The (disastrous / dire / serious) effects / consequences of a war — КиберПедия 

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The (disastrous / dire / serious) effects / consequences of a war

2017-08-24 346
The (disastrous / dire / serious) effects / consequences of a war 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to abolish / eliminate war устранять возможность возникновения войны

to ban / outlaw war запрещать военные действия, объявлять военные действия незаконными

(to fight // die / be killed) in a war (воевать / умереть / погибнуть) на войне: My grandfather fought in the Second World War. | He died in the Vietnam war.

to breed wars порождать войны

civil / cold / defensive / offensive / holy / limited / local war гражданская / холодная / оборонительная / наступательная / священная / локальная война

war of aggression / attrition / extermination / independence агрессивная война / война на истощение / война на уничтожение / война за независимость: They were fighting a war of independence against a powerful enemy.

conventional war война с применением обычных видов оружия

atomic / nuclear / thermonuclear war атомная / ядерная / термоядерная война: Both countries wanted to avoid a nuclear war.

full-scale / large-scale / all-out / total war полномасштабная / крупномасштабная война; полномасштабные / крупномасштабные боевые действия: The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.

global / world war мировая война

2. hostilities [ plural ] (formal) fighting in a war; acts of fighting военные / боевые действия

to open / cease / suspend hostilities начинать / прекращать / приостанавливать военные / боевые действия

to resume / renew hostilities возобновлять боевые действия: the likelihood of renewed hostilities between the two countries | The rebels have resumed hostilities against government troops.

hostilities break out военные / боевые действия начинаются / вспыхивают: The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.

the outbreak of hostilities (внезапное) начало военных / боевых действий: Washington gave the military in Hawaii plenty of warning about the imminent outbreak of hostilities. | Anti-war demonstrations continued after the outbreak of hostilities.

cessation of hostilities прекращение военных / боевые действий: The UN is demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities. | This led to a wider cessation of hostilities, although it was never formalized.

3. war / battle zone [ countable ] an area where a war is being fought район / зона военных / боевых действий: A war zone is a dangerous place to be even in the absence of combat. | He could be sent to another war zone at any time. | More front-line troops will be flown to the battle zone over the next few days.

4. hot spot | troubled area [ countable ] a place where there is often a lot of violence or fighting горячая точка; неспокойный регион: The border has become a major hot spot. | There were many hot spots in the region, where fighting was going on. | British forces will withdraw from the troubled area as quickly as possible.

5. a hotbed of sth a place where a lot of a particular type of activity, especially bad or violent activity, happens очаг, рассадник: a hotbed of vice / crime / racial intolerance | Bavaria was a hotbed of extremist politics in the 20s and 30s. | The political party has become a hotbed of nationalism and racial bigotry.

6. tinderbox [ countable – usually singular ] a place or situation that is dangerous and where there could suddenly be a lot of fighting or problems очаг напряженности: The area is a tinderbox that could again plunge the country into civil war. | The Balkans have a long and tragically deserved reputation as a political tinderbox. | The racial tension in the area makes it a tinderbox ready to ignite.

7. warfare [ uncountable ] the activity of fighting in a war, especially when particular methods of fighting are involved война; военные действия; ведение войны; методы / приемы ведения войны: conventional / nuclear / chemical / biological warfare | desert / jungle / naval / trench warfare | It quickly made Hanoi the most heavily bombed city in the history of warfare. | More years of trench warfare and carnage on the Western Front were now almost unavoidable.

guerrilla warfare fighting by small groups of fighters in mountains, forests etc партизанская война, партизанские (военные) действия: The rebels aimed to overthrow the government through protracted guerrilla warfare.

8. wartime | time of war | wartime period [ uncountable ] the period of time when a country is fighting a war военное время: He died on a wartime bombing mission. | In time of war the government must have entire disposal of all material resources. | The mass of new information was greatly augmented during the wartime period.

in / during wartime: Military technology changes dramatically in wartime, in response to experience on the battlefield. | The original buildings were destroyed during wartime.

wartime experience(s): His parents say he's still affected by his wartime experience. | Her wartime experiences were still fresh in her memory.

9. peacetime [ uncountable ] a period of time when a country is not fighting a war мирное время: The talks were aimed at establishing normal peacetime relations between the two countries.

in / during peacetime: The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk. | A country's army may be quite small during peacetime.

10. disaster | calamity | catastrophe [ countable; uncountable ] a terrible and unexpected event that causes a lot of damage or suffering беда, бедствие, несчастье, катастрофа: a crushing / devastating / dire / great / major disaster / calamity / catastrophe | the calamity of war | From all points of view, war would be a catastrophe. | The refugee camp was a disaster area. | At the simplest level, patriotism lent meaning and purpose to personal catastrophes that would otherwise appear intolerable.

national disaster / calamity / catastrophe национальная катастрофа

to be on the brink / verge of disaster / calamity / catastrophe находиться на грани катастрофы: The peace process was on the brink of disaster.

to be heading for / move towards disaster / calamity / catastrophe двигаться / идти к катастрофе: The country seems to be moving towards catastrophe.

to court disaster навлекать беду / бедствие / несчастье: They courted disaster by sending troops into the region.

to cause / bring (a) disaster / calamity / catastrophe (to sb) | to lead (sb / sth) to disaster / calamity / catastrophe приводить к беде / катастрофе: The war brought disaster to local people. | He argues that the new policy could lead to disaster. | The war has led to a humanitarian disaster.

to end / result in disaster / calamity / catastrophe закончиться бедой / катастрофой: It could only end / result in disaster / calamity.

to avoid (a) disaster / calamity / catastrophe избегать беды / катастрофы: He made a television play but turned down all other offers that came his way, desperate to avoid another disaster.

to avert / prevent / ward off (a) disaster / calamity / catastrophe предотвращать беду / бедствие / катастрофу: Sudan requires food immediately to avert a humanitarian catastrophe. | The governments of the world failed to act to prevent the catastrophe of World War II.

to survive (a) disaster / calamity / catastrophe пережить бедствие / катастрофу

11. ceasefire | armistice [ countable ] an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially in order to discuss permanent peace прекращение огня; прекращение военных действий; перемирие: a ceasefire agreement | The ceasefire won't last unless both sides are prepared to compromise. | President Chissano offered an immediate armistice, but this was turned down by the rebel leader. | Media coverage exceeded any news event in history, including the armistice that ended World War I in 1918.

temporary ceasefire временное прекращение огня

ceasefire violation(s) нарушение соглашения о прекращении огня: Each side repeatedly accused the other of ceasefire violations.

12. truce [ countable ] an agreement between enemies to stop fighting or arguing for a short time, or the period for which this is arranged перемирие: The rebels have ended a 17-month-old truce, and could strike at any time. | The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides. | The fragile truce between the two sides is not expected to last long.

13. ceasefire | armistice | truce COLLOCATIONS

to call for a ceasefire / armistice / truce призывать к прекращению огня, требовать прекращения огня: They called for a ceasefire in the region and for access for humanitarian aid deliveries.

to negotiate / work out a ceasefire / armistice / truce подготовить / разработать соглашение о прекращении огня

to achieve / negotiate a ceasefire / armistice / truce добиться прекращения огня, договориться о прекращении огня: The government failed in numerous attempts to achieve a ceasefire through negotiation. | The two sides have been unable to negotiate a truce.

to call / declare / establish a ceasefire / armistice / truce объявлять о прекращении огня: They should call a truce while negotiations are given a chance. | A two-week armistice has been declared between the rival factions. | In February a ceasefire was established after King Hassan met Polisario leaders for the first time.

to sign a ceasefire / armistice / truce подписать соглашение о прекращении огня: Both leaders signed the ceasefire agreement. | He also referred to a government proposal to sign a ceasefire on April 15. | Finally, the Bolsheviks signed an armistice with Germany.

to observe / honour a ceasefire / armistice / truce соблюдать соглашение о прекращении огня: The dynamite was split between Eta, then nominally observing a unilateral ceasefire, and the Bretons.

to implement a ceasefire / armistice / truce выполнять соглашение о прекращении огня: Significant progress was nevertheless achieved in May, when the factions agreed to begin implementing a temporary ceasefire.

to break / violate a ceasefire / armistice / truce нарушать соглашение о прекращении огня: So far no one has violated the three-day ceasefire.

a ceasefire / armistice / truce comes into effect / comes into force / takes effect соглашение о прекращении огня вступает в силу: The ceasefire came into effect throughout the country at midnight.

a ceasefire / armistice / truce holds соглашение о прекращении огня соблюдается: He believed the ceasefire would hold. | UN officials are expressing cautious optimism that the latest ceasefire is holding.

14. to claim [ transitive ] if a war, accident, disease etc claims someone's life, they die as a result of it (used especially in news reports) уносить жизнь: The 12-year-old civil war claimed 1.5 million lives. | Its independence campaign has claimed nearly 800 lives since 1968. | The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday.

15. ethnic cleansing [ uncountable ] the use of violence to force people from a particular racial or national group to leave an area or country этническая чистка: More have been wounded and others were victims of ethnic cleansing. | In late May, government forces began the ethnic cleansing of the area around the town. | This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped. | Slobodan Milosevic perpetrated ethnic cleansing right across former Yugoslavia.

16. genocide [ uncountable ] the deliberate murder of a whole group of people, especially a whole nation, race or religious group геноцид: The military leaders were accused of genocide. | What is going on is not just war, it is genocide.

to carry out / commit / perpetrate (an act of) genocide совершать геноцид: They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out.

17. atrocity | brutality | cruelty [ countable; usually plural; uncountable ] an extremely cruel and violent action, especially during a war жестокость, зверство, жестокое обращение: The brutal destruction of an entire village was one of the worst atrocities of the Vietnam war. | The report documented several incidents of mass atrocities in detail. | Civil rights activists were appalled by the brutality of the police. | There have been reports of cruelty and rape from the war zone. | He is still haunted by the cruelties he witnessed during the war.

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