Prepare a short presentation on one of the problems given below (see Appendix 4 on p.111) — КиберПедия 

Археология об основании Рима: Новые раскопки проясняют и такой острый дискуссионный вопрос, как дата самого возникновения Рима...

Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

Prepare a short presentation on one of the problems given below (see Appendix 4 on p.111)

2017-09-28 341
Prepare a short presentation on one of the problems given below (see Appendix 4 on p.111) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

1. National parks and arboreta in England.

2. Types of forests.

3. Ecosystem of meadows.

4. Ecosystems of marshes.

5. Ecosystem of tundra.

6. Ecosystem of tropics.


IV. Final Activity

Visit the link to find out more about the Faculty ofForestry of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.

Consider the following points:

- the history of the faculty;

- the faculty staff;

- the departments of the faculty;

- the total number of students;

- students’ life.

Present your report in writing (1page).You can use other additional resources.



If you gently stroke a nettle,*

It will sting you for your pains,

Grasp it like a man of mettle

And it soft as silk remains.


One leaf for fame, one leaf for wealth,*

One for a faithful lover,

And one leaf to bring glorious health,

Are all in a four-leaf clover.

If you find even ash, or four-leaved clover,

You will see your love afore the day’s over.

The even-ash leaf in my hand,

The first I meet shall be my man.

The even-ash leaf in my glove,

The first I meet shall be my love.

The even-ash leaf in my bosom,

The first I meet shall be my husband.


Oak-logs will warm you well,*

That are old and dry;

Logs of pine will sweetly smell

But the sparks will fly.


Birch-logs will burn too fast,

Chestnut scarce at all;

Hawthorn-logs are good to last –

Catch them in the fall.


Holly-logs will burn like wax,

You may burn them green;

Elm-logs like to smouldering flax,

No flame to be seen.


Beech-logs for winter time,

Yew-logs as well;

Green elder-logs it is a crime

For any man to sell.


Pear-logs and apple-logs,

They will scent your room,

Cherry-logs across the dogs

Smell like flower of broom.


Ash-logs smooth and grey,

Burn them green or old,

Buy up all that come your way –

Worth their weight in gold.


Beware of an oak,*

It draws the sroke.

Avoid an ash,

It courts the flash.

Creep under the thorn,

It will save you from harm.


When elm-leaves are as big as a farden,

You may plant your kidney beans in the garden;

When elm-leaves are as big as a shilling,

It’s time to plant kidney beans if you are willing;

When elm-leaves are as big as a penny,

You must plant kidney beans – if you mean to have any!


Who sets an apple-tree may live to see its end,

Who sets a pear-tree may set it for a friend.


1. He loves me.*

2. He don’t!

3. He’ll have me.

4. He won’t!

5. He would if he could.

6. But he can’t.

7. So he don’t.


Good night, fair yarrow,*

Thrice goodnight to thee;

I hope before tomorrow’s dawn

My true love I shall see.


Through storm and wind,

Sunshine and shower,

Still will ye find

Groundsel in flower

Berries red, have no dread,

Berries white, poisonous sight.

Leaves three, quickly flee.


Juniper, Juniper,*

Blue in the fall:

Give me some berries,

Prickles and all.

Juniper, Juniper,

Green in the snow;

Sweetly you smell

And prickly you grow.



The poplar is a French tree,

A tall and laughing wench tree,

A slender tree, a tender tree,

That whispers to the rain –


An easy, breezy flapper tree,

A lithe and blithe and dapper tree,

A girl of trees, a pearl of trees,

Beside the shallow Aisne.


The oak is a British tree,

And not at all a skittish tree,

A rough tree, a tough tree,

A knotty tree to bruise.


A drives-his-roots-in-deep tree,

A what-I-find-I-keep tree,

A mighty tree, a blighty tree,

A tree of stubborn thews.


The pine tree is our own tree,

A grown tree, a cone tree,

The tree to face a bitter wind,

The tree for mast and spar –




1. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах и схемах. - СПб, ООО «Полиграф услуги», 2005. - 96 с.

2. Истомина Е.А. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика для начинающих / Е.А. Истомина – М.: «ВЛАДОС», 2004. - 319 с.

3. Филюшкина, Л.Т. Сборник упражнений к учебнику английского языка Н.А. Бонк, Н.А. Котий, Л.Г.Лукьяновой/ Филюшкина Л.Т., Фролова М.П.– М.: Международные отношения, 1999. - 160 с.

4. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений / Ю.Б. Голицынский - СПб.: КАРО, 2003. -544 с.

5. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use (for intermediate students). Cambridge University Press, 1997.

6. Chris C. Pinney. The Complete Home Veterinary Guide. - New York, 2004. - 340 p.


Статьи из газет и журналов

1. BeeWilson.Real Bread// The Telegraph.- 2010. - 20 July.

2. Andy Bloxham. Junk food is causing pet obesity epidemic// The Telegraph. -2010. - 20 July.

3. Simon Devin.Plant a Country Garden// Home Farmer. 2010. - №4. - P. 11 – 12

4. Janice Houghton. Rhubarb//Home Farmer. - 2010. - №6. - P. 9

5. Simon Spencer. Local Blossoms//Farmer. 2010/July.

6.Chris Southall. Strawberry Starters//Home Farmer. - 2010. May.

7. Chris C.Pinney. Leptospirosis//The Complete Home Veterinary Guide.- P.135.


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Appendix 1.

Speech Patterns


Group discussion:   If you ask me... Wouldn’t you say that... Don’t you agree that... AsI see it... I’d like to point out that... I sometimes think that... Would you agree that... Do you think it’s right to say that...? I didn’t quite follow what you mean, I’m afraid. I don’t quite see what you mean, I'm afraid. I don’t quite see what you are getting at.   Expressing and reacting to opinions   True... but... This is my way of looking at it. I think it goes further than that... a lot further. Yes, you’re right. Well, you see what I mean. That’s one way of looking at it. But... Yes, if you like... You may be right... All the same... Just a minute... Come off it... James thinks that... In Margaret's opinion... Margaret feels that... His view is...  
Agreement   Yes, Iagree entirely here. I couldn’t agree more. You know, that's exactly what I think. Yes, that’s true. That’s my way of looking at it too. What you say is perfectly true. It goes without saying that... I fully agree. I am of the same opinion. It really looks like that. I won’t deny that. That’s a fine way of putting it. That’s a good point. That’s just what I was thinking.   Disagreement   There may be something in what you say but... It’s not at all the same thing. I see your point but... You don’t seem to realize that... but that’s not the point... Not in the least! Just the other way round! I can’t possibly... I shouldn’t say so. I’ve got some reasons to disagree. I've got an argument to oppose. On the surface of it really is... but... On the one hand... On the other hand... Well, I’m not so sure. Well, I wouldn’t go quite that far... I wouldn’t say that exactly. It might be right but... That’s totally unfounded. You can’t be serious.

Appendix 2

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