Exercise 1.Translate the sentences into Russian. Make up your own questions to the underlined words. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 1.Translate the sentences into Russian. Make up your own questions to the underlined words.

2017-09-28 663
Exercise 1.Translate the sentences into Russian. Make up your own questions to the underlined words. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Silviculture involves the growing and tending of trees and forests.

2. A practitioner of forestry is known as a forester.

3. In many regions the forest industry is of major ecological, economic, and social importance.

4. Urban foresters work withintown and city environments.

5. One of the applications of modern forestry is reforestation, in which trees are planted and tended in a given area.

6. The Forestry Commission was set up on 1 September 1919.

Exercise 2. Match the words in the left-hand column with those in the right to make common collocations:

raw species

arable plot

future burning

improve property

prevent nursery

sand soils

cultural generation

tree weeds

vegetable heritage

controlled material

common garden


Exerecise3. Identify the root in the words and translate them into Russian. Mind the negative meaning of the prefixes un-,ir-, in-.

uncontrolled, irregular, unsteady, unreasonable, indirect, unlimited, irrelevant, unaesthetic, unrecognizable, indivisible, unrelated, irrational.

Exercise 4. Fill the gaps with suitable words from the table below.

1._________is a process of planting of trees in a given area.

2. Today a strong body of research exists regarding the management of forest ecosystems and ________ of tree species and varieties.

3. ________a related science to forestry.

4. Forestry also includes the development of better methods for the, protecting, thinning, controlled burning, felling, extracting, and processing of ______.

5. Forestry is important for the prevention or minimization of serious soil erosion or even __________.

6. In areas with a high potential for landslides, forests can stabilize __________.



soil reforestation landslides wood products genetic improvement silviculture


Exercise 5. Translate these sentences into Russian.

1. Вырубка лесов нарушает среду обитания многих животных.

2. Министерство лесного хозяйства заботится о лесонасаждениях на территории страны.

3. Леса поддерживают биологическое разнообразие в природе.

4.Почвоведение – смежная наука, занимающаяся исследованием различных видов почв.

5. Улучшение генетических характеристик некоторых видов деревьев входит в круг задач лесного дела.


сoncern n 1) дело, фирма, предприятие;

2) отношение, касательство;

3) беспокойство, тревога, забота.

сoncern v касаться, затрагивать, иметь отношение

beconcerned ( withsmth ) -связанным (с чем-то), иметь oтношение к

beconcerned ( insmth ) - быть вовлеченным в, принимать участие

heritage n - наследие, наследие, полученное при рождении.

Ср.: inheritance n 1)наследство, собственность, полученная наследником

2) наследственность (генетическая );

hereditary adj наследный, наследственный;

inherit v наследовать, получать по наследству;

ancient, antique, antiquated adj - старинный, древний;

reckon v 1)подсчитывать, вычислять(неточно);

2) считать, полагать (выражение мнения)

Reckoning вычисление, счет, подсчет


Exercise 6. Translate these word-combinations into English:

богатое фольклорное наследие; хорошая наследственность; наше наследие, оставить наследство; право наследования; она унаследовала красоту матери;

вызывать озабоченность; затрагивать многие аспекты; иметь отношение; заниматься этой проблемой; неточный подсчет.


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the words from Ex.6 in the appropriate form:

1. These beautiful old churches are part of our national ….

2. The restaurant is a family ….

3. He took a course in … history.

4. Everyone who … …in the affair regrets it very much.

5. She … the land from her grandfather.

6. These problems … all of us.

7. This story … …with a Russian family in the 19th century.

8. He spent all his …in less than a year.

9. He’s … his father’s nose.


III. Presentation

Find the information about the history of forestry in Great Britain and complete the chronological table.

Into the Green Wood

England was once covered in primeval forest but much of this is believed to have been cleared, regenerated and maintained by the time the Romans arrived in the first century AD. Space had been created for the grazing of animals and the growing of crops, and roads had been cut through the woods and forests.

Timber had also been used for building houses and ships, making of farm implements and tools and for repair work as well as domestic fuel.

Many village settlements were sited within clearings at this time.

These small monastic settlements began to be established.

Monks would cut down trees, root up bushes, tear up brambles and tangled thorns and soon convert a dense wood into an open clearing. By the time of the Norman Conquest when most English villages were in existence there were extensive forests.

Within some of these forests well protect hunting parks were established – large tracts of natural woodland and open country surrounded by a fence or a bank and a ditch. Such a park was Woodstock near Oxford which may date back to Alfred the Great.

At this time the term forest meant more than just the trees as it derived from the Latin foris which meant outside and encompassed many different landscapes.

William I, when he came to power revealed his interest in protecting his favourite sport of hunting by creating the New Forest for which he destroyed a number of villages and smallholdings.

William also established the Forest Laws.

When Henry II came to the throne the 80 Royal forests covered a third of the whole country and imposing Forest Law became impractical.

The people felt that it was worth paying fines in return for the land. Sometimes new villages were created by cutting down the woodland and these were often given names indicative of their origins such as Woodhouse, Woodcotts, Woodmancotes, Woodhall, Dean.

By the end of the 17th century it has been estimated that about 50 per cent of England and Wales was under cultivation as arable meadow or pasture.

From this date until the 20th century woodland resources declined reaching an all time low after World War One, as stocks already low after the industrial revolution were further depleted to provide timber for trench warfare.


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