Read the article and write a letter to your friend in which tell him/her what interesting things you’ve learnt from the text (see Appendix 3 on p.109) — КиберПедия 

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Read the article and write a letter to your friend in which tell him/her what interesting things you’ve learnt from the text (see Appendix 3 on p.109)

2017-09-28 552
Read the article and write a letter to your friend in which tell him/her what interesting things you’ve learnt from the text (see Appendix 3 on p.109) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Do you know that the Russian cuisine is indeed original for the foreigners? Its distinctive feature is not only original recipes but also the fact that it reflects a certain way of life. The Russians usually have meals three times a day: in the morning they have breakfast, in the afternoon – the so-called dinner, and in the evening it’s time for supper.

Breakfast usually doesn’t take much time to prepare due to the fact that people, as a rule, are in a hurry to their working place, school, or somewhere else. Thus breakfast may include just a couple of sandwiches, two or three fried or scrambled eggs, corn flakes, or muesli and various kinds of porridges. The latter can be cream of wheat, oatmeal porridge, and rice or buckwheat porridge. It is also common for the Russians to drink strong black tea with fruit jam or honey but there are those who have their preferences for coffee, juice or milk as a morning drink. That is the so-called a weekday breakfast.

A traditional Russian dinner as the main meal of the day consists of three courses. First of all snacks are served. It can be caviar, processed herring, salt cucumbers and sauerkraut. All these salt dishes are served in order to raise the appetite.

Then comes the first course – soup. There is a great variety of different soups in Russia. The most recognized among them are borsch, shchi, rassolnik, shchavelvyi soup, and cold soup – okroshka and others.

The soup is followed then by the second course which usually includes prepared meat or fish and the garnish. Historically, the Russian prefer freshly butchered pork, beef, or veal, lamb, turkey, or chicken. As for fish, they prefer freshwater fish like (mirror) carp, and pike. The most famous meat dishes in Russia are zharkoye (stewed beef with potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic seasoned with salt and pepper), beef Stroganoff(the dish consists of pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream), and cutlets (the dish made of minced beef, veal meat mixed with pork). The main course is usually served with garnish – mashed, baked or fried potatoes, pasta or vegetables. Russian people often eat pelmeni(meat dumplings) for the second course which are traditionally cooked by the whole family, even children including. Almost all dishes in Russia are eaten with bread but sometimes pies differently stuffed are served instead of bread.

As for the third course, it is usually a drink – compote, kissel, or mors. Sometimes this course includes desserts. It may be ice-cream, baked apples, or some fresh fruit.

Supper is the longest meal of the day. A Russian family usually have a substantial meal for supper followed by discussion of their news for the day.

To many people, the Russians are heavy eaters, and their cuisine is one of the most varied and delicious in the world. Though tastes differ, they say, and if you are not keen on the Russian cuisine, it is up to you to choose any other national food.


II. Vocabulary Section


1) crudeprocessing грубая переработка

2) steaming ger (зд.) варка на пару

3) foodpreservation сохранение продукта

4) bacterialgrowth появление бактерий

5) oxidation n окисление

6) desiccation n десикация (усыхание)

7) warrior n воин, богатырь

8) canningmethod способ консервирования

9) thewritings n письменные источники

10) avocation n побочное занятие


12) carbohydrates n углеводы

13) fat n жир

14) proteins n белки

15) vitamins n витамины

16.minerals n минералы

17) texture n строение, структура,

18)flavour n аромат, вкус, запах

19) foodfermentation ферментация (брожение) продукта

20) recognizablecuisine признанная (национальная) кухня

21) additives n добавки (пищевые), присадки

22)preference n преференция (предпочтение)

23) ethniccuisine этническая кухня

24foodtaboo запрет на пищу

25)pork n свинина

26) beef n говядина

27) veal n телятина

28) recipe n рецепт

29) soybean n соя

30) poultry n домашняя птица

31) pickles n (зд.) соления


Exercise1. Completethetable with the words that contain the same root. Translate the sentences into Russian:

Food names Food preparing Food processing Food preservation
Eng. Rus. Eng. Rus. Eng. Rus. Eng. Rus.


support of the body; methods and techniques; fermenting; of plant origin; preserving with salt; a would-be meal; products; raw; oven baking; steaming; warrior’s diet; oolong tea; food preservation; aesthetic appeal; crude processing; butchered animal; preparation; cooking manners; food processing; oxidation; from time immemorial; desiccation; avocation.


забитое животное; варка на пару; китайский чай; сырой (необработанный); методы и технологии; сквашивание; поддержание тела; растительного происхождения; приготовление; переработка продуктов питания; будущая еда; способы готовки; эстетический вид; первичная (грубая) обработка; выпекание в печи; засолка; окисление; сохранение пищи; с незапамятных времён; высыхание; побочное занятие; питание воина.

Exercise 2. Match the definitions to the words:

preserve, recipe, palatable, nutrition, vitamins, texture.


1. Pleasant to eat.

2. To treat food to prevent decaying.

3. Process of taking in and absorbing nutrients.

4. Directions for cooking a dish.

5. A group of substances essential in the diet for specific body processes.

6. The size or organization of constituent particles of a body.

Exercise 3. Transform these verbs into nouns:

eat, preserve, steam, develop, produce, prepare, include, freeze, consume.

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