washing, cooking or shopping. For example, we have had tremendous success with laundry tablets. Elsewhere people are turning more and more to ready-made meals, prepared salads and even throw away contact lenses. Liquid soaps, gels and the like made up 60 per cent of the market in personal washing products in the early Nineties. Now they're up to 80 percent."


В. Антонимический перевод

His reputation is not undeserved,  
It became clear that Patrick meant business and that he was not without support.  
The bullet just missed him.  
Remember to post the letter.  

герундий с предлогом without в функции обстоятельства образа действия, конструкция с наречием hardly в позиции перед глаголом и некоторые другие.

Не left without saying a word.  
She fell down and nearly broke her leg.  

Типичный случай - not... until/till.

Marlene stipulated that the book should not be published until after her death.  

В ряде случаев использование приема антонимического перевода не является обязательным и выбор варианта перевода остается за переводчиком.

  Антонимический перевод Не антонимический перевод
Не didn't say anything.    

регулярные соответствия:

Keep off the grass.  
Keep in touch.  
Hold on.  
I had to come.  
Could you tell me the time, please?  

Практические задания

Переведите тексты.

Текст 1


Vancouver is my favourite city — clean, attractive, thoroughly modern, with a stunning location on an inlet where the Fraser River meets the Pacific Ocean. The combination of high-rise architecture and views across the water to the mountains (which rise to 1,723m) is hard to beat. Very few cities have a more dramatic position. Vancouver's rapid growth in the last few decades is, of course, no different from that of many other cities. It now surely ranks as one of the world's great cities and indeed, situation apart, its modern cityscape could almost be anywhere on the globe. So, are all modern cities the same? Are there no geographical variations? Has globalization produced a series of city-clones, each indistinguishable from the next? Let's think about how Vancouver has developed during its relatively brief history, and how its place in the world has involved. People have been living along this part of the coast for 10,000 years. In the past they lived off the ocean and the land, both abundant in natural resources, especially in salmon. It is easy to forget this element of Vancouver's history, but today, native influence permeates the city and is one part of its appeal.


Текст 2

A Shortage of Sirs

Trying to teach quadratic equations to a bunch of unruly teenagers is hardly the cushiest of jobs. So as unemployment continues to fall, it is not surprising that teacher-training colleges are finding it hard to recruit prospective maths teachers. But there are growing worries that the supply of teachers may be dwindling just as the number of school-age children is growing. The government asked teacher-training colleges in England and Wales to recruit about 2,000 people to train as maths teachers this autumn. John Howson of Brookes University in Oxford, who has just been appointed as the government's adviser on the supply of teachers, reckons they will end up with only 1,500, a shortfall of 25 per cent. He also predicts shortfalls in other secondary-school subjects: 15 per cent in science and 10 per cent in languages. So far, though, there is no lack of people wanting to become primary-schoolteachers or to teach history or games. Teaching is not the best-paid job, especially for those with degrees in maths and science. But it is not badly paid either. Between 1980 and 1992, teachers' pay grew faster than that of nurses, hospital doctors, police officers and most other non-manual workers, although their pay has been squeezed slightly since. Mary Russell, secretary of the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers, says that it is not starting salaries (at least £12,400 a year) nor (hepay of head teachers (up to £55,600 a year) that pose the problem: it is a lack of mid-level jobs which discourages people from joining and staying in the profession.


Текст 3

Sleep Tight

President Clinton gets by on five or six hours of it a night, Rolling Stones Keith Richards is said to have gone for 13 days without any, and ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher made do with just four hours a night. Albert Einstein, on the other hand, insisted on a full 10 hours. For most of us, however, seven to eight hours sleep each night is about right. Recent research conducted by Professor James Maas of Cornell University, New York, suggests that we live in a society suffering from chronic sleep deprivation, with the majority of us getting 60 to 90 minutes less sleep each night than we need. Sleep is vital to health and wellbeing. A good night's sleep keeps our immune system strong, to fight against illness, so if you think you're not getting enough, try following these tips from The Sleep Council to help you get a better night's sleep.

1. Keep regular hours. Going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time every day will help your body programme itself to sleep better.

2. Create a restful environment for sleep. Make sure your bedroom is not too hot or too cold and is as quiet and dark as possible.

3. Relax in the hours before going to bed. A good way to do this may be to read a good book or magazine or listen to some restful music in a nice warm bath. Watching television may seem like a good way to relax, but it can act as a stimulant on the brain and sleep may not come easily if you get into the habit of switching off just before nodding off.

4. Above all, if you can't sleep, don't worry about it. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again – then go to bed.


А. Лексические замены

to marry = жениться и выходить замуж

рука = hand и arm.

глаголы to go, to get, to come, to have и др.; существительные thing, matter и др. имеют общее широкое значение, которые при переводе на русский язык, как правило, конкретизируются.

При переводе глаголов движения конкретизация происходит как с учетом способа передвижения (идти — ехать — лететь), так и с учетом выражения однократности или многократности движения и однонаправленности или разнонаправленности движения (идти — ходить — пойти и т. д.).

I have to go to Warsaw next week.  
I saw him go into the house. He went there every week.  


clock и watch = часы.

Иногда соблюдение нормы и традиции русского языка требует изменения отдельных деталей сообщения ради адекватной передачи целого.

Wolfe lifted his shoulders an inch and dropped them.  
He parked the Lancia at the back of the building.  

Практические задания

1. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на глаголы движения go и соmе. Укажите предложения, где возможны разные эквиваленты данных глаголов.

1. The path goes nowhere. 2. The signal goes a distance of 100 m. 3. Ruby goes to a private school. 4. His class has gone for an exhibition of Impressionist paintings. 5. July has gone. 6. He will have to go to another bank and get a loan. 7. Bill went to the school to register for the Italian lessons. 8. After work he began to worry. Should he go round to her flat? 9. As she went back to school in the buss he scraped off her lipstick and eye shadow. 10. "And where is he now?" "He went to America," Kathy said. 11. "I really think you'd better leave." "I can't go," he said. 12. They went straight to the room that had been prepared for them. 13. He had even suggested to him that he come home and meet his family. 14. He saw her come into the bar and he felt happier than he had for a long time.15. Will you come here, please? 16. Perhaps, you would like to come with me? 17. I know I shouldn't have come. 18. Week after week they came to the school, even the amazing woman in the BMW. 19. She came at last, hands in pockets and head down. 20. It wasn't like Lizzi to come to their house. 21. Brenda had come to the airport to wave them off.


2. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на контекстуальную обусловленность эквивалентов глаголов go и соmе.

1. Не had gone into every detail, known everything that went on. 2. He was no longer young, with his hair going gray. 3. Almost half of an investment bank's profit goes to pay workers. 4. What will happen if something goes wrong? 5. It things do not go according to the plan we can end up losing our jobs. 6. He was going to dine at the club. 7. Later, when it was clear to Ella how unhappy her father was at his office, she asked him why he didn't go somewhere else to work. Tim might have left the office where he was so uneasy and gone to another position, but the Bradys were not people to whom change came easily. 8. Two years later she was eighteen and ready to go to college. 9. The offers come from New York, Boston and Paris. 10. It would never have come into my head. 11. Avery sweet look had come into the old lady's face. 12. The UN Charter came into force on 24 October 1945. 13. We'll negotiate better terms when the day conies, 14. His comments came as the Security Council met to discuss the Middle East conflict. 15. She phoned to say she wasn't coming. Something had come up.


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу глаголов с широкой семантикой.

A. put, get, make, have

1. Over the past 30 years they have put a lot of money into new ventures. 2. The new constitution will be put to a referendum and followed by elections late next year. 3. Get a move on. 4. Where will it get you? 5. They (bandits) bribe a servant, get inside the flat, clean you out, and kill you if you get in the way. 6. Try and get him on the cell phone. 7. The winner needs to get at least nine of the fifteen votes. 8. Some middle-class folk only come to church because they want to get their children into religious school. 9. Public services have to be made more local with fewer decisions made in Whitehall. 10. We must make the tough decisions necessary to show that we are radical and responsible. 11. To his credit, Mr. Paulson has made a better public impression than some who did his job before. 12. China, however, made it clear that it will not tolerate much meddling. 13. Swithin made his own way and his own fortune. 14. They expect to make money from the spread of investments. 15. He made no secret of what he was planning to do. 16. You have to make these guys understand that they have no choice. 17. They had trouble in reading his handwriting. 18. "I still have that anger," said Jennifer, now 15.


Б. take, run

1. You can stay with me tonight, then tomorrow I'm taking you to my doctor. 2. I'll take what you say as a compliment. 3. It takes two to make a fight and both of the girls were punished. 4. I didn't want to seem inquisitive, so was careful not to ask him what took him there. 5. Take time to choose your business partners carefully.6. Big utilities are taking the wave-energy seriously. 7. A wave generator known as Aquabuoy, designed by a Canadian firm, takes a different approach. 8. The saltier the water the higher pressure it takes to push water through a membrane in order to leave behind the salt. 9. In a limited and very specified field the Richards brothers bad managed to run a thriving little concern. 10. Mrs. Beavers remains in the area and continues to run the corner post-office. 11.He can't help today. He's running a road-safety campaign in the schools. 12. One recently built desalination plant in Perth, Australia, runs on renewable energy from a nearby wind farm. 13. Mrs. Clinton may find it more attractive to run for the governorship of New York. 14. Each Macintosh PC lets you run more than 4,000 programs that all work in the same consistent way. 15. The opposition refuses to participate in more talks and asks for the appointment of a broader team. But time is running short. 16. Paleontology is much like politics: passions run high, and it's easy to draw very different conclusions from the same set of facts. 17. Unemployment remains the single biggest blot on the economy landscape: it still runs at 10%. 18. The road to the American presidency is long and hard. Someone embarking on it is well advised to run as himself and not invent a new personality for the purpose.

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу существительного с широкой семантикой thing.

1. A poor thing — a wretched poor thing! 2. The general opinion is that things are looking good for Mr. Turner's rival. 3. She let herself out of the side door and turned her face to the wind. It moved softly, and it was full of the smell of growing things. 4. Florrie was occupied in washing up breakfast things. 5. His best things have been translated into more than 50 languages. 6. I haven't a thing to wear for tonight's party. 7. One can't have too much of a good thing. 8. I'll talk to the headmaster first thing in the morning. 9. I like sweet things. 10. I tried to help them, but I think I just made things worse. 11. Betty realized she'd left all her painting things at home. 12. My new apartment is very small so I've had to leave most of my things at my parents'. 13. Things haven't changed much since I last saw her. 14. I have always thought the Icelanders arc daring, which is why they are so good at many things. 15. As I get older I can't really think of killing things. A few years ago I'd have trodden on a spider without a thought. 16. I watched the children edge nearer the wall. Inquisitive little things, I thought to myself. 17. It was Miss Holiday I had in mind. Poor thing! 18. I've got no standing and couldn't do a thing. 18. She had never done such a thing before, and she didn't want to do it now. 19. The spiders were large, and some of them were hairy. Lucy shuddered. Things with more than four legs had that effect on her. 20. The things, which had happened there, were things she never meant to think about again.21. If we write down every single thing that happened during the last two or three days, we may spot something that will give us a lead. 22. As you learn more programs, you tend to use your PC to do many more things. 23. I can't stand things not being kept in their proper places. 24. When people say things behind your back there's nothing you can refute or deny, and the rumours go on growing and growing.


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